Oh no, I will not raise Taxes !


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama pressing business and labor on fiscal cliff | Political Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama is lobbying business and labor groups to support $1.6 trillion in new revenue to avoid an impending fiscal cliff, telling the two sides he remains committed to requiring the wealthy to pay more in taxes.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the president would bring to the table a proposal for $1.6 trillion in new taxes on business and the wealthy when he begins discussions with congressional Republicans, a figure that Obama outlined in his most recent budget plan. The targeted revenue is twice the amount Obama discussed with Republican leaders during debt talks during the summer of 2011.

Say good-buy to many businesses ,jobs and even less money in your pocket, the liar in Chief now wants double of his original target, the these ass-holes want more and more,it will never end....and this only the beginning ,just wait and see what happenings when Obamacare kicks in and your local government comes after your pocketbook, you will probably be better off quiting your low paying job and get on the Obama welfare gravy train...
And watch as American companies shut down and move to Mexico or China. Then, watch the unemployment rate skyrocket again.

Doing a heckuva job, Barackie!

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