Oh, that will never happen

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
British woman banned from entering New Zealand because she is too fat
By SIMON CABLE - More by this author »

Last updated at 09:51am on 17th November 2007

Comments (43)

A British woman planning to start a new life with her husband in New Zealand has been banned from entering the country - because she is too fat.

Rowan Trezise, 33, has been left behind in England while her husband Richie, 35, has already made the move down under leaving her desperately trying to lose weight.

When the couple first tried to gain entry to the country they were told that they were both overweight and were a potential burden on the health care system.
In tracking this issue, one will notice that it is progressing along two different lines, both bad.

The PC crowd is slowly trying to turn fat into a disability, branding fat people victims.

Meanwhile, governments are more aggressively regulating "fat" people's behavior (or should I say behaviour), even monitoring kids' diets; someday we will see child protection services fine parents and take their kids away due to supposed obesity-triggering diets.

This, kids, is what we get when government moves from protecting your rights to providing you the means to exercise them.

Long Live Socialized Medicine!!

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