Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

What is wrong about counseling rape victims about abortion? They have the option to abort, surely the lifers don't want to force them to have a rape baby?

Oh wait - they do.

Yes they do.

These people would impose the death penalty on women who have abortions if there were enough of these people to control the government.

lol, you abortion lovers and your dramatics

dear gawd


I thought abortion was murder? Are you saying that abortion is not murder? How can it not be murder if the fetus is a person?
Yes they do.

These people would impose the death penalty on women who have abortions if there were enough of these people to control the government.

lol, you abortion lovers and your dramatics

dear gawd


I thought abortion was murder? Are you saying that abortion is not murder? How can it not be murder if the fetus is a person?

take a breath...you see it as nothing but expelling clumps if that helps you people sleep at night, that is your right..others see it different..that sucks you for you but too bad
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You don't seem to understand that it is the pregnant woman's decision.

That is truly astounding. That is as much ignorance in a single post as I have ever seen here.

it's amazing that anyone who can advocate the killing of a child thinks they have either moral authority or intelligence to criticize another human being.

Blah blah blah. Make one good argument as to why a pregnant woman should have no option whatsoever to choose an abortion at any time whatsoever,

including the day after she gets pregnant.

Make that argument.

The child has a God given right to life.

Wow. That was tough. Maybe next time you'll want to know why we shouldn't be terrified when that bright globe thing in the sky disappears every night and leaves us in the dark. Or was that the only stupid request you have today?
1) Stop electing the fools supporting it.
2) Notify the press and get the word out.
3) Change hearts and minds.

pretty much all we can do.

Nice job not taking the bait. Although LoneLaugher will now say that you really dont think unborn= babies because you are not assaulting the building with tanks and machine guns etc.

Loonlaugher tried to set up the unanswerable question. Hack move if you ask me.

The question is certainly answerable. He answered.

its a gotcha question, plain and simple, one of the lower forms of internet debate.
Nice job not taking the bait. Although LoneLaugher will now say that you really dont think unborn= babies because you are not assaulting the building with tanks and machine guns etc.

Loonlaugher tried to set up the unanswerable question. Hack move if you ask me.

The question is certainly answerable. He answered.

its a gotcha question, plain and simple, one of the lower forms of internet debate.

it's not like he can argue the merits.
it's amazing that anyone who can advocate the killing of a child thinks they have either moral authority or intelligence to criticize another human being.

Blah blah blah. Make one good argument as to why a pregnant woman should have no option whatsoever to choose an abortion at any time whatsoever,

including the day after she gets pregnant.

Make that argument.

The child has a God given right to life.

Wow. That was tough. Maybe next time you'll want to know why we shouldn't be terrified when that bright globe thing in the sky disappears every night and leaves us in the dark. Or was that the only stupid request you have today?

That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.
Blah blah blah. Make one good argument as to why a pregnant woman should have no option whatsoever to choose an abortion at any time whatsoever,

including the day after she gets pregnant.

Make that argument.

The child has a God given right to life.

Wow. That was tough. Maybe next time you'll want to know why we shouldn't be terrified when that bright globe thing in the sky disappears every night and leaves us in the dark. Or was that the only stupid request you have today?

That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

Kind of like gay marriage?
What is wrong about counseling rape victims about abortion? They have the option to abort, surely the lifers don't want to force them to have a rape baby?

Oh wait - they do.

would you please post the FACTS about women who were raped and a pregnancy resulted from said rape ?

please keep in mind i/we Conservatives want "JUST THE FACTS..., MA'am"
lol, you abortion lovers and your dramatics

dear gawd


I thought abortion was murder? Are you saying that abortion is not murder? How can it not be murder if the fetus is a person?

take a breath...you see it as nothing but expelling clumps if that helps you people sleep at night, that is your right..others see it different..that sucks you for you but too bad

Come on staph. What would you do to the women who have an abortion? Would you jail them? Charge them with murder then kill them?

What would you do to the women who have an abortion?

And why is it that you right wing abortion nuts can't control your own women? Or do you think that Rethug women don't have abortions?

You concentrate on telling Re-pub women what to do with their bodies. Hell that alone (stopping all Rethug abortions) should gain you some voters in 18 years. (if you start controlling them Rethugs women today)
What is wrong about counseling rape victims about abortion? They have the option to abort, surely the lifers don't want to force them to have a rape baby?

Oh wait - they do.

What is a "rape baby"? Is that somehow not the same a baby?

Yea, a rape victim needs 9 months of daily reminders of the worst moment of her life.

You right wing scum are abominable, awful, beastly, creepy, detestable, distasteful, foul, frightful, ghastly, grody, gross, gruesome, hateful, hideous, horrid, horrific, loathsome, lousy, macabre, monstrous, nasty, nauseating, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive, outrageous, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, satiating, scandalous, scuzzy, shameless, shocking, sickening, sleazy, vile and vulgar.
lol, you abortion lovers and your dramatics

dear gawd


I thought abortion was murder? Are you saying that abortion is not murder? How can it not be murder if the fetus is a person?

take a breath...you see it as nothing but expelling clumps if that helps you people sleep at night, that is your right..others see it different..that sucks you for you but too bad

I think people who murder children should be punished. Don't you?
The child has a God given right to life.

Wow. That was tough. Maybe next time you'll want to know why we shouldn't be terrified when that bright globe thing in the sky disappears every night and leaves us in the dark. Or was that the only stupid request you have today?

That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

Kind of like gay marriage?

No one is going to force you to marry someone of the same sex, so no, it's not like gay marriage.
What is it that you right wing abortion haters will do for the women who you want to force to have a child they don't want?

Will you set up a college fund? Make sure the kid is educated and fed? Has health care for life?

Just what will you do for the unwanted child? Will you take it in and raise it? Give the child a job?

Come on now, you can't just force women to have children they don't want and then abondon that child and mother when it is born.

That wouldn't be very Christian of you. But you all do that every day. Bitch all day long on a message board about abortion. But not one of you are marching in protest at an abortion clinic. Not one of you are adopting an unwanted child.

Why is that?
Nice job not taking the bait. Although LoneLaugher will now say that you really dont think unborn= babies because you are not assaulting the building with tanks and machine guns etc.

Loonlaugher tried to set up the unanswerable question. Hack move if you ask me.

The question is certainly answerable. He answered.

its a gotcha question, plain and simple, one of the lower forms of internet debate.

wellll.., we could do as Joe Biteme suggests, take a 12 gage shotgun to that house of murder, fire both barrels, then watch the aborters/murderers flee in total fear for THEIR lives :up: :laugh2:
That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

Kind of like gay marriage?

No one is going to force you to marry someone of the same sex, so no, it's not like gay marriage.

no one is forcing anyone to have abortions either, but I believe you lefties would if you could
That's not an argument. That is merely a statement of your desire to arbitrarily impose your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else and force them by law to adhere to your beliefs.

Kind of like gay marriage?

No one is going to force you to marry someone of the same sex, so no, it's not like gay marriage.

You forcing me to accept it and call it marriage. Isnt that forcing "your particular and peculiar beliefs on everyone else"

Also, If I owned a business and catered to wedding clients, If I refuse to work for a gay couple I can get sued for discrimination. Again, isnt this foricng "your particular and pecuilar" beliefs on me?
What is it that you right wing abortion haters will do for the women who you want to force to have a child they don't want?

Will you set up a college fund? Make sure the kid is educated and fed? Has health care for life?

Just what will you do for the unwanted child? Will you take it in and raise it? Give the child a job?

Come on now, you can't just force women to have children they don't want and then abondon that child and mother when it is born.

That wouldn't be very Christian of you. But you all do that every day. Bitch all day long on a message board about abortion. But not one of you are marching in protest at an abortion clinic. Not one of you are adopting an unwanted child.

Why is that?

This bill does nothing to restrict abortion, it mearly makes someone who wants one as an elective procdure pay for it their fucking selves.

I thought abortion was murder? Are you saying that abortion is not murder? How can it not be murder if the fetus is a person?

take a breath...you see it as nothing but expelling clumps if that helps you people sleep at night, that is your right..others see it different..that sucks you for you but too bad

I think people who murder children should be punished. Don't you?

Good question. Why is it that abortion haters won't come out and say what punishment should be handed out to women who have abortions? They claim abortion is murder. But they don't want to prosecute women who have abortions as murderers. Why?
What is it that you right wing abortion haters will do for the women who you want to force to have a child they don't want?

Will you set up a college fund? Make sure the kid is educated and fed? Has health care for life?

Just what will you do for the unwanted child? Will you take it in and raise it? Give the child a job?

Come on now, you can't just force women to have children they don't want and then abondon that child and mother when it is born.

That wouldn't be very Christian of you. But you all do that every day. Bitch all day long on a message board about abortion. But not one of you are marching in protest at an abortion clinic. Not one of you are adopting an unwanted child.

Why is that?

This bill does nothing to restrict abortion, it mearly makes someone who wants one as an elective procdure pay for it their fucking selves.

Are you aok with abortions as long as they are paid for by the woman having an abortion?

If that is your position, then you are a minority abortion hater. Most on here want all abortions stopped. Regardless of who pays for them.
The left thinks they should be able to force gun control on the people in this country but abortions shouldn't have any type of restriction what-so-ever on it...

they are two faced hypocrites of the worst kind.

and THE OP is the biggest one on this board..low life pos
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