Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

Viability of the fetus? Why do pro-choice advocates stay so silent on late term abortions? To them it is about the right to choose over the right on an unseen baby to live.

No. It's about the right to keep control over your own body. It is absolutely that and fear that once you start banning it outright at any point, it's a slippery slope to banning it from conception on. Many people support choice who do not support abortion and few actively support unlimited abortion.

In case you haven't seen it, you should watch Morgan Freeman's "Through the Wormhole on Science channel. They repeated their episode on "when life begins" last night and it is an interesting watch. Believe it or not, scientists can't seem to agree. One thinks it is at conception. One thinks it is when a baby becomes concious of their surroundings and self. Another thinks it is when they become aware of how they are perceived by others.

When Does Life Begin? : Videos : Science Channel

Season 4 Episodes : Science Channel

Haven't seen it, but I'll look it up :)
Less than 2% of abortions are after 20 weeks, mainly for the health of the mother.

5000 women a year DIED from botched abortions before Roe.

Thank God next year there will be free birthcontrol with O-care. Will save billions and decimate abortion rate. No thanks to mindless obstructionist Pubs and silly dupes...

Oh please they said that about birth control in the 60s and sex ed, funny how it never changes much.
the title of this crap thread is all you need to see about it's dishonesty

EXTREME Anti-Abortion Measure ..hufferpost should be ashamed but they are into lying and stirring up hate and so is the OP
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Viability of the fetus? Why do pro-choice advocates stay so silent on late term abortions? To them it is about the right to choose over the right on an unseen baby to live.

No. It's about the right to keep control over your own body. It is absolutely that and fear that once you start banning it outright at any point, it's a slippery slope to banning it from conception on. Many people support choice who do not support abortion and few actively support unlimited abortion.

In case you haven't seen it, you should watch Morgan Freeman's "Through the Wormhole on Science channel. They repeated their episode on "when life begins" last night and it is an interesting watch. Believe it or not, scientists can't seem to agree. One thinks it is at conception. One thinks it is when a baby becomes concious of their surroundings and self. Another thinks it is when they become aware of how they are perceived by others.

When Does Life Begin? : Videos : Science Channel

Season 4 Episodes : Science Channel

Haven't seen it, but I'll look it up :)

Unfortunately, you can't seperate the results from the action. I'm libertarian at heart. I believe in personal freedom and liberty and being able to persue your own interests without interference. But that is coupled with personal responsibility and your pursuit not interfering with those on another person. In the case of pregnancy and abortion, I have to consider these principles. You may have made a choice to have sex. You did so with the full knowledge that even wiith birth control, you can get pregnant. Now that you find yourself with an undesired pregnancy, do you really have the moral and ethical right to make a choice to abort the fetus? Legally, you have the right. Morally and ethically? Personal choice starts bumping into the interference of another life......that resulted from your earlier free choice. It depends I suppose on whether you can convince yourself that it is just a lump of cells like a tumor and needs to be removed or whether you view it as a life and possibly the next Einstein. As a libertarian, I'm all for liberty. I'm all about choice. But not when your choice affects something as precious and valuable as a new life.
God forbid some people try to make it harder for sick twisted fucking progressives to kill babies. If only most weren't so fucking stupid to realize it was made to keep the black person down.
Viability of the fetus? Why do pro-choice advocates stay so silent on late term abortions? To them it is about the right to choose over the right on an unseen baby to live.

No. It's about the right to keep control over your own body. It is absolutely that and fear that once you start banning it outright at any point, it's a slippery slope to banning it from conception on. Many people support choice who do not support abortion and few actively support unlimited abortion.

In case you haven't seen it, you should watch Morgan Freeman's "Through the Wormhole on Science channel. They repeated their episode on "when life begins" last night and it is an interesting watch. Believe it or not, scientists can't seem to agree. One thinks it is at conception. One thinks it is when a baby becomes concious of their surroundings and self. Another thinks it is when they become aware of how they are perceived by others.

When Does Life Begin? : Videos : Science Channel

Season 4 Episodes : Science Channel

Haven't seen it, but I'll look it up :)

Unfortunately, you can't seperate the results from the action. I'm libertarian at heart. I believe in personal freedom and liberty and being able to persue your own interests without interference. But that is coupled with personal responsibility and your pursuit not interfering with those on another person. In the case of pregnancy and abortion, I have to consider these principles. You may have made a choice to have sex. You did so with the full knowledge that even wiith birth control, you can get pregnant. Now that you find yourself with an undesired pregnancy, do you really have the moral and ethical right to make a choice to abort the fetus? Legally, you have the right. Morally and ethically? Personal choice starts bumping into the interference of another life......that resulted from your earlier free choice. It depends I suppose on whether you can convince yourself that it is just a lump of cells like a tumor and needs to be removed or whether you view it as a life and possibly the next Einstein. As a libertarian, I'm all for liberty. I'm all about choice. But not when your choice affects something as precious and valuable as a new life.

I can respect that...

But if it's a rape, it's not free choice is it?

My feeling is the only one who can truly make that decision and must morally and ethically live with it either way, is the pregnant woman. I may not choose what she does - but I'm not walking in her shoes. That is why I'm pro choice.
No. It's about the right to keep control over your own body. It is absolutely that and fear that once you start banning it outright at any point, it's a slippery slope to banning it from conception on. Many people support choice who do not support abortion and few actively support unlimited abortion.

Haven't seen it, but I'll look it up :)

Unfortunately, you can't seperate the results from the action. I'm libertarian at heart. I believe in personal freedom and liberty and being able to persue your own interests without interference. But that is coupled with personal responsibility and your pursuit not interfering with those on another person. In the case of pregnancy and abortion, I have to consider these principles. You may have made a choice to have sex. You did so with the full knowledge that even wiith birth control, you can get pregnant. Now that you find yourself with an undesired pregnancy, do you really have the moral and ethical right to make a choice to abort the fetus? Legally, you have the right. Morally and ethically? Personal choice starts bumping into the interference of another life......that resulted from your earlier free choice. It depends I suppose on whether you can convince yourself that it is just a lump of cells like a tumor and needs to be removed or whether you view it as a life and possibly the next Einstein. As a libertarian, I'm all for liberty. I'm all about choice. But not when your choice affects something as precious and valuable as a new life.

I can respect that...

But if it's a rape, it's not free choice is it?

My feeling is the only one who can truly make that decision and must morally and ethically live with it either way, is the pregnant woman. I may not choose what she does - but I'm not walking in her shoes. That is why I'm pro choice.

what did that baby do to deserve the punishment of death?

Welcome to my nightmare
No. It's about the right to keep control over your own body. It is absolutely that and fear that once you start banning it outright at any point, it's a slippery slope to banning it from conception on. Many people support choice who do not support abortion and few actively support unlimited abortion.

Haven't seen it, but I'll look it up :)

Unfortunately, you can't seperate the results from the action. I'm libertarian at heart. I believe in personal freedom and liberty and being able to persue your own interests without interference. But that is coupled with personal responsibility and your pursuit not interfering with those on another person. In the case of pregnancy and abortion, I have to consider these principles. You may have made a choice to have sex. You did so with the full knowledge that even wiith birth control, you can get pregnant. Now that you find yourself with an undesired pregnancy, do you really have the moral and ethical right to make a choice to abort the fetus? Legally, you have the right. Morally and ethically? Personal choice starts bumping into the interference of another life......that resulted from your earlier free choice. It depends I suppose on whether you can convince yourself that it is just a lump of cells like a tumor and needs to be removed or whether you view it as a life and possibly the next Einstein. As a libertarian, I'm all for liberty. I'm all about choice. But not when your choice affects something as precious and valuable as a new life.

I can respect that...

But if it's a rape, it's not free choice is it?

My feeling is the only one who can truly make that decision and must morally and ethically live with it either way, is the pregnant woman. I may not choose what she does - but I'm not walking in her shoes. That is why I'm pro choice.

While rape obviously occurs and can result in pregnancy, that exceptional occurrence is used far too much and far too often as a defense for all abortion. Should a raped woman be able to abort the baby? I have no problem with that. I have no problem with safety of the mother. That being said, those are miniscule numbers in comparison to the abortions using those exceptions as justification for convenience.
Unfortunately, you can't seperate the results from the action. I'm libertarian at heart. I believe in personal freedom and liberty and being able to persue your own interests without interference. But that is coupled with personal responsibility and your pursuit not interfering with those on another person. In the case of pregnancy and abortion, I have to consider these principles. You may have made a choice to have sex. You did so with the full knowledge that even wiith birth control, you can get pregnant. Now that you find yourself with an undesired pregnancy, do you really have the moral and ethical right to make a choice to abort the fetus? Legally, you have the right. Morally and ethically? Personal choice starts bumping into the interference of another life......that resulted from your earlier free choice. It depends I suppose on whether you can convince yourself that it is just a lump of cells like a tumor and needs to be removed or whether you view it as a life and possibly the next Einstein. As a libertarian, I'm all for liberty. I'm all about choice. But not when your choice affects something as precious and valuable as a new life.

I can respect that...

But if it's a rape, it's not free choice is it?

My feeling is the only one who can truly make that decision and must morally and ethically live with it either way, is the pregnant woman. I may not choose what she does - but I'm not walking in her shoes. That is why I'm pro choice.

what did that baby do to deserve the punishment of death?

Welcome to my nightmare

You raped someone?
REALLY, who is taking away ABORTION?
that is the lie you all like to push

You Bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

So is that where the leftists draw the line? It's OK to kill a baby, but not a doctor? What about garbage collectors? Their job is important, but doesn't carry the same worth as a doctor. Is it OK to kill them too? Maybe the homeless? That could take care of the problem of those unwanted people as well. What prevents you lefties from making the jump from babies to older people?

They aren't babies until they are born. Doctors are already here. So are garbage collectors, the homeless, and the elderly. Although it wouldn't surprise me if you "let him die" teabaggers would advocate such for the homeless. It is generally accepted by all but extreme zealots that terminating a pregnancy is acceptable until the point of viability and even beyond that in certain circumstances. Yet all you yahoos who claim to not want the government to get in between the doctor and patient sure don't have any problem with that when it comes to a woman's reproductive choices.
You Bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

So is that where the leftists draw the line? It's OK to kill a baby, but not a doctor? What about garbage collectors? Their job is important, but doesn't carry the same worth as a doctor. Is it OK to kill them too? Maybe the homeless? That could take care of the problem of those unwanted people as well. What prevents you lefties from making the jump from babies to older people?

They aren't babies until they are born. Doctors are already here. So are garbage collectors, the homeless, and the elderly. Although it wouldn't surprise me if you "let him die" teabaggers would advocate such for the homeless. It is generally accepted by all but extreme zealots that terminating a pregnancy is acceptable until the point of viability and even beyond that in certain circumstances. Yet all you yahoos who claim to not want the government to get in between the doctor and patient sure don't have any problem with that when it comes to a woman's reproductive choices.

Here's a proper response for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, moronic troll such as yourself.......fuck you very much. When you grow up, maybe we can have an adult conversation like the one Coyote and I are having. Until then.........:finger3:
So is that where the leftists draw the line? It's OK to kill a baby, but not a doctor? What about garbage collectors? Their job is important, but doesn't carry the same worth as a doctor. Is it OK to kill them too? Maybe the homeless? That could take care of the problem of those unwanted people as well. What prevents you lefties from making the jump from babies to older people?

They aren't babies until they are born. Doctors are already here. So are garbage collectors, the homeless, and the elderly. Although it wouldn't surprise me if you "let him die" teabaggers would advocate such for the homeless. It is generally accepted by all but extreme zealots that terminating a pregnancy is acceptable until the point of viability and even beyond that in certain circumstances. Yet all you yahoos who claim to not want the government to get in between the doctor and patient sure don't have any problem with that when it comes to a woman's reproductive choices.

Here's a proper response for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, moronic troll such as yourself.......fuck you very much. When you grow up, maybe we can have an adult conversation like the one Coyote and I are having. Until then.........:finger3:

You're the one bringing in juvenile epithets and insults to the conversation. Go commit an impossible act upon yourself.
They aren't babies until they are born. Doctors are already here. So are garbage collectors, the homeless, and the elderly. Although it wouldn't surprise me if you "let him die" teabaggers would advocate such for the homeless. It is generally accepted by all but extreme zealots that terminating a pregnancy is acceptable until the point of viability and even beyond that in certain circumstances. Yet all you yahoos who claim to not want the government to get in between the doctor and patient sure don't have any problem with that when it comes to a woman's reproductive choices.

Here's a proper response for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, moronic troll such as yourself.......fuck you very much. When you grow up, maybe we can have an adult conversation like the one Coyote and I are having. Until then.........:finger3:

You're the one bringing in juvenile epithets and insults to the conversation. Go commit an impossible act upon yourself.

The quality of my responses are in direct proportion to the level of poster I'm dealing with. You just aren't worthy of a serious reponse. Try harder.
Here's a proper response for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, moronic troll such as yourself.......fuck you very much. When you grow up, maybe we can have an adult conversation like the one Coyote and I are having. Until then.........:finger3:

You're the one bringing in juvenile epithets and insults to the conversation. Go commit an impossible act upon yourself.

The quality of my responses are in direct proportion to the level of poster I'm dealing with. You just aren't worthy of a serious reponse. Try harder.

Direct proportion eh? Maybe if Stephen Hawking were to post here, your responses would rise to the level of 2nd grade.
Here is the budget bill: Am. Sub. H. B. No. 59**As Enrolled

From what I can gather from various Ohio news sources, Kasich wanted to raise taxes on oil and gas industries in order to enact an income tax cut. He also increased the state sales tax a small amount.

The Republicans in the Ohio legislature rejected the tax increase on oil and gas companies, but went ahead with the income tax cuts and state sales tax increase. Kasich can only veto line items, he cannot add line items such as a tax increase on oil and gas.

Kasich also wanted to expand Medicaid in accordance with ObamaCare, but the GOP stopped that, too.

As for the abortion stuff, I cannot find the requirement for a trans-abdominal ultrasound in the budget, which is just a fancy way of saying an ultrasound taken through the walls of the stomach. That's the kind of ultrasound most of us think of when we think "ultrasound". This is not the invasive probe which gets both pro-choice and pro-life women in an uproar.

From the press reports, it appears abortion clinics will not be able to send their patients to a publicly funded hospital if something goes wrong during the course of an abortion. The patient will have to be sent to a private hospital. In other words, if things go wrong when a mother tries to abort, the cost will come out of her own pocket.

It also appears Planned Parenthood will be placed at the back of the line of all pregnancy counseling services in Ohio. I do not know what sort of birth control services are provided by other family planning clinics in Ohio, but I do know that PP is a major source of birth control for low income women.
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