Oh, No! Emails: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine gas firm pressed Obama admini. to end corruption allegegation

Hunter Biden and his Ukrainian gas firm colleagues had multiple contacts with the Obama State Department during the 2016 election cycle, including one just a month before Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company for corruption, newly released memos show.

During that February 2016 contact, a U.S. representative for Burisma Holdings sought a meeting with Undersecretary of State Catherine A. Novelli to discuss ending the corruption allegations against the Ukrainian firm where Hunter Biden worked as a board member, according to memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

(Excerpt) Read more at johnsolomonreports.com


Emails recently made public via FOIA lawsuit.

They contradict Joe Biden's denials, seems Trump was right again!

Yes, your system runs on corruption. Don's kids are in his administration.
Hunter Biden and his Ukrainian gas firm colleagues had multiple contacts with the Obama State Department during the 2016 election cycle, including one just a month before Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company for corruption, newly released memos show.

During that February 2016 contact, a U.S. representative for Burisma Holdings sought a meeting with Undersecretary of State Catherine A. Novelli to discuss ending the corruption allegations against the Ukrainian firm where Hunter Biden worked as a board member, according to memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

(Excerpt) Read more at johnsolomonreports.com


Emails recently made public via FOIA lawsuit.

They contradict Joe Biden's denials, seems Trump was right again!

Yes, your system runs on corruption. Don's kids are in his administration.
Some of the few that are smart enough to do any job asked of them by the president...AND THEY DON'T LEAK!!!
Rand Paul blasts media in impassioned Trump rally remarks!

Paul also demanded that Hunter Biden and the whistleblower he summoned before Congress to testify . Otherwise, “every Republican should walk, because this is a farce”

Aaaaand according to Adam Schiff, Pelosi and the swamp critters, Biden should be taken off the Ballot and investigated for crimes, as well as the 3 Dem Senators who were caught with actual Ukraine Qid Pro Quo incidences.
Joe Biden's boasting (captured on video) that he (Qid Pro Quo) extorted Ukrainian officials, warning that he'd hold up a billion-dollar transfer to them if they did not fire the prosecutor looking into the payoffs to Hunter, then on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm registered in Cyprus.
The fired prosecutor has written a notarized statement dated September 4 of this year stating that he was fired because of Joe Biden's demand that he be removed.=Adam Schiff says This disqualifies Biden and BERNIES followers have to scream lock him up.
If Schiff has no investigation of Bidens actual quid pro quo then Schiff has to be impeached for abuses of power.
Note: our FBI refused to file his complaint thus assisted in covering up abuses of power.
Even Less attention has been paid to the letter in May of last year that three Democrat senators, Robert Menendez, Richard Durbin, and Patrick Leahy, wrote to Ukraine's prosecutor general, who had closed out four investigations they deemed critical to Mueller's probe. The letter carries a not very subtle quid pro quo hint that if their wishes were denied, support for the new government was at stake.
Pelosi recently has covered this up instead of doing her duty to investigate abuses because "NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW" (NOT EVEN PEOPLE IN YOUR OWN PARTY- RIGHT Pelosi?)
So once again these 3 Dems need removal and since they are not being investigated then this is a proven Political abuse of power most likely used to protect their own acts by premptive tactics to cloudy and obstruct justice.

If the glove fits the dems throw fits!
Yep. The big event is always right around the corner with you guys meanwhile Mueller indicts and charges 34 people composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers)have pleaded guilty. Yet you guys claim it was a witch hunt and the real crime is so secret you can’t tell me yet.
And yet. With all the lies and we see with Gen.Flynn just how the Mueller teamed lied. And used process crimes and brought back old allegations against Manafort that had been dropped that with him using up over $30 million taxpayer dollars and having 17 DemonRAT lawyers on his staff (not ONE REPUBLICAN) that this investigation was purely a witch hunt and STILL they could not find ANYTHING to SOLIDLY ACCUSE the president of....Innuendos and all made Mueller and the DemonRATS laughing stocks of the country after so many in the media and party of INFANTICIDE said we got him now!....Perhaps waiting a little bit longer to drop all the criminal prosecutions on the Surrender Monkeys crew de coup a few months before the Nov
2020 election to make sure the American people understand what kind of scum and felons they had elected and who were in charge of the intel agencies....AG Barr just back from Europe and changed the investigation into a CRIMINAL MATTER...you don't do that unless you, as an AG, are going to indict more than one person....but you seem to be a bright child, except most of us Patriots understandcyour propaganda, and enjoy outing your bullshit! :)
Think of mental gymnastics you just did to convince yourself that 5 people pled guilty who weren’t guilty because the deep state got them. All kinds of people bet their reputations and freedom for a political score? Bullshit. Would you risk everything for a political score. Of course not. Don’t be a sucker. Don’t obey. You are free to be free.
A long bullshit paragraph to admit I am correct!
Republicans set up an investigation headed by lifelong Republicans to evaluate Russian interference and any connection to Trump campaign. They indict and charge 34 people composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty. All that and you still think it’s a deep state exercise. What would actually convince you?
Mueller is as Republican as Romney is a conservative...whatever was useful at the time, and seeing how much MONEY FLYNN WENT THROUGH, LOSING HIS HOUSE AND ALL, most had families and it was the SMART move to do so, at least. Protect their families as much as they could....you leeches of the left JUST LOVE to personally damage and destroy others....and are damn good liars!
Deflection. Yawn.
Aaaaand according to Adam Schiff, Pelosi and the swamp critters, Biden should be taken off the Ballot and investigated for crimes, as well as the 3 Dem Senators who were caught with actual Ukraine Qid Pro Quo incidences.
Joe Biden's boasting (captured on video) that he (Qid Pro Quo) extorted Ukrainian officials, warning that he'd hold up a billion-dollar transfer to them if they did not fire the prosecutor looking into the payoffs to Hunter, then on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm registered in Cyprus.
The fired prosecutor has written a notarized statement dated September 4 of this year stating that he was fired because of Joe Biden's demand that he be removed.=Adam Schiff says This disqualifies Biden and BERNIES followers have to scream lock him up.
If Schiff has no investigation of Bidens actual quid pro quo then Schiff has to be impeached for abuses of power.
Note: our FBI refused to file his complaint thus assisted in covering up abuses of power.
Even Less attention has been paid to the letter in May of last year that three Democrat senators, Robert Menendez, Richard Durbin, and Patrick Leahy, wrote to Ukraine's prosecutor general, who had closed out four investigations they deemed critical to Mueller's probe. The letter carries a not very subtle quid pro quo hint that if their wishes were denied, support for the new government was at stake.
Pelosi recently has covered this up instead of doing her duty to investigate abuses because "NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW" (NOT EVEN PEOPLE IN YOUR OWN PARTY- RIGHT Pelosi?)
So once again these 3 Dems need removal and since they are not being investigated then this is a proven Political abuse of power most likely used to protect their own acts by premptive tactics to cloudy and obstruct justice.

If the glove fits the dems throw fits!
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Insane. Utterly insane.

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