Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

With the passage of Ohio's new state budget, women in that state have lost access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.

On Sunday night, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 59, the new $62 billion state budget that includes a $2.7 billion tax cut and increases the sales tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.75 percent, WLWT.com reported.

The budget also included several controversial anti-abortion measures, including one that will force any woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-abdominal ultrasound.

Another measure of the budget puts Planned Parenthood last on the list of family-planning dollars, which essentially cuts off $1.4 million in federal funding, The Columbus Dispatch reported. Per WLWT.com, "Opponents of the new abortion restriction said that three clinics in Ohio would likely close now that the measure is implemented."

Rape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.

According to The Plain Dealer, Kasich quickly left his Statehouse office after signing the budget, not allowing reporters to ask questions. The new budget goes into effect on Monday.
More: Ohio Abortion Restrictions: Gov. John Kasich Signs New State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures

The continuing war on women is sad to watch. There will be a day of reckoning at the ballot box.

Damn, Lakky....up until 3:30am just to get a jump?

I just now got my ThinkProgress e-mail

Hufferpost should banned from this site they are nothing but liars and spread hate..

there is nothing extreme about this procedure..women have a cold shiny thing that looks like a duck bill used on them all the time for a frikken PAP SMEAR

And it's a woman's CHOICE to have a PAP Smear.

Damn, you're thick.

I think you're the one being thick here. Sure, no law says we have to go get a physical each year. Obamacare might change that, who knows.

Thing is, if you go to the doctor with symptoms of heart trouble, it is your choice to have tests done before the doctor treats you, but you won't get treated unless the tests are done.

Just because a woman wants an abortion doesn't mean everything is fine. It could be a tubal pregnancy or other problems could be present, so why should the doctor go in blind?

If they don't want the test, then they must not want an abortion.

If you don't want the x-ray, maybe you don't want your broken leg put in a cast.

If you don't want an MRI or other tests, then you must not want your health problem addressed.

You don't want dental x-rays, then you must not want your tooth fixed.

You don't just go in and say give me this or that procedure. Doctors should do whatever is necessary to ensure the abortion is done safe and that means looking for potential risks or other conditions.

What part of that don't you get?

Would you prefer that women risk their health or their lives over an abortion? It's a matter of being safe and nothing more. Damn near every medical test or procedure can be deemed intrusive. Get over it. You want abortions, let the doctors do tests beforehand and avoid tragedies and lawsuits.
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Hufferpost should banned from this site they are nothing but liars and spread hate..

there is nothing extreme about this procedure..women have a cold shiny thing that looks like a duck bill used on them all the time for a frikken PAP SMEAR

And it's a woman's CHOICE to have a PAP Smear.

Damn, you're thick.

true..but it isn't like having a baby sucked from you..How many have you had?

Some of these liberal women have never had an abortion. They cannot speak from experience, they hope they can gain leverage on this issue just because they are women. They seem to think they can use such leverage to tell other women what to do with their bodies. Unless they have had an abortion, they should remain quiet.
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What is a "rape baby"? Is that somehow not the same a baby?

Apparently a child who is a product of rape is somehow less human than any other child in the mind of some.

Instead of traumatizing by carrying a baby, these people want to traumatize them by killing it.

You don't seem to understand that it is the pregnant woman's decision.

That is truly astounding. That is as much ignorance in a single post as I have ever seen here.

Yes you are right.

Let her pay for it.
"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.

They already made a choice for their uterus.

And THAT is none of your business, no matter how much you want to control a woman's life. It is THEIR choice when they fornicate, and it is THEIR choice if they become pregnant whether to continue or end the pregnancy...NOT YOURS

No. It's their choice to fornicate. Once a new life is created, their rights are in play and no one has the right to kill a child to avoid the consequences of fornication.
No, it is about the woman's right to decide what to do with her life. It is not your decision. And if you want to MAKE it your decision, then YOU own that decision. And YOU must pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy. YOU must pay for her frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist. YOU must pay for her special nutrition and vitamins. YOU must pay for her new wardrobe. YOU must make sure she quits smoking. YOU must cover her lost wages. And if her FORCED pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother, YOU must support her the rest of her life.

If you unwilling to take on those responsibilities, then you really need to mind your own business.

Ill mind my business until it comes to taking the life of my fellow citizens and children. You don't have a right to kill children to avoid responsibility for the consequences of your own actions.
maybe you right to lifers can start a fund to take care of unwanted babies, and pay the woman that was going to have an abortion a certain amount of money to go through with child birth.

Or maybe people can stop running away from their responsibilities and step up instead of making every excuse under the sun to avoid it.
Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

It's alright. I forgive you. And I love you as a brother despite your choices here.

I know it's a standard piece of propaganda that we don't care about children after they are born because we oppose the government exceeding it's authority and creating a bureaucracy that in no way helps them, but that doesn't make it any less of a lie.

Tell me, who actually cares for the children? Those who want to keep them alive? Or those who want the ability to kill them?

Who actually cares about providing for children in need: Those who actually provide charity for them through their own actions, money, and advocacy for perosnal responsiblity and private charity? Or those who think they should outsource the responsibility from both themselves and the parents to the government?

The truth is not with the pro abortion movement. That's why they have to pretend that an unborn child isn't a child. That's why they are fighting so desperately against laws that provide more information for prospective parents by allowing them to listen to the heart beat. When people see the truth, they don't abort.

You can be emotionally outraged all you want. But the truth shall set you free. I am sure there are some ultrasounds recorded somewhere on the internet. Watch and listen to one. When you see the baby and listen to his/her heart beat, how can you honestly deny it's not a child?

I don't need your forgiveness. How haughty and narcissistic can you get? How can you claim to be a moral and ethical person, and LIE the way you do? Those government programs you say have helped no one, have helped MILLIONS. Programs like Social Security and Medicare have lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Before Medicare, half the citizens over 65 did not have insurance. They were one illness away from losing everything they worked their whole life for. Before Medicare elderly citizens were the MOST likely to fall into poverty, after Medicare they became the LEAST likely.

You give to charity, how wonderful. So do I. But charity alone did not take care of these people before government programs and it will not take care of these people today. Those programs give people security. They know how much they will get each month and if they become ill, it will not wipe out their life savings.

You want grandma to crawl out of bed every morning in a state of anxiety, not knowing if she will eat today. And what you REALLY want is to give grandma a cup, so she can come begging to you and demean herself in front of you. Then YOU can play God...

I forgive you nonetheless. Despite your lies and insults.

Again, trying to push your responsibilities off onto other people is not charity. Social security and medicare are keeping people in poverty.

If your grandma needs to be taken care of. Take care of her. The idea that you should be able to force others to take care of your grandmother and doing so somehow makes you compassionate is one of the biggest scams ever made.

We all have responsibilities to our take care of ourselves. Then our families. Then our neighbors. What we don't have the right to do is demand others fulfill our responsibilities.
A woman having the right to choose is the VERY DEFINITION of personal responsibility. That PERSON, that INDIVIDUAL decides what SHE wants to do, or not do.

You turds want to make YOUR choice HERS whether she likes it or not.

No it isn't Personal responsibility is doing what you need in consequence to your choices regardless of whether you want to do it.

For example, if you chose to have sex. You take responsibility for the consequences of that choice, like a child either by taking care of the child yourself or finding a good family to take care of them

Personal responsibliity isn't about avoiding consequences, but rather acknowledging them and dealing with them instead of pretending they don't exist.
So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

Go back to school.

Why? She might want to actually learn something.
Moral and ethic people don't support cutting off programs that help people.

Programs dont help people. People help people.

Exactly and people can also help themselves by avoiding getting into messes that are hard to turn around. There are way too many abortions, which tells us that a lot of women don't have a handle on their lives. Before some liberal comes in claiming that most are rape victims, forget it. Most abortions are ones of convenience and how sad is it that women are stupid enough to wait months before dealing with it and then want really late term abortions. They aren't smart enough about contraception either. And I am tired of them blaming others for not paying for contraceptives and delivering them to their door. Maybe we're supposed to call them every day and remind them to take their pill, too. Personal responsibility shouldn't be such a foreign concept, but too many government programs geared to clean up peoples' mistakes only encourages more bad decisions.

Some women send the message that the rest of us are totally responsible for what they've done and what they will do in the future. Either make sure they have birth control, make abortions easy and pay for them or we'll have to pay to take care of them and all the children they will have. It's like they have no intention now or ever to be responsible for themselves. They are clearly ignorant and the left supports their sorry attitude.

What kind of screwed up thinking do they possess when they think personal responsibility is when a woman chooses whether we pay for her contraception or abortion now or pay to raise her kids. Her choice how much the government will confiscate from us on her behalf. The woman takes no responsibility, but calls the shots. The rest of us have no choice and must pay for whatever choice she makes.

We all have choices and we all should face consequences of our choices.

And who takes responsibility when women die of a botched abortion because there were complications that went undetected because liberals don't want any tests prior to the abortion? Will the liberals cheer because they got their way or will they sic the best liberal lawyers on doctors? I think we all know the answer.

Liberals want to control guns and they say if it saves one life, it's worth it. Yet, they won't agree to a simple test that may save women's lives and prevent them from having future problems. WTF????

There is no consistency here, which is typical when people just support the liberal pet projects without thought.
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Freedom is about taking responsibility for your own actions. Specially if taxpayers money and another human life are involved.

I just read a website discussing the attempt to ban most abortions beyond 12 weeks in Arkansas. Most liberals there accuse Republicans of extremism and compare them to chinese communists... That's funny, considering that most democratic devolep nations ban abortion on demand after the 12th week. And only a few consider abortion a "woman's right".

Less than 2% of abortions are after 20 weeks, mainly for the health of the mother.

It seems that 1% or 2% are always a negligible amount of people... except if they are gay :cool:
What is wrong about counseling rape victims about abortion? They have the option to abort, surely the lifers don't want to force them to have a rape baby?

Oh wait - they do.

What is a "rape baby"? Is that somehow not the same a baby?

Not a baby that a woman always looks forward to having. Removing her option of abortion, which may help her recover is sickening. But then, lifers are known to be sick freaks who get off on forcing women to have babies.

They probably think that the woman enjoyed the rape.
And it's a woman's CHOICE to have a PAP Smear.

Damn, you're thick.

true..but it isn't like having a baby sucked from you..How many have you had?

Some of these liberal women have never had an abortion. They cannot speak from experience, they hope they can gain leverage on this issue just because they are women. They seem to think they can use such leverage to tell other women what to do with their bodies. Unless they have had an abortion, they should remain quiet.

You are a man. You will never have an abortion, therefore you have no right to an opinion.
It's alright. I forgive you. And I love you as a brother despite your choices here.

I know it's a standard piece of propaganda that we don't care about children after they are born because we oppose the government exceeding it's authority and creating a bureaucracy that in no way helps them, but that doesn't make it any less of a lie.

Tell me, who actually cares for the children? Those who want to keep them alive? Or those who want the ability to kill them?

Who actually cares about providing for children in need: Those who actually provide charity for them through their own actions, money, and advocacy for perosnal responsiblity and private charity? Or those who think they should outsource the responsibility from both themselves and the parents to the government?

The truth is not with the pro abortion movement. That's why they have to pretend that an unborn child isn't a child. That's why they are fighting so desperately against laws that provide more information for prospective parents by allowing them to listen to the heart beat. When people see the truth, they don't abort.

You can be emotionally outraged all you want. But the truth shall set you free. I am sure there are some ultrasounds recorded somewhere on the internet. Watch and listen to one. When you see the baby and listen to his/her heart beat, how can you honestly deny it's not a child?

I don't need your forgiveness. How haughty and narcissistic can you get? How can you claim to be a moral and ethical person, and LIE the way you do? Those government programs you say have helped no one, have helped MILLIONS. Programs like Social Security and Medicare have lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Before Medicare, half the citizens over 65 did not have insurance. They were one illness away from losing everything they worked their whole life for. Before Medicare elderly citizens were the MOST likely to fall into poverty, after Medicare they became the LEAST likely.

You give to charity, how wonderful. So do I. But charity alone did not take care of these people before government programs and it will not take care of these people today. Those programs give people security. They know how much they will get each month and if they become ill, it will not wipe out their life savings.

You want grandma to crawl out of bed every morning in a state of anxiety, not knowing if she will eat today. And what you REALLY want is to give grandma a cup, so she can come begging to you and demean herself in front of you. Then YOU can play God...

I forgive you nonetheless. Despite your lies and insults.

Again, trying to push your responsibilities off onto other people is not charity. Social security and medicare are keeping people in poverty.

If your grandma needs to be taken care of. Take care of her. The idea that you should be able to force others to take care of your grandmother and doing so somehow makes you compassionate is one of the biggest scams ever made.

We all have responsibilities to our take care of ourselves. Then our families. Then our neighbors. What we don't have the right to do is demand others fulfill our responsibilities.

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke

You truly are an enemy to good, and it is high and mighty haughty and narcissistic people like you who are a real danger to this country. You don't operate based of facts or truth, you operate based on ideology, doctrinaire and dogma.

Social security and medicare are NOT keeping people in poverty. They have LIFTED MILLIONS of seniors out of poverty. The FACTS and statistics overwhelmingly support that. And you have ZERO facts or statistics to back up your LIES.

WHY are you lying Avatar?

You are either ignorant or scurrilous, which is it? Social Security and Medicare do NOT push responsibilities off onto other people, they are INSURANCE programs. Do you understand how insurance programs work Avatar?

Before Medicare, about half of the elderly had no health insurance—they were too old and too likely to get sick, so the private market simply wouldn’t insure them. The elderly were the demographic group most likely to live in poverty, and about one in three older Americans were poor. Blacks and other minorities could not receive treatment in whites-only medical facilities, discrimination that was barred by Medicare.

Now the elderly are among the best-insured Americans, with upward of 95 percent covered by Medicare. The rate of poverty among those 65 and older is under 10 percent. The decline in elderly poverty began with the creation of Social Security—but it accelerated, according to Census Bureau data, only after Medicare coverage began.

And Medicare provides good care. American life expectancy at birth ranks 30th in the world. We remain 30th for the rest of our lives -- until we reach 65. Then, our rank rises until we reach 14th at 80. We can thank the remarkable access to health care provided by Medicare.
here you go folks, from the troll who who started this thread... I guess they don't think this is EXTREME

Quote: Originally Posted by Lakhota View Post
I am also a gun lover, but the 2nd Amendment will be changed. It's just a matter of time...

But keep your hand's off the service that KILLS children...
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It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

You dont have to convict a woman of murder, you just make the procedure illegal. Class A misdemeanor or low level felony and be done with it.

You are conceding that the fetus is not a person if you do that. It's either murder or it isn't;

we don't charge women with misdemeanors for killing their born children.

You are assuming I consider it murder. I don't, I consider it wrong, but again my libertarian leanings make me want to leave it to the state legislatures to decide.

What I know is that its a seperate organism and it dies when an abortion is performed.
I don't need your forgiveness. How haughty and narcissistic can you get? How can you claim to be a moral and ethical person, and LIE the way you do? Those government programs you say have helped no one, have helped MILLIONS. Programs like Social Security and Medicare have lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Before Medicare, half the citizens over 65 did not have insurance. They were one illness away from losing everything they worked their whole life for. Before Medicare elderly citizens were the MOST likely to fall into poverty, after Medicare they became the LEAST likely.

You give to charity, how wonderful. So do I. But charity alone did not take care of these people before government programs and it will not take care of these people today. Those programs give people security. They know how much they will get each month and if they become ill, it will not wipe out their life savings.

You want grandma to crawl out of bed every morning in a state of anxiety, not knowing if she will eat today. And what you REALLY want is to give grandma a cup, so she can come begging to you and demean herself in front of you. Then YOU can play God...

I forgive you nonetheless. Despite your lies and insults.

Again, trying to push your responsibilities off onto other people is not charity. Social security and medicare are keeping people in poverty.

If your grandma needs to be taken care of. Take care of her. The idea that you should be able to force others to take care of your grandmother and doing so somehow makes you compassionate is one of the biggest scams ever made.

We all have responsibilities to our take care of ourselves. Then our families. Then our neighbors. What we don't have the right to do is demand others fulfill our responsibilities.

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke

You truly are an enemy to good, and it is high and mighty haughty and narcissistic people like you who are a real danger to this country. You don't operate based of facts or truth, you operate based on ideology, doctrinaire and dogma.

Social security and medicare are NOT keeping people in poverty. They have LIFTED MILLIONS of seniors out of poverty. The FACTS and statistics overwhelmingly support that. And you have ZERO facts or statistics to back up your LIES.

WHY are you lying Avatar?

You are either ignorant or scurrilous, which is it? Social Security and Medicare do NOT push responsibilities off onto other people, they are INSURANCE programs. Do you understand how insurance programs work Avatar?

Before Medicare, about half of the elderly had no health insurance—they were too old and too likely to get sick, so the private market simply wouldn’t insure them. The elderly were the demographic group most likely to live in poverty, and about one in three older Americans were poor. Blacks and other minorities could not receive treatment in whites-only medical facilities, discrimination that was barred by Medicare.

Now the elderly are among the best-insured Americans, with upward of 95 percent covered by Medicare. The rate of poverty among those 65 and older is under 10 percent. The decline in elderly poverty began with the creation of Social Security—but it accelerated, according to Census Bureau data, only after Medicare coverage began.

And Medicare provides good care. American life expectancy at birth ranks 30th in the world. We remain 30th for the rest of our lives -- until we reach 65. Then, our rank rises until we reach 14th at 80. We can thank the remarkable access to health care provided by Medicare.

this post full of drama hot air
the only high and mighty I see is you and the others here who think abortion should be free of any type of regulation even if it is a medical one..and then go on and on about how it's our responsibility as people to have to PAY for the killing of A WOMANS CHOICE
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true..but it isn't like having a baby sucked from you..How many have you had?

Some of these liberal women have never had an abortion. They cannot speak from experience, they hope they can gain leverage on this issue just because they are women. They seem to think they can use such leverage to tell other women what to do with their bodies. Unless they have had an abortion, they should remain quiet.

You are a man. You will never have an abortion, therefore you have no right to an opinion.

You are a woman, you will never have the chance of getting drafted, therefore you have no right to an opinion when it comes to war....

You are not a firefighter, therefore you have no right to an opinion when it comes to fighting fires.

You are not a police officer, therefore you have no right to an opinion when it comes to crime.

You are from australia, therefore you have no right to an opinion when it comes to American Politics.

Women dont get exclusive balliwick over certain topics because of thier naughty parts.
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