Oh what a tangled web we weave


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
when first we practice to deceive-

I was thinking- the msm won't touch things like this with a 10ft pole- I don't believe they have the intellectual capacity. It requires work- script readers don't like to work. They prefer reading from a script and then acting as though they're special-

This article puts out some more dots to be connected- or, adds to the bowl of spaghetti we call society or gov't.

From the comments -

Also of note:
– Kroll Associates was in charge of security for the World Trade Towers. Jerome Hauer was a managing director at this time.
– Jerome Hauer appeared on television with Dan Rather on the morning of 9/11 and essentially gave what became known as the “official story” of 9/11.
– Jerome Hauer was the head of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) from 1993 to 2000. It was individuals from the OEM that had foreknowledge of the Towers collapse that day, including World Trade Tower 7.

And this one

“The dead guy did it” buries the story along with the patsy.

While Epstein’s egregious and criminal actions targeting minors have now become public knowledge, in role in facilitating white collar crime, money laundering and financial frauds on behalf of corporations, governments and oligarchs remains sorely under-covered, despite his role in such activities preceding and continuing after his involvement in an intelligence-linked sexual blackmail operation.

It arguably remains one of the key components of the Epstein scandal, yet the most poorly understood and most under-investigated. If anything, the tragic events at the Salas family home on Sunday, and what appears to be a rapid yet shoddy cover-up of the shooter’s ties to Kroll Associates and actual motives, reveal that Epstein’s financial ties are more frightening to certain powerful individuals and institutions than his trove of sexual blackmail.
I'm not sure what point your convoluted story is trying to make, but I promise every conspiracy theory nut bag here will try to memorize every word of it.
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I'm not sure what point your convoluted story is trying to make, but I promise every conspiracy theory nut bag here will try to memorize every word of it.
Yet here you are, the picture of complete conformity commenting on something you consider unworthy-

I was thinking- the msm won't touch things like this with a 10ft pole- I don't believe they have the intellectual capacity. It requires work- script readers don't like to work. They prefer reading from a script and then acting as though they're special-

Note the bold. That applies to you and those like you as well-
Yes, and I'm sure many others would respond to your thread if they could figure out what your word salad meant.

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