Oh man, we lost another one! Cindy Williams, aka Shirley Feeney from Laverne and Shirley, has died at 75.

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Where have I been trying to hide it? 😄 I'm not some soft ass cuck white with no strategy. Even if I tell you exactly what we're going to do to take your country from your what could you do about it? 😄
You'd better hurry up.....because more and more people are onto you....and time is short.
You're going to find out real quick what we can do about it.
Platitudes and clichés are stupid. I don't care about solving hate. They can hate all they want but if we hoble and cripple them what they can they do with their hate but sit and stew? We can still hoble and cripple people with violence yes? 😄
You're not interested in solving hate.....because you're ate up with it.
All you seem to enjoy is causing hate.
You will never and a day solve hate with violence CG


The goal of burn loot murder is the destruction of this country.

And they love the idea of killing as many whitey's as possible.
You'd better hurry up.....because more and more people are onto you....and time is short.
You're going to find out real quick what we can do about it.
Who are these people if not figments of your imagination? What do they plan to do to stop us? What's their plan to stop or even show down their demographic replacement? Birth right citizenship is a Constitutionally protected right, even for children of legal and illegal immigrants. Do you have a real plan to change this or are you just going to cosplay for me? 😄
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Someone should tell the lad how it worked out for MLK

Maybe you should. He cucked an entire white generation. 😄 Half this countries whites were opposed to MLK and now their children, conservative media, everyone tries to co-opt him. He won even in death. He conquered racist, segregationist whites. 😄
Who are these people if not fitments of your imagination? What do they plan to do to stop us? What's their plan to stop or even show down their demographic replacement? Birth right citizenship is a Constitutionally protected right, even for children of legal and illegal immigrants. Do you have a real plan to change this or are you just going to cosplay for me? 😄
I don't have a plan. That would be considered communicating a threat. That's worthy of getting banned on this forum.

I just know that you're going to have to grow eyes in the back of your head if you start mouthing off about this subject around the wrong people.
And the tide is turning against you folks.
You play on the minds of children....but the people you need to worry about are starting to wake up.
Remember this one?

And of course there was all the months violence and looting that anyone with a pulse and an IQ above 50 knows was a thing.

But it's all Jan. 6th all the time.

Almost seems kinda disingenuous....
What in the world is this “black liberation” he’s demanding?
So who‘s stopping him? He can locate to the inner-city of Detroit and never see whitey again.
I think the existence of Whites bugs him the most.
You have to understand what's going on here.
Davos is putting out orders to these people that they'll be paid well to cause death and destruction.
They're pretty much doing their best to commit genocide.
I think the existence of Whites bugs him the most.
You have to understand what's going on here.
Davos is putting out orders to these people that they'll be paid well to cause death and destruction.
They're pretty much doing their best to commit genocide.
Sadly, I do see parallels between the hatred being created for whites and the demonization of German Jews that started 10 years before the first concentration camp. Just as Jews weren’t allowed to walk on the sidewalk, we have No Whites in Campus Day, graduation ceremonies in which no whites can participate, and classes like “The Problem with Whiteness.”

We even see it with the nonsense of capitalizing Black (it does it by default on this site) and lower-casing the inferior white.
And this is where one either encounters bad reading comprehension, or just plain lies when speaking with a Leftist.

I did not say that blacks didn't overall approve of BLM, did I? In fact, they're the only demographic contingency where the approval is actually still above water. (Everyone else now hates them, rioting and looting will do that.)

What I said was their support has plummeted - and that is absolutely true:

Your inability to understand nuance and....uuummmm....words, reveals your status as the Pee Wee you are.

Maybe one too many Guinnesses. (Which, in your case, is literally one.)
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