Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

It's liberal speak like " War on Women". They want the votes. They have labored hard convincing women that they should be able to have sex without having to worry about the consequences. They don't want to lose those votes

they don't like to have pointed out how they are two faced hyocrites... they wail we need gun control for the children then sit here and whine about ANY control on abortions which kill more children each day than guns do..

that is why to some I AM the one filled with hate...cracks me up

That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.

Yet, late term abortions are indeed part of the "choice" argument.......aren't they? How many pro-choice people argue from the point of "up to this line and no further". When the right tries to define that line, they are shot down by the left. Soooo, they do support late term abortion. They just try to not admit it.
No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.

No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:

It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.
Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

No you don't. You believe in individual freedom until it's inconvenient. If you were for individual freedom, you'd be one of the biggest advocates against abortion because killing a child destroys it's freedom.

Repeating lies about a uterus being the property of the State isn't going to make it any less of a lie. Especially since it's the left that's arguing that children are the property of the states and parents shouldn't have choices.

Where exactly is your compassion for the children?
Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

Seriously--this "uterus" meme has gotta stop. It's laughable and inaccurate. Even libs are aware that it's about the fetus.

Translation: Stop banging out the truth, because you don't want to hear it. You authoritarians don't care about an egg, you want to control a woman's life. You don't consider her capable of making those types of decisions. The STATE must make it for her.
Seriously--this "uterus" meme has gotta stop. It's laughable and inaccurate. Even libs are aware that it's about the fetus.

But admitting the truth will make their consciences uneasy. And free their life of lies.
No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.

Unfortunately, the Court ignored the Constitution and created this stupid issue. If the Court had just held to the Constitutoin, that this is a state matter that they have no say in, All the various states would have settled the issue 40+ years ago and we wouldn't still be debating it.
No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

No BFG, the fact is, killing a child is killing a child and many abortions occur after viability, so are you saying those people are murderers?
I'm saying once conception happens you have a person, it may not look like a person, but it is, because if you dont kill it, it becomes you, if your mother had an abortion, then you wouldnt be posting your bullshit on here, because you'd be dead.

Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?

"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.

They already made a choice for their uterus.
No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:

It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

You dont have to convict a woman of murder, you just make the procedure illegal. Class A misdemeanor or low level felony and be done with it.
No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:

It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

There is no Constitutional right to murder your own baby. There is a law, but it does not mean it is a Right to murder your own baby.

A murder is a murder even if it is not criminalized.

And should be called so.

And every move to restrict that murder - is VERY GOOD.
Until that law is simply overturned - there is no need in any Constitutional amendments, since there is no Constitution involved.
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No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.

No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy does not equal abortion, no matter how hard you try to connect the dots.

On second thought, where is the right to privacy in the consitution?

Abortion is nothing more than a medical procedure to remove a portion of a woman's body, a portion that as you have agreed, holds no constitutional rights of personhood.

Just as I am secure in the privacy of my own home without the State having cause to invade that privacy,

a woman is secure in the privacy of her own body without the State having cause to invade that privacy.
Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:

It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

There is no Constitutional right to murder your own baby. There is a law, but it does not mean it is a Right to murder your own baby.

A murder is a murder even if it is not criminalized.

And should be called so.

And every move to restrict that murder - is VERY GOOD.

Actually there is. Roe v. Wade establishes the right of abortion in certain cases.

If you think abortion is wrong, then don't have one.
No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

Yeah they are. You can lie about it to yourself all you want. But the second conception occurs there is a new independent human being growing. Abortion ends the life of that human being. It doesn't matter what you try to claim, the child is alive and abortion kills it.

You've already demonstrated you haven't read Roe.

And yes, some of these organizations like planned parenthood take tax payer money and use it to pressure women into abortion at a time in their life when they are emotionally vulnerable.

And as long as abortion kills children, it will always be my business. You may forsake your responsibility to others, even your kin, but I cannot.

Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Funny how morality and ethics always rankle the hedonist left. You might want to wipe your mouth. You have a little spittle in the corner there.
No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:

It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

The Constitution was based on the fundamental principles of a God given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It's assumed a human being is a person until proven otherwise. And it will never be proven otherwise because humans are people by definition.

I would love to see you guys try to use the truth to argue abortion. The simple fact is you can't. That's why you are arguing all this nonsense and propaganda. The truth is not on your side.
It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

There is no Constitutional right to murder your own baby. There is a law, but it does not mean it is a Right to murder your own baby.

A murder is a murder even if it is not criminalized.

And should be called so.

And every move to restrict that murder - is VERY GOOD.

Actually there is. Roe v. Wade establishes the right of abortion in certain cases.

If you think abortion is wrong, then don't have one.

there isn't. Roe vs Wade is not Constitution and does not make it Constitution. And it is actually about money, not choice.

This kind of murder is not criminalized. YET.
No BFG, the fact is, killing a child is killing a child and many abortions occur after viability, so are you saying those people are murderers?
I'm saying once conception happens you have a person, it may not look like a person, but it is, because if you dont kill it, it becomes you, if your mother had an abortion, then you wouldnt be posting your bullshit on here, because you'd be dead.

Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?

"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.

They already made a choice for their uterus.
No kidding, bor doesnt understand how stupid his arguement is....so he must be for prostitution, and if youre not pro heroin use, you must want to control peoples veins......what a dumbass try at logic.......i mean a 6th grader knows better
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Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! :lmao:
Abortion is nothing more than a medical procedure to remove a portion of a woman's body, a portion that as you have agreed, holds no constitutional rights of personhood.

Just as I am secure in the privacy of my own home without the State having cause to invade that privacy,

a woman is secure in the privacy of her own body without the State having cause to invade that privacy.

Abortion is a murder of an unborn human being, not removing of "part of the body".

Unborn baby is NOT a part of woman's body.
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Abortion is nothing more than a medical procedure to remove a portion of a woman's body, a portion that as you have agreed, holds no constitutional rights of personhood.

Just as I am secure in the privacy of my own home without the State having cause to invade that privacy,

a woman is secure in the privacy of her own body without the State having cause to invade that privacy.

Oh so abortion is just a medical procedure to remove a portion of a woman's body so we shouldn't let the government protect the child?

Problem is you have to once again lie to make your point. You have to pretend that an entirely unique human being is a part of the woman's body. It's not. It's a totally unique human being.

Also, your privacy arguments on this "medical proceedure" are entirely disingenuous because you are also advocating a complete government takeover of our medical care using Obamacare as a stepping stone.

The child has a right to have the government prevent anyone from killing it.

I wish you guys would just be intellectually honest about the discussion. You are for killing children. Admit it. Be honest about it. The truth will set you free.
It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

There is no Constitutional right to murder your own baby. There is a law, but it does not mean it is a Right to murder your own baby.

A murder is a murder even if it is not criminalized.

And should be called so.

And every move to restrict that murder - is VERY GOOD.

Actually there is. Roe v. Wade establishes the right of abortion in certain cases.

If you think abortion is wrong, then don't have one.

If you think owning a handgun is wrong, dont own one.
Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:

It does constitutionally when there are no explicit or implicit rights of personhood given to the unborn in the Constiution.

If you want to convict women of murder for having abortions, you first have to establish that the fetus was a person. That would require a constitutional amendment.

You dont have to convict a woman of murder, you just make the procedure illegal. Class A misdemeanor or low level felony and be done with it.

You are conceding that the fetus is not a person if you do that. It's either murder or it isn't;

we don't charge women with misdemeanors for killing their born children.

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