Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

and they accuse me of being hateful..they go around talking about women's uteruses...
that is how they see a woman..danm demeaning in my book

It's liberal speak like " War on Women". They want the votes. They have labored hard convincing women that they should be able to have sex without having to worry about the consequences. They don't want to lose those votes

they don't like to have pointed out how they are two faced hyocrites... they wail we need gun control for the children then sit here and whine about ANY control on abortions which kill more children each day than guns do..

that is why to some I AM the one filled with hate...cracks me up

That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.
No one is going to force you to marry someone of the same sex, so no, it's not like gay marriage.

You forcing me to accept it and call it marriage. Isnt that forcing "your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else"

Also, If I owned a business and catered to wedding clients, If I refuse to work for a gay couple I can get sued for discrimination. Again, isnt this foricng "your particular and pecuilar" beliefs on me?

I asked the poster for an argument to outlaw abortion. He essentially said 'because God says so'.

Stop being so dishonest. There is nothing wrong with being honest with people who disagree with you.
You forcing me to accept it and call it marriage. Isnt that forcing "your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else"

Also, If I owned a business and catered to wedding clients, If I refuse to work for a gay couple I can get sued for discrimination. Again, isnt this foricng "your particular and pecuilar" beliefs on me?

I asked the poster for an argument to outlaw abortion. He essentially said 'because God says so'.

and whats wrong with that?

Well, for one, that wasn't my argument at all.
With the passage of Ohio's new state budget, women in that state have lost access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.

On Sunday night, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 59, the new $62 billion state budget that includes a $2.7 billion tax cut and increases the sales tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.75 percent, WLWT.com reported.

The budget also included several controversial anti-abortion measures, including one that will force any woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-abdominal ultrasound.

Another measure of the budget puts Planned Parenthood last on the list of family-planning dollars, which essentially cuts off $1.4 million in federal funding, The Columbus Dispatch reported. Per WLWT.com, "Opponents of the new abortion restriction said that three clinics in Ohio would likely close now that the measure is implemented."

Rape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.

According to The Plain Dealer, Kasich quickly left his Statehouse office after signing the budget, not allowing reporters to ask questions. The new budget goes into effect on Monday.

More: Ohio Abortion Restrictions: Gov. John Kasich Signs New State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures

The continuing war on women is sad to watch. There will be a day of reckoning at the ballot box.

So is the one being waged on defensless unborn children. Why do you support murdering children?

I find it amazing that people can presume that those fighting to protect a woman's child is waging a war on women. Especially when those children have a 50% chance of being a woman themselves.

They want to kill children, including female children, kill the children of women and somehow they think they are pro-women.

If you care about someone, you don't try to coerce them to kill their child. You certainly dont support killing them in the womb
A friend of mine just had a baby. It was born 10 days early. It is a real child. The baby boy feels pain when he's hurt. He has all his little vital organs. In the world of the abortion freaks it would have been perfectly find if he were ripped apart and the pieces dragged out of his mother's body. It would have been okay to kill this child. Honorable even to the abortion freaks.

It is murder.

I know your post is made-up because it starts out with the claim that you have a friend.

Well, Katz is my friend. So I guess that goes your theory there.

Maybe you should try arguing the merits instead of by ridiculing others.
With the passage of Ohio's new state budget, women in that state have lost access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.

On Sunday night, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 59, the new $62 billion state budget that includes a $2.7 billion tax cut and increases the sales tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.75 percent, WLWT.com reported.

The budget also included several controversial anti-abortion measures, including one that will force any woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-abdominal ultrasound.

Another measure of the budget puts Planned Parenthood last on the list of family-planning dollars, which essentially cuts off $1.4 million in federal funding, The Columbus Dispatch reported. Per WLWT.com, "Opponents of the new abortion restriction said that three clinics in Ohio would likely close now that the measure is implemented."

Rape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.

According to The Plain Dealer, Kasich quickly left his Statehouse office after signing the budget, not allowing reporters to ask questions. The new budget goes into effect on Monday.

More: Ohio Abortion Restrictions: Gov. John Kasich Signs New State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures

The continuing war on women is sad to watch. There will be a day of reckoning at the ballot box.

Requiring and ultra-sound and cutting off funds to Planned Parenthood is what you jokers call extreme these days! LOL, liberals are amazing. I have pro-choice in the first trimester and proud of it. However, I don't think abortion should be practice without limits, as I don't think it should be outlawed uncompromisingly.

Woman seeking abortions should have full knowledge of what is happening. Make no mistake a life is being put to death. That is what is happening. You can call it a fetus no a life, but the fact is it's a life. They should have to have an ultra-sound. They should have to see a tape. And yes they should have be given materials on the alternative of adoption. More and more adoptions are open adoptions (meaning the bio mother stays in the babies life). Many mothers get to see resumes, conduct interviews and get to pick amazing parents for their child. There are option that should have to be provided for them.

But what I find amazing is that liberal will find fault in a governor who just ONCE AGAIN balance the budget, lowered taxes and still keeps OH as a top destination for companies to start up and relocate to (along with TX, FL, IN and NC)!!!

It's extreme to expect people to pay for their own abortions, to make sure they aren't done in medically deficient shacks, and for people to be informed about the baby via ultrasound.

They want people to go into abortion ignorantly, in bad conditions, and funded completely by the tax payers.

And they are the "compassionate" ones.

The Truth, however, will set them free.
That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

In other words, you don't want to deal with the fact that a child has a right to life so you are just going to pretend it's not an argument because you don't like it.

If a child has no right to life, neither to any of us. Quite frankly, even if you don't care about the children, does anyone really want to give any government the power end anyone's life without due process? Do you want to give the government power to declare you a non- or sub-human?

They are bad enough even with the philosophical underlining of the Founding that all of us have been endowed by our Creator with certain innumerable rights.

However, since you've decided not to be an honest broker, I don't see how anyone can discuss the matter with you. You'll have to stop lying to yourself first. No matter what I say, I can't control what you tell yourself.

No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.
Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

That's the problem isn't it. The Supreme Court isn't the ultimate decicdes of Constitutionality and Civil Rights. The Constitution is. Ignoring what the Constitution says and substituting the political opinions of 9 Justices isn't justice.

And you're wrong btw. The caselaw based on Roe v. Wade indicates the Government has a strong interest in protecting the life of a child as the pregnancy progresses.
They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.

Roe v. Wade struck down state laws banning abortion in 1973. Over 20 cases have addressed abortion law in the United States, all of which upheld Roe v. Wade. Since Roe, abortion has been legal throughout the country
Roe v Wade, by itself, disproves your statement that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

You are either too ignorant to realize this or too dishonest to admit it.

Chances are he has never read the decision.

Just like the fools who complain about Citizens United have never read it. You can always tell who they are because they like to pretend it says a Corporation is a person, which it doesn't.
It's liberal speak like " War on Women". They want the votes. They have labored hard convincing women that they should be able to have sex without having to worry about the consequences. They don't want to lose those votes

they don't like to have pointed out how they are two faced hyocrites... they wail we need gun control for the children then sit here and whine about ANY control on abortions which kill more children each day than guns do..

that is why to some I AM the one filled with hate...cracks me up

That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.

Who defines whether the mother's life is in danger? Who defines what severe fedal defects are? And if there are severe fetal defects, how does the child survive long enough to be consider being aborted?
Hello nutters...........

Lets ponder a very simple hypothetical question.

If there was a building somewhere in your town in which murders of infants was taking place on a daily basis and the local police knew about it but did nothing to stop it.....what would you do?

Uh nice try, but unfortunately its legal, conservative are law abifing and work to get the law changed, unfortunatley people like you love the abortion slaughter houses......some would protest the place, scare the shit out of the doctor performing nad work to get the law overturned, in other words, what we do kow
No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

Yeah they are. You can lie about it to yourself all you want. But the second conception occurs there is a new independent human being growing. Abortion ends the life of that human being. It doesn't matter what you try to claim, the child is alive and abortion kills it.

You've already demonstrated you haven't read Roe.

And yes, some of these organizations like planned parenthood take tax payer money and use it to pressure women into abortion at a time in their life when they are emotionally vulnerable.

And as long as abortion kills children, it will always be my business. You may forsake your responsibility to others, even your kin, but I cannot.
That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

In other words, you don't want to deal with the fact that a child has a right to life so you are just going to pretend it's not an argument because you don't like it.

If a child has no right to life, neither to any of us. Quite frankly, even if you don't care about the children, does anyone really want to give any government the power end anyone's life without due process? Do you want to give the government power to declare you a non- or sub-human?

They are bad enough even with the philosophical underlining of the Founding that all of us have been endowed by our Creator with certain innumerable rights.

However, since you've decided not to be an honest broker, I don't see how anyone can discuss the matter with you. You'll have to stop lying to yourself first. No matter what I say, I can't control what you tell yourself.

No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

No BFG, the fact is, killing a child is killing a child and many abortions occur after viability, so are you saying those people are murderers?
I'm saying once conception happens you have a person, it may not look like a person, but it is, because if you dont kill it, it becomes you, if your mother had an abortion, then you wouldnt be posting your bullshit on here, because you'd be dead.

Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?
That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

In other words, you don't want to deal with the fact that a child has a right to life so you are just going to pretend it's not an argument because you don't like it.

If a child has no right to life, neither to any of us. Quite frankly, even if you don't care about the children, does anyone really want to give any government the power end anyone's life without due process? Do you want to give the government power to declare you a non- or sub-human?

They are bad enough even with the philosophical underlining of the Founding that all of us have been endowed by our Creator with certain innumerable rights.

However, since you've decided not to be an honest broker, I don't see how anyone can discuss the matter with you. You'll have to stop lying to yourself first. No matter what I say, I can't control what you tell yourself.

No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.
When you stated that the right was unfettered and that the state had no right to interfere -- were you lying, or simply ignorant?
In other words, you don't want to deal with the fact that a child has a right to life so you are just going to pretend it's not an argument because you don't like it.

If a child has no right to life, neither to any of us. Quite frankly, even if you don't care about the children, does anyone really want to give any government the power end anyone's life without due process? Do you want to give the government power to declare you a non- or sub-human?

They are bad enough even with the philosophical underlining of the Founding that all of us have been endowed by our Creator with certain innumerable rights.

However, since you've decided not to be an honest broker, I don't see how anyone can discuss the matter with you. You'll have to stop lying to yourself first. No matter what I say, I can't control what you tell yourself.

No one is killing a child. THAT is always the lie you right wing turds use to justify state ownership of a woman's uterus.

The abortion LAW is based on viability. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."

The law is extremely fair. If you don't want to have an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. If your wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, you have the right to speak your mind or try to intervene. If my wife, daughter or family member is contemplating having an abortion, it is none of your fucking business.

No BFG, the fact is, killing a child is killing a child and many abortions occur after viability, so are you saying those people are murderers?
I'm saying once conception happens you have a person, it may not look like a person, but it is, because if you dont kill it, it becomes you, if your mother had an abortion, then you wouldnt be posting your bullshit on here, because you'd be dead.

Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?

"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.
Roe v. Wade struck down state laws banning abortion in 1973. Over 20 cases have addressed abortion law in the United States, all of which upheld Roe v. Wade. Since Roe, abortion has been legal throughout the country
Roe v Wade, by itself, disproves your statement that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

You are either too ignorant to realize this or too dishonest to admit it.

It is the law of the land.

Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion

they have that right to privacy, they just don't have free reign of telling the STATES what they can do with abortion...
don't go to that state for your abortion you don't like their rules...simple
or post ABOUT this over and over and over and over..
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Lakhota must be drooling he got another shit stirring thread going and it's all about the killing of children..

this is the kind of SHIT you get off hufferpost people...he signs extreme anti-abortion measures...if that isn't peddling HATE I don't what you call it

such wonderful people
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A friend of mine just had a baby. It was born 10 days early. It is a real child. The baby boy feels pain when he's hurt. He has all his little vital organs. In the world of the abortion freaks it would have been perfectly find if he were ripped apart and the pieces dragged out of his mother's body. It would have been okay to kill this child. Honorable even to the abortion freaks.

It is murder.

I know your post is made-up because it starts out with the claim that you have a friend.

Well, Katz is my friend. So I guess that goes your theory there.

Maybe you should try arguing the merits instead of by ridiculing others.

Me? I asked you to give me a good argument and all you had was some hocus pocus about the supernatural. Don't tell me who's fucking making arguments on the merits.
It's liberal speak like " War on Women". They want the votes. They have labored hard convincing women that they should be able to have sex without having to worry about the consequences. They don't want to lose those votes

they don't like to have pointed out how they are two faced hyocrites... they wail we need gun control for the children then sit here and whine about ANY control on abortions which kill more children each day than guns do..

that is why to some I AM the one filled with hate...cracks me up

That's total bs - almost no one supports late term abortion unless the mother's in danger or there are severe fetal defects.

The liberal the beat Joe Walsh in my district stated these winning lines, "I'm unashamedly pro-abortion without restrictions." Without restrictions INCLUDES late term until the baby is born (heck many include even after the baby is born). No surprisingly Duckworth went up 5 points immediately after that comment!

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