Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.

They already made a choice for their uterus.

And THAT is none of your business, no matter how much you want to control a woman's life. It is THEIR choice when they fornicate, and it is THEIR choice if they become pregnant whether to continue or end the pregnancy...NOT YOURS

I don't care what a woman does with her body......except when she wants to kill the other human body growing inside her.
AGAIN, you want to force YOUR definition so you can continue to pontificate.

The LAW of the land does NOT say or support 'life begins at conception. You can chant it from now until eternity, it is a LIE. The law says an egg is not a child until it reaches viability. That is sooner than God defines it.

No. Logic and science define life begining at conception. When there is a unique indivdual with it's own unique DNA with cells that are growing, it's alive.

The law of the land is irrelevant in a discussion about the truth because the law doesn't always reflect the truth, especially when administred by wicked people.

This is a thread about the law in a 'politics' forum. If you want to discuss abortion as a religious issue you aren't really in the right thread.
And for you to presume that you are the arbiter of what is the truth or not the truth is to presume that only you among us possess the power to be such an arbiter.

What led you to that conclusion?

You don't have to participate in the discussion if it offends your sensibilities.
Funny how morality and ethics always rankle the hedonist left. You might want to wipe your mouth. You have a little spittle in the corner there.

Moral and ethic people don't support cutting off programs that help people.

You are correct. Conservative, moral and ethical people have always been charitable with their own time, talent and fortune to help people. Taking other people's hard earned money and giving it to people who think they are entitled to it and won't lift a finger to support themselves is not help. I'm not sure why the left is so confused over that, but they just keep throwing good money after bad to feel good about themselves.......when it isn't even their money to give. Keeping people dependent as the left does is not helpful, moral or ethical.

They are not confused. Giving people money for nothing is a perfect control method - it is addictive. Left is all about government control, or elite control, and in "elite" they mean themselves, obviously. When they will become controlled it would be a total surprise :lol:
omg, EXTREME anti abortion measure...............what will the people ever do?

I guess don't go to that state to kill your children..tskt sk

It is no longer HER uterus, it has been deemed property of the STATE. This is a BIG and invasive of a person's liberty as BIG government can get.

Hey Steph, are YOU going to pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy? Frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist, special nutrition and vitamins, new wardrobe, make sure she quits smoking, cover lost income etc?

What if her pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother?

Again, it's not the uterus that is the issue. It's the state's power to protect the innocent life inside the uterus.

No, it is about the woman's right to decide what to do with her life. It is not your decision. And if you want to MAKE it your decision, then YOU own that decision. And YOU must pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy. YOU must pay for her frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist. YOU must pay for her special nutrition and vitamins. YOU must pay for her new wardrobe. YOU must make sure she quits smoking. YOU must cover her lost wages. And if her FORCED pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother, YOU must support her the rest of her life.

If you unwilling to take on those responsibilities, then you really need to mind your own business.
ooo, we MUST pay her bills, don't we already?

for crying out loud..get a friggen grip..I for one am tired of contributing to woman in the killing of her baby..she wants a abortion just so she won't be (saddled with a unwanted baby) go beg for the money or she can call Bfgrn they'll send their paycheck

and if enough people get together to change these laws where our money doesn't go for abortion there isn't a damn thing you people do or say about it...what is that you all say, that is DEMOCRACY
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Maybe the gun grabbers can strike a deal with the fetus lovers. repubs will lay off on fetus control if the dems lay off of gun control.
ooo, we MUST pay her bills, don't we already?

for crying out loud..get a friggen grip..I for one am tired of contributing to woman in the killing of her baby..she wants a abortion just so she won't be (saddled with a unwanted baby) go beg for the money

and if enough people get together to change these laws where our money doesn't go for abortion there isn't a damn thing you people do or say about it...what is that you all say, that is DEMOCRACY

maybe you right to lifers can start a fund to take care of unwanted babies, and pay the woman that was going to have an abortion a certain amount of money to go through with child birth.
ooo, we MUST pay her bills, don't we already?

for crying out loud..get a friggen grip..I for one am tired of contributing to woman in the killing of her baby..she wants a abortion just so she won't be (saddled with a unwanted baby) go beg for the money

and if enough people get together to change these laws where our money doesn't go for abortion there isn't a damn thing you people do or say about it...what is that you all say, that is DEMOCRACY

maybe you right to lifers can start a fund to take care of unwanted babies, and pay the woman that was going to have an abortion a certain amount of money to go through with child birth.

no, that should be you bleeding hearts liberals duty...instead you would rather the STATE (taxpayers) take of them so killing them is the best in your all eyes...

some hearts you all have
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they don't like to have pointed out how they are two faced hyocrites... they wail we need gun control for the children then sit here and whine about ANY control on abortions which kill more children each day than guns do..

that is why to some I AM the one filled with hate...cracks me up

That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.

Yet, late term abortions are indeed part of the "choice" argument.......aren't they?

They have to be from the point of view that if they are banned entirely, the mother could lose her life or health or be forced to carry a baby to term that will die at birth.

Being part of the "choice" argument does not equal being elective.

How many pro-choice people argue from the point of "up to this line and no further".

How many pro-choice people want elective late term abortions legalized?

When the right tries to define that line, they are shot down by the left.

How are they trying to define that line?

Soooo, they do support late term abortion. They just try to not admit it.

Bad logic. Try again.
Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

It's alright. I forgive you. And I love you as a brother despite your choices here.

I know it's a standard piece of propaganda that we don't care about children after they are born because we oppose the government exceeding it's authority and creating a bureaucracy that in no way helps them, but that doesn't make it any less of a lie.

Tell me, who actually cares for the children? Those who want to keep them alive? Or those who want the ability to kill them?

Who actually cares about providing for children in need: Those who actually provide charity for them through their own actions, money, and advocacy for perosnal responsiblity and private charity? Or those who think they should outsource the responsibility from both themselves and the parents to the government?

The truth is not with the pro abortion movement. That's why they have to pretend that an unborn child isn't a child. That's why they are fighting so desperately against laws that provide more information for prospective parents by allowing them to listen to the heart beat. When people see the truth, they don't abort.

You can be emotionally outraged all you want. But the truth shall set you free. I am sure there are some ultrasounds recorded somewhere on the internet. Watch and listen to one. When you see the baby and listen to his/her heart beat, how can you honestly deny it's not a child?

I don't need your forgiveness. How haughty and narcissistic can you get? How can you claim to be a moral and ethical person, and LIE the way you do? Those government programs you say have helped no one, have helped MILLIONS. Programs like Social Security and Medicare have lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Before Medicare, half the citizens over 65 did not have insurance. They were one illness away from losing everything they worked their whole life for. Before Medicare elderly citizens were the MOST likely to fall into poverty, after Medicare they became the LEAST likely.

You give to charity, how wonderful. So do I. But charity alone did not take care of these people before government programs and it will not take care of these people today. Those programs give people security. They know how much they will get each month and if they become ill, it will not wipe out their life savings.

You want grandma to crawl out of bed every morning in a state of anxiety, not knowing if she will eat today. And what you REALLY want is to give grandma a cup, so she can come begging to you and demean herself in front of you. Then YOU can play God...
they don't like to have pointed out how they are two faced hyocrites... they wail we need gun control for the children then sit here and whine about ANY control on abortions which kill more children each day than guns do..

that is why to some I AM the one filled with hate...cracks me up

That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.

Who defines whether the mother's life is in danger?

Her doctors in concert with her, if she is able. It's not up to politicians.

Who defines what severe fedal defects are? And if there are severe fetal defects, how does the child survive long enough to be consider being aborted?

That's more of a grey area, I agree. But many defects, like anecephy or one where the child's organs develop outside the body don't kill the child in utero. The child is born and may survive a few hours at best.
"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.

They already made a choice for their uterus.
No kidding, bor doesnt understand how stupid his arguement is....so he must be for prostitution, and if youre not pro heroin use, you must want to control peoples veins......what a dumbass try at logic.......i mean a 6th grader knows better

So, maybe the woman wants to make a different choice for her uterus. You want to take away her freedom to make a choice.

I am not for abortion, prostitution, or drug abuse. I am for a person being able to make choices regarding their own bodies. You know... freedom? The thing that wingnuts claim to be for, but are always trying to take away bit by bit?
They already made a choice for their uterus.
No kidding, bor doesnt understand how stupid his arguement is....so he must be for prostitution, and if youre not pro heroin use, you must want to control peoples veins......what a dumbass try at logic.......i mean a 6th grader knows better

So, maybe the woman wants to make a different choice for her uterus. You want to take away her freedom to make a choice.

I am not for abortion, prostitution, or drug abuse. I am for a person being able to make choices regarding their own bodies. You know... freedom? The thing that wingnuts claim to be for, but are always trying to take away bit by bit?

REALLY, who is taking away ABORTION?
that is the lie you all like to push
this thread is about having a medical procedure done before a woman has a medical procedure to abort the BABY
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They already made a choice for their uterus.
No kidding, bor doesnt understand how stupid his arguement is....so he must be for prostitution, and if youre not pro heroin use, you must want to control peoples veins......what a dumbass try at logic.......i mean a 6th grader knows better

So, maybe the woman wants to make a different choice for her uterus. You want to take away her freedom to make a choice.

I am not for abortion, prostitution, or drug abuse. I am for a person being able to make choices regarding their own bodies. You know... freedom? The thing that wingnuts claim to be for, but are always trying to take away bit by bit?

And who speaks for the innocent, defenseless human inside of her body?
It is no longer HER uterus, it has been deemed property of the STATE. This is a BIG and invasive of a person's liberty as BIG government can get.

Hey Steph, are YOU going to pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy? Frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist, special nutrition and vitamins, new wardrobe, make sure she quits smoking, cover lost income etc?

What if her pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother?

Again, it's not the uterus that is the issue. It's the state's power to protect the innocent life inside the uterus.

No, it is about the woman's right to decide what to do with her life. It is not your decision. And if you want to MAKE it your decision, then YOU own that decision. And YOU must pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy. YOU must pay for her frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist. YOU must pay for her special nutrition and vitamins. YOU must pay for her new wardrobe. YOU must make sure she quits smoking. YOU must cover her lost wages. And if her FORCED pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother, YOU must support her the rest of her life.

If you unwilling to take on those responsibilities, then you really need to mind your own business.

How about if a woman isn't willing to take on those responsibilities, she should make better decisions?

If a woman is that stupid, then YOU should sit her down and tell her how babies are made and then explain to her about personal responsibility. That is, after someone explains it to you. Why do liberals think that a simple test ensuring a safe procedure is denying an abortion. How fucking stupid are some of them?

Getting an abortion isn't just something a woman deals with. It means forcing medical personnel to do a procedure they may find disturbing when it's done merely for convenience. Some went into the medical field to save lives and may not want to end a life simply because a woman is ignorant about birth control, has no self-control and doesn't want to take responsibility for her own actions. When a doctor wants to ensure the procedure of abortion is safe, the left bitches that it's too intrusive! And the abortion isn't intrusive????

If a woman wants an abortion, she can legally get one by many willing doctors. I'm sure she can even find some unscruptulous doctor that will forgo all tests and just hope for no complications. So what if it causes permanent injury, renders her unable to have kids ever or even ends her life. The important thing is that no test is done, right?

Geez, is the left going to cry about doctors wanting patients to have tests done before heart or brain surgery? Or will they say it's the peoples' choice whether they want those tests and they should demand the procedure without them because they are too intrusive?
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Hufferpost should banned from this site they are nothing but liars and spread hate..

there is nothing extreme about this procedure..women have a cold shiny thing that looks like a duck bill used on them all the time for a frikken PAP SMEAR
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ooo, we MUST pay her bills, don't we already?

for crying out loud..get a friggen grip..I for one am tired of contributing to woman in the killing of her baby..she wants a abortion just so she won't be (saddled with a unwanted baby) go beg for the money or she can call Bfgrn they'll send their paycheck

and if enough people get together to change these laws where our money doesn't go for abortion there isn't a damn thing you people do or say about it...what is that you all say, that is DEMOCRACY

we do.... that is all Roe vs Wade was all about...
That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.

Yet, late term abortions are indeed part of the "choice" argument.......aren't they?

They have to be from the point of view that if they are banned entirely, the mother could lose her life or health or be forced to carry a baby to term that will die at birth.

Being part of the "choice" argument does not equal being elective.

How many pro-choice people want elective late term abortions legalized?

When the right tries to define that line, they are shot down by the left.

How are they trying to define that line?

Soooo, they do support late term abortion. They just try to not admit it.

Bad logic. Try again.

Lack of understanding on your part does not equate to bad logic on my part. If you argue the "right to choose", then you defend the right to choose regardless of when the decision is made. The only cutoff the left ever acknowledges is once the baby is born. Until then, it is a parasitic part of the women's body and she has a right to decide whether to kepp it or remove it. That is the argument. The left always tries to steer the conversation away from late term abortions, but they never actually draw the line of distinction, because it takes away from their "right to choose" argument. So since you think it is bad logic......when would you say she loses the right to choose? End of the first trimester? Second? All the way thru the 3rd? I mean, if you're for choice, you're for choice or you're a hypocrite. Choice or not?
It is no longer HER uterus, it has been deemed property of the STATE. This is a BIG and invasive of a person's liberty as BIG government can get.

Hey Steph, are YOU going to pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy? Frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist, special nutrition and vitamins, new wardrobe, make sure she quits smoking, cover lost income etc?

What if her pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother?

Again, it's not the uterus that is the issue. It's the state's power to protect the innocent life inside the uterus.

No, it is about the woman's right to decide what to do with her life. It is not your decision. And if you want to MAKE it your decision, then YOU own that decision. And YOU must pay ALL the bills for a woman's special needs during a pregnancy. YOU must pay for her frequent visits to her doctor and gynecologist. YOU must pay for her special nutrition and vitamins. YOU must pay for her new wardrobe. YOU must make sure she quits smoking. YOU must cover her lost wages. And if her FORCED pregnancy goes wrong and debilitates the mother, YOU must support her the rest of her life.

If you unwilling to take on those responsibilities, then you really need to mind your own business.

We used to have this old fashioned notion of personal responsibility and that actions had consequences. Sad that the left always resorts to the mulligan.
No kidding, bor doesnt understand how stupid his arguement is....so he must be for prostitution, and if youre not pro heroin use, you must want to control peoples veins......what a dumbass try at logic.......i mean a 6th grader knows better

So, maybe the woman wants to make a different choice for her uterus. You want to take away her freedom to make a choice.

I am not for abortion, prostitution, or drug abuse. I am for a person being able to make choices regarding their own bodies. You know... freedom? The thing that wingnuts claim to be for, but are always trying to take away bit by bit?

REALLY, who is taking away ABORTION?
that is the lie you all like to push

You Bible thumping right wingers are. You make it incrementally more and more difficult to obtain one through regulations that are purposely difficult if not impossible to meet until only a few places remain that will perform them. Then you picket and protest those places, publish doctor's home addresses, and encourage zealots to murder them. Of course, once the kid is born, nobody gives a damn any longer.

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