Oh, Lawrd, the old man is revisiting the past again....(sigh)


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
One would think, after breifly escaping prison, Donald Dumb would find a new project to address....instead, the Clown in Chief, is revisiting ACA, Puerta Rico and Chicken McNuggets.....
One would think, after breifly escaping prison, Donald Dumb would find a new project to address....instead, the Clown in Chief, is revisiting ACA, Puerta Rico and Chicken McNuggets.....

Good to see you're still alive and kickin ya old nutcase. Trump has black unemployment at the lowest level in history...and yet you won't give him credit for what your peeps never got from the Rat party....JOBS...thousands of real jobs, not government make-work.
One would think, after breifly escaping prison, Donald Dumb would find a new project to address....instead, the Clown in Chief, is revisiting ACA, Puerta Rico and Chicken McNuggets.....
"Briefly escaping" ROFLMAO!!
One would think, after breifly escaping prison, Donald Dumb would find a new project to address....instead, the Clown in Chief, is revisiting ACA, Puerta Rico and Chicken McNuggets.....
and California, who is facing bankruptcy is working on sales receipts. ACA and Peurto Rico are issues that need addressing. As always, he's hard at work.
One would think, after breifly escaping prison, Donald Dumb would find a new project to address....instead, the Clown in Chief, is revisiting ACA, Puerta Rico and Chicken McNuggets.....


One would think, after breifly escaping prison, Donald Dumb would find a new project to address....instead, the Clown in Chief, is revisiting ACA, Puerta Rico and Chicken McNuggets.....
Maybe he's getting really senile.
I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He just decreased school funding.
He plays golf mostly and tweets.
He has surpassed Obama's accomplshments, tenfold, over and over again. Obama worked to divide...Trump works for all of the citizens not just some sects.
This era of Trump supporter delusional thinking will be recorded for the ages and studied endlessly.
You just can't accept that Trump is the most effective president we've had in decades. Too bad.
Maybe he's getting really senile.

Your ilk has hated his every breath, sniped at him, lied about him, made fun of him, hassled him, called him names no President should have to hear and you expect him to be completely normal? He's actually a great family man, has a wicked sense of humor, and knows what ordinary people want despite living a life not in any way, ordinary. So now he's "senile"....let's see you have the world listening to your every word, ready to pounce on any mistake or mispronounced word, on 4 hours of sleep, dealing with the back-stabbers he's dealing with, half the country hoping he fails. You can't chase him off, but beware...the more crap you give him, the more likely he is to make a mistake that could really hurt us.
I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He just decreased school funding.

It's about time...the education lobby gives most of their budget back to their commissars in CONgress. Why should schooling cost billion$ when our parents, (at least my parents) got a quality education in a one-room school house with all ages packed in together? The answer is the teachers then were patriotic, believed in God, taught things kids would need to know in life, and left their upbringing to their parents. I'd close every public school in this country, fire everybody...all of them. And then start interviewing real educators instead of leftist propagandists.
I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He just decreased school funding.

It's about time...the education lobby gives most of their budget back to their commissars in CONgress. Why should schooling cost billion$ when our parents, (at least my parents) got a quality education in a one-room school house with all ages packed in together? The answer is the teachers then were patriotic, believed in God, taught things kids would need to know in life, and left their upbringing to their parents. I'd close every public school in this country, fire everybody...all of them. And then start interviewing real educators instead of leftist propagandists.
I so agree with you. Today's education includes nurses in every school, hearing tests, eye tests, speech therapy, lgbt education, immigration, social education, new text books every other year, etc. Give the good teachers raises, keep reading books that prove effective for 7-10 years, update history texts every three years and stop free breakfast and lunches when parents are getting food stamps at the same time.
I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He just decreased school funding.

It's about time...the education lobby gives most of their budget back to their commissars in CONgress. Why should schooling cost billion$ when our parents, (at least my parents) got a quality education in a one-room school house with all ages packed in together? The answer is the teachers then were patriotic, believed in God, taught things kids would need to know in life, and left their upbringing to their parents. I'd close every public school in this country, fire everybody...all of them. And then start interviewing real educators instead of leftist propagandists.
I so agree with you. Today's education includes nurses in every school, hearing tests, eye tests, speech therapy, lgbt education, immigration, social education, new text books every other year, etc. Give the good teachers raises, keep reading books that prove effective for 7-10 years, update history texts every three years and stop free breakfast and lunches when parents are getting food stamps at the same time.

Let the parents teach their kids at home or pay tutors. Let go all the way, tear down all schools. If the kids go hungry, they won't be hungry for long. No more schools.
Let the parents teach their kids at home or pay tutors. Let go all the way, tear down all schools. If the kids go hungry, they won't be hungry for long. No more schools.

Kids not fed at home should result in their parents being jailed. Couples used to understand that if you can't afford to have kids, don't have kids. I'll leave the feminist and racial aspects out of this, but we all know why there are so many "single moms" out there. It's making our society poorer and giving the kids a cement block to drag around instead of being carefree and having a happy childhood like most of us did. No need to tear down the schools or build new ones.....fix up the old ones. If my kids ever came home and said the roof at their school had been leaking when it rained, that weekend I've have been on the roof patching it and so would other dads instead of begging the government for money and waiting 2 years and having to put a whole new roof on. No, the problem is inside those buildings....

The hippies got education degrees and started poisoning our kids sure as if they'd given them lead-tainted water like the democrats did in Flint, Michigan. Telling the kids our leaders were "imperialists", our soldiers "murderers" and our cops, "racist pigs". By the time they've graduated and can't tell you who fought in WW2 or find Ireland on a map, they can look forward to $50K in debt to go to college where the real marxists are waiting for them. Put a stop to it......close the grade schools, then the middle schools, and finally the high schools. Have the community choose a curriculum, text books, and have public town halls to see who is elected to be the school board, principals, and teachers. Celebrate Christmas and Memorial Day and bring back the Ten Commandments posted in the school lobbies. Anybody who doesn't want their kids to learn the traditional American values, is free to stay the hell away.

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