Ohio about to break unions; Bill passes house!

I think it is more up to the Unions to bust the WI government. Government cannot band the Union or stop contributions, the right of people to assemble as they wish. And they can end negotiations and collective bargaining, but the Union can still shut down government if they want.

So you like the idea of unions who represent a tiny Minority of the people having the power to hold Democracy hostage to their Will?

Why of course, and if there was ever a minority of 1 taking a state hostage, it is Walker. Heh? LMAO!!
Because this would violate the 1st amdendment.

Exactly...the battle belongs at the ballot box, and it makes a HUGE assumption that voters are educated, and EDUCATE themselves on the candidates.

I guess that is why the Poll to keep collective bargaining has a 81% approval rate going. People are getting educated.

Notice how the question in that poll did not specify public or Private sector, and did not have any qualifiers like say "if a state is drowning in Debt, should they be able to curtail collective bargaining rights?"

Or how about, "If a state has been run for 8 Years by Democrats, who get Millions from Unions, and then get to decide who negotiates with the Unions, then should those unions still have collective Bargaining Rights?"

I am all for Unions rights in the Private sector where they negotiate with Profit minded Businesses, I start having a problem with them in the public sector when they are often negotiating with democrat Appointed negotiators, and people who could care less about the bottom line, Because after all they are not spending their money, they are spending ours, and besides they wont be in Office for ever. So when the Piper comes calling for that ridicules Pension deal you agreed to, You wont even be around to take the heat for it.
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The Quinnipiac poll is actually the best I've seen, the questions are simple and straight forward.

Notice among other things they give you DETAILED demographics breakdowns as well. heres one-

38. In order to reduce state budget deficits, would you support or oppose limiting collective bargaining for public employees?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk

Support 45% 59% 33% 45% 47% 43% 44% 49%
Oppose 42 25 56 43 45 39 43 37
DK/NA 13 16 11 12 8 18 13 13

AGE IN YRS....... INCOME............. POL PHIL.........
18-34 35-54 55+ <50 50-100 >100K Lib Mod Con

Support 38% 48% 47% 43% 43% 53% 26% 39% 62%
Oppose 47 40 40 42 44 41 63 49 26
DK/NA 15 12 14 15 13 5 12 12 13

EDUCATION.... WHITE.............
Union NoColl Coll BrnAgn
HsHlds Degree Degree Evngl Prot Cath

Support 29% 44% 47% 51% 48% 49%
Oppose 62 41 45 33 38 40
DK/NA 10 15 8 16 14 11

2Much 2Ltle Right

Support 63% 29% 33%
Oppose 24 56 59
DK/NA 12 15 8

see it all at-

Search Results Poll * March 2, 2011 * American Voters Split On Gove - Quinnipiac University &#8211; Hamden, Connecticut
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Now all we gotta do is get the Politicians to give back some of their "Golden" nest egg. Wouldn't it be nice to sit in a Leather Upholstered La'Z'boy all day long, while having a page run around and do your dirty work, and voting yourself pay raises.

As taken from: US Congress Salaries and Benefits &#8211; Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members

As it is for all other federal employees, congressional retirement is funded through taxes and the participants' contributions. Members of Congress under FERS contribute 1.3 percent of their salary into the FERS retirement plan and pay 6.2 percent of their salary in Social Security taxes. (ARE YOU KIDDING ME, THATS ALL THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR OWN PENSIONS!!!)

Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Members of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension. (RETIREMENT AFTER 25 YEARS OF SITTING IN THE La'Z'boy SO NICE).

They need to thank GOD, for Us working stiffs.
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The Quinnipiac poll is actually the best I've seen, the questions are simple and straight forward.

Notice among other things they give you DETAILED demographics breakdowns as well. heres one-

38. In order to reduce state budget deficits, would you support or oppose limiting collective bargaining for public employees?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk

Support 45% 59% 33% 45% 47% 43% 44% 49%
Oppose 42 25 56 43 45 39 43 37
DK/NA 13 16 11 12 8 18 13 13

AGE IN YRS....... INCOME............. POL PHIL.........
18-34 35-54 55+ <50 50-100 >100K Lib Mod Con

Support 38% 48% 47% 43% 43% 53% 26% 39% 62%
Oppose 47 40 40 42 44 41 63 49 26
DK/NA 15 12 14 15 13 5 12 12 13

EDUCATION.... WHITE.............
Union NoColl Coll BrnAgn
HsHlds Degree Degree Evngl Prot Cath

Support 29% 44% 47% 51% 48% 49%
Oppose 62 41 45 33 38 40
DK/NA 10 15 8 16 14 11

2Much 2Ltle Right

Support 63% 29% 33%
Oppose 24 56 59
DK/NA 12 15 8

see it all at-

Search Results Poll * March 2, 2011 * American Voters Split On Gove - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

Men/ Wom /Wht/ Blk

Why these groupings?

To me it invalidates it...
Lawrence Odonnell on Ohio bill.

O'Donnell: I, for one, have never seen, never seen a more corrupted legislative process than what the Ohio Senate did today. The bill had to get through two committees before being voted on by the full Senate. There were not enough Republican votes for the bill in the first committee, so the Republicans actually removed one of the Republicans on that committee, and replaced him with another Republican who supported the bill right before the vote.

And once the bill cleared that hurdle through the sleaziest legislative maneuver I have ever seen, it moved to another committee where the Republicans did exactly the same thing again. They were exactly one vote shy in that committee, so they removed a Republican senator in that committee and replaced him with another Republican senator who supported the bill.

So, having then cheating the bill through two Senate committees, the Republican leadership managed to outrage Republicans.

Cincinnati Senator Bill Seitz who was kicked off the labor committee warned his fellow Republicans that they were in danger of overreach and said, “I have learned my tea party lessons from the Obamacare debate. I‘m not going to pass the bill so we know what‘s in it, as former Speaker Pelosi urged her colleagues to do. Neither will I support a bill without taking time to read it and understand it. We should expect no less from Republican majorities than we demand of Democrat ones.”

The bill moves to the Ohio House next week. Ohio Governor John Kasich hopes to sign the bill into law by March 15th.

Ohio Republicans Remove Two Committee Members - America's Political Chat Room

Anyone seen the Republican Darling Christie comments on stifling collective bargaining?

Kasich and these Republicans in Ohio are a reminder of the corrupt group that got Sherrod Brown elected a few years ago. Maybe a couple of other good ones will emerge and rise out of this stinking hell hole in Columbus.
Except private sector unions like the United Auto Workers union.

So you are saying that unions aren't needed any more because laws can NEVER be changed. :cuckoo:

Union membership has been in decline for decades, and yet we haven't seen a massive rolling back of legislation protecting workers, and most companies today understand the value of dedicated, educated and trained employees. I guess your attempt at fear mongering fell a wee bit short.
Just because it hasn't happened YET does not mean the CON$ haven't been trying. CON$ will always try to nibble away at workers rights any and all ways they can.

For example, one of Bush's nominations to the Court of Appeals has openly embraced a return to the Supreme Court's so-called 'Lochner' era. Under Lochner, laws the National Labor Relations Act which protects the right of workers to organize into unions and the Fair Labor Standards Act which includes the first minimum wage and bans child labor would be ruled unconstitutional.

So it hasn't happened, there's no push to make it happen, but since on the slimmest of infinitesimal possibilities it might happen, that's reason enough for you and those that think like you to crank up the Fearmonger Express.

Good luck with that. :lol::lol:
Lawrence Odonnell on Ohio bill.

O'Donnell: I, for one, have never seen, never seen a more corrupted legislative process than what the Ohio Senate did today. The bill had to get through two committees before being voted on by the full Senate. There were not enough Republican votes for the bill in the first committee, so the Republicans actually removed one of the Republicans on that committee, and replaced him with another Republican who supported the bill right before the vote.

And once the bill cleared that hurdle through the sleaziest legislative maneuver I have ever seen, it moved to another committee where the Republicans did exactly the same thing again. They were exactly one vote shy in that committee, so they removed a Republican senator in that committee and replaced him with another Republican senator who supported the bill.

So, having then cheating the bill through two Senate committees, the Republican leadership managed to outrage Republicans.

Cincinnati Senator Bill Seitz who was kicked off the labor committee warned his fellow Republicans that they were in danger of overreach and said, “I have learned my tea party lessons from the Obamacare debate. I‘m not going to pass the bill so we know what‘s in it, as former Speaker Pelosi urged her colleagues to do. Neither will I support a bill without taking time to read it and understand it. We should expect no less from Republican majorities than we demand of Democrat ones.”

The bill moves to the Ohio House next week. Ohio Governor John Kasich hopes to sign the bill into law by March 15th.

Ohio Republicans Remove Two Committee Members - America's Political Chat Room

Anyone seen the Republican Darling Christie comments on stifling collective bargaining?

Kasich and these Republicans in Ohio are a reminder of the corrupt group that got Sherrod Brown elected a few years ago. Maybe a couple of other good ones will emerge and rise out of this stinking hell hole in Columbus.

I'm sorry you live there.... :(

I tell you what though, I would bet my bottom dollar if this crap keeps up, there will be a shift to voting democratic again...

until the Dems mess up and then it will go back to the right....
Lawrence Odonnell on Ohio bill.

O'Donnell: I, for one, have never seen, never seen a more corrupted legislative process than what the Ohio Senate did today. The bill had to get through two committees before being voted on by the full Senate. There were not enough Republican votes for the bill in the first committee, so the Republicans actually removed one of the Republicans on that committee, and replaced him with another Republican who supported the bill right before the vote.

And once the bill cleared that hurdle through the sleaziest legislative maneuver I have ever seen, it moved to another committee where the Republicans did exactly the same thing again. They were exactly one vote shy in that committee, so they removed a Republican senator in that committee and replaced him with another Republican senator who supported the bill.

So, having then cheating the bill through two Senate committees, the Republican leadership managed to outrage Republicans.

Cincinnati Senator Bill Seitz who was kicked off the labor committee warned his fellow Republicans that they were in danger of overreach and said, “I have learned my tea party lessons from the Obamacare debate. I‘m not going to pass the bill so we know what‘s in it, as former Speaker Pelosi urged her colleagues to do. Neither will I support a bill without taking time to read it and understand it. We should expect no less from Republican majorities than we demand of Democrat ones.”

The bill moves to the Ohio House next week. Ohio Governor John Kasich hopes to sign the bill into law by March 15th.

Ohio Republicans Remove Two Committee Members - America's Political Chat Room

Anyone seen the Republican Darling Christie comments on stifling collective bargaining?

Kasich and these Republicans in Ohio are a reminder of the corrupt group that got Sherrod Brown elected a few years ago. Maybe a couple of other good ones will emerge and rise out of this stinking hell hole in Columbus.

I'm sorry you live there.... :(

I tell you what though, I would bet my bottom dollar if this crap keeps up, there will be a shift to voting democratic again...

until the Dems mess up and then it will go back to the right....

I'd say that depends on if walker and kasich deliver or not.
Lawrence Odonnell on Ohio bill.

Dolbermans replacement? please...... heres a gem-

The MSNBC host began the segment:

LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: Governor, I want you to listen to that last line of that Republican attack ad against President Obama one more time.

CLIP OF AD: Stop Obama and his union bosses today. The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

O’DONNELL: The Republican Party is saying that the President of the United States has bosses, that the union bosses this President around, the unions boss him around. Does that sound to you like they are trying to consciously or subconsciously deliver the racist message that, of course, of course a black man can't be the real boss?

Read more: MSNBC

for god sakes one lost race baiting jackass and a gov. who drove her state into the gorund..wonderful. yea, lets ask her for advice. :rolleyes:
Lawrence Odonnell on Ohio bill.

O'Donnell: I, for one, have never seen, never seen a more corrupted legislative process than what the Ohio Senate did today. The bill had to get through two committees before being voted on by the full Senate. There were not enough Republican votes for the bill in the first committee, so the Republicans actually removed one of the Republicans on that committee, and replaced him with another Republican who supported the bill right before the vote.

And once the bill cleared that hurdle through the sleaziest legislative maneuver I have ever seen, it moved to another committee where the Republicans did exactly the same thing again. They were exactly one vote shy in that committee, so they removed a Republican senator in that committee and replaced him with another Republican senator who supported the bill.

So, having then cheating the bill through two Senate committees, the Republican leadership managed to outrage Republicans.

Cincinnati Senator Bill Seitz who was kicked off the labor committee warned his fellow Republicans that they were in danger of overreach and said, “I have learned my tea party lessons from the Obamacare debate. I‘m not going to pass the bill so we know what‘s in it, as former Speaker Pelosi urged her colleagues to do. Neither will I support a bill without taking time to read it and understand it. We should expect no less from Republican majorities than we demand of Democrat ones.”

The bill moves to the Ohio House next week. Ohio Governor John Kasich hopes to sign the bill into law by March 15th.

Ohio Republicans Remove Two Committee Members - America's Political Chat Room

Anyone seen the Republican Darling Christie comments on stifling collective bargaining?

Kasich and these Republicans in Ohio are a reminder of the corrupt group that got Sherrod Brown elected a few years ago. Maybe a couple of other good ones will emerge and rise out of this stinking hell hole in Columbus.

I'm sorry you live there.... :(

I tell you what though, I would bet my bottom dollar if this crap keeps up, there will be a shift to voting democratic again...

until the Dems mess up and then it will go back to the right....
got news for ya
its happening here too
Tea Baggers/Republicans are blaming the budget overruns on Teachers, Firemen and Policemen while they cut taxes on the wealthy

Can they be any more out of touch?

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