Oh man, we lost another one! Cindy Williams, aka Shirley Feeney from Laverne and Shirley, has died at 75.

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Good luck trying to push that narrative to the mainstream. As long as that remains the belief of fringe deplorable mutants and no one else what good is it to you? 😄

As already pointed out: BLM favorability ratings are in the tank, and have dropped precipitously even among blacks.

The fact that you glossed over this point exposes you as disingenuous.

Not that that wasn't already obvious.

P.S. On second thought, please - no exposing.

I'm not a Fed and I don't care enough about you to try and set you up. In fact I would suggest for you cucks to not use violence because you're not good at it. Violence can be a tool, a useful tool politically if you use it properly. BLM matter protestors did so effectively, bullying and pushing communities, cities and the entire country into scrutinizing every police shooting, especially against black victims. You clowns used violence on Jan 6th and got yourselves an FBI manhunt and the mainstream painting you all as terrorists. 😂 No, violence isn't for you. You wouldn't know what to do with it. You should just lay down and lose because you have no sound strategy to slow your demographic replacement and your social and political decline.


Too angry and dumb to figure out you're being replaced demographically, socially and politically by Mexicans. Pushed down a rung and remaining at the bottom.
Yep....and people like you really need to do things like that to assuage all of the guilt you feel for being such a hateful, rotten person to white Americans.
My job was training their military, and many of them told me what they were thinking. They have this tendency of not spilling their guts to people they think would be offended by what they have to say. They would rather talk behind their backs. That's human nature. But trust me, they think most American Blacks are the offspring of infidels they sold into slavery hundreds of years ago. It's kind of the way some Brits think Australians are, only much worse. Course the Brits sold whites into slavery about as often as blacks.

Sure they did cosplayer. 😄
The media may claim that BLM is harmless, and ANTIFA is just an idea....but anyone who lives in cities where these groups have operated know better. No amount of gaslighting can change what they've experienced for themselves.
More cosplaying. You sure like to fantasize what other people are feeling, I suppose that helps you cope with all your losing. 😄

Too angry and dumb to figure out you're being replaced demographically, socially and politically by Mexicans. Pushed down a rung and remaining at the bottom.
I'm Black and Asian by way of the West Indies, I'm not Black American. I welcome our continued cultural mixing. Mixed race births accounted for the largest and fastest growing demographic in America. 😄
I'm Black and Asian by way of the West Indies, I'm not Black American. I welcome our continued cultural mixing. Mixed race births accounted for the largest and fastest growing demographic in America. 😄
Mixed race births account for 100% of the population....because every single human-being on this planet has mixed ancestry/DNA, dumb-ass. Even if you fucked your sister.
You're welcome, shitforbrains.
Thank you. I enjoy your sad fan fiction. It just proves how much of a cuck you are, that you all are, that no not one of you cuck whites is proud of your racism. There are no proud white supremacists left in America is it any wonder why you're losing? 😄
Mixed race births account for 100% of the population....because every single human-being on this planet has mixed ancestry/DNA, dumb-ass. Even if you fucked your sister.
And more people are embracing their mixed identity than reaching for racist ideology. That's sad news for the Confederate loving conservatives. 😄
Thank you. I enjoy your sad fan fiction. It just proves how much of a cuck you are, that you all are, that no not one of you cuck whites is proud of your racism. There are no proud white supremacists left in America is it any wonder why you're losing?
What makes you think I'm losing?
And personally, I don't think anyone who believes in white supremacy has anything to be proud of.
Neither does a person that spends all of their time on message-boards throwing out race-cards like your typical xenophobe.
What makes you think I'm losing?
Weren't you crying earlier in the thread about systemic racism against whites? 😄 Sounds like a loser position to me.
And personally, I don't think anyone who believes in white supremacy has anything to be proud of.
Good. That's how we keep you divided but what you sound like is someone without a clan.
Neither does a person that spends all of their time on message-boards throwing out race-cards like your typical xenophobe.
Lucky for me I don't give a shit what you think. 😄
Sorry, bitch....but I was born in Montana.
I'm considered a Yankee.
And? Think the Yankees were much better? The North profited off of slavery and was quick to embrace segregation as Blacks started migrating North trying to escape Jim Crow. There isn't any part of deplorable white American history that we can't use to tear your culture down and take your country from you. 😄
Weren't you crying earlier in the thread about systemic racism against whites? 😄 Sounds like a loser position to me.

Good. That's how we keep you divided but what you sound like is someone without a clan.

Lucky for me I don't give a shit what you think. 😄

And? Think the Yankees were much better? The North profited off of slavery and was quick to embrace segregation as Blacks started migrating North trying to escape Jim Crow. There isn't any part of deplorable white American history that we can't use to tear your culture down and take your country from you. 😄
Thanks for spelling out exactly what you are.
It was only a matter of time :laughing0301:
Thanks for spelling out the exactly what you are.
Where have I been trying to hide it? 😄 I'm not some soft ass cuck white with no strategy. Even if I tell you exactly what we're going to do to take your country from your what could you do about it? 😄
Of course the BLM assholes believe in violence.

Their six month insurrection did significant damage to the US and the Democrats let them get away with most of it.

I'm not a Fed and I don't care enough about you to try and set you up. In fact I would suggest for you cucks to not use violence because you're not good at it. Violence can be a tool, a useful tool politically if you use it properly. BLM matter protestors did so effectively, bullying and pushing communities, cities and the entire country into scrutinizing every police shooting, especially against black victims. You clowns used violence on Jan 6th and got yourselves an FBI manhunt and the mainstream painting you all as terrorists. 😂 No, violence isn't for you. You wouldn't know what to do with it. You should just lay down and lose because you have no sound strategy to slow your demographic replacement and your social and political decline.
You will never and a day solve hate with violence CG

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