Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

What is wrong about counseling rape victims about abortion? They have the option to abort, surely the lifers don't want to force them to have a rape baby?

Oh wait - they do.

would you please post the FACTS about women who were raped and a pregnancy resulted from said rape ?

please keep in mind i/we Conservatives want "JUST THE FACTS..., MA'am"

Wait...are you trying to infer that raped women do not get pregnant?

uh no----You are trying to infer that. He just asked for facts. Very clearly too.
A friend of mine just had a baby. It was born 10 days early. It is a real child. The baby boy feels pain when he's hurt. He has all his little vital organs. In the world of the abortion freaks it would have been perfectly find if he were ripped apart and the pieces dragged out of his mother's body. It would have been okay to kill this child. Honorable even to the abortion freaks.

It is murder.

I know your post is made-up because it starts out with the claim that you have a friend.

see that is the hate you people accuse others of..

You haven't told us yet why you think abortion is murder,

but that women who have abortions are not murderers.

Is your silence because even you know how nuts it is to hold those 2 ridiculously incompatible positions?
It's liberal speak like " War on Women". They want the votes. They have labored hard convincing women that they should be able to have sex without having to worry about the consequences. They don't want to lose those votes

What's wrong with wanting votes? Conservatives don't want votes for conservative candidates?

nothing---the method that is being used to get them is a bit questionable tho.

So is it more or less questionable than the Republican Party's perennial inclusion in their party platform of a so-called life amendment that is meant to give to personhood to fetuses from the moment of conception and therefore make all abortion illegal -

while knowing that such an amendment can never ever pass, and while knowing that the GOP won't ever even make a serious effort to get it passed?
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So you think that because the word 'arms' is in the Constitution, then criminals, the insane, children, for example, should be able to buy automatic weapons wherever they might be sold,

no questions asked?

Find where I stated I want criminals or the insane to have access to firearms. Children should be able to use them under the direct supervision of thier parents.

As for full auto, with the exception of full machine guns, (crew weapons) I can see them covered under the 2nd. How many killings are actually done with the damn things to make it a point of concern?

I have no issue with instant background checks and having to show ID to get a firearm, much like I have no issue with the same when it comes to voting.

You were using the explicit wording of the Constitution to elevate gunrights over abortion rights.

There is no explicit limitation on gunrights when it comes to the insane or to criminals or to automatic weapons.

Now you've decided that maybe explicit wording isn't as important as you tried to make it.

The key to consitutional interpretation is overwhelming need when a restriction is proposed. Its the same way you can punish someone for yelling "FIRE" in theatre when there is no fire. If something is explicit in the consitution then you need an OVERWHELMING NEED from the state to even approach restricting something covered in it. Felons lose thier rights consitutionally by conviction by a judge/jury. (due process). Mental deficiences should be covered in the same capacity, where a judge/jury decides one cant own firearms.

And note that even in the "FIRE" case one has to do something to be prosecuted. Gun control advocates want to punish me when i have done nothing wrong.

and still you havent told me where to find "abortion" in the consitution. Arms deserve strict scrutiny when it comes to proposing any regulations on them, abortion not so much.
With the passage of Ohio's new state budget, women in that state have lost access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.

On Sunday night, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 59, the new $62 billion state budget that includes a $2.7 billion tax cut and increases the sales tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.75 percent, WLWT.com reported.

The budget also included several controversial anti-abortion measures, including one that will force any woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-abdominal ultrasound.

Another measure of the budget puts Planned Parenthood last on the list of family-planning dollars, which essentially cuts off $1.4 million in federal funding, The Columbus Dispatch reported. Per WLWT.com, "Opponents of the new abortion restriction said that three clinics in Ohio would likely close now that the measure is implemented."

Rape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.

According to The Plain Dealer, Kasich quickly left his Statehouse office after signing the budget, not allowing reporters to ask questions. The new budget goes into effect on Monday.

More: Ohio Abortion Restrictions: Gov. John Kasich Signs New State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures

The continuing war on women is sad to watch. There will be a day of reckoning at the ballot box.

Requiring and ultra-sound and cutting off funds to Planned Parenthood is what you jokers call extreme these days! LOL, liberals are amazing. I have pro-choice in the first trimester and proud of it. However, I don't think abortion should be practice without limits, as I don't think it should be outlawed uncompromisingly.

Woman seeking abortions should have full knowledge of what is happening. Make no mistake a life is being put to death. That is what is happening. You can call it a fetus no a life, but the fact is it's a life. They should have to have an ultra-sound. They should have to see a tape. And yes they should have be given materials on the alternative of adoption. More and more adoptions are open adoptions (meaning the bio mother stays in the babies life). Many mothers get to see resumes, conduct interviews and get to pick amazing parents for their child. There are option that should have to be provided for them.

But what I find amazing is that liberal will find fault in a governor who just ONCE AGAIN balance the budget, lowered taxes and still keeps OH as a top destination for companies to start up and relocate to (along with TX, FL, IN and NC)!!!
With the recent SCOTUS ruling overturning prop 8 we find a very very interesting perspective on what we might see in the future. If in the future, we see a conservative president "choose" not to defend ROE, as this president chose not to defend DOMA, liberals who pushed the "gay rights" agenda, have absolutely no legitimate beef.... They have pulled the proverbial rug out from under their own agenda driven butts!

Critics say Supreme Court's Prop 8 ruling takes power from voters, gives it to state officials - Washington Times
What is wrong about counseling rape victims about abortion? They have the option to abort, surely the lifers don't want to force them to have a rape baby?

Oh wait - they do.

See a stupid twat like you will focus on the Bull shit fluff argument! Rape victims will still get counseling, a FULL FREE medical exam, STD test and given preventative medicine. That will happened regardless of the lie of the left. It's much like Obama saying that if the debt ceiling doesn't get raised he doesn't know how he is going to pay the SSN benefits to seniors! That was a huge EVIL lie!

See the dissenters of Kasich want to bring out emotion and fear in mental midgets like you so they jump an a what if item and say it's the truth!

There are extremist on both ends, for every one of the far right pro-lifers that want abortion outlawed even in the face of rape, incest or mother's life is in danger, there are leftist that want abortion allowable even after the baby is born alive! The vast vast majority of pro-lifers make exceptions for rape, incest and mothers life in in danger, so take your disingenious argument and shove it up your ass.
would you please post the FACTS about women who were raped and a pregnancy resulted from said rape ?

please keep in mind i/we Conservatives want "JUST THE FACTS..., MA'am"

Wait...are you trying to infer that raped women do not get pregnant?

uh no----You are trying to infer that. He just asked for facts. Very clearly too.

I'm asking him a question for clarification. How about you let HIM answer for himself....
With the recent SCOTUS ruling overturning prop 8 we find a very very interesting perspective on what we might see in the future. If in the future, we see a conservative president "choose" not to defend ROE, as this president chose not to defend DOMA, liberals who pushed the "gay rights" agenda, have absolutely no legitimate beef.... They have pulled the proverbial rug out from under their own agenda driven butts!

Critics say Supreme Court's Prop 8 ruling takes power from voters, gives it to state officials - Washington Times

A minor point you might want to ponder. Prop H8 was a law.... Roe v Wade is a Supreme Court decision that struck down laws. The Chief Executive and his/her Justice Dept is not in a position to defend/not-defend a Supreme Court decision.
In the beginning, way long ago before there was a Roe v. Wade, I was one of those women marching and pounding in the streets for abortion rights. It's just cells, take them out. They have no more humanity or awareness than a tumor. I believed that women who wanted an abortion were desperate women who had no choice. I was a counselor for Planned Parenthood speaking to these desperate women.

Time proved me wrong. The concept of abortion expanded beyond desperation to mere inconvenience. It wasn't little girls who had been raped by cruel men who wanted abortions, it was the cruel men looking to cover up their crimes. It wasn't women who were driven to the brink with an unwanted pregnancy, it was women who were so unthinking and careless that they ignored their pregnancy to the last month. Why? There was always time to take care of this little problem later.

A very wise woman that I met, a judge, was against abortion from the very beginning. She told me that if we do not put limits on abortions there would be abortions in the last trimester, there would be abortions shortly before birth, during birth, and then post birth. Sooner or later if it's okay for you to kill your baby, it should be okay for someone else to kill your baby. She was right. I was wrong. It was okay to kill babies because an unborn child was like (in the words of one abortionist) like a rock. They don't feel pain. Even if the child is almost to term.

Since the early days when abortion became legal medical science has advanced to the point where we know that an unborn child can feel pain beginning at 9 weeks. At 20 weeks the nerve receptors are fully formed. To the abortionist it would have been perfectly legal to have killed this child 10 days before birth and said that it wasn't human, it didn't feel pain. That's a lie.
With the recent SCOTUS ruling overturning prop 8 we find a very very interesting perspective on what we might see in the future. If in the future, we see a conservative president "choose" not to defend ROE, as this president chose not to defend DOMA, liberals who pushed the "gay rights" agenda, have absolutely no legitimate beef.... They have pulled the proverbial rug out from under their own agenda driven butts!

Critics say Supreme Court's Prop 8 ruling takes power from voters, gives it to state officials - Washington Times

A minor point you might want to ponder. Prop H8 was a law.... Roe v Wade is a Supreme Court decision that struck down laws. The Chief Executive and his/her Justice Dept is not in a position to defend/not-defend a Supreme Court decision.

A point YOU may want to ponder....Note: I talked about "DOMA" as it was discussed within the article I linked to. You may also like to ponder my specific point about Obama "choosing" not to defend DOMA...and perhaps you'd even try reading the article so that you might actually understand the rationale for my emphasis on this point...or perhaps you'd just like to continue being an idiotic ass who merely posts, in order to show the rest of us, your profound ability to say nothing of value??? <curious look>
With the passage of Ohio's new state budget, women in that state have lost access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.

On Sunday night, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 59, the new $62 billion state budget that includes a $2.7 billion tax cut and increases the sales tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.75 percent, WLWT.com reported.

The budget also included several controversial anti-abortion measures, including one that will force any woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-abdominal ultrasound.

Another measure of the budget puts Planned Parenthood last on the list of family-planning dollars, which essentially cuts off $1.4 million in federal funding, The Columbus Dispatch reported. Per WLWT.com, "Opponents of the new abortion restriction said that three clinics in Ohio would likely close now that the measure is implemented."

Rape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.

According to The Plain Dealer, Kasich quickly left his Statehouse office after signing the budget, not allowing reporters to ask questions. The new budget goes into effect on Monday.

More: Ohio Abortion Restrictions: Gov. John Kasich Signs New State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures

The continuing war on women is sad to watch. There will be a day of reckoning at the ballot box.
The right to have an abortion is obsolete!
The left thinks they should be able to force gun control on the people in this country but abortions shouldn't have any type of restriction what-so-ever on it...

they are two faced hypocrites of the worst kind.

and THE OP is the biggest one on this board..low life pos

One has nothing to do with the other. If they did, then you of course would be complaining about the anti-abortion nuts around here who oppose universal background checks to buy guns.

Eliminate all abortion rights; no restrictions on gun rights. Sounds hypocritical doesn't it?

abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.
One has nothing to do with the other. If they did, then you of course would be complaining about the anti-abortion nuts around here who oppose universal background checks to buy guns.

Eliminate all abortion rights; no restrictions on gun rights. Sounds hypocritical doesn't it?

abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.
This is either a lie, or abject ignorance.
One has nothing to do with the other. If they did, then you of course would be complaining about the anti-abortion nuts around here who oppose universal background checks to buy guns.

Eliminate all abortion rights; no restrictions on gun rights. Sounds hypocritical doesn't it?

abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.
One has nothing to do with the other. If they did, then you of course would be complaining about the anti-abortion nuts around here who oppose universal background checks to buy guns.

Eliminate all abortion rights; no restrictions on gun rights. Sounds hypocritical doesn't it?

abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

Unfortunately they consist of political appointees and don't have to account to anyone.
abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.
Roe v Wade, by itself, proves his statement wrong.
abortion isn't a right though you abortion pushers have sold as one..the Second amendment is RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION

abortion is a privilege just like driving a car is..so the state has the right to make up the rules of road for abortion, so to speak...

easy enough for all you, don't like the state rules don't go there for your abortion, SIMPLE

or do like you sickos, use the death of 55 million children as a plank for winning elections

Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.

Roe v. Wade struck down state laws banning abortion in 1973. Over 20 cases have addressed abortion law in the United States, all of which upheld Roe v. Wade. Since Roe, abortion has been legal throughout the country
Our Supreme Court, which is the ultimate decider of Constitutionality and matters regarding civil rights, ruled that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

They also decided that segregation was A-OK a while ago. They were wrong then, they were wrong with Roe V Wade as well.

Roe v. Wade struck down state laws banning abortion in 1973. Over 20 cases have addressed abortion law in the United States, all of which upheld Roe v. Wade. Since Roe, abortion has been legal throughout the country
Roe v Wade, by itself, disproves your statement that a woman has an unimpeded right to an abortion and the government has no right to interfere with that right.

You are either too ignorant to realize this or too dishonest to admit it.

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