OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

oh, and Seth Rich was dead before Guciffer2 transferred the files to wikileaks...
Guccifer2 = CIA, dumb ass.......
sure, and with a Russian FSB IP address :rolleyes:

LOL! We know from the Vault Seven data dumps that the CIA can leave "bread crumbs" to point the fingers at some other hacking element other than themselves using encryption codes that throw cyber forensics experts off their trail revealed as "Marble Framework".....
Wikileaks Releases the "Marble Framework" | HuffPost
oh, and Seth Rich was dead before Guciffer2 transferred the files to wikileaks...
Guccifer2 = CIA, dumb ass.......
sure, and with a Russian FSB IP address :rolleyes:

LOL! We know from the Vault Seven data dumps that the CIA can leave "bread crumbs" to point the fingers at some other hacking element other than themselves using encryption codes that throw cyber forensics experts off their trail revealed as "Marble Framework".....
Wikileaks Releases the "Marble Framework" | HuffPost
The Boomer elites are computer illiterate....Thank God. That's how they'll be brought down.
As I said earlier, you have no ethics or integrity. Because you are a sociopath, you don't feel the shame that normal people would feel if they were exposed as a fucking liar, the way WillPower just exposed you. You are not capable of the ethical awareness that decent people have naturally.
All you do is show up to this forum to lie. What a waste of your time; 17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

17 Intel agencies never did forensics on the DNC server.....

You hate child rapists? Then you should despise Bill "drop trou" that took 26 trips on the Lolita Express and most of the time he ditched his Secret Service protection. Epstein had numerous numbers for ol Billy Boy in his little black book.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Dude, who the fuck do you think you are trying to fool? Are you claiming to know more than William Binney, former second in command of the NSA? Firewalls? The amount of time required to push that kind of data over the distance and the amount of data allegedly "hacked" would have set off even the most simplistic alarms that the server was (snicker) "under attack". I work with computers daily, I am very familiar with the framework of firewalls and how alarms are set off when they are breached.......go sell your bullshit to someone else.

Now, about the Clintons and Epstein going on missions of mercy for charitable endeavors that required Clinton to ditch his S.S detail? Sell it to someone that is even dumber than you are. If you have a credible link that Epstein had 260 different contact numbers like you claim? Provide the link or admit that you are a lying sack of shit......

P.S I already know that you are a lying sack and I have called your lame bluff......

TOOOO fucking easy.........

View attachment 269270

Trump page 80 of the Cloud's pdf of epstein's little black book

plus Ivana and Ivanka's numbers on a previous section

could not find clinton under C in it, but not done looking

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book REDACTED

COURT DOCS: Epstein Had 21 Different Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton - Big League Politics
All you do is show up to this forum to lie. What a waste of your time; 17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

17 Intel agencies never did forensics on the DNC server.....

You hate child rapists? Then you should despise Bill "drop trou" that took 26 trips on the Lolita Express and most of the time he ditched his Secret Service protection. Epstein had numerous numbers for ol Billy Boy in his little black book.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Dude, who the fuck do you think you are trying to fool? Are you claiming to know more than William Binney, former second in command of the NSA? Firewalls? The amount of time required to push that kind of data over the distance and the amount of data allegedly "hacked" would have set off even the most simplistic alarms that the server was (snicker) "under attack". I work with computers daily, I am very familiar with the framework of firewalls and how alarms are set off when they are breached.......go sell your bullshit to someone else.

Now, about the Clintons and Epstein going on missions of mercy for charitable endeavors that required Clinton to ditch his S.S detail? Sell it to someone that is even dumber than you are. If you have a credible link that Epstein had 260 different contact numbers like you claim? Provide the link or admit that you are a lying sack of shit......

P.S I already know that you are a lying sack and I have called your lame bluff......

TOOOO fucking easy.........

View attachment 269270

Trump page 80 of the Cloud's pdf of epstein's little black book

plus Ivana and Ivanka's numbers on a previous section

could not find clinton under C in it, but not done looking

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book REDACTED
They're scared to death which is why they go to Clinton as a distraction. If Trump's name is in there, what are his Sheep going to say? Oh it's okay? Lol!

Do tell?

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report
All you do is show up to this forum to lie. What a waste of your time; 17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

17 Intel agencies never did forensics on the DNC server.....

You hate child rapists? Then you should despise Bill "drop trou" that took 26 trips on the Lolita Express and most of the time he ditched his Secret Service protection. Epstein had numerous numbers for ol Billy Boy in his little black book.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Dude, who the fuck do you think you are trying to fool? Are you claiming to know more than William Binney, former second in command of the NSA? Firewalls? The amount of time required to push that kind of data over the distance and the amount of data allegedly "hacked" would have set off even the most simplistic alarms that the server was (snicker) "under attack". I work with computers daily, I am very familiar with the framework of firewalls and how alarms are set off when they are breached.......go sell your bullshit to someone else.

Now, about the Clintons and Epstein going on missions of mercy for charitable endeavors that required Clinton to ditch his S.S detail? Sell it to someone that is even dumber than you are. If you have a credible link that Epstein had 260 different contact numbers like you claim? Provide the link or admit that you are a lying sack of shit......

P.S I already know that you are a lying sack and I have called your lame bluff......

TOOOO fucking easy.........

View attachment 269270

Trump page 80 of the Cloud's pdf of epstein's little black book

plus Ivana and Ivanka's numbers on a previous section

could not find clinton under C in it, but not done looking

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book REDACTED

COURT DOCS: Epstein Had 21 Different Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton - Big League Politics
So what if Epstein had a bunch of Clinton's phone numbers? What do you think that implicates?
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

And you're a fucking liar....Trump threw him out of Mar a Lago for messing around with an underage employee....that was several years ago.

If that's true then why didn't trump call the police and report it?

If that's true, then trump protected Epstein from prosecution. If trump had called the police, epstein would have been prosecuted and put in prison where he belongs a long time ago. A lot of girls wouldn't have been harmed.

So trump let a pedophile go free and didn't even say a word to any police to make sure that the pedophile was stopped and put in prison where he belongs.

Why didn't trump call the police? Why did trump protect epstein and not the girls?

Depends on what exactly Epstein did. If he was just being an absolute dick to his employee, there's no need to call the cops.
17 Intel agencies never did forensics on the DNC server.....

You hate child rapists? Then you should despise Bill "drop trou" that took 26 trips on the Lolita Express and most of the time he ditched his Secret Service protection. Epstein had numerous numbers for ol Billy Boy in his little black book.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Dude, who the fuck do you think you are trying to fool? Are you claiming to know more than William Binney, former second in command of the NSA? Firewalls? The amount of time required to push that kind of data over the distance and the amount of data allegedly "hacked" would have set off even the most simplistic alarms that the server was (snicker) "under attack". I work with computers daily, I am very familiar with the framework of firewalls and how alarms are set off when they are breached.......go sell your bullshit to someone else.

Now, about the Clintons and Epstein going on missions of mercy for charitable endeavors that required Clinton to ditch his S.S detail? Sell it to someone that is even dumber than you are. If you have a credible link that Epstein had 260 different contact numbers like you claim? Provide the link or admit that you are a lying sack of shit......

P.S I already know that you are a lying sack and I have called your lame bluff......

TOOOO fucking easy.........

View attachment 269270

Trump page 80 of the Cloud's pdf of epstein's little black book

plus Ivana and Ivanka's numbers on a previous section

could not find clinton under C in it, but not done looking

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book REDACTED
They're scared to death which is why they go to Clinton as a distraction. If Trump's name is in there, what are his Sheep going to say? Oh it's okay? Lol!

Do tell?

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report
The Washington Times is a conservative news commentary. Enough said.
17 Intel agencies never did forensics on the DNC server.....

You hate child rapists? Then you should despise Bill "drop trou" that took 26 trips on the Lolita Express and most of the time he ditched his Secret Service protection. Epstein had numerous numbers for ol Billy Boy in his little black book.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Dude, who the fuck do you think you are trying to fool? Are you claiming to know more than William Binney, former second in command of the NSA? Firewalls? The amount of time required to push that kind of data over the distance and the amount of data allegedly "hacked" would have set off even the most simplistic alarms that the server was (snicker) "under attack". I work with computers daily, I am very familiar with the framework of firewalls and how alarms are set off when they are breached.......go sell your bullshit to someone else.

Now, about the Clintons and Epstein going on missions of mercy for charitable endeavors that required Clinton to ditch his S.S detail? Sell it to someone that is even dumber than you are. If you have a credible link that Epstein had 260 different contact numbers like you claim? Provide the link or admit that you are a lying sack of shit......

P.S I already know that you are a lying sack and I have called your lame bluff......

TOOOO fucking easy.........

View attachment 269270

Trump page 80 of the Cloud's pdf of epstein's little black book

plus Ivana and Ivanka's numbers on a previous section

could not find clinton under C in it, but not done looking

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book REDACTED

COURT DOCS: Epstein Had 21 Different Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton - Big League Politics
So what if Epstein had a bunch of Clinton's phone numbers? What do you think that implicates?
Nothing usual nor covert I agree. We all have 21 phone numbers.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Dude, who the fuck do you think you are trying to fool? Are you claiming to know more than William Binney, former second in command of the NSA? Firewalls? The amount of time required to push that kind of data over the distance and the amount of data allegedly "hacked" would have set off even the most simplistic alarms that the server was (snicker) "under attack". I work with computers daily, I am very familiar with the framework of firewalls and how alarms are set off when they are breached.......go sell your bullshit to someone else.

Now, about the Clintons and Epstein going on missions of mercy for charitable endeavors that required Clinton to ditch his S.S detail? Sell it to someone that is even dumber than you are. If you have a credible link that Epstein had 260 different contact numbers like you claim? Provide the link or admit that you are a lying sack of shit......

P.S I already know that you are a lying sack and I have called your lame bluff......

TOOOO fucking easy.........

View attachment 269270

Trump page 80 of the Cloud's pdf of epstein's little black book

plus Ivana and Ivanka's numbers on a previous section

could not find clinton under C in it, but not done looking

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book REDACTED

COURT DOCS: Epstein Had 21 Different Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton - Big League Politics
So what if Epstein had a bunch of Clinton's phone numbers? What do you think that implicates?
Nothing usual nor covert I agree. We all have 21 phone numbers.
I don't. I have 4. But then I've never been the president.

Trump press conference before debating Hillary..........From the abused ladies by the Clintons.....


Little context for that meme now.........LOL

And they hung with a known convicted perv now..........ho hum.........

I think you're afraid Epstein and the rape victims are going to divulge a bunch of names, and these Trump Sheep are shitting their pants about it.

No one on the Left gives two shits if Clinton's name is in there. Throw his ass in jail if necessary. And the same goes for Trump. Or is he above the law for Trump Sheep, and I think you're really scared his name is in there?

Stupid fuck, Epstein is a lefty, part of the Hollycrat elite.

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos. (A source close to Couric tells THR it was her first and last encounter with Epstein.) Lasagna was served, and Epstein led his guests on a tour of the house; he was wearing jeans and velvet Stubbs & Wootton slippers. Multiple sources say the event was organized by Siegal, who presented it as an opportunity to meet the prince at the largest single-family dwelling in New York City. Given that it was less than two months after Kate Middleton and Prince William's engagement, interest in the royals was running high. Multiple guests who now decline to speak on the record noted the optics of attending such an event did not raise an eyebrow, in part because the invite came from Siegal. Siegal declined comment.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

You really are quite the dumbfuck.
Clinton isn't a distraction, he's big time implicated, way more than Trump. Once I see something that convinces me to lump Trump into it...I will. I am the most anti-pedo person on this forum.

I'm not goin to take your loony speculations seriously.

Trump isn't implicated in the slightest, which is why the Nazi press is attacking him for tweets - they are desperate to distract from the Epstein disaster.

Brian Williams, George Stephanapolous, Katy "Eva Braun" Couric. The party propaganda agents are DEEPLY involved in the Epstein sex slave trade. Weinstein was a minnow, Epstein is a WHALE, and he has blackmail on all the media elite, not to mention all the old guard DNC and three quarters of Hollywood.

Trump press conference before debating Hillary..........From the abused ladies by the Clintons.....


Little context for that meme now.........LOL

And they hung with a known convicted perv now..........ho hum.........

I think you're afraid Epstein and the rape victims are going to divulge a bunch of names, and these Trump Sheep are shitting their pants about it.

No one on the Left gives two shits if Clinton's name is in there. Throw his ass in jail if necessary. And the same goes for Trump. Or is he above the law for Trump Sheep, and I think you're really scared his name is in there?

Stupid fuck, Epstein is a lefty, part of the Hollycrat elite.

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos. (A source close to Couric tells THR it was her first and last encounter with Epstein.) Lasagna was served, and Epstein led his guests on a tour of the house; he was wearing jeans and velvet Stubbs & Wootton slippers. Multiple sources say the event was organized by Siegal, who presented it as an opportunity to meet the prince at the largest single-family dwelling in New York City. Given that it was less than two months after Kate Middleton and Prince William's engagement, interest in the royals was running high. Multiple guests who now decline to speak on the record noted the optics of attending such an event did not raise an eyebrow, in part because the invite came from Siegal. Siegal declined comment.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

You really are quite the dumbfuck.

Who gives a shit if he's a Lefty? I certainly don't.

Trump press conference before debating Hillary..........From the abused ladies by the Clintons.....


Little context for that meme now.........LOL

And they hung with a known convicted perv now..........ho hum.........

I think you're afraid Epstein and the rape victims are going to divulge a bunch of names, and these Trump Sheep are shitting their pants about it.

No one on the Left gives two shits if Clinton's name is in there. Throw his ass in jail if necessary. And the same goes for Trump. Or is he above the law for Trump Sheep, and I think you're really scared his name is in there?

Stupid fuck, Epstein is a lefty, part of the Hollycrat elite.

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos. (A source close to Couric tells THR it was her first and last encounter with Epstein.) Lasagna was served, and Epstein led his guests on a tour of the house; he was wearing jeans and velvet Stubbs & Wootton slippers. Multiple sources say the event was organized by Siegal, who presented it as an opportunity to meet the prince at the largest single-family dwelling in New York City. Given that it was less than two months after Kate Middleton and Prince William's engagement, interest in the royals was running high. Multiple guests who now decline to speak on the record noted the optics of attending such an event did not raise an eyebrow, in part because the invite came from Siegal. Siegal declined comment.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

You really are quite the dumbfuck.[/QUOTE

Clinton isn't a distraction, he's big time implicated, way more than Trump. Once I see something that convinces me to lump Trump into it...I will. I am the most anti-pedo person on this forum.

I'm not goin to take your loony speculations seriously.

Trump isn't implicated in the slightest, which is why the Nazi press is attacking him for tweets - they are desperate to distract from the Epstein disaster.

Brian Williams, George Stephanapolous, Katy "Eva Braun" Couric. The party propaganda agents are DEEPLY involved in the Epstein sex slave trade. Weinstein was a minnow, Epstein is a WHALE, and he has blackmail on all the media elite, not to mention all the old guard DNC and three quarters of Hollywood.
I hope people get it some day.

Trump press conference before debating Hillary..........From the abused ladies by the Clintons.....


Little context for that meme now.........LOL

And they hung with a known convicted perv now..........ho hum.........

I think you're afraid Epstein and the rape victims are going to divulge a bunch of names, and these Trump Sheep are shitting their pants about it.

No one on the Left gives two shits if Clinton's name is in there. Throw his ass in jail if necessary. And the same goes for Trump. Or is he above the law for Trump Sheep, and I think you're really scared his name is in there?

Stupid fuck, Epstein is a lefty, part of the Hollycrat elite.

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos. (A source close to Couric tells THR it was her first and last encounter with Epstein.) Lasagna was served, and Epstein led his guests on a tour of the house; he was wearing jeans and velvet Stubbs & Wootton slippers. Multiple sources say the event was organized by Siegal, who presented it as an opportunity to meet the prince at the largest single-family dwelling in New York City. Given that it was less than two months after Kate Middleton and Prince William's engagement, interest in the royals was running high. Multiple guests who now decline to speak on the record noted the optics of attending such an event did not raise an eyebrow, in part because the invite came from Siegal. Siegal declined comment.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

You really are quite the dumbfuck.

Who gives a shit if he's a Lefty? I certainly don't.

No shit.

Trump press conference before debating Hillary..........From the abused ladies by the Clintons.....


Little context for that meme now.........LOL

And they hung with a known convicted perv now..........ho hum.........

I think you're afraid Epstein and the rape victims are going to divulge a bunch of names, and these Trump Sheep are shitting their pants about it.

No one on the Left gives two shits if Clinton's name is in there. Throw his ass in jail if necessary. And the same goes for Trump. Or is he above the law for Trump Sheep, and I think you're really scared his name is in there?

Stupid fuck, Epstein is a lefty, part of the Hollycrat elite.

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos. (A source close to Couric tells THR it was her first and last encounter with Epstein.) Lasagna was served, and Epstein led his guests on a tour of the house; he was wearing jeans and velvet Stubbs & Wootton slippers. Multiple sources say the event was organized by Siegal, who presented it as an opportunity to meet the prince at the largest single-family dwelling in New York City. Given that it was less than two months after Kate Middleton and Prince William's engagement, interest in the royals was running high. Multiple guests who now decline to speak on the record noted the optics of attending such an event did not raise an eyebrow, in part because the invite came from Siegal. Siegal declined comment.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

You really are quite the dumbfuck.

Who gives a shit if he's a Lefty? I certainly don't.

He's going to pull your whole Marxist world down, unless the Clintons murder him first.

I'm waiting for the heart attack, any second now....

Trump press conference before debating Hillary..........From the abused ladies by the Clintons.....


Little context for that meme now.........LOL

And they hung with a known convicted perv now..........ho hum.........

I think you're afraid Epstein and the rape victims are going to divulge a bunch of names, and these Trump Sheep are shitting their pants about it.

No one on the Left gives two shits if Clinton's name is in there. Throw his ass in jail if necessary. And the same goes for Trump. Or is he above the law for Trump Sheep, and I think you're really scared his name is in there?

Stupid fuck, Epstein is a lefty, part of the Hollycrat elite.

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos. (A source close to Couric tells THR it was her first and last encounter with Epstein.) Lasagna was served, and Epstein led his guests on a tour of the house; he was wearing jeans and velvet Stubbs & Wootton slippers. Multiple sources say the event was organized by Siegal, who presented it as an opportunity to meet the prince at the largest single-family dwelling in New York City. Given that it was less than two months after Kate Middleton and Prince William's engagement, interest in the royals was running high. Multiple guests who now decline to speak on the record noted the optics of attending such an event did not raise an eyebrow, in part because the invite came from Siegal. Siegal declined comment.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

You really are quite the dumbfuck.

Who gives a shit if he's a Lefty? I certainly don't.

He's going to pull your whole Marxist world down, unless the Clintons murder him first.

I'm waiting for the heart attack, any second now....

They're going to have to leave no doubt if they go that route, brother.
Go to 3;10 of this........

make sure you go ALL the way thru to 6:23.... :rolleyes:

I saw the whole video..............It's not funny........the guy got 1 year.............should have gotten life......

Now this epstein guy............GET THE ROPE..........

Now you tell me all these people like Clinton and famous actors flew with him...........went to his island and didn't KNOW A THING........HMMM.

It takes a smart person to actually win a debate. And it takes an idiot to show he or she has lost one with posts like this; Now you tell me all these people like Clinton and famous actors flew with him...........went to his island and didn't KNOW A THING........HMMM. Your whole sentence is worth teats, because it is nothing but projecting splattered spaghetti up against the wall. That is not a credible argument. It is a desperate attempt to live out a fantasy. You can say the same for Trump and you would be right. The difference being, we know Trump and Epstein spent the weekend with 28 women in Epstein's mansion, "ALONE."

Poor little assclown. Getting beaten again. Over 20 trips on the Lolita Express with Epstein, including at least 4 WITHOUT Secret Service for Billy. Your idiocy Is just overwhelming here. See, if Epstein had anything on Trump, it would have been released when Trump AIDED the prosecution of Epstein in Florida. You lose again.
I just googled and skimmed 3 articles written about Trump and Epstein....none say he visited the island. Not a single one.
Trump didn't have to visit the island -- Epstein brought pedophile isle to him.

Just “Him and Epstein” and “28 Girls”: Florida Man Drops a Dime on Trump
We don't even know if it is true.
Since when does that matter to anyone? A bunch of righties keep claiming Clinton visited pedophile isle despite having no proof that he ever did.

Boy you are an IDIOT as well as obviously illiterate. Flight details have been put up in other threads and it's well known that Bill took at least 20 flights to that island. Including at least 4 without Secret Service. But I guess CNN and MSNBC don't tell you that do they?
I'm not even worried about it at all, quit projecting your fear of your beloved Dems getting exposed as the pedos and pedo enablers that they truly are onto us, faggot.

If Trump's name comes up, He should go down like everyone else involved. I just have no reason to believe he is going to be brought up.
Other than by liars in the media.
Sure you are buddy. Or you and the rest of Trump's Sheep wouldn't be using Clinton as a distraction. Come on list. I'm not afraid. But your ass is.
Clinton isn't a distraction, he's big time implicated, way more than Trump. Once I see something that convinces me to lump Trump into it...I will. I am the most anti-pedo person on this forum.

I'm not goin to take your loony speculations seriously.
Not from the information I've been getting. Other people were with Clinton and Epstein on those flights, like secret service. Not so with Trump and Epstein and 28 young girls at a party over a weekend. It was the two of them and the girls. What could possibly go wrong?
Just ask Katie Johnson.
I did. Thanks! I can only imagine the death threats she got from Trump and Epstein to have dropped the case; Docket for Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump, 5:16-cv-00797 - CourtListener.com

You and pawn best quit while you're only 6 feet deep. Gloria Allred wouldn't touch that case because it was so obviously a fraud. Yet you two morons swallow it gladly.

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