Oh look, more Global Warming heading across the United States. Sure am glad i live in Floor E. Da.

Scientific predictions are much more accurate than American Conservative predictions that call it all a myth
We have been bombarded with scientific predictions for 40 years and nothing happened
Plenty has happened
We are seeing global warming

View attachment 432683
That looks like a warming trend to me

which I didnt deny

its the cause that is in dispute

If we are doing things to make it worse
Why don’t we stop?

You still haven't shown that humans effect the climate much, and you suddenly stopped responding to the sea level argument, especially after THIS post you started ignoring, here is a reminder in what you now avoid:

"Ha ha ha, you have so little regards for human adaptability, not only that, they will have a lot of time to adjust, you are being hysterically pessimistic.

3mm/ year is how many inches in 80 years?

Hint: 3mm is 0.11811024 inch.."


You also avoid this thread about prediction failures completely, you have low confidence in your beliefs:

Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

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Our dire predictions over the last 40 years have been ignored. Our climate change has gotten worse
LOL- man. You are a sad person- I've lived those 40 years with a pretty good recall of the dire predictions, which began with global cooling, which morphed into global warming which became climate change- we also were warned about a hole in the ozone wreaking the cooling havoc- now we have too much ozone:rolleyes:

It was determined that Freon was the culprit and we have to stop using it- guess whose scientist determined that?

The climate is going to change- adapt or go extinct. It ain't rocket science that requires you sit around wringing your hands and crying about what everyone should do to make you feel better- put on more clothes or manufacture clothes that don't make you sweat- invent a better a/c, or heater- stop bitching and do something positive-

The topography will do what it's going to do and mans innovation can take advantage of it (adapt) or die- it ain't gonna stop because you want it to- water will relocate and man will follow- it is natures call. Not man's.
Science has been right about the dangers of Climate Change

Conservative Climate deniers have been proven wrong again and again

You making a bunch of false and stupid unsupported assertions, while you avoid hard evidence of modeling failures, gee you warmists/alarmists have become so bad at supporting their lies.

You going to continue to ignore these proven failures?

Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying


James Hansen's 1988 3 scenario modeling was badly wrong and has become a millstone for stupid warmists/alarmists the world over, they chose Scenario B as "proof" his modeling scenario is spot on, which is Galaxy Class stupidity.


Meanwhile Maldives and surrounding region NOT going underwater:

Despite sea level rise, a 2019 global analysis (Duvat, 2019) found 89% of 709 island coasts have been either stable or growing in size in recent decades. A new Maldives-only study (Duvat, 2020) finds rapid (>3 to >50%) coastal growth in 110 of 186 Maldives islands from 2005 to 2016. Just 5 islands – 2.7% – actually contracted in size during this period.



Your ignorance is hurting you a lot.
Sadly, Global Warming will not be kind to Florida

Hurricanes will become more severe and rising oceans will flood the state.

But, they vote against environmental legislation ....Screw em
Storm hitting Midwest and South before heading to East Coast for Christmas (msn.com)
On Tuesday afternoon and evening, damaging winds up to 95 mph with blowing snow shut down I-70 just west of Denver.
In Utah, strong winds and blowing snow caused near whiteout conditions at times, as well as delays on roads.

Just imagine if We the People, of the US, didnt have fossil fuels to not only travel , but have machines that clean the roads, or CH4 that heats our house and cooks our food. So here you are, with your solar power, completely void, because in "winter" you have the shortest days of light, but the wind factor, yeah it is blowing but if you get iced up, then the fans just sit there. So go ahead, prog slaves, save the planet by giving up your CO2 and freeze to death, the rest of US will just have more......

When you have "whiteout conditions" you will end up with "blackouts".

This has been a nonpaid advertisement for the Clean New Deal.
How much above sea level do you live there in Florida?
It might not be enough.
Sadly, Global Warming will not be kind to Florida

Hurricanes will become more severe and rising oceans will flood the state.

But, they vote against environmental legislation ....Screw em

Ha ha ha ha....

Another post of unsupported assertions, while ignoring hard science showing they are either wrong or badly overblown. It is clear you are determined to remain ignorant and stupid on this topic, you have been successfully indoctrinated by the media.

You are another warmist/alarmists who avoids a real debate, how small of you....
Yesterday it was 79 where I stays with the "feels like" at 84- this mornin', on my patio it was 39 with the high being forecast as 55- I wish the alarmist would make up my mind whether or not we're cooling or warming- I prefer 69 going up and 74 going down- can Greta help me with that?
Scientific predictions are much more accurate than American Conservative predictions that call it all a myth
We have been bombarded with scientific predictions for 40 years and nothing happened
Plenty has happened
We are seeing global warming

View attachment 432683
That looks like a warming trend to me

which I didnt deny

its the cause that is in dispute

If we are doing things to make it worse
Why don’t we stop?

Because nuclear is yucky.
And scary

Scarier than CO2 killing the planet?

You must be kidding.
The idea is to reduce CO2 which is killing the planet. Of course, anything new is uncertain but may be necessary if properly managed.
Science has been right about the dangers of Climate Change
Conservative Climate deniers have been proven wrong again and again

Just one example of a danger of climate change ... any one ... where has there been "bad" weather where there's never been bad weather before ... how does a slight increase in temperature cause floods, droughts, "Hypercanes and Hockey Sticks" ... just one, how hard could that be ...

Sadly, Global Warming will not be kind to Florida
Hurricanes will become more severe and rising oceans will flood the state.
But, they vote against environmental legislation ....Screw em

The worst natural disaster in US history was the 1906 Galveston Hurricane ... if anything, hurricanes are getting milder, though we don't have enough data to make that claim yet ... we sure as hell don't have enough data to claim they're getting more severe ...

The Everglades Parkway runs due west out of Miami ... it sits on top of a twenty foot berm ... why do you think a two foot rise in sea level will over top that? ...
The use of fossil fuels can be reduced as other forms of energy are introduced.
Liberals believe that if they can kill fossil fuel the alternate energy can take over
The liberals that I know don't feel that way at all because they are aware that a pragmatic approach to the energy problem is in order and includes the use of fossil fuels to a lesser extent.
The Everglades Parkway runs due west out of Miami ... it sits on top of a twenty foot berm ... why do you think a two foot rise in sea level will over top that? ...

The rest of the state will become Everglades.
But your parkway will survive
The Everglades Parkway runs due west out of Miami ... it sits on top of a twenty foot berm ... why do you think a two foot rise in sea level will over top that? ...

The rest of the state will become Everglades.
But your parkway will survive

So you have nothing to back up your assertions you have been making throughout the threads , just a bunch of unsupported assertions, ignore links that addresses your unsupported assertions.

The real question is, WHY are you here with no arguments to offer?
The rest of the state will become Everglades.
But your parkway will survive

Sure ... the technology we used way back when to pile dirt up 20 feet has been lost ... we have no idea how to do that anymore ... except in Japan ... we've lost all our records concerning the 44,000 miles of Interstate Freeways we built 50 years ago ... no idea today how dirt can be piled up and packed down ... 80 years is no where near enough time to re-figure this all out ... we've become such a lazy species we no long know what a shovel is ...

Maybe we deserve to die off ... yeesh ...
The 21% along with write-offs is what I am arguing.

Write-offs reduce profit, 21% is charged on what's left.

You really have no clue about taxes, do you?
30 years in business--know a little about profit, loss, write-offs, and taxes, yes? There will be little or nothing left. Get it?

Then why are your posts here so ignorant of the facts?
My post is right on, hotshot. What business did you own and have you ever had to meet a payroll?

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