Ohio Governor John Kasich Signs Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures

There is no Constitutional right to murder your own baby. There is a law, but it does not mean it is a Right to murder your own baby.

A murder is a murder even if it is not criminalized.

And should be called so.

And every move to restrict that murder - is VERY GOOD.

Actually there is. Roe v. Wade establishes the right of abortion in certain cases.

If you think abortion is wrong, then don't have one.

If you think owning a handgun is wrong, dont own one.

I don't dispute the right to own a handgun.

Do you object to warrantless wiretapping?
Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

Seriously--this "uterus" meme has gotta stop. It's laughable and inaccurate. Even libs are aware that it's about the fetus.

Translation: Stop banging out the truth, because you don't want to hear it. You authoritarians don't care about an egg, you want to control a woman's life. You don't consider her capable of making those types of decisions. The STATE must make it for her.

You know, a uterus is surrounded by a whole person. Why does the left reduce a woman to a single body part? That's no better than a cad who sees a woman as nothing more than tits and ass. You should be ashamed.
some of these people would care more about a animal..

friggen sick how they talk about the life that is being aborted...just look at them they were clumps of cells at one time too, and look how cold and callous a person that didn't get aborted..

Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

No you don't. You believe in individual freedom until it's inconvenient. If you were for individual freedom, you'd be one of the biggest advocates against abortion because killing a child destroys it's freedom.

Repeating lies about a uterus being the property of the State isn't going to make it any less of a lie. Especially since it's the left that's arguing that children are the property of the states and parents shouldn't have choices.

Where exactly is your compassion for the children?

AGAIN, you want to force YOUR definition so you can continue to pontificate.

The LAW of the land does NOT say or support 'life begins at conception. You can chant it from now until eternity, it is a LIE. The law says an egg is not a child until it reaches viability. That is sooner than God defines it.
Avatar will never ascend to my level. I believe in individual freedom. You right wing statists believe a woman's uterus should be the property of the STATE. You are authoritarians, not caring human beings...

No you don't. You believe in individual freedom until it's inconvenient. If you were for individual freedom, you'd be one of the biggest advocates against abortion because killing a child destroys it's freedom.

Repeating lies about a uterus being the property of the State isn't going to make it any less of a lie. Especially since it's the left that's arguing that children are the property of the states and parents shouldn't have choices.

Where exactly is your compassion for the children?

AGAIN, you want to force YOUR definition so you can continue to pontificate.

The LAW of the land does NOT say or support 'life begins at conception. You can chant it from now until eternity, it is a LIE. The law says an egg is not a child until it reaches viability. That is sooner than God defines it.

What does science say---don't liberals want this based on science ? Laws used to permit slavery. What the hell good is a stupid law ?
some of these people would care more about a animal..

friggen sick how they talk about the life that is being aborted...just look at them they were clumps of cells at one time too, and look how cold and callous a person that didn't get aborted..


well, the reason "those people" care more about the animals and not a human baby is because they actually often consider the human beings to be the worst part of this planet ( not all of them, but the vast majority). And they also consider abortion to be a potent population control method - as it was actually planned by the mother of PP, though she was outspoken racist and eugenic and nowadays libs prefer to hide their real views.

You can not understand the logic because you are not familiar with the whole worldview of the progressive left. Or you know separate issues but do not connect the dots.
AGAIN, you want to force YOUR definition so you can continue to pontificate.

The LAW of the land does NOT say or support 'life begins at conception. You can chant it from now until eternity, it is a LIE. The law says an egg is not a child until it reaches viability. That is sooner than God defines it.

No. Logic and science define life begining at conception. When there is a unique indivdual with it's own unique DNA with cells that are growing, it's alive.

The law of the land is irrelevant in a discussion about the truth because the law doesn't always reflect the truth, especially when administred by wicked people.
some of these people would care more about a animal..

friggen sick how they talk about the life that is being aborted...just look at them they were clumps of cells at one time too, and look how cold and callous a person that didn't get aborted..


well, the reason "those people" care more about the animals and not a human baby is because they actually often consider the human beings to be the worst part of this planet ( not all of them, but the vast majority). And they also consider abortion to be a potent population control method - as it was actually planned by the mother of PP, though she was outspoken racist and eugenic and nowadays libs prefer to hide their real views.

You can not understand the logic because you are not familiar with the whole worldview of the progressive left. Or you know separate issues but do not connect the dots.

believe me, I know all about both...I just like to throw it in their faces how sick and twisted they are:eusa_angel:
Seriously--this "uterus" meme has gotta stop. It's laughable and inaccurate. Even libs are aware that it's about the fetus.

Translation: Stop banging out the truth, because you don't want to hear it. You authoritarians don't care about an egg, you want to control a woman's life. You don't consider her capable of making those types of decisions. The STATE must make it for her.

You know, a uterus is surrounded by a whole person. Why does the left reduce a woman to a single body part? That's no better than a cad who sees a woman as nothing more than tits and ass. You should be ashamed.

Because that is how liberal women want to be seen. And since libs only recognize liberal women...
some of these people would care more about a animal..

friggen sick how they talk about the life that is being aborted...just look at them they were clumps of cells at one time too, and look how cold and callous a person that didn't get aborted..


well, the reason "those people" care more about the animals and not a human baby is because they actually often consider the human beings to be the worst part of this planet ( not all of them, but the vast majority). And they also consider abortion to be a potent population control method - as it was actually planned by the mother of PP, though she was outspoken racist and eugenic and nowadays libs prefer to hide their real views.

You can not understand the logic because you are not familiar with the whole worldview of the progressive left. Or you know separate issues but do not connect the dots.

believe me, I know all about both...I just like to throw it in their faces how sick and twisted they are:eusa_angel:

They are not from their standpoint. They honestly believe the animals are better than human beings and that the state actually should control the population growth of the "lowly" people. Of course it is hidden behind the meaningless phrases about "compassion" and "poverty" but the plain truth is simple. And ugly.
No BFG, the fact is, killing a child is killing a child and many abortions occur after viability, so are you saying those people are murderers?
I'm saying once conception happens you have a person, it may not look like a person, but it is, because if you dont kill it, it becomes you, if your mother had an abortion, then you wouldnt be posting your bullshit on here, because you'd be dead.

Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?

"Now quit the lie of we want to own a womens uterus, why would we want that?"
I don't know, yet here you are telling women what they can do with their uterus.

They already made a choice for their uterus.

And THAT is none of your business, no matter how much you want to control a woman's life. It is THEIR choice when they fornicate, and it is THEIR choice if they become pregnant whether to continue or end the pregnancy...NOT YOURS
With the passage of Ohio's new state budget, women in that state have lost access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.

On Sunday night, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed House Bill 59, the new $62 billion state budget that includes a $2.7 billion tax cut and increases the sales tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.75 percent, WLWT.com reported.

The budget also included several controversial anti-abortion measures, including one that will force any woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-abdominal ultrasound.

Another measure of the budget puts Planned Parenthood last on the list of family-planning dollars, which essentially cuts off $1.4 million in federal funding, The Columbus Dispatch reported. Per WLWT.com, "Opponents of the new abortion restriction said that three clinics in Ohio would likely close now that the measure is implemented."

Rape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.

According to The Plain Dealer, Kasich quickly left his Statehouse office after signing the budget, not allowing reporters to ask questions. The new budget goes into effect on Monday.

More: Ohio Abortion Restrictions: Gov. John Kasich Signs New State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures

The continuing war on women is sad to watch. There will be a day of reckoning at the ballot box.

Planned Parenthood makes millions in profits each year, so why the hell do we fund them?

Having an ultrsound is smart if you want to ensure that any potential life threatening conditions are present before you proceed with the procedure. Liberals can be pretty fucking ignorant when it comes to this stuff. You wouldn't have any other medical procedure without proper tests being done and this is no different. IF you cared about the woman's well being and understood that without tests, doctors can't determine certain risks, you'd be all for this. But you aren't.

It's not a war on women. Insisting on abortions without a good assessment of her health and detecting potential problems would be a war on women. I think we all deserve good care from doctors and forcing them to perform a procedure blindly is amazingly stupid. Why do liberals want to risk womens' lives just so they can protect their favorite means of population control? Is it because millions of minorities are the ones getting the abortions and you don't think they are worthy of competent doctors who do what is best for their well-being? Racists!

It was probably doctors who suggested this. They don't like surprises during procedures and they might fear lawsuits when something goes terribly wrong.
Seriously--this "uterus" meme has gotta stop. It's laughable and inaccurate. Even libs are aware that it's about the fetus.

Translation: Stop banging out the truth, because you don't want to hear it. You authoritarians don't care about an egg, you want to control a woman's life. You don't consider her capable of making those types of decisions. The STATE must make it for her.

You know, a uterus is surrounded by a whole person. Why does the left reduce a woman to a single body part? That's no better than a cad who sees a woman as nothing more than tits and ass. You should be ashamed.

I have said a WOMAN'S uterus and her life. YOU are the ones who are detaching it, not me.
Yeah they are. You can lie about it to yourself all you want. But the second conception occurs there is a new independent human being growing. Abortion ends the life of that human being. It doesn't matter what you try to claim, the child is alive and abortion kills it.

You've already demonstrated you haven't read Roe.

And yes, some of these organizations like planned parenthood take tax payer money and use it to pressure women into abortion at a time in their life when they are emotionally vulnerable.

And as long as abortion kills children, it will always be my business. You may forsake your responsibility to others, even your kin, but I cannot.

Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Funny how morality and ethics always rankle the hedonist left. You might want to wipe your mouth. You have a little spittle in the corner there.

Moral and ethic people don't support cutting off programs that help people.
And THAT is none of your business, no matter how much you want to control a woman's life. It is THEIR choice when they fornicate, and it is THEIR choice if they become pregnant whether to continue or end the pregnancy...NOT YOURS

No, it is not. It is a murder and it should be restricted as much as possible
what's funny is these couple nutjobs on this board who wail over a ultrasound before abortions and speak of women as uterus think they speak for ALL WOMEN and that all women believe the twisted shit they do..

WELL they don't as we see they are outnumbered by the more rational women here proves it...
Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Funny how morality and ethics always rankle the hedonist left. You might want to wipe your mouth. You have a little spittle in the corner there.

Moral and ethic people don't support cutting off programs that help people.

well gather up all your like minded friends and send them all your paychecks...put your money where your mouth is..you'll be a hero
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Stick your high and mighty crap right back from it came from...your ass.

You right wing statists don't give a shit about the crawling or walking, and we're supposed to believe you care about an egg?

And you are a lying sack of shit. And keep your nose out of people's crotches.

Funny how morality and ethics always rankle the hedonist left. You might want to wipe your mouth. You have a little spittle in the corner there.

Moral and ethic people don't support cutting off programs that help people.

You are correct. Conservative, moral and ethical people have always been charitable with their own time, talent and fortune to help people. Taking other people's hard earned money and giving it to people who think they are entitled to it and won't lift a finger to support themselves is not help. I'm not sure why the left is so confused over that, but they just keep throwing good money after bad to feel good about themselves.......when it isn't even their money to give. Keeping people dependent as the left does is not helpful, moral or ethical.
Translation: Stop banging out the truth, because you don't want to hear it. You authoritarians don't care about an egg, you want to control a woman's life. You don't consider her capable of making those types of decisions. The STATE must make it for her.

You know, a uterus is surrounded by a whole person. Why does the left reduce a woman to a single body part? That's no better than a cad who sees a woman as nothing more than tits and ass. You should be ashamed.

I have said a WOMAN'S uterus and her life. YOU are the ones who are detaching it, not me.

Yet you leftists seem to fizate on a woman's uterus when making your arguments and totally ignore the person. Perhaps that's why you have such disregard for the unborn. It's all about a body part or clumps of cells. You don't see the person.
AGAIN, you want to force YOUR definition so you can continue to pontificate.

The LAW of the land does NOT say or support 'life begins at conception. You can chant it from now until eternity, it is a LIE. The law says an egg is not a child until it reaches viability. That is sooner than God defines it.

No. Logic and science define life begining at conception. When there is a unique indivdual with it's own unique DNA with cells that are growing, it's alive.

The law of the land is irrelevant in a discussion about the truth because the law doesn't always reflect the truth, especially when administred by wicked people.

This is a thread about the law in a 'politics' forum. If you want to discuss abortion as a religious issue you aren't really in the right thread.
And for you to presume that you are the arbiter of what is the truth or not the truth is to presume that only you among us possess the power to be such an arbiter.

What led you to that conclusion?
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