Oh, so Trump simply misspoke......Why does he think we're all dumb like his supporters?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!
We know you are dumb. There is no thinking about it!
Sweetie, anybody supporting that dumb lump of shit, Trump need never to question anybody's mental state, especially the likes of you, you stalking bitch!!:1peleas:
Are ewe whining about stalking again? Maybe a political forum is not for ewe coward!
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
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I wasn't there, I'm giving those reporting the benefit of the doubt! "They" said he railed. I'll bet that was an understatement. Think these words passed his lips?? FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS.

Can't you just hear him!

(I'll bet MELANIA has her OWN compartment on the plane. That's a part of 'the deal')
How can any republican with a brain in their head believe this yellow coward this lying POS in our WH ?

You gotta find this hilarious.
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
Its a dog whistler to his base and to Putin, just as it was when he was reading the handwritten shit after the Charlletteville march/murder. Letting them all know, I'm reading this shit, cause they made me and when I get back to my beloved Klan rallies, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say.
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
Its a dog whistler to his base and to Putin, just as it was when he was reading the handwritten shit after the Charlletteville march/murder. Letting them all know, I'm reading this shit, cause they made me and when I get back to my beloved Klan rallies, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say.

Will you make it to 2020 cupcake?

What if he wins again?

Who you gonna run?

Hillary the Hag and Kathy Griffin?

I hope so?
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
Its a dog whistler to his base and to Putin, just as it was when he was reading the handwritten shit after the Charlletteville march/murder. Letting them all know, I'm reading this shit, cause they made me and when I get back to my beloved Klan rallies, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say.

LOL a “dog whistler to his base” would mean only his base should be able to decipher its meaning... and I’m thinking you’re not part of his base... so how do you know the meaning?
How can any republican with a brain in their head believe this yellow coward this lying POS in our WH ?
I'll tell you how, because just about all of his base, is borderlined racist stupid mf's, afraid of the future and want desperately to get back to the past and Trump, is slowly taking this country backwards faster than Putin and Kim Un can manipulate his tiny brain
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
Its a dog whistler to his base and to Putin, just as it was when he was reading the handwritten shit after the Charlletteville march/murder. Letting them all know, I'm reading this shit, cause they made me and when I get back to my beloved Klan rallies, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say.

LOL a “dog whistler to his base” would mean only his base should be able to decipher its meaning... and I’m thinking you’re not part of his base... so how do you know the meaning?
He was reading like a 12 year old in class forced to read in front of everybody....listen, there is no way in hell I'm gonna go back n forth with a Trump nut....you people are too lost for words
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
Its a dog whistler to his base and to Putin, just as it was when he was reading the handwritten shit after the Charlletteville march/murder. Letting them all know, I'm reading this shit, cause they made me and when I get back to my beloved Klan rallies, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say.

LOL a “dog whistler to his base” would mean only his base should be able to decipher its meaning... and I’m thinking you’re not part of his base... so how do you know the meaning?
He was reading like a 12 year old in class forced to read in front of everybody....listen, there is no way in hell I'm gonna go back n forth with a Trump nut....you people are too lost for words

Hey if you’re okay contradicting yourself... no skin off my teeth. Just keep spreading your obvious genius and don’t mind me.
How can any republican with a brain in their head believe this yellow coward this lying POS in our WH ?
I'll tell you how, because just about all of his base, is borderlined racist stupid mf's, afraid of the future and want desperately to get back to the past and Trump, is slowly taking this country backwards faster than Putin and Kim Un can manipulate his tiny brain
And EVERYTHING the moron said before and after his walk back makes no sense with his changing the word
The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader. His comment came — amid rising rebuke by his own party — about 27 hours after his original, widely reported statement, which he made at a Monday summit in Helsinki standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

News Flash, Donald....I know you love the poorly uneducated, your words, not mine...but dude, please stop thinking with your delusional mind, that 42% approval ratings equal everybody in america. I know you love your math, your way of using numbers, but not all of us are stupid enough to fall for your bs....the only reason your changing your mind, as if you have one, is because Steven Miller, your little Nazi handiman has cooked up an idea and you ran with it. ..Oh and because your mindless congress slaves grew a ball or two yesterday.....all but Ryan Paul...who represents a state that is 99% hillbilly trash!!

The stupid scum in a suit had to READ the words that were W R I T T E N and F O R M E D for him because his HANDLERS said he damn well better! The only thing missing from the absurd scene was a GUN to his head. He's scratching his head and ass trying to figure what the hell went wrong as he didn't have a clue.

Apparently he was raging on the plane all the way back. He DIDN'T GET IT!!
Its a dog whistler to his base and to Putin, just as it was when he was reading the handwritten shit after the Charlletteville march/murder. Letting them all know, I'm reading this shit, cause they made me and when I get back to my beloved Klan rallies, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say.

Will you make it to 2020 cupcake?

What if he wins again?

Who you gonna run?

Hillary the Hag and Kathy Griffin?

I hope so?
People are so sick of Trump, they'd vote for a dried bugger stuck to Starbucks napkin, than this guy.....99% of the GOP supports Trump.....thank God, your not the majority!!
How can any republican with a brain in their head believe this yellow coward this lying POS in our WH ?
I'll tell you how, because just about all of his base, is borderlined racist stupid mf's, afraid of the future and want desperately to get back to the past and Trump, is slowly taking this country backwards faster than Putin and Kim Un can manipulate his tiny brain
And EVERYTHING the moron said before and after his walk back makes no sense with his changing the word
Its one thing to miss speak a word, but the fool, went on and on and on, how the hell do you back track that shit? But to his supporters, it worked.

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