Far Right Republicans Are Furious After Anti Abortion Measure Dropped From Defense Bill

House Speaker Mike Johnson has—gasp!—compromised again. The latest version of the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act, unveiled late Wednesday, does not include Republican measures to block the Pentagon’s abortion travel policy and its policy of providing transition care for transgender troops.

Far-right Republicans did get to keep assorted poison-pill provisions on race, including a ban on critical race theory in the military and moves against diversity, equity, and inclusion staffing and programs in the military. But the compromise there is noteworthy, especially following the collapse of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blockade on military promotions to protest the abortion travel policy.

They better pray harder. It's only going to get worse for them in the future.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has—gasp!—compromised again. The latest version of the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act, unveiled late Wednesday, does not include Republican measures to block the Pentagon’s abortion travel policy and its policy of providing transition care for transgender troops.

Far-right Republicans did get to keep assorted poison-pill provisions on race, including a ban on critical race theory in the military and moves against diversity, equity, and inclusion staffing and programs in the military. But the compromise there is noteworthy, especially following the collapse of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blockade on military promotions to protest the abortion travel policy.

They better pray harder. It's only going to get worse for them in the future.
The poison pill is for the sin of taking a human life. If other humans are guaranteed by a Constitution for the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that should also be true for prebirth human beings who are alive and kicking inside their mother's womb. Nobody is poisoned who ends his or her sin against another human being including a little human being inside its mother. The other sin is the prick who got her pregnant and does not care to pay child support for the next 18 years due to other sins--greed, paying someone to murder and dismember the little human being that is being removed through abortion., all so he can get off scot-free and spend his money on the next woman he victimizes with his seed. Pleasure has its consequences if it rides on killing another human being, and since fetuses ARE beings, and to be precise are human beings from their 2-cell form through birth 9 months later, taking a first step, growing, first day of school, and living life from childhood til the being passes away at home or in hospice. Abortion is a hostile thing, it hurts the little baby who avoids being stabbed and have its brains sucked out to insure the most unimaginable pain its only remembrance of life on this earth. :puke:
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🤣 otto 105 ???

Good grief, Charlie Brown. Otto thinks the death of an unborn baby is something to laugh one's butt off about when it is actually a very barbaric act as bad as Hamas killing parents after hearing their baby scream in the hot ovens they torture children of Jews in to make certain the last thing their parents remember hearing before their murders are executed is the sound of their youngsters screaming out loud in the pain of being burned alive. :puke:


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Politics is the art of the possible. That bill will not pass with anti-abortion language.

And if the GOP does not wise up, next year's elections will be a castrophe for hem.
🤣 otto 105 ???

Good grief, Charlie Brown. Otto thinks the death of an unborn baby is something to laugh one's butt off about when it is actually a very barbaric act as bad as Hamas killing parents after hearing their baby scream in the hot ovens they torture children of Jews in to make certain the last thing their parents remember hearing before their murders are executed is the sound of their youngsters screaming out loud in the pain of being burned alive. :puke:

Didn't the texas republic party just vote to keep associating with national socialists and antisemites.
House Speaker Mike Johnson has—gasp!—compromised again. The latest version of the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act, unveiled late Wednesday, does not include Republican measures to block the Pentagon’s abortion travel policy and its policy of providing transition care for transgender troops.

Far-right Republicans did get to keep assorted poison-pill provisions on race, including a ban on critical race theory in the military and moves against diversity, equity, and inclusion staffing and programs in the military. But the compromise there is noteworthy, especially following the collapse of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blockade on military promotions to protest the abortion travel policy.

They better pray harder. It's only going to get worse for them in the future.
Another stupid post, so you approve putting utterly unrelated matters into Nancy Pelosi's omnibus bills knowing that that is done so democracy can't discuss or check what a couple fat political bastards want. YOu are no friend to humane government.
Yes, how is it not principled?
I don't usually reply where I see Guiness-Book ignoracne of our Founding but ,hey, an exception

How are omnibus bills legal?

An omnibus bill is a single document that is accepted in a single vote by a legislature but packages together several measures into one or combines diverse subjects. Because of their large size and scope, omnibus bills limit opportunities for debate and scrutiny
🤣 otto 105 ???

Good grief, Charlie Brown. Otto thinks the death of an unborn baby
Nobody thinks abortion is killing babies. Only liars and lunatics say they do, and I delight in pointing that out.

So why do all pro-lifers lie about that?

1. They get a sick pervy thrill from lying.
2. They get a sick pervy thrill from being deranged control freaks.
3. TheParty told them to lie, and they always obey authority.
With progressive policies on the rise and far left wackos in congress things will get worse for everyone.

Take a look around sometime to see how crazy our society has become.

Why is that the best places in the world to live are all run by "far left wackos", and the USA is sliding down that list into oblivion, the more far right you become?

The "crazy society" you're referring to is the right wing authoritarian racists.
Why is that the best places in the world to live are all run by "far left wackos", and the USA is sliding down that list into oblivion, the more far right you become?

The "crazy society" you're referring to is the right wing authoritarian racists.

Best places in the world?


List please. :popcorn:
Politics is the art of the possible. That bill will not pass with anti-abortion language.

And if the GOP does not wise up, next year's elections will be a castrophe for hem.
It's way too late for them to wise up. They have boxed themselves in.

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