Oh those pitiful Republicans

The RINO Establishment is (sadly) the major component of the GOP present day leadership.

They ARE indeed confronting a revolt, but the revolt is coming from the BASE of the GOP whose membership disagrees with those Establishment entrenched RINOS.

Sadly, they (idiots like Boehner and McConnell and now Ryan, and others) choose to fight their own BASE in order to keep their hands (as best they can) on the reins of "power."

It is mystifying to see that they are too blind to recognize that fighting their own base is not going to help them for too long.

EVERY damn one of the RINO bastards should get thumped by their constituents when they face re-election.
It's the beginning of the end for these morons......the 'boat' is taking on water and we are all watching from the shore. About goddamn time I say...

I certainly HOPE that turns out to be true.

The GOP cannot turn this Republic around until the BASE turns the GOP around.

It is destined to be a very hard fight I'm afraid.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
Trump's folks are angry but not necessarily conservatives, ck, as those who support Carson and Cruz. And a majority of what? The minority of the GOP active in the primary process? And who is the silent majority? I see a lot of anger, a lot of smoke, but no emerging majority that will take the election next year. There is a lot of yelling but not much else yet. Let's see what emerges.

And the mainstream GOP don't care what non-party conservatives or libertarians have to say. And the Base is not the hard right. There are simply not enough of them as the TP has found out.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
Trump's folks are angry but not necessarily conservatives, ck, as those who support Carson and Cruz. And a majority of what? The minority of the GOP active in the primary process? And who is the silent majority? I see a lot of anger, a lot of smoke, but no emerging majority that will take the election next year. There is a lot of yelling but not much else yet. Let's see what emerges.

And the mainstream GOP don't care what non-party conservatives or libertarians have to say. And the Base is not the hard right. There are simply not enough of them as the TP has found out.
Silent majority are those that identify with the Republican party/Conservatives but don't walk lock-step with the GOP/establishment. Your comment about the "mainstream" GOP not caring about the non-party conservatives and Libertarians is spot on Jake and that is why they are being taken to task and trashed. This is a revolution and not of the kind of protests in the streets and the burning of buildings. The "mainstream" GOP, as you like to call it, isn't mainstream.......they are the minority.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.

That is actually what I meant, thanks.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
Trump's folks are angry but not necessarily conservatives, ck, as those who support Carson and Cruz. And a majority of what? The minority of the GOP active in the primary process? And who is the silent majority? I see a lot of anger, a lot of smoke, but no emerging majority that will take the election next year. There is a lot of yelling but not much else yet. Let's see what emerges.

And the mainstream GOP don't care what non-party conservatives or libertarians have to say. And the Base is not the hard right. There are simply not enough of them as the TP has found out.
Silent majority are those that identify with the Republican party/Conservatives but don't walk lock-step with the GOP/establishment. Your comment about the "mainstream" GOP not caring about the non-party conservatives and Libertarians is spot on Jake and that is why they are being taken to task and trashed. This is a revolution and not of the kind of protests in the streets and the burning of buildings. The "mainstream" GOP, as you like to call it, isn't mainstream.......they are the minority.
You are not the majority, you and your allies, as the next few months will demonstrate. If you take the party nomination with Trump, the GOP establishment with run an IR candidate. If you take it with Cruz, the GOP will lose the Presidency, probably the Senate, and keep the House. You are not as strong as you think, as you found out this week in the budget compromise.
Ryan and the other RINOs that essentially ARE the establishment of the GOP (guys whose salads Fakey would love to toss) despite having the majority in both houses of Congress have effectively capitulated to Presidunce Obumbler and the liberal Democrat Parody.

Spending bill appears to meet Obama's priorities

This squarely raises the questions:

Why would anybody who opposes the modern American socialist run Democrat Party agenda bother voting for a mainstream Republican again?

Why can't the fucking assholes who ruin -- err -- run the GOP at long last figure out that being the loyal opposition to the President might require that they display some balls? You can't really BE a loyal opposition if you always fail to oppose. Ryan is clearly no different than Boehner was.

The GOP gained their majorities in Congress in large part as an obvious overt REACTION to what this idiot President has been doing; yet the leadershit of the GOP seems habitually unable to use that motivational force to now fight AGAINST what the socialist-based liberal Democrat Parody has been doing.

Time to toss them out.

Rightwing nitwits are going to run out of people to 'toss out.'

Indeed, whom are you going to replace them with – you've already got the most extreme of the extreme, the most radical, wrongheaded collection of reactionary dullards hostile to sound, responsible governance known to the GOP; what are you going to do when everyone is branded a 'RINO.'
Ryan and the other RINOs that essentially ARE the establishment of the GOP (guys whose salads Fakey would love to toss) despite having the majority in both houses of Congress have effectively capitulated to Presidunce Obumbler and the liberal Democrat Parody.

Spending bill appears to meet Obama's priorities

This squarely raises the questions:

Why would anybody who opposes the modern American socialist run Democrat Party agenda bother voting for a mainstream Republican again?

Why can't the fucking assholes who ruin -- err -- run the GOP at long last figure out that being the loyal opposition to the President might require that they display some balls? You can't really BE a loyal opposition if you always fail to oppose. Ryan is clearly no different than Boehner was.

The GOP gained their majorities in Congress in large part as an obvious overt REACTION to what this idiot President has been doing; yet the leadershit of the GOP seems habitually unable to use that motivational force to now fight AGAINST what the socialist-based liberal Democrat Parody has been doing.

Time to toss them out.

Rightwing nitwits are going to run out of people to 'toss out.'

Indeed, whom are you going to replace them with – you've already got the most extreme of the extreme, the most radical, wrongheaded collection of reactionary dullards hostile to sound, responsible governance known to the GOP; what are you going to do when everyone is branded a 'RINO.'


Tossing out the deadwood from the GOP is easy. Replacing them with folks who have some basic fidelity to the Constitution is easy, too. There are plenty of us.

The difficult part is to take on the entrenched political establishment.

The RINOs are branded as RINOs because -- see if you can follow along -- they don't share the actual guiding principles and values of the Republican Party. When they might as well be Democrats and vote accordingly, and they offer effectively zero opposition to the likes of Presidunce Obumbler, then I don't care what you call them. THEY may call themselves "Republicans." I can call them RINOs. But they could just as easily be labeled Democrats and nobody would be able to perceived the difference in most substantive matters.

It is high time to toss them out. I'll take a Cruz over the likes of a Boehner any day of the week.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
Trump's folks are angry but not necessarily conservatives, ck, as those who support Carson and Cruz. And a majority of what? The minority of the GOP active in the primary process? And who is the silent majority? I see a lot of anger, a lot of smoke, but no emerging majority that will take the election next year. There is a lot of yelling but not much else yet. Let's see what emerges.

And the mainstream GOP don't care what non-party conservatives or libertarians have to say. And the Base is not the hard right. There are simply not enough of them as the TP has found out.
Silent majority are those that identify with the Republican party/Conservatives but don't walk lock-step with the GOP/establishment. Your comment about the "mainstream" GOP not caring about the non-party conservatives and Libertarians is spot on Jake and that is why they are being taken to task and trashed. This is a revolution and not of the kind of protests in the streets and the burning of buildings. The "mainstream" GOP, as you like to call it, isn't mainstream.......they are the minority.
You are not the majority, you and your allies, as the next few months will demonstrate. If you take the party nomination with Trump, the GOP establishment with run an IR candidate. If you take it with Cruz, the GOP will lose the Presidency, probably the Senate, and keep the House. You are not as strong as you think, as you found out this week in the budget compromise.

Jake you are not paying attention if you really believe what you are saying. Do you not see/understand that a majority of people that identify themselves as conservatives/non party conservatives/libertarians and/or Republican's cannot stand the establishment? You can't be that oblivious if you are paying attention.
They're not RINO's they are the establishment. They are there to keep the status quo along with their Democrat brethren. It's a fucking game played at the expense of the American people.

Nothing will ever get done as long as these establishment pricks (both sides) are in office. The two party system is a scourge on this country.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
Trump's folks are angry but not necessarily conservatives, ck, as those who support Carson and Cruz. And a majority of what? The minority of the GOP active in the primary process? And who is the silent majority? I see a lot of anger, a lot of smoke, but no emerging majority that will take the election next year. There is a lot of yelling but not much else yet. Let's see what emerges.

And the mainstream GOP don't care what non-party conservatives or libertarians have to say. And the Base is not the hard right. There are simply not enough of them as the TP has found out.
Silent majority are those that identify with the Republican party/Conservatives but don't walk lock-step with the GOP/establishment. Your comment about the "mainstream" GOP not caring about the non-party conservatives and Libertarians is spot on Jake and that is why they are being taken to task and trashed. This is a revolution and not of the kind of protests in the streets and the burning of buildings. The "mainstream" GOP, as you like to call it, isn't mainstream.......they are the minority.
You are not the majority, you and your allies, as the next few months will demonstrate. If you take the party nomination with Trump, the GOP establishment with run an IR candidate. If you take it with Cruz, the GOP will lose the Presidency, probably the Senate, and keep the House. You are not as strong as you think, as you found out this week in the budget compromise.

Jake you are not paying attention if you really believe what you are saying. Do you not see/understand that a majority of people that identify themselves as conservatives/non party conservatives/libertarians and/or Republican's cannot stand the establishment? You can't be that oblivious if you are paying attention.
Recheck your numbers next year. You are the outliers, not the mainstream. I remember Rick Santorum telling some Republicans that the conservatives were the party not just the supposed base, and I thought to myself that's horse shit. Proved to be true.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
Trump's folks are angry but not necessarily conservatives, ck, as those who support Carson and Cruz. And a majority of what? The minority of the GOP active in the primary process? And who is the silent majority? I see a lot of anger, a lot of smoke, but no emerging majority that will take the election next year. There is a lot of yelling but not much else yet. Let's see what emerges.

And the mainstream GOP don't care what non-party conservatives or libertarians have to say. And the Base is not the hard right. There are simply not enough of them as the TP has found out.
Silent majority are those that identify with the Republican party/Conservatives but don't walk lock-step with the GOP/establishment. Your comment about the "mainstream" GOP not caring about the non-party conservatives and Libertarians is spot on Jake and that is why they are being taken to task and trashed. This is a revolution and not of the kind of protests in the streets and the burning of buildings. The "mainstream" GOP, as you like to call it, isn't mainstream.......they are the minority.
You are not the majority, you and your allies, as the next few months will demonstrate. If you take the party nomination with Trump, the GOP establishment with run an IR candidate. If you take it with Cruz, the GOP will lose the Presidency, probably the Senate, and keep the House. You are not as strong as you think, as you found out this week in the budget compromise.

Jake you are not paying attention if you really believe what you are saying. Do you not see/understand that a majority of people that identify themselves as conservatives/non party conservatives/libertarians and/or Republican's cannot stand the establishment? You can't be that oblivious if you are paying attention.
Recheck your numbers next year. You are the outliers, not the mainstream.
Fair enough....we'll see next year.

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