Oh this is just too rich.....Forced demographics.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

Obama Launches Scheme To Racially Integrate Suburbs - Investors.com

Diversity: Now even ZIP codes are racist, and according to this race-obsessed administration, you're racist for living in a suburban area with little public housing. And it plans to change that.

In what may be the most ambitious social-engineering project undertaken by the federal government, the administration is mapping every neighborhood in America by race. The stated purpose is to use the data to compel local officials to loosen zoning laws and build more public housing, thereby offering more poor inner-city minorities better opportunities for housing and education.

But the unstated purpose is forced racial integration. The suburbs are just too white for Obama and his race-mongering social engineers. They think they "geospatially discriminate" against minorities, never mind that more and more middle-class blacks are flocking to them on their own.

The ham-handed government project is led by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Last week it proposed new rules requiring counties and other entities receiving federal grant dollars to "affirmatively further fair housing" in the suburbs for minorities. Grantees who fail to comply will be denied federal funding.
At the same time, HUD is pressuring suburban landlords to accept Section 8 housing vouchers.

The proposed regulation was issued just days after HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan addressed the NAACP at its annual convention in Florida, near the Orlando suburb where a neighborhood crime-watch captain fatally shot a black teen visiting the complex.
In his speech, Donovan vowed to help urban blacks relocate to suburban neighborhoods, where they can have access to "good schools, safe streets, jobs, grocery stores," among other things. He claimed suburban realtors and landlords still discriminate against blacks.
"African-Americans," Donovan said, "are being denied their freedom of choice."
He said the HUD database will detail by neighborhood what "access African-American families have to community assets — including jobs, schools and transit," which he added "is something the NAACP has long called for."

Once the data are collected, his diversity police will use it as a "tool" to ensure that "every American has the opportunity to live in the community of their choice without facing discrimination."

Earlier this year, HUD broadened the authority of two anti-discrimination laws — the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act — making illegal any housing or credit policy that results in disproportionately fewer blacks or Latinos receiving housing or home loans than whites, even if those policies are race-neutral and evenly applied across all groups.

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Cool font dude!

In what may be the most ambitious social-engineering project undertaken by the federal government, the administration is mapping every neighborhood in America by race.
Census has been doing that for decades.

The suburbs are just too white for Obama and his race-mongering social engineers.
Really? The president is intimately involved in the decision making process for HUD projects now too. How does that guy find time in his day.
As soon as the welfare recipients move in there won't be safe streets, good schools and stores will be the first to close. That's how formerly "good" neighborhoods went bad to begin with.

Look for more privately owned gated communities.
He did appoint the secretaries didn't he?

See you can't have it both ways.....Obama takes credit for what his administration does.......good or bad.

It won't matter ....what they cannot legislate is work ethic or clutural stability. The left has spent the past fifty years destroying both of those in the minority populations and now they can't handle the results of their own " Great society " experiment. Those minorities that have it will succeed in middle class areas and will mix just fine with their neighbors based not on skin color but on common goals...those that don't have it will not and that includes the White Trailer Trash if you will excuse the term.

As far a public housing is concerned that is also a laugh....put up a complex and fill it with EBT bums and what you will have is ruin not urban improvement. These people are trying to make ice with a blow torch....it doesn't matter how much money they pour into this endeavor.....it WILL NOT WORK ...and CAN NEVER WORK. G'head move a crack head family ( Of any skin color ) out to a spilt level ranch in the suburbs and watch how quickly local law enforcement targets that family and that house for everything from distributing to child neglect. It's a total and complete loser......it's too funny to think they haven't already though about why demographics spread out the way they do.

The left has created a monster that they can no longer feed or control and now they want us to feed it and help control it. They think that this will help them prevent one more Detroit after another after another... See the family dog is no longer happy with Alpo......and wants the eight dollar a pound prime cuts for lunch every day now but doesn't want to do any tricks for it.

I mean when the successful families decide to move...what is the government going to do....??..... tell them that they can't? Or will they tell a white family that they cannot buy a house in a certain neighborhood because there are already too many whites there? Will they tell a black family that they cannot buy a house in a certain area because there are already too many blacks there? Or tell the seller that they must sell only to minorities and take whatever price they can get from those minorities? I'd love to see that one go the SCOTUS.....

Yes...I absolutely believe that this following sentence is more like what is really going on.

Seems like they've run out of solutions.....this may well be a policy to redistribute urban budget woes and crime. You know if spreading the wealth isn't working out then spread the lack of it. Pure genius.

The Municipalities are throwing out their undesireables and telling the suburbs that they now have to share in the burden of feeding, schooling and housing the riff raff because the cities can no longer meet their budget obligatoins to the fifty year old left wing pension systems that are driving the municipal bond market into .....extinctiion!

But here's the really funny part.....the cities are showing racist undertones by wanting to shed themselves of the non working .... non tax paying minorities so that they can make those places more attractive to the working, tax paying, municipal budget building um....... I have to say it.... non-minorities.

But when that happens and the cities begin to look like paradise again.....then those same riff-raff will complain that they are stuck out in the suburbs and now want to break into the racially isolated enclaves in the cities....

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But here's the real question there Ax-man..

Why is it that the minorities are now wanting to run to the suburbs? What is the particular quality of that destination that makes it safer, better, more desireable for them?

come on now....let me hear you say it.

you can do it!

The next evolution of suburbia will be the private community where the land stays in the ownership of a central corporation and leased, and only structures are bought and sold. This has been going on for quite awhile in the more affluent areas.
Cool font dude!

In what may be the most ambitious social-engineering project undertaken by the federal government, the administration is mapping every neighborhood in America by race.
Census has been doing that for decades.

The suburbs are just too white for Obama and his race-mongering social engineers.
Really? The president is intimately involved in the decision making process for HUD projects now too. How does that guy find time in his day.

I know! He must squeeze a lot in between his vacations, golf games, Hollywood parties, TV appearances, and his interminable campaign speeches. Guy's definitely a busy dude.
Obama's main goal is to get destroy the suburbs completely and get everyone into huge cities where they will bike to work under a dense security grid. Everyone will be happy, free, green and diverse! Starting to sound a lot like China.
Even if Big Brother manages do force integration in the 'burbs, it won't be too many years before all the decent people, the people who have the abilities, talents, and will to maintain a decent standard of living, will have moved someplace else. Then the government will be back to square one, with all their plantation dwellers (of all favored categories) isolated in their own messy enclaves.
As a society, what we really need is to let Nature take its true course and allow those unwilling or unable to support themselves to die off. (Yeah, that goes for businesses "too big to fail", too.)
Obama doesn't want decent people to live in peace in the Burbs. He wants them to enjoy the fruits of diversity, such as crime and plummeting property values. Basically, he wants all of America to become one large Detroit.
Obama doesn't want decent people to live in peace in the Burbs. He wants them to enjoy the fruits of diversity, such as crime and plummeting property values. Basically, he wants all of America to become one large Detroit.

So it would seem. More plantation dwellers means more supporters, for him and his agenda. Me, I'll stay "on the farm". I doubt Alaska will mean much to him, anyhow.
they tore down the public housing projects in Chicago.

hell holes, all.

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