Oh yes


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Broken Arrow: America has been overrun - American Thinker

Could have not put it any plainer myself.

Broken arrow is an appropriate call for red America. Its position has been overrun by globalists and revolutionary Marxists disguised as Democrats. They have seized the presidency by devious means and are fully aligned with their fellow travelers in the media, the government bureaucracy, Wall Street, and academia. Everywhere you look, the middle class and the traditional values that made America the envy of the world are under assault.

Institutions that were thought to protect the common folk such as Conservative, Inc. and religious organizations have been ineffective if not downright useless. Even the courts, the supposed bedrock of the republic, have not just failed, but have often proven as incendiary to the Constitution as any wild-eyed radical. As the last line of defense, what the people had, or at least thought they had, was elected government where their will and concerns could be expressed. That is turning out to be a false hope. A critical mass of Congress is indebted to big money interests, and it is to their tune that our "representatives" dance. Plus, as was recently demonstrated, a national election can be stolen with nary a peep from authority figures or the media.

Silicon Valley, in conjunction with government and the media, is censoring conservatives and making it difficult to communicate and coalesce behind a leader such as Donald Trump. At the same time, radical groups (Black Lives Matter and Antifa) have free run on social media. Many a solid conservative says he'll never bend to these Marxists. Fine, but what about their children and grandchildren? The public schools and universities are undermining traditional values every day. This has been going on for years. Now, however, the effort is in overdrive, where things like transgenderism and the hateful Critical Race Theory are taking the pride of place in the classrooms.

Perhaps worse of all is illegal immigration. The country is being flooded with illegal aliens whose numbers will change the nature of the country in short order as has already been done in California. The frustrating thing is that this is happening despite it being against the will of the people and immigration laws, both of which are treated as jokes by the political establishment.
Broken Arrow is a military code-name for an accident with a nuclear weapons or component that won't lead to potential nuclear conflict.

I believe the proper term is ... Nucflash ... a detonation or other accident that could lead to nuclear conflict.
Broken Arrow: America has been overrun - American Thinker

Could have not put it any plainer myself.

Broken arrow is an appropriate call for red America. Its position has been overrun by globalists and revolutionary Marxists disguised as Democrats. They have seized the presidency by devious means and are fully aligned with their fellow travelers in the media, the government bureaucracy, Wall Street, and academia. Everywhere you look, the middle class and the traditional values that made America the envy of the world are under assault.

Institutions that were thought to protect the common folk such as Conservative, Inc. and religious organizations have been ineffective if not downright useless. Even the courts, the supposed bedrock of the republic, have not just failed, but have often proven as incendiary to the Constitution as any wild-eyed radical. As the last line of defense, what the people had, or at least thought they had, was elected government where their will and concerns could be expressed. That is turning out to be a false hope. A critical mass of Congress is indebted to big money interests, and it is to their tune that our "representatives" dance. Plus, as was recently demonstrated, a national election can be stolen with nary a peep from authority figures or the media.

Silicon Valley, in conjunction with government and the media, is censoring conservatives and making it difficult to communicate and coalesce behind a leader such as Donald Trump. At the same time, radical groups (Black Lives Matter and Antifa) have free run on social media. Many a solid conservative says he'll never bend to these Marxists. Fine, but what about their children and grandchildren? The public schools and universities are undermining traditional values every day. This has been going on for years. Now, however, the effort is in overdrive, where things like transgenderism and the hateful Critical Race Theory are taking the pride of place in the classrooms.

Perhaps worse of all is illegal immigration. The country is being flooded with illegal aliens whose numbers will change the nature of the country in short order as has already been done in California. The frustrating thing is that this is happening despite it being against the will of the people and immigration laws, both of which are treated as jokes by the political establishment.
How can you fall for this obvious crap?

I mean, most of you seem like functional human beings most of the time, but put in you front of a RWNJ "media" source, the bell rings, and you salivate like pavlov's dogs.
Broken Arrow: America has been overrun - American Thinker

Could have not put it any plainer myself.

Broken arrow is an appropriate call for red America. Its position has been overrun by globalists and revolutionary Marxists disguised as Democrats. They have seized the presidency by devious means and are fully aligned with their fellow travelers in the media, the government bureaucracy, Wall Street, and academia. Everywhere you look, the middle class and the traditional values that made America the envy of the world are under assault.

Institutions that were thought to protect the common folk such as Conservative, Inc. and religious organizations have been ineffective if not downright useless. Even the courts, the supposed bedrock of the republic, have not just failed, but have often proven as incendiary to the Constitution as any wild-eyed radical. As the last line of defense, what the people had, or at least thought they had, was elected government where their will and concerns could be expressed. That is turning out to be a false hope. A critical mass of Congress is indebted to big money interests, and it is to their tune that our "representatives" dance. Plus, as was recently demonstrated, a national election can be stolen with nary a peep from authority figures or the media.

Silicon Valley, in conjunction with government and the media, is censoring conservatives and making it difficult to communicate and coalesce behind a leader such as Donald Trump. At the same time, radical groups (Black Lives Matter and Antifa) have free run on social media. Many a solid conservative says he'll never bend to these Marxists. Fine, but what about their children and grandchildren? The public schools and universities are undermining traditional values every day. This has been going on for years. Now, however, the effort is in overdrive, where things like transgenderism and the hateful Critical Race Theory are taking the pride of place in the classrooms.

Perhaps worse of all is illegal immigration. The country is being flooded with illegal aliens whose numbers will change the nature of the country in short order as has already been done in California. The frustrating thing is that this is happening despite it being against the will of the people and immigration laws, both of which are treated as jokes by the political establishment.

Thank you for your white grievance.

Remember when it was liberals and not conservatives who were always whining about their lot in life?

"Wah! Wah! Life is so unfair to me! I need the government to fix it! Wah!"

That's the modern-day Trump cult.
Broken Arrow is a military code-name for an accident with a nuclear weapons or component that won't lead to potential nuclear conflict.

I believe the proper term is ... Nucflash ... a detonation or other accident that could lead to nuclear conflict.
As former SAC, I can neither confirm nor deny that your characterization is correct.
How can you fall for this obvious crap?

I mean, most of you seem like functional human beings most of the time, but put in you front of a RWNJ "media" source, the bell rings, and you salivate like pavlov's dogs.
QAnon... Glass houses.
Broken Arrow: America has been overrun - American Thinker

Could have not put it any plainer myself.

Broken arrow is an appropriate call for red America. Its position has been overrun by globalists and revolutionary Marxists disguised as Democrats. They have seized the presidency by devious means and are fully aligned with their fellow travelers in the media, the government bureaucracy, Wall Street, and academia. Everywhere you look, the middle class and the traditional values that made America the envy of the world are under assault.

Institutions that were thought to protect the common folk such as Conservative, Inc. and religious organizations have been ineffective if not downright useless. Even the courts, the supposed bedrock of the republic, have not just failed, but have often proven as incendiary to the Constitution as any wild-eyed radical. As the last line of defense, what the people had, or at least thought they had, was elected government where their will and concerns could be expressed. That is turning out to be a false hope. A critical mass of Congress is indebted to big money interests, and it is to their tune that our "representatives" dance. Plus, as was recently demonstrated, a national election can be stolen with nary a peep from authority figures or the media.

Silicon Valley, in conjunction with government and the media, is censoring conservatives and making it difficult to communicate and coalesce behind a leader such as Donald Trump. At the same time, radical groups (Black Lives Matter and Antifa) have free run on social media. Many a solid conservative says he'll never bend to these Marxists. Fine, but what about their children and grandchildren? The public schools and universities are undermining traditional values every day. This has been going on for years. Now, however, the effort is in overdrive, where things like transgenderism and the hateful Critical Race Theory are taking the pride of place in the classrooms.

Perhaps worse of all is illegal immigration. The country is being flooded with illegal aliens whose numbers will change the nature of the country in short order as has already been done in California. The frustrating thing is that this is happening despite it being against the will of the people and immigration laws, both of which are treated as jokes by the political establishment.
How can you fall for this obvious crap?

I mean, most of you seem like functional human beings most of the time, but put in you front of a RWNJ "media" source, the bell rings, and you salivate like pavlov's dogs.
Just like you swallow all the horse shit propaganda at the alter of CNN, MSNBC, WashPo, on and on, you hypocritical POS.
Broken Arrow is a military code-name for an accident with a nuclear weapons or component that won't lead to potential nuclear conflict.

I believe the proper term is ... Nucflash ... a detonation or other accident that could lead to nuclear conflict.

In the Army ''Broken Arrow'' is the distress call if your unit is being overrun. I was involved in 2 of them in Vietnam.

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