Oh oh, looks like Obama's Iran deal is collapsing.

Yes there was a little bit of carrot associated. But the hostage takers were mostly afraid of what Reagan would do. Bush Sr. the ex spy chief made sure the Iranians understood that Reagan would rip them a new one. Since then the US has seized much more.
Treasury Designates Companies Tied to Iran s Bank Melli as Proliferators

First of all: The "Reagan was so manly and powerful that all he had to do was look at Iran and they capitulated" meme is horseshit.

Second, no matter how many links you find from decades ago talking about Iranian assets frozen in the US, it's not going to change the fact that we hold very little of the total of Iranian frozen assets. Read the news, dude - much of those assets have already been unfrozen.

At least you're admitting that you were completely incorrect in saying that the assets frozen during the hostage crisis were unfrozen 35 years ago.

Yeah yeah yeah. Iranians released the hostages just hours after Reagan's inauguration speech. You do the math. If they had nothing to be afraid of they would have dragged it for another two years with him as well. They knew not to fuck with Reagan, he wasn't a paper tiger like Carter.

Your cute little fantasies about Reagan notwithstanding, the hostages were released on the day of Reagan's inauguration to spite Carter, not because they were "afraid" of Reagan.

Riiiight. Sure. Go ahead and believe that as an excuse to humiliate America and Carter for almost two years. Yes, the Iranians had no reason to spite Reagan, as the new leader of the great satan. You truly don't understand the mindset and what they respond to.

Iran wanted the sanctions gone, and their money back. They'd already made a deal to release the hostages, as I posted already - Reagan had nothing to do with it.

They delayed releasing the hostages for a few weeks to spite Carter, not because they were scared of Saint Reagan the Manly.

Because Carter was a pussy and a horrible president in every aspect, that America's enemies in the world took turns bitchslapping. They released the hostages because they knew Reagan wasn't someone you could fuck with. Bush Sr. delivered that warning. I believe it's documented.
Short memories.


So you think that the most orthodox Jewish district in New York forgot that Obama was "anti-Israel" in the 6 months between the special election and the Presidential election?
Turner didn't run on Anthony's weiner.

Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.

That may have been a factor but your link also says the demographics also started changing.

What link?

I haven't posted any links on NY 9.

Wikipedia isn't your link?

Oh oh looks like Obama s Iran deal is collapsing. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Short memories.


So you think that the most orthodox Jewish district in New York forgot that Obama was "anti-Israel" in the 6 months between the special election and the Presidential election?
Turner didn't run on Anthony's weiner.

Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.
Yet the Democrats were unable to hold on to that seat. You would think it would be easy if the district were as Democrat as you say it is.

Strange things happen in special elections, particularly ones with insanely low turnout, as that one had.
Do you have a link for that? Because I think you pulled that one out of your ass.

So you think that the most orthodox Jewish district in New York forgot that Obama was "anti-Israel" in the 6 months between the special election and the Presidential election?
Turner didn't run on Anthony's weiner.

Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.
Yet the Democrats were unable to hold on to that seat. You would think it would be easy if the district were as Democrat as you say it is.

Strange things happen in special elections, particularly ones with insanely low turnout, as that one had.
Do you have a link for that? Because I think you pulled that one out of your ass.

For what? That special elections often have weird results, or that the turnout was insanely low?

Here are the results. There are (were) 300,000 registered voters in that district.


Approximately 23% turnout.
Turner didn't run on Anthony's weiner.

Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.
Yet the Democrats were unable to hold on to that seat. You would think it would be easy if the district were as Democrat as you say it is.

Strange things happen in special elections, particularly ones with insanely low turnout, as that one had.
Do you have a link for that? Because I think you pulled that one out of your ass.

For what? That special elections often have weird results, or that the turnout was insanely low?

Here are the results. There are (were) 300,000 registered voters in that district.


Approximately 23% turnout.

Low turnout why? Perhaps it's because of disappointment in Dems pushing their warped ideology down people's throats instead of representing them.

So you think that the most orthodox Jewish district in New York forgot that Obama was "anti-Israel" in the 6 months between the special election and the Presidential election?
Turner didn't run on Anthony's weiner.

Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.

That may have been a factor but your link also says the demographics also started changing.

What link?

I haven't posted any links on NY 9.

Wikipedia isn't your link?

Oh oh looks like Obama s Iran deal is collapsing. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.
Turner didn't run on Anthony's weiner.

Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.

That may have been a factor but your link also says the demographics also started changing.

What link?

I haven't posted any links on NY 9.

Wikipedia isn't your link?

Oh oh looks like Obama s Iran deal is collapsing. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.

No problem. Your link claims that the demographics changed and the district turned republican.
Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.
Yet the Democrats were unable to hold on to that seat. You would think it would be easy if the district were as Democrat as you say it is.

Strange things happen in special elections, particularly ones with insanely low turnout, as that one had.
Do you have a link for that? Because I think you pulled that one out of your ass.

For what? That special elections often have weird results, or that the turnout was insanely low?

Here are the results. There are (were) 300,000 registered voters in that district.


Approximately 23% turnout.

Low turnout why? Perhaps it's because of disappointment in Dems pushing their warped ideology down people's throats instead of representing them.

Or perhaps it's because it was a special election, and special elections always have low turnout.

Most of the people in the district probably didn't even know it was an election day.
Yet the Democrats were unable to hold on to that seat. You would think it would be easy if the district were as Democrat as you say it is.

Strange things happen in special elections, particularly ones with insanely low turnout, as that one had.
Do you have a link for that? Because I think you pulled that one out of your ass.

For what? That special elections often have weird results, or that the turnout was insanely low?

Here are the results. There are (were) 300,000 registered voters in that district.


Approximately 23% turnout.

Low turnout why? Perhaps it's because of disappointment in Dems pushing their warped ideology down people's throats instead of representing them.

Or perhaps it's because it was a special election, and special elections always have low turnout.

Most of the people in the district probably didn't even know it was an election day.

Generally when people don't show up its because they are disappointed. Its a protest movement.
Had Anthony not shown his weiner to the world, he'd still be a Congressman from that district, and Bob Turner would be even more of a nobody than he is now.

That may have been a factor but your link also says the demographics also started changing.

What link?

I haven't posted any links on NY 9.

Wikipedia isn't your link?

Oh oh looks like Obama s Iran deal is collapsing. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.

No problem. Your link claims that the demographics changed and the district turned republican.


The wikipedia article doesn't say that.

If that district has "gone Republican", how come:

1. They voted for Obama in 2012.
2. They have a Democrat State Senator, and a Democrat State Assemblyman - one of which had a special election on the same day as the Congressional district and won by double digits.
3. They have a Democrat City Councilman.
Strange things happen in special elections, particularly ones with insanely low turnout, as that one had.
Do you have a link for that? Because I think you pulled that one out of your ass.

For what? That special elections often have weird results, or that the turnout was insanely low?

Here are the results. There are (were) 300,000 registered voters in that district.


Approximately 23% turnout.

Low turnout why? Perhaps it's because of disappointment in Dems pushing their warped ideology down people's throats instead of representing them.

Or perhaps it's because it was a special election, and special elections always have low turnout.

Most of the people in the district probably didn't even know it was an election day.

Generally when people don't show up its because they are disappointed. Its a protest movement.


You're welcome to believe whatever makes you feel better.

But it's really silly to only read into it what you really hope to be true.
I mean seriously. Did Obama think Shumer was going to stand by his side no matter what, despite 7 years of publicly and privately stabbing Israel and its prime minister in the back? Shumer has his career to think about. He's literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he votes against it, the party might dump him, if he votes for it, his career is surely over. That's why he's waiting until the last minute to see how it's evolving. He doesn't want to go on record as the hair that breaks the camel's back.
That may have been a factor but your link also says the demographics also started changing.

What link?

I haven't posted any links on NY 9.

Wikipedia isn't your link?

Oh oh looks like Obama s Iran deal is collapsing. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.

No problem. Your link claims that the demographics changed and the district turned republican.


The wikipedia article doesn't say that.

If that district has "gone Republican", how come:

1. They voted for Obama in 2012.
2. They have a Democrat State Senator, and a Democrat State Assemblyman - one of which had a special election on the same day as the Congressional district and won by double digits.
3. They have a Democrat City Councilman.

Here's what wiki said:

Prior to 2013, the district consisted primarily of middle-class whiteneighborhoods, including large Jewish, Italian, Irish, and Russian populations, in southern Brooklyn and south central Queens. Before redistricting, the Queens Tribune found that the district increasingly swung Republican following the September 11 attacks in 2001, when many police and firefighters were lost from the Rockaways. Its rightward shift was also attributed to the increasing tendency of Orthodox Jews to vote for Republicans.

Hope this helps. Point is New Yorkers are politically very active and they don't forget or forgive.
I mean seriously. Did Obama think Shumer was going to stand by his side no matter what, despite 7 years of publicly and privately stabbing Israel and its prime minister in the back? Shumer has his career to think about. He's literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he votes against it, the party might dump him, if he votes for it, his career is surely over. That's why he's waiting until the last minute to see how it's evolving. He doesn't want to go on record as the hair that breaks the camel's back.

I don't think you understand how American politics works.

Chucky will probably end up supporting the deal, but either way will easily cruise to re-election, just like he has for the last 30 years.
I mean seriously. Did Obama think Shumer was going to stand by his side no matter what, despite 7 years of publicly and privately stabbing Israel and its prime minister in the back? Shumer has his career to think about. He's literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he votes against it, the party might dump him, if he votes for it, his career is surely over. That's why he's waiting until the last minute to see how it's evolving. He doesn't want to go on record as the hair that breaks the camel's back.

I don't think you understand how American politics works.

Chucky will probably end up supporting the deal, but either way will easily cruise to re-election, just like he has for the last 30 years.

Keep thinking that. If he votes for it, it will be party allegiance and betraying his constituency. He will pay a price.

Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.

No problem. Your link claims that the demographics changed and the district turned republican.


The wikipedia article doesn't say that.

If that district has "gone Republican", how come:

1. They voted for Obama in 2012.
2. They have a Democrat State Senator, and a Democrat State Assemblyman - one of which had a special election on the same day as the Congressional district and won by double digits.
3. They have a Democrat City Councilman.

Here's what wiki said:

Prior to 2013, the district consisted primarily of middle-class whiteneighborhoods, including large Jewish, Italian, Irish, and Russian populations, in southern Brooklyn and south central Queens. Before redistricting, the Queens Tribune found that the district increasingly swung Republican following the September 11 attacks in 2001, when many police and firefighters were lost from the Rockaways. Its rightward shift was also attributed to the increasing tendency of Orthodox Jews to vote for Republicans.

Hope this helps. Point is New Yorkers are politically very active and they don't forget or forgive.


You know that I'm a New Yorker who spent from 2001 to 2011 working professionally in New York state and local politics, right?

I have family in that district, and I've run campaigns in that district.

I can assure you that I know it a lot better than you do from reading a wikipedia article.
I mean seriously. Did Obama think Shumer was going to stand by his side no matter what, despite 7 years of publicly and privately stabbing Israel and its prime minister in the back? Shumer has his career to think about. He's literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he votes against it, the party might dump him, if he votes for it, his career is surely over. That's why he's waiting until the last minute to see how it's evolving. He doesn't want to go on record as the hair that breaks the camel's back.

I don't think you understand how American politics works.

Chucky will probably end up supporting the deal, but either way will easily cruise to re-election, just like he has for the last 30 years.

Keep thinking that. If he votes for it, it will be party allegiance and betraying his constituency. He will pay a price.

Chucky's "constituency" is more than a few angry orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. He represents the whole state, not just the Lubavitchers in Crown Heights.

Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.

No problem. Your link claims that the demographics changed and the district turned republican.


The wikipedia article doesn't say that.

If that district has "gone Republican", how come:

1. They voted for Obama in 2012.
2. They have a Democrat State Senator, and a Democrat State Assemblyman - one of which had a special election on the same day as the Congressional district and won by double digits.
3. They have a Democrat City Councilman.

Here's what wiki said:

Prior to 2013, the district consisted primarily of middle-class whiteneighborhoods, including large Jewish, Italian, Irish, and Russian populations, in southern Brooklyn and south central Queens. Before redistricting, the Queens Tribune found that the district increasingly swung Republican following the September 11 attacks in 2001, when many police and firefighters were lost from the Rockaways. Its rightward shift was also attributed to the increasing tendency of Orthodox Jews to vote for Republicans.

Hope this helps. Point is New Yorkers are politically very active and they don't forget or forgive.


You know that I'm a New Yorker who spent from 2001 to 2011 working professionally in New York state and local politics, right?

I have family in that district, and I've run campaigns in that district.

I can assure you that I know it a lot better than you do from reading a wikipedia article.

You know what, I'm a New Yorker too. I've moved however I still have my family there and visit there often. Like I said the opposition to the Iran deal is crossing all party lines and ethnicities. I'm also an Iranian expat so I know more about the hostage crisis and what actually happened. It was all that asshole Carter's fault. And Obama is Carter on steroids.
Ah, yes. Apologies, you're right.

I was using it just to point out that Bob Turner is no longer in office.

No problem. Your link claims that the demographics changed and the district turned republican.


The wikipedia article doesn't say that.

If that district has "gone Republican", how come:

1. They voted for Obama in 2012.
2. They have a Democrat State Senator, and a Democrat State Assemblyman - one of which had a special election on the same day as the Congressional district and won by double digits.
3. They have a Democrat City Councilman.

Here's what wiki said:

Prior to 2013, the district consisted primarily of middle-class whiteneighborhoods, including large Jewish, Italian, Irish, and Russian populations, in southern Brooklyn and south central Queens. Before redistricting, the Queens Tribune found that the district increasingly swung Republican following the September 11 attacks in 2001, when many police and firefighters were lost from the Rockaways. Its rightward shift was also attributed to the increasing tendency of Orthodox Jews to vote for Republicans.

Hope this helps. Point is New Yorkers are politically very active and they don't forget or forgive.


You know that I'm a New Yorker who spent from 2001 to 2011 working professionally in New York state and local politics, right?

I have family in that district, and I've run campaigns in that district.

I can assure you that I know it a lot better than you do from reading a wikipedia article.

You know what, I'm a New Yorker too. I've moved however I still have my family there and visit there often. Like I said the opposition to the Iran deal is crossing all party lines and ethnicities. I'm also an Iranian expat so I know more about the hostage crisis and what actually happened. It was all that asshole Carter's fault. And Obama is Carter on steroids.

The average American has no idea of what the Iran deal is, as posters such as yourself make clear every day on this board. As much as you may want it to, the deal isn't going to turn Brooklyn red.

I'm curious - how was the hostage situation "Carter's fault"?

Try to use reality as your basis, rather than vague rhetorical claims about "leadership" and "strength".

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