Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

so, maybe the woman wants to make a different choice for her uterus. You want to take away her freedom to make a choice.

I am not for abortion, prostitution, or drug abuse. I am for a person being able to make choices regarding their own bodies. You know... Freedom? The thing that wingnuts claim to be for, but are always trying to take away bit by bit?

really, who is taking away abortion?
That is the lie you all like to push

you bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies
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really, who is taking away abortion?
That is the lie you all like to push

you bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies

So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.
you bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies

So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this
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Again, it's not the uterus that is the issue. It's the state's power to protect the innocent life inside the uterus.

No, it is about the woman's right to decide what to do with her life. It is not your decision. And if you want to MAKE it your decision, then YOU own that decision. And YOU must pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy. YOU must pay for her frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist. YOU must pay for her special nutrition and vitamins. YOU must pay for her new wardrobe. YOU must make sure she quits smoking. YOU must cover her lost wages. And if her FORCED pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother, YOU must support her the rest of her life.

If you unwilling to take on those responsibilities, then you really need to mind your own business.

We used to have this old fashioned notion of personal responsibility and that actions had consequences. Sad that the left always resorts to the mulligan.

A woman having the right to choose is the VERY DEFINITION of personal responsibility. That PERSON, that INDIVIDUAL decides what SHE wants to do, or not do.

You turds want to make YOUR choice HERS whether she likes it or not.
you bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies

So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

you're just another liar who like's to make up shit about what others are or want..you pro-choice people are good for that
more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies

So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

Go back to school.
more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies

So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

Hey Steph, when will you stop sticking pencils in your ear? If you had your way abortions would be banned. Do you REALLY believe banning abortions would END abortions???

OR, would banning abortions only end SAFE abortions?
So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

Hey Steph, when will you stop sticking pencils in your ear? If you had your way abortions would be banned. Do you REALLY believe banning abortions would END abortions???

OR, would banning abortions only end SAFE abortions?

I've never called for abortion being banned..so you and you buddies here can go right on with you lies..that is the typical pro-abortion person..
right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

Hey Steph, when will you stop sticking pencils in your ear? If you had your way abortions would be banned. Do you REALLY believe banning abortions would END abortions???

OR, would banning abortions only end SAFE abortions?

I've never called for abortion being banned..so you and you buddies here can go right on with you lies..

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so you are PRO CHOICE...how nice...
Hufferpost should banned from this site they are nothing but liars and spread hate..

there is nothing extreme about this procedure..women have a cold shiny thing that looks like a duck bill used on them all the time for a frikken PAP SMEAR

And it's a woman's CHOICE to have a PAP Smear.

Damn, you're thick.
Hey Steph, when will you stop sticking pencils in your ear? If you had your way abortions would be banned. Do you REALLY believe banning abortions would END abortions???

OR, would banning abortions only end SAFE abortions?

I've never called for abortion being banned..so you and you buddies here can go right on with you lies..

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so you are PRO CHOICE...how nice...

oooooooo, what do I care if people like you kill off all your offspring
this thread is about having a medical procedure done before having a abortion and you people go ape shit over it..it is you who are rabid PRO CHOICE who is uncaring and not only do not care about the babies being killed but the life of the mothers in denying her having a medical procedure..
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more lies...blaa blaa blaa
I HAVEN'T picket one fucking place or publish anyone address or called for a ban on abortion..so carry on with your lies

So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

And all you care about is your love affair with the fetus. You stop caring once the kid is born. Then it's just a tax burden.
Hufferpost should banned from this site they are nothing but liars and spread hate..

there is nothing extreme about this procedure..women have a cold shiny thing that looks like a duck bill used on them all the time for a frikken PAP SMEAR

And it's a woman's CHOICE to have a PAP Smear.

Damn, you're thick.

true..but it isn't like having a baby sucked from you..How many have you had?
So? You're still in favor of more and more restrictions which equate to a de facto ban. You're just another anti freedom wingnut... so carry on with your denial.

right, calling for a medical procedure be done before they have a abortion is now calling for the banning of it...and why don't you want women have the best medical they can before they have a abortion?..it is you pro abortions people who don't give a shit about the WOMAN..

all you care is being able to scream about womens rights, while you care NOTHING about the baby or the woman in all this

And all you care about is your love affair with the fetus. You stop caring once the kid is born. Then it's just a tax burden.

don't tell me what I care about..I've paid into welfare all my working life, 50 years now...you people can go to hell
I've never called for abortion being banned..so you and you buddies here can go right on with you lies..

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so you are PRO CHOICE...how nice...

oooooooo, what do I care if people like you kill off all your offspring
this thread is about having a medical procedure done before having a abortion and you people go ape shit over it..it is you who are rabid PRO CHOICE who is uncaring and not only do not care about the babies being killed but the life of the mothers in denying her having a medical procedure..

Then let the mother....CHOOSE if she wants a medical procedure done before having a abortion...

I fixed it...thread complete....
Hufferpost should banned from this site they are nothing but liars and spread hate..

there is nothing extreme about this procedure..women have a cold shiny thing that looks like a duck bill used on them all the time for a frikken PAP SMEAR

And it's a woman's CHOICE to have a PAP Smear.

Damn, you're thick.

true..but it isn't like having a baby sucked from you..How many have you had?

Abortions? I've had as many as you have dearie....

or did you mean PAP Smears? Are you saying men are never probed in their nether-regions?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so you are PRO CHOICE...how nice...

oooooooo, what do I care if people like you kill off all your offspring
this thread is about having a medical procedure done before having a abortion and you people go ape shit over it..it is you who are rabid PRO CHOICE who is uncaring and not only do not care about the babies being killed but the life of the mothers in denying her having a medical procedure..

Then let the mother....CHOOSE if she wants a medical procedure done before having a abortion...

I fixed it...thread complete....

well that isn't up to me, this is a STATE rule...go whine to them..but I don't have a problem with it and I'm a WOMAN... and again if you people don't like it don't go to THAT STATE for abortions

damn you people are nutty..over a state rule not even a FEDERAL rule
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Lakhota the troll got his wish, another shit stirring thread with something from that worthless shit stirring site, Hufferpost

and boy how about that title?

real sad this is what you find most important, fearmonging off the backs of women and dead children
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this is fitting here..now we know pro abortion people wouldn't try and mislead others, would they
all the story on this video at site..

[ame=http://youtu.be/uCX-tLqETpk]Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - New Mexico - YouTube[/ame]

ALL of it here:
New Live Action video shows abortionist misleading on fetal pain « Hot Air

New Live Action video shows abortionist misleading on fetal pain

posted at 8:01 am on July 1, 2013 by Ed Morrissey
Live Action has a new undercover video out today, in which a 27-weeks-pregnant undercover reporter goes back to the same clinic and same abortionist featured in their previous video. In that earlier episode, Dr. Carmen Landau likened a late-term abortion injection that kills a baby to “a flu shot.” This time, Landau once again can’t answer whether a child can feel pain at the 27th week of gestation, even though it’s clearly established that the entire neural network for pain has developed by the 20th week.
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