Oh No!!....Supreme Court Gets Case On Obama's Eligibility (Writ Of Certiorari)

yes, yes, and yes...

wish i'd said that.

buncha sore losers.

Baloney. I didn't vote for Obama OR McCain. Neither one of them is qualified in my book. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, in fact I was in the 4th grade before I got a dress that belonged to me before it belonged to someone else.

Obama doesn't qualify to be president. Even if he was born in Hawaii, he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather and got an Indonesian passport AFTER the age of majority. Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship which means he GAVE UP his American citizenship. That alone would disqualify him for the presidency. The he claims to be a "citizen of the world" and you guys think that's a good thing for our country????

His race has NOTHING to do with it, but of course, since he's black, it must be about race.

The senate is already working to make it so that if you are an American citizen for 5 years, you can run for the presidency. How are you going to feel when Arnold gets in?????

Barack Obama never had an Indonesian passport. Try again?

Yes, he did...you try again. Oh wait a minute...it was under the name Barry Soreto <sp?> so I guess you're technically correct.
he never gave up his american citizenship.

where on earth are you getting this trash?
This is no conspiracy theory and it is fact. This attorney is very good. His name is Mario Apuzzo. Isn't it strange all of the sudden we are seeing Obama's eligibility issues all over the political spectrum? First we have a document that appeared last weekend from the Hawaii Democratic Party that verified that Obama was never constitutionally certified by them. Then the House Majority Whip came out and said to expect investigations into his birth after the elections when the republicans take over and now this. I think 2011 will be Obama's last year in office. This deception of the American people has gone on to far.

Supremes get case against 'putative' President Obama

A new court filing that returns the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to the U.S. Supreme Court warns that unless the judiciary makes a definitive decision in the dispute, it will be the same as allowing the political interests in the United States to amend the U.S. Constitution at will.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for representing the opposition to President Obama. You have done a great service to your country with this effort. Your nation thanks you. :clap2:
This whole birther thing and tea party thing is really about irrational people believing that if they don't get their way 100% of the time, their liberty has been trampled on. It's really about silver-spoon fed people suddenly realizing they are no longer silver-spoon fed. What happens when a spoilt kid doesn't get its way? It tries to bend rules and pitch a fit until they get their way.

Black man legitimately elected to office? Oh no, can't be! He must be illegitimate!

yes, yes, and yes...

wish i'd said that.

buncha sore losers.

Baloney. I didn't vote for Obama OR McCain. Neither one of them is qualified in my book. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, in fact I was in the 4th grade before I got a dress that belonged to me before it belonged to someone else.
Yet you never had to worry about being racially profiled by police, or talked down to by your school teachers.
Obama doesn't qualify to be president.
Um, yes he does.
Even if he was born in Hawaii,
Which he was
he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather and got an Indonesian passport AFTER the age of majority.
Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship which means he GAVE UP his American citizenship.
Only if the United States recognizes that, which evidently it didn't
That alone would disqualify him for the presidency.
Indonesia does not recognize dual citizenship for adults. Since Obama left before the age of 18, it's unlikely he renounced his U.S. citizenship. Even if he did hold Indonesian citizenship, he would have had to have renounced it before he could run for president, which still leaves him a natural born citizen.
The he claims to be a "citizen of the world" and you guys think that's a good thing for our country????
Is our country not of this world? Is it on another world? :cuckoo:
His race has NOTHING to do with it, but of course, since he's black, it must be about race.
Perhaps you are correct. It's just coincidental that this is the first time that a controversy like this has come up, and the president happens to be black. Bad timing, eh?
The senate is already working to make it so that if you are an American citizen for 5 years, you can run for the presidency. How are you going to feel when Arnold gets in?????
A constitutional amendment of that magnitude will never get passed, because if it did, all your bitching about Obama would become in vain.

It would be cool if Schwarzennegger were to become president. lol:lol:
A constitutional amendment of that magnitude will never get passed, because if it did, all your bitching about Obama would become in vain.

It would be cool if Schwarzennegger were to become president. lol:lol:

wasn't that the proposed amendment oren hatch talked about so ahhhhnold could run for president?

*edit* oops missed your last sentence. lol..

he could be the presinator...
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Baloney. I didn't vote for Obama OR McCain. Neither one of them is qualified in my book. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, in fact I was in the 4th grade before I got a dress that belonged to me before it belonged to someone else.

Obama doesn't qualify to be president. Even if he was born in Hawaii, he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather and got an Indonesian passport AFTER the age of majority. Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship which means he GAVE UP his American citizenship. That alone would disqualify him for the presidency. The he claims to be a "citizen of the world" and you guys think that's a good thing for our country????

His race has NOTHING to do with it, but of course, since he's black, it must be about race.

The senate is already working to make it so that if you are an American citizen for 5 years, you can run for the presidency. How are you going to feel when Arnold gets in?????

Barack Obama never had an Indonesian passport. Try again?

Yes, he did...you try again. Oh wait a minute...it was under the name Barry Soreto <sp?> so I guess you're technically correct.

Prove it.

I normally ignore birthers like yourself. But I'd like to try an experiment.

I'm going to state a number of facts, all of which lead to Obama being a qualified to be President of the USA. Please, feel free to refute any of them that you can, with sources.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii.

2. Obama never gave up his US citizenship.

3. Obama never had an Indonesian passport.

4. Even if Obama had been adopted by Lolo Soetoro under the age of 5, and become an Indonesian citizen, according to US law, he did not forsake his US citizenship.
Age of majority in Indonesia is 18. Obama left Indonesia when he was about 10. Even if he did hold Indonesian citizenship, he wouldn't have had to renounce his U.S. citizenship.
ill hold my breath for the day this happens to a white president

If he's half black and half white how is this happening to his black half more than his white half? What the fuck does race have to do with his eligibility?
ill hold my breath for the day this happens to a white president

If he's half black and half white how is this happening to his black half more than his white half? What the fuck does race have to do with his eligibility?

you know very well, he's considered black.

and you also know very well that the rightwingnuts have tried to de-legitimze him from the day he was elected...

is it ALL racism? no.

but is there a huge racial undercurrent? absolutely.

you can acknowledge that or not, but it's reality.
yes, yes, and yes...

wish i'd said that.

buncha sore losers.

Baloney. I didn't vote for Obama OR McCain. Neither one of them is qualified in my book. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, in fact I was in the 4th grade before I got a dress that belonged to me before it belonged to someone else.
Yet you never had to worry about being racially profiled by police, or talked down to by your school teachers. Um, yes he does. Which he was Okay. Only if the United States recognizes that, which evidently it didn't Indonesia does not recognize dual citizenship for adults. Since Obama left before the age of 18, it's unlikely he renounced his U.S. citizenship. Even if he did hold Indonesian citizenship, he would have had to have renounced it before he could run for president, which still leaves him a natural born citizen. Is our country not of this world? Is it on another world? :cuckoo:
His race has NOTHING to do with it, but of course, since he's black, it must be about race.
Perhaps you are correct. It's just coincidental that this is the first time that a controversy like this has come up, and the president happens to be black. Bad timing, eh?
The senate is already working to make it so that if you are an American citizen for 5 years, you can run for the presidency. How are you going to feel when Arnold gets in?????
A constitutional amendment of that magnitude will never get passed, because if it did, all your bitching about Obama would become in vain.

It would be cool if Schwarzennegger were to become president. lol:lol:

Being a military brat in public schools during the Vietnam era, you bet your ass I was talked down to by my teachers.....at least some of them.

Thank God that today, the people aren't blaming the service men and their families as they did during the Vietnam era. At least today people recognize it's our government behind the wars and our service men are only doing their duty.
ill hold my breath for the day this happens to a white president

If he's half black and half white how is this happening to his black half more than his white half? What the fuck does race have to do with his eligibility?

you know very well, he's considered black.

and you also know very well that the rightwingnuts have tried to de-legitimze him from the day he was elected...

is it ALL racism? no.

but is there a huge racial undercurrent? absolutely.

you can acknowledge that or not, but it's reality.
I guess the reason they tried to impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob was because he was black too.

No matter who is president there are people that will not like him and try to get rid of him. Assuming it's because of race is just stupid and racist.
If he's half black and half white how is this happening to his black half more than his white half? What the fuck does race have to do with his eligibility?

you know very well, he's considered black.

and you also know very well that the rightwingnuts have tried to de-legitimze him from the day he was elected...

is it ALL racism? no.

but is there a huge racial undercurrent? absolutely.

you can acknowledge that or not, but it's reality.
I guess the reason they tried to impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob was because he was black too.

No matter who is president there are people that will not like him and try to get rid of him. Assuming it's because of race is just stupid and racist.

he wasn't charged with oral sex. he was charged with lying about sex.
If he's half black and half white how is this happening to his black half more than his white half? What the fuck does race have to do with his eligibility?

you know very well, he's considered black.

and you also know very well that the rightwingnuts have tried to de-legitimze him from the day he was elected...

is it ALL racism? no.

but is there a huge racial undercurrent? absolutely.

you can acknowledge that or not, but it's reality.
I guess the reason they tried to impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob was because he was black too.

No matter who is president there are people that will not like him and try to get rid of him. Assuming it's because of race is just stupid and racist.

Of course a blow job and birthright are the same thing...:lol:
he wasn't charged with oral sex. he was charged with lying about sex.

and why do you think they asked him about sex in the first place.

it wasn't any of their business. and in retrospect, i'd guess he wished he told them that.

but then again, what would you say if you were him and were asked that qustion with hillary sitting next to you?
he wasn't charged with oral sex. he was charged with lying about sex.

and why do you think they asked him about sex in the first place.

it wasn't any of their business. and in retrospect, i'd guess he wished he told them that.

but then again, what would you say if you were him and were asked that qustion with hillary sitting next to you?

Was Hillary there when they asked him? I honestly don't remember.

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