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Ohh look Obama making excuses for the riots

THIS IS WHAT all these staged riots and lootings IS all about folks. They want to give the Feds and Obama have CONTROL of our civilian police forces


SHARPTON to Hold March on Washington – To Demand DOJ Takeover of US Police Departments
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, April 30, 2015, 10:58 PM

Sharpton calls for Justice Department Takeover of US Police
The Rev. Al Sharpton in Baltimore Thursday called for the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in the United States and hold bad officers accountable.

From the video–
Al Sharpton announced Thursday he will hold a march to Washington to push for Justice Department takeover of the US police.


“That’s why we’re going to do this march from here to Washington. We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.”

It’s never been about Michael Brown, or Freddie Gray, or Trayvon…
It’s always been about more government control.

All of it here:
Read more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/04/sharpton-to-hold-march-on-washington-to-demand-doj-takeover-of-us-police-departments/#ixzz3YrOW74Fo
I don't have to make your affirmation, clowns.

S. J. is a white chimp racialist, and RGS is violating his faith's standards.

Why would I answer to any of your nonsense.
Translation: Damn! I got caught lying again. I'll play the race card, maybe that'll distract them.
Translation of S. J.'s racialist language: I have nothing of worth to say, so I will keep hiding about my racism and lying about Starkey. :lol:
I don't have to make your affirmation, clowns.

S. J. is a white chimp racialist, and RGS is violating his faith's standards.

Why would I answer to any of your nonsense.
Translation: Damn! I got caught lying again. I'll play the race card, maybe that'll distract them.
Translation of S. J.'s racialist language: I have nothing of worth to say, so I will keep hiding about my racism and lying about Starkey. :lol:
Then prove me wrong instead of trying to change the subject.
S. J. admits he is a racialist, attacks me for something he can't prove. The S. J.s. are the true enemeis of American values.
S. J. admits he is a racialist, attacks me for something he can't prove. The S. J.s. are the true enemeis of American values.
You make a claim, can't back it up, and instead of admitting you can't back it up, you try to change the subject by calling me a racist. You truly are a pathetic little shitbag.
How does Christianity equate to racism? Ask the KKK.
How does calling for spending-cuts equal terrorism? Ask the poor.
How does believing marriage should involve one man and one woman mean you hate gays? Doesn't deserve an answer.
I notice you never say anything bad about Islam..... I wonder why that is coward boy?

Have you ever said anything bad about Christians?
Show me where the President has condoned or made excuses for the rioting thugs?

Obama said his heart goes out of the Baltimore officers who were injured by rioters. He said there's no excuse for that kind of violence and Baltimore police showed "appropriate restraint."

"there is no excuse", he said...then offered a list of excuses;

Standing side by side with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan at the White House on Tuesday, President Barack Obama made some of his most detailed and forceful comments yet about economic inequality and police behavior during recent protests around the country. He told reporters that while there was no excuse for the violence that erupted in Baltimore last night, the unrest could be tied to decades of civil rights issues, income inequality, and a lack of opportunity. Here's an excerpt:

"This is not new. This has been going on for decades. And without making any excuses for criminal activities that take place in these communities, we also know if you have impoverished communities that have been stripped away of opportunity, where children are born into abject poverty, they've got parents, often because of substance abuse problems or incarceration or lack of education, and themselves can't do right by their kids, if it's more likely that those kids end up in jail or dead than that they go to college, and communities where there are no fathers who can provide guidance to young men, communities where there’s no investment, and manufacturing's been stripped away, and drugs have flooded the community and the drug industry ends up being the primary employer for a lot of folks, in those environments, if we think that we're just going to send the police to do the dirty work of containing the problems that arise there without, as a nation, and as a society saying what can we do to change those communities to help lift up those communities and give those kids opportunity, then we're not going to solve this problem, and we'll go through this same cycles of periodic conflicts between the police and communities, and the occasional riots in the streets and everybody will feign concern until it goes away and we just go about our business as usual."

There are reasons africa is the most backward continent in the world and negroids behave the way they do.
homo erectus just didn't develop fully due to the lack of neanderthal DNA and here we are today still trying to civilize them...
that's why through thousands of years africa and africans haven't been able to advance despite having more natural resources than anywhere else in the world...and if one believes the "out of africa" myth, they even theoretically had a 10,000 year head start on the rest of the world.

There is a difference in understanding what drives people to violence and condoning their violence, wouldn't you say?

no one drove those people to violence. Those homo erectus are just lashing out in frustration at a society they don't and can't fit into.....
still desperately looking for an excuse, I see..
says Ardipithecus kadabba

try to change the subject all you want...negroids are out of control in baltimore. People grow weary of them..
a day of reckoning approaches.

Negroids? Seriously???
Baltimore has had a history with police going overboard, it's been building up, the president is right.

baltimore has had a history of negroes going overboard...it's been building up....
Bet you never hear about white people rioting over football games and causing hundreds of thousands in property damage..
I'll bet you've not yet seen a single conservative defend white people rioting over a sporting event. Have you?
S. J. admits he is a racialist, attacks me for something he can't prove. The S. J.s. are the true enemeis of American values.
You make a claim, can't back it up, and instead of admitting you can't back it up, you try to change the subject by calling me a racist. You truly are a pathetic little shitbag.

Translation: "I, S. J., said Jake was a supporter of the jihadists, Jake laughed at me and said he was not."

S. J. has been bouncing up and down without any proof that I am a jihadist supporter. You are a racialist, as you well know. Trot along.
Baltimore has had a history with police going overboard, it's been building up, the president is right.

baltimore has had a history of negroes going overboard...it's been building up....
Bet you never hear about white people rioting over football games and causing hundreds of thousands in property damage..
I'll bet you've not yet seen a single conservative defend white people rioting over a sporting event. Have you?
Never heard one of us condemn them.
Baltimore has had a history with police going overboard, it's been building up, the president is right.

baltimore has had a history of negroes going overboard...it's been building up....
Bet you never hear about white people rioting over football games and causing hundreds of thousands in property damage..
I'll bet you've not yet seen a single conservative defend white people rioting over a sporting event. Have you?
Never heard one of us condemn them.

Typical far left drone!

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