Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

In other words, you don't want to deal with the fact that a child has a right to life so you are just going to pretend it's not an argument because you don't like it.

If a child has no right to life, neither to any of us. Quite frankly, even if you don't care about the children, does anyone really want to give any government the power end anyone's life without due process? Do you want to give the government power to declare you a non- or sub-human?

They are bad enough even with the philosophical underlining of the Founding that all of us have been endowed by our Creator with certain innumerable rights.

However, since you've decided not to be an honest broker, I don't see how anyone can discuss the matter with you. You'll have to stop lying to yourself first. No matter what I say, I can't control what you tell yourself.

You want to credit the Creator with endowing us with certain unalienable rights, but you want mortals like youself to decide what those rights are.

In that circumstance, the Creator, whoever or whatever that might be, becomes irrelevant,

and the argument becomes one among humans, and humans only.
No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

Yeah they are. You can lie about it to yourself all you want. But the second conception occurs there is a new independent human being growing. Abortion ends the life of that human being. It doesn't matter what you try to claim, the child is alive and abortion kills it.

You've already demonstrated you haven't read Roe.

And yes, some of these organizations like planned parenthood take tax payer money and use it to pressure women into abortion at a time in their life when they are emotionally vulnerable.

And as long as abortion kills children, it will always be my business. You may forsake your responsibility to others, even your kin, but I cannot.

Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.
Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

and our constitution says the rights of our second Amendment shall not be INFRINGED upon, yet that doesn't stop you people..

get real
No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

Yeah they are. You can lie about it to yourself all you want. But the second conception occurs there is a new independent human being growing. Abortion ends the life of that human being. It doesn't matter what you try to claim, the child is alive and abortion kills it.

You've already demonstrated you haven't read Roe.

And yes, some of these organizations like planned parenthood take tax payer money and use it to pressure women into abortion at a time in their life when they are emotionally vulnerable.

And as long as abortion kills children, it will always be my business. You may forsake your responsibility to others, even your kin, but I cannot.

Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.
abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.

If Roe v Wade was a wrongful interpretation of the Constitution,

then you first have to find explicit or implicit rights of personhood for fetuses,

especially 1st trimester fetuses, in the Constitution.

Where did you find those?
Yeah they are. You can lie about it to yourself all you want. But the second conception occurs there is a new independent human being growing. Abortion ends the life of that human being. It doesn't matter what you try to claim, the child is alive and abortion kills it.

You've already demonstrated you haven't read Roe.

And yes, some of these organizations like planned parenthood take tax payer money and use it to pressure women into abortion at a time in their life when they are emotionally vulnerable.

And as long as abortion kills children, it will always be my business. You may forsake your responsibility to others, even your kin, but I cannot.

Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...
Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

nobody would want to stoop to your level...good gawd talking about women as uteruses..you can't get much lower

here I'll go low, if you men kept your dicks in your pants or your hands we wouldn't have a problem with abortions or have to hear about women's uteruses..good grief..
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Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

Seriously--this "uterus" meme has gotta stop. It's laughable and inaccurate. Even libs are aware that it's about the fetus.
Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Avatar won't descend to your level. LET ME DO IT FOR THEM!!!!

Go fornicate yourself with a rust crusted tire iron you moronic progressive fucktard.

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

This is comical coming from someone who constantly sucks the dicks of 5/9 unelected lawyers. You love your oligarchs that give you the sense of freedom while allowing government (federal in particular) to tell you how to live your life, and more importantly, to make others believe in exactly what you beleive.

And again, go fuck yourself.
Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.

If Roe v Wade was a wrongful interpretation of the Constitution,

then you first have to find explicit or implicit rights of personhood for fetuses,

especially 1st trimester fetuses, in the Constitution.

Where did you find those?

No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.
Less than 2% of abortions are after 20 weeks, mainly for the health of the mother.

5000 women a year DIED from botched abortions before Roe.

Thank God next year there will be free birthcontrol with O-care. Will save billions and decimate abortion rate. No thanks to mindless obstructionist Pubs and silly dupes...
They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.

If Roe v Wade was a wrongful interpretation of the Constitution,

then you first have to find explicit or implicit rights of personhood for fetuses,

especially 1st trimester fetuses, in the Constitution.

Where did you find those?

No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.

No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.
If Roe v Wade was a wrongful interpretation of the Constitution,

then you first have to find explicit or implicit rights of personhood for fetuses,

especially 1st trimester fetuses, in the Constitution.

Where did you find those?

No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.

No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy does not equal abortion, no matter how hard you try to connect the dots.

On second thought, where is the right to privacy in the consitution?
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they are wailing about privacy, when do they give anybody else that..?

telling others they need to have their guns controlled

hypocrites again
If Roe v Wade was a wrongful interpretation of the Constitution,

then you first have to find explicit or implicit rights of personhood for fetuses,

especially 1st trimester fetuses, in the Constitution.

Where did you find those?

No, what you find is NO MENTION of abortion in the consitution, and thus legislative oversight via the State governments is mandated as the way to regulate it, or not regulate it.

Abortion on demand is not consitutional, it is not unconsitutional. THe document is neutral on the topic, and thus the obvious place it should be handled is the state legislatures.

No, because then you're sanctioning the invasion of a woman's privacy. Without personhood protections for the fetus, there is no compelling State interest in denying a woman her right to privacy.

Privacy has nothing to do with the woman wanting to murder her baby :cuckoo:
they are wailing about privacy, when do they give anybody else that..?

telling other they need to have gun control

hypocrites again

they want a woman who wants to murder her baby have her privacy in this act, and you are waging a war on this poor woman!
No one is going to force you to marry someone of the same sex, so no, it's not like gay marriage.

no one is forcing anyone to have abortions either, but I believe you lefties would if you could

Nope. Just like to have the freedom to choose. Of course, freedom is a foreign concept to righties.

Yessssss...............have you purchased your leftie mandated health insurance against your will yet? :eusa_whistle:
Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

It's alright. I forgive you. And I love you as a brother despite your choices here.

I know it's a standard piece of propaganda that we don't care about children after they are born because we oppose the government exceeding it's authority and creating a bureaucracy that in no way helps them, but that doesn't make it any less of a lie.

Tell me, who actually cares for the children? Those who want to keep them alive? Or those who want the ability to kill them?

Who actually cares about providing for children in need: Those who actually provide charity for them through their own actions, money, and advocacy for perosnal responsiblity and private charity? Or those who think they should outsource the responsibility from both themselves and the parents to the government?

The truth is not with the pro abortion movement. That's why they have to pretend that an unborn child isn't a child. That's why they are fighting so desperately against laws that provide more information for prospective parents by allowing them to listen to the heart beat. When people see the truth, they don't abort.

You can be emotionally outraged all you want. But the truth shall set you free. I am sure there are some ultrasounds recorded somewhere on the internet. Watch and listen to one. When you see the baby and listen to his/her heart beat, how can you honestly deny it's not a child?

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