Oh no...Turns out the Bible was right about something afterall


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"In the Catholic world prior to Galileo's conflict with the Church, the majority of educated people subscribed to the Aristotelian geocentric view that the earth was the center of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth,[11] though Copernican theories were used to reform the calendar in 1582."
Galileo affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why Physicists Are In A Film Promoting An Earth-Centered Universe
"The trailer opens with actress Kate Mulgrew (who starred as Capt. Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager) intoning, "Everything we think we know about our universe is wrong." That's followed by heavyweight clips of physicists Michio Kaku and Lawrence Krauss.

Kaku tells us, "There is a crisis in cosmology," and Krauss says, "All of these things are rather strange, and we don't know why they are occurring right now."

And then, about 1:17 into the trailer, comes the bombshell: The film's maker, Robert Sungenis, tells us, "You can go on some websites of NASA and see that they've started to take down stuff that might hint to a geocentric [Earth-centered] universe.""

In the sense that any point selected in the universe is the center of the universe, the Bible was right about Earth being at the center of the universe. Imagine that! The BIble got something right! ;)
This mistake and pompous claim by the church is no laughing matter, especially for Giordano Bruno who they tortured & burned at the stake over it.
The church did to scientist and free thinkers what Isis is doing today=church was the original Isis like "convert or die" maniacs.
The obvious flaw with the OP is that Earth isn't even the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
"In the Catholic world prior to Galileo's conflict with the Church, the majority of educated people subscribed to the Aristotelian geocentric view that the earth was the center of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth,[11] though Copernican theories were used to reform the calendar in 1582."
Galileo affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why Physicists Are In A Film Promoting An Earth-Centered Universe
"The trailer opens with actress Kate Mulgrew (who starred as Capt. Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager) intoning, "Everything we think we know about our universe is wrong." That's followed by heavyweight clips of physicists Michio Kaku and Lawrence Krauss.

Kaku tells us, "There is a crisis in cosmology," and Krauss says, "All of these things are rather strange, and we don't know why they are occurring right now."

And then, about 1:17 into the trailer, comes the bombshell: The film's maker, Robert Sungenis, tells us, "You can go on some websites of NASA and see that they've started to take down stuff that might hint to a geocentric [Earth-centered] universe.""

In the sense that any point selected in the universe is the center of the universe, the Bible was right about Earth being at the center of the universe. Imagine that! The BIble got something right! ;)

Uh.... where does the Holey Babble claim we're at the centre of the universe?
Uh.... where does the Holey Babble claim we're at the centre of the universe?

Earlier copies before they changed the mistake had reference to the sun revolving around the earth.
They never made any repentant gesture regarding the torment and torture of those who were right all along nor are the readers none the wiser with the altered copies never noting the old references.
=father of lies.
galaleo comes to mind as one that was forced to change his view to the one of the church there were many who were killed or the church categorized as heretics...Bruno comes to mind as you mentioned...It is disturbing to me the intolerance that permiated the church and no matter the proof to the contrary they still stuck to the lies they pushed....The father of lies fits them to a tee...It is too bad so many had to suffer to out it though....
galaleo comes to mind as one that was forced to change his view to the one of the church there were many who were killed or the church categorized as heretics...Bruno comes to mind as you mentioned...It is disturbing to me the intolerance that permiated the church and no matter the proof to the contrary they still stuck to the lies they pushed....The father of lies fits them to a tee...It is too bad so many had to suffer to out it though....

That's the Church, which is a power-hungry institution.
----- but where does the Holey Babble say it?
The bible doesn't say anything on the matter. So how can it be right or wrong here?
"In the Catholic world prior to Galileo's conflict with the Church, the majority of educated people subscribed to the Aristotelian geocentric view that the earth was the center of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth,[11] though Copernican theories were used to reform the calendar in 1582."
Galileo affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why Physicists Are In A Film Promoting An Earth-Centered Universe
"The trailer opens with actress Kate Mulgrew (who starred as Capt. Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager) intoning, "Everything we think we know about our universe is wrong." That's followed by heavyweight clips of physicists Michio Kaku and Lawrence Krauss.

Kaku tells us, "There is a crisis in cosmology," and Krauss says, "All of these things are rather strange, and we don't know why they are occurring right now."

And then, about 1:17 into the trailer, comes the bombshell: The film's maker, Robert Sungenis, tells us, "You can go on some websites of NASA and see that they've started to take down stuff that might hint to a geocentric [Earth-centered] universe.""

In the sense that any point selected in the universe is the center of the universe, the Bible was right about Earth being at the center of the universe. Imagine that! The BIble got something right! ;)
"Everything we think we know about our universe is wrong."

Earlier copies before they changed the mistake had reference to the sun revolving around the earth. .
A tribe of superstitious Hebrews wandering around the desert a few thousand years ago, writing about slaughtering men, women, children, and their animals -- everything living, and bathing in their blood should not be role models for human beings in the 21st century
child "why is the Earth round? Why isn't it square or any other shape?"

Sagan "That's a good question. I like that question. That's a question I've asked myself, and the answer has to do with gravity. The Earth has a strong gravity. If you were to make a mountain very high, higher than Everest, you know the biggest mountain on the Earth...it would be crushed by it's own weight. ou see, gravity pulls everything towards the center. So any really big bump on the Earth is crushed. But if you had a small object, a tiny world the gravity is very low and then it can be very different from a sphere. Uhm, I think I have here a world that isn't a sphere..."

you get the picture?
Sagan "But why had science lost it's way in the first place? What appeal could these teachings of Pythagoras and Plato have had for their contemporaries? They provided, I believe, an intellectually, respectable justification for a corrupt social order." "The mercantile tradition, which had led to Ionian science, also led to a slave economy." "You could get richer if you owned a lot of slaves."

"Athens in the time of Plato and Aristotle had a vast slave population. All of that brave Athenian talk about democracy applied only to a privileged few." "Plato and Aristotle were comfortable in a slave society. They offered justifications for oppression; they served tyrants; they taught the alienation of the body from the mind, a natural enough idea I suppose in a slave society. They separated thought from matter, they divorced the Earth from the heavens -- divisions which were to dominate western thinking for more than twenty centuries. The Pythagorians had won."
.."The books of the Ionian scientist are entirely lost. Their views were suppressed, ridiculed, and forgotten by the Platonists and by the Christians who adopted much of the philosophy of Plato." "Finally, after a long mystical sleep in which the tools of scientific inquiry lay moldering, the Ionian approach was rediscovered. The western world reawakened. Experiment and open inquiry slowly became respectable once again. Forgotten books and fragments were read once more. Leonardo, and Copernicus, and Columbus were inspired by the Ionian tradition."
"In the Catholic world prior to Galileo's conflict with the Church, the majority of educated people subscribed to the Aristotelian geocentric view that the earth was the center of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth,[11] though Copernican theories were used to reform the calendar in 1582."
Galileo affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carl Sagan -
"The Pythagorians and their successors held the peculiar notion that the Earth was tainted, somehow nasty, while the heavens were pristine and divine. So the fundamental idea that the Earth is a planet, that we're citizens of the Universe was rejected and forgotten." "This idea was first argued by Aristarchus, born here on Samos three centuries after Pythagoras. He held that the Earth moves around the Sun. He correctly located our place in the Solar system. For his trouble, he was accused of heresy."

"From the size of the Earth's shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse, he deduced that the Sun had to be much, much larger than the Earth and also very far away. From this he may have argued that it was absurd for so large an object as the Sun to be going around so small an object as the Earth. So he put the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the Solar system, and he had the Earth and the other planets going around the Sun. He also had the Earth rotating on it's axis once a day. These are ideas that we ordinarily associate with the name Copernicus, but Copernicus seems to have gotten at least some hint of these ideas by reading about Aristarchus. In fact, in the manuscript of Copernicus' book he refered to Aristarchus, but in the final version he suppressed the citation. Resistance to Aristarchus, a kind of geocentrism in everyday life is with us still. We still talk of about a Sun rising and the Sun setting. It's twenty-two hundred years since Aristarchus and the language still pretends that the Earth does not turn. That the Sun is not at the center of the Solar system."

"Aristarchus understood the basic scheme of the solar system, but not it's scale.
The bible doesn't say anything on the matter. So how can it be right or wrong here?
Easy. It is a book written thousands of years ago by a stupid superstitious tribe of wandering Hebrews

Lets say what you claim is true. How does that make it right or wrong on a topic it is silent on? Or did you just not understand the question?

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