Ohio gov. signs bill requiring women to cremate or bury aborted fetus

It's crazy, designed to inflict emotional damage on grief-stricken women. But like with Trump, the cruelty is the point.
And of course poor women can not afford it.

I wonder why the same requirement isn’t made of all the extra embryos left over from fertility clinics?
It's crazy, designed to inflict emotional damage on grief-stricken women. But like with Trump, the cruelty is the point.

Why would it cause anyone "grief"? I thought you libs contended that Aborted Babies had no rights and weren't people? Do mere bureaucratic regulations really cause someone "grief"?
It's crazy, designed to inflict emotional damage on grief-stricken women. But like with Trump, the cruelty is the point.

Why would it cause anyone "grief"? I thought you libs contended that Aborted Babies had no rights and weren't people? Do mere bureaucratic regulations really cause someone "grief"?
You are clearly not a woman. Lib or otherwise.
Scott Peterson was found guilty of 2nd. degree murder of an unborn fetus. Why was he charged, and Dr. Bill is not? Both of the unborn were alive until they weren't.
It's crazy, designed to inflict emotional damage on grief-stricken women. But like with Trump, the cruelty is the point.

Who should be responsible for the corpse?
What corpse, a bean sized piece of fetal tissu?
Who are you kidding? We are talking legs and arms and brains, heart, NERVE ENDINGS and all other things sell-able. It's grotesque.
It would be if true. But they aren’t sold. If you object to the use of fetal tissue for anything, then have hospitals incinerate with other organic waste,
We simply can't have women realizing the human beings ripped from their uteri are indeed human beings.
We just can’t allow women to control their own bodies. Mind your own business.
the child inside them is not their body,,
All the more reason for their right to reject it.
at that point its to late,,,

and besides they can reject it all they want they just cant murder it,,
We simply can't have women realizing the human beings ripped from their uteri are indeed human beings.
We just can’t allow women to control their own bodies. Mind your own business.
No one is stopping women from controlling their bodies. It's just recognizing a reality. The dead child deserved some respectful treatment. Even derelicts are buried or cremated. We do not dump people into landfills.

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