Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
It appears that the IRS has a lot to answer for. They contend that they lost Lois Lerner's emails, dating over a two year period, forever after her hard drive allegedly crashed in 2011. However, new evidence has been released today showing that the IRS has been contracted with Sonasoft, an email archiving company since 2005. This directly contradicts the IRS's claim.


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said it can't provide emails sent between 2009 and 2011 that were requested by congressional investigators because of hard drive crashes.

The agency said that emails stored on dead drives were lost forever because its email backup tapes were recycled every six months, and employees were responsible for keeping their own long-term archives.

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005, according to FedSpending.org, which lists the contract as being for "automatic data processing services." Sonasoft's motto is "email archiving done right," and the company lists the IRS as a customer.

In 2009, Sonasoft even sent out a Tweet advertising its work for the IRS.

The IRS Had a Contract With an Email Backup Company - Hit & Run : Reason.com
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Well, I guess this is to be expected. This laid all of Lerner's defenders low. Congress should now subpoena Sonasoft's IRS archives from that time period. Problem solved.
More evidence of a deliberate destruction of evidence. Time for Lerner and everyone else involved to fess up. If the company was told to destroy the emails, we will know just how damaging they were. I suspect the White House is involved considering the extent to which they have gone to get rid of the evidence. Otherwise, Lerner and a few others would have been tossed under the bus.
It appears that the IRS has a lot to answer for. They contend that they lost Lois Lerner's emails, dating over a two year period, forever after her hard drive allegedly crashed in 2011. However, new evidence has been released today showing that the IRS has been contracted with Sonasoft, an email archiving company since 2005. This directly contradicts the IRS's claim.


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said it can't provide emails sent between 2009 and 2011 that were requested by congressional investigators because of hard drive crashes.

The agency said that emails stored on dead drives were lost forever because its email backup tapes were recycled every six months, and employees were responsible for keeping their own long-term archives.

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005, according to FedSpending.org, which lists the contract as being for "automatic data processing services." Sonasoft's motto is "email archiving done right," and the company lists the IRS as a customer.

In 2009, Sonasoft even sent out a Tweet advertising its work for the IRS.

The IRS Had a Contract With an Email Backup Company - Hit & Run : Reason.com
I was just about to post this breaking story. Yep, the shit is about to hit the fan now! Expect a false flag distraction from the Administration.
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Well, no one claimed all her e-mails were missing, just the ones on her hard drive were gone. I'm sure they probably did get most of them off the server.

BUt I totally understand with the Benghazi thing gone, (whoops, they caught him and it really was about the video!) you guys need something.
Well, no one claimed all her e-mails were missing, just the ones on her hard drive were gone. I'm sure they probably did get most of them off the server.

BUt I totally understand with the Benghazi thing gone, (whoops, they caught him and it really was about the video!) you guys need something.
A woman who works for Sonasoft called in to the Mark Levin show last week. She first explained that her company contracted to archive IRS e-mails. She then said that the IRS never contacted them about having any problems. Which they would have done if they had ever had a data loss problem.

“Disaster Recovery Exchange solutions from Sonasoft
Sonasoft provides disaster recovery solutions for Microsoft Servers that lowers the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Sonasoft’s disk-to-disk system allows data to be stored on the same server, DAS (Direct Attached Storage), NAS (Network Attached Storage), or IP SAN (IP Storage Area Network) using Sonasoft’s software as often as once per minute.

In the case of a hardware or software failure, Sonasoft’s products can recover the information to the same or to a new server at disk-transfer and LAN speeds. For companies that cannot tolerate any downtime, Sonasoft’s Point-Click Recovery has the ability to create a redundant, stand-by server, able to go online immediately.”
It appears that the IRS has a lot to answer for. They contend that they lost Lois Lerner's emails, dating over a two year period, forever after her hard drive allegedly crashed in 2011. However, new evidence has been released today showing that the IRS has been contracted with Sonasoft, an email archiving company since 2005. This directly contradicts the IRS's claim.


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said it can't provide emails sent between 2009 and 2011 that were requested by congressional investigators because of hard drive crashes.

The agency said that emails stored on dead drives were lost forever because its email backup tapes were recycled every six months, and employees were responsible for keeping their own long-term archives.

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005, according to FedSpending.org, which lists the contract as being for "automatic data processing services." Sonasoft's motto is "email archiving done right," and the company lists the IRS as a customer.

In 2009, Sonasoft even sent out a Tweet advertising its work for the IRS.

The IRS Had a Contract With an Email Backup Company - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What's your point? Sonasoft has the emails?
Evidence that the IRS (and the rest of the Federal Government under Barack Obama)...has lied in this matter is going to continue to trickle out...and it may welll become a cancer on this presidency, as it should.

(If Corruption doesn't do it, Incompetency certainly will.)

But, neither is going to get much help from where it should get help first---the Media.

When 80% of the Watchdogs of Government help a corrupt government hide a crime which was obviously perpetrated to hide other, possibly impeachable crimes, then our society...the greatest so far in history...has lost its way and is in decline...for no society long survives the undermining of its own laws.
At this point what difference does it make????

They will skate just like most corrupt administrations skate. It is a sad testimony of modern life in America.
This should be interesting. Wonder if the server actually has them? Thought it interesting Koskinen didn't know if they had a list of serial numbers for all equipment and assignment thereof. What do you bet they don't?
Well, no one claimed all her e-mails were missing, just the ones on her hard drive were gone. I'm sure they probably did get most of them off the server.

BUt I totally understand with the Benghazi thing gone, (whoops, they caught him and it really was about the video!) you guys need something.

Is the VA thing gone?


Let's discuss border control.......What about Gas Prices and the highest consumer goods prices in the past 6 years.....

Don't bother thinking about it, just blame Bush.

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