Oh Noez! ‘Intelligence’ Agents Threaten to Resign When Trump Wins


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Better move to Iran too, because The Donald is going after you! Even The NY Times alludes to how they attempted a coup.

Firing squad 2025!

“Some senior intelligence officials are considering leaving or retiring early, should Mr. Trump be re-elected and appoint a close ally to lead the C.I.A.”

Better move to Iran too, because The Donald is going after you! Even The NY Times alludes to how they attempted a coup.

Firing squad 2025!

“Some senior intelligence officials are considering leaving or retiring early, should Mr. Trump be re-elected and appoint a close ally to lead the C.I.A.”

We should get their names now, so there won't be any confusion in January.
Better move to Iran too, because The Donald is going after you! Even The NY Times alludes to how they attempted a coup.

Firing squad 2025!

“Some senior intelligence officials are considering leaving or retiring early, should Mr. Trump be re-elected and appoint a close ally to lead the C.I.A.”

1) The FBI needs to be depopulated then repopulated with personnel that have been trained with the understanding that protecting the American constituencies U,S. Constitution/BoR is the FBI's main duty.

2) The BATF needs to be outright permanently defunded as a non-constitutional organization.

3) The Dept. of Education needs to be permanently defunded & then turn over public education to the individual 50 states as each state sees fit.

The above mentioned would only be the start of bringing federal government back in line within original intent interpretation of the American constituencies U.S. Constitution/BoR but @ least it would be the beginning of doing so. Decades of encroaching marxism has shown it's rebellion for the sake of rebellion ideology has been a dismal failure @ best.
1) The FBI needs to be depopulated then repopulated with personnel that have been trained with the understanding that protecting the American constituencies U,S. Constitution/BoR is the FBI's main duty.

2) The BATF needs to be outright permanently defunded as a non-constitutional organization.

3) The Dept. of Education needs to be permanently defunded & then turn over public education to the individual 50 states as each state sees fit.

The above mentioned would only be the start of bringing federal government back in line within original intent interpretation of the American constituencies U.S. Constitution/BoR but @ least it would be the beginning of doing so. Decades of encroaching marxism has shown it's rebellion for the sake of rebellion ideology has been a dismal failure @ best.
Add to those that Welfare needs to be sent back to the states, ($1.3T). They can find work for them.
1) The FBI needs to be depopulated then repopulated with personnel that have been trained with the understanding that protecting the American constituencies U,S. Constitution/BoR is the FBI's main duty.

2) The BATF needs to be outright permanently defunded as a non-constitutional organization.

3) The Dept. of Education needs to be permanently defunded & then turn over public education to the individual 50 states as each state sees fit.

The above mentioned would only be the start of bringing federal government back in line within original intent interpretation of the American constituencies U.S. Constitution/BoR but @ least it would be the beginning of doing so. Decades of encroaching marxism has shown it's rebellion for the sake of rebellion ideology has been a dismal failure @ best.
Bullshit....They ALL need to be abolished outright.
And who is actually running America, they are.

As the new Speaker said he opposed re-upping the FISA court until he got a private briefing from the intelligence community, and they showed him the error of his ways and now not only is he all in, he’s expanding the scope.
And who is actually running America, they are.

As the new Speaker said he opposed re-upping the FISA court until he got a private briefing from the intelligence community, and they showed him the error of his ways and now not only is he all in, he’s expanding the scope.
What a kick in the nuts that dude ended up being.
Better move to Iran too, because The Donald is going after you! Even The NY Times alludes to how they attempted a coup.

Firing squad 2025!

“Some senior intelligence officials are considering leaving or retiring early, should Mr. Trump be re-elected and appoint a close ally to lead the C.I.A.”

Magaturds love fascism.
1) The FBI needs to be depopulated then repopulated with personnel that have been trained with the understanding that protecting the American constituencies U,S. Constitution/BoR is the FBI's main duty.

2) The BATF needs to be outright permanently defunded as a non-constitutional organization.

3) The Dept. of Education needs to be permanently defunded & then turn over public education to the individual 50 states as each state sees fit.

The above mentioned would only be the start of bringing federal government back in line within original intent interpretation of the American constituencies U.S. Constitution/BoR but @ least it would be the beginning of doing so. Decades of encroaching marxism has shown it's rebellion for the sake of rebellion ideology has been a dismal failure @ best.
You just listed the lefts biggest nightmare and why they hate Trump so bad. Doing any of that sets their run to socialism back 100 years.
They'll need to do more than resign. The younger -forties and fifties - ones need to flee to a country that they once operated in and know their way around. The older ones, should probably opt for euthanasia before the net drops over them.
I'm OK with that....

It's not like they have been doing such a great job to begin with.

And fresh, young blood in there has less of a political influence on doing their job than the current blue dogs.

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