Oh man, we lost another one! Cindy Williams, aka Shirley Feeney from Laverne and Shirley, has died at 75.

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Where are these people? A comparison parallel world would have them burning down their cities and towns like you do. And inconvenient truth is if the taxpayer was not on the hook for what BLM has done, the areas in cities that are more violent would look like WW 2 Warsaw Hiroshima or others. Show us all the towns and cities where those Oath Keepers and Proud boys have burnt down.
First of all, no BLM protestors burned a city down. Some people burned cars and buildings but rest assured every American city still stands. Secondly, I don't give a shit about what the Oath Keepers have actually done, I'm talking about politics and propaganda and how they are being treated. What's your strategy for changing that? You going to just stand here and cry about how they've done less property damage? 😄 That's not what people care about.
Having one‘s vote negated by nefarious actions IS a violation of one’s civil rights.

I say that instead of forcing taxpayers to rebuild the damage committed by the BLM savages, that money should be allocated to law-abiding people living in those areas to relocate.
More crying cosplaying cuckery from a community of cucks. Who cares what you think should be done? How you can turn your little cuck dreams into reality? 😄
Having one‘s vote negated by nefarious actions IS a violation of one’s civil rights.

And all you have to do is prove that and despite case after case after case after case, nothing.

Video after video is enforcing what people have been saying about the police for years.
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First of all, no BLM protestors burned a city down. Some people burned cars and buildings but rest assured every American city still stands. Secondly, I don't give a shit about what the Oath Keepers have actually done, I'm talking about politics and propaganda and how they are being treated. What's your strategy for changing that? You going to just stand here and cry about how they've done less property damage? 😄 That's not what people care about.
You are allowed to make excuses. I am not. And like you I am not perfect. That is used against me. And used to blunt any criticism of BLM as accusations of hypocrisy. I am no judge. I am a taxpayer in a flawed social welfare system that is obviously not working efficiently. We have institutionalized Perma ghettos. And we push any perceived wrong done in them as a religious nirvana. ESPN is a sports network with leading stories about the African American man killed by five African American police who are white racists. A healthy percentage of African Americans have made it in our culture. A percentage of them from endless lawsuits with many of them questionable. Personal decisions have limited progress for many others. Since you or what you represent will not attack that, things will not improve, and the resources spent on the destruction of the nation will reduce as real workers will not be suckers forever.
You are allowed to make excuses. I am not. And like you I am not perfect. That is used against me. And used to blunt any criticism of BLM as accusations of hypocrisy. I am no judge. I am a taxpayer in a flawed social welfare system that is obviously not working efficiently. We have institutionalized Perma ghettos. And we push any perceived wrong done in them as a religious nirvana. ESPN is a sports network with leading stories about the African American man killed by five African American police who are white racists. A healthy percentage of African Americans have made it in our culture. A percentage of them from endless lawsuits with many of them questionable. Personal decisions have limited progress for many others. Since you or what you represent will not attack that, things will not improve, and the resources spent on the destruction of the nation will reduce as real workers will not be suckers forever.
You're an idiot with boogeymen and no actual intellect. Why would I discuss necessary social, political and economic change with a fucking moron who doesn't seem to know his history or that is was white segregationist racism that created these ghettos, especially someone like you who thinks these issues can be solved without addressing engineered economic inequality. 😄

You're just one of the impediments we have to eliminate before we can address those issues.
Go after them? Maybe - it will take a lot.
Sawry, but if you are expecting Democrats to ever do the right thing, you are going to die very disappointed.

Only trump would go after them I think and be able to withstand the storm that would follow. It would take a really hard resolve to go after them.

White guilt, esg, progressives, social media, young people always screaming and being emotional, and so on. Can you imagine the flack people will get for going after BLM? They would be labeled racists by everyone and their mother. The fallout from going after BLM would be massive, a lesser politician would have their career ended. Every race baiter in the country would crawl out of the wood work and come out swinging.
Go after them? Maybe - it will take a lot.
Sawry, but if you are expecting Democrats to ever do the right thing, you are going to die very disappointed.
The primary point is Democrats set a bad example for everyone.
They're involved in criminal behavior and are encouraging people to be ugly and stupid. It's as simple as that.
This country would be better off without these saboteurs....and sending them to Ukraine would be the best thing for everyone concerned.
The primary point is Democrats set a bad example for everyone.
They're involved in criminal behavior and are encouraging people to be ugly and stupid. It's as simple as that.
This country would be better off without these saboteurs....and sending them to Ukraine would be the best thing for everyone concerned.

Well, that's true, of course.
With Planned parenthood, rival gangs and white supremist's help we have managed to keep your herd numbers manageable to this point.
Ther are enough of ya'll to keep us entertained on the athletic fields that we tend to overlook your violent nature.
It’s PP and rival gangs. I doubt white supremacists are responsible for any more than a dozen a year.

More cosplaying and fanfiction. Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics all saw their populations increase over the last decade. The only demographic to see an actual decline where whites. More of you died than were born and as a percentage of the population you are in decline.

And yet still 100 percent in control.
Suck on that.
And yet still 100 percent in control.
Suck on that.
Nope. We have the most diverse government in American history. Even Republicans were bragging about increasing their diversity in the House at the beginning of the session. 😄 You should stop cosplaying every once in a while and take stock of the real world. There's a reason your culture has steadily been getting shit on for a while now. You think that is going to lessen as your population numbers continue to decline or do you think just maybe your decline, even in these early stages, can help explain your waining social power? 😄
We have had multiple reports, and a particular member, has tried VERY hard, with strenuous trolling, and a possible echoing of a 18 U.S. Code § 373 violation? : to derail and trash this thread.

I have cleaned it up, and this member has been thread banned.

For anyone that cannot not view the video in the OP because their privacy software prevents twitter embeds from showing up, here it is;

"Burn It Down!" - Protesters Gathered in NYC Following Tyre Nichols Tapes Release​

This is your last chance to keep the thread, Zone 2 compliant. If it turns into a flame fest at this point? It goes to the Badlands.
Remember this one?

And of course there was all the months violence and looting that anyone with a pulse and an IQ above 50 knows was a thing.

But it's all Jan. 6th all the time.

Almost seems kinda disingenuous....
There`s a distinct difference between a race riot and an attempt to overthrow our Democracy. Should this be the new way to gain office after getting your ass kicked at the polls? Yes, it`s J6 all the time for a damn good reason, Vlad.
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