Ohio Killer of 11 Sentenced to Death


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Ohio Killer of 11 Sentenced to Death


(CLEVELAND) — A serial killer will be put to death for murdering 11 women and dumping their bodies around his property, a judge ruled Friday.

Anthony Sowell should die by lethal injection for his crimes, Judge Dick Ambrose ruled, accepting the sentencing recommendation of the jury that convicted Sowell of aggravated murder.

Sowell, 51, never looked at victims' relatives as they spoke during the sentencing hearing. He also ignored the judge when asked if he wanted to speak and never moved when the judge asked him to sign a court document. His attorney, John Parker, said Sowell didn't want to speak and signed the sex-offender reporting requirement document for Sowell.

Dozens of relatives were in the courtroom. As the hearing began, deputies passed around boxes of tissues to the relatives and warned against any outburst.

He went on trial in June and was convicted July 22 on 82 counts: aggravated murder, kidnapping, corpse abuse and evidence tampering.

Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Pinky Carr has said the case "screamed death penalty." Her prosecution colleague, Richard Bombik, said "if this guy doesn't get the death penalty, nobody should."

Sowell's defense team, John Parker and Rufus Sims, rested without calling witnesses and instead focused on sparing his life with sympathetic testimony about his troubled childhood, his Marine Corps service and good behavior while serving 15 years for attempted rape.

The women began disappearing in 2007, and prosecutors say Sowell lured them to his home with the promise of alcohol or drugs. Police discovered the first two bodies and a freshly dug grave in late 2009 after officers went to investigate a woman's report that she had been raped there.

Read more: Ohio Killer of 11 Sentenced to Death - TIME
Ohio Killer of 11 Sentenced to Death


(CLEVELAND) — A serial killer will be put to death for murdering 11 women and dumping their bodies around his property, a judge ruled Friday.

Anthony Sowell should die by lethal injection for his crimes, Judge Dick Ambrose ruled, accepting the sentencing recommendation of the jury that convicted Sowell of aggravated murder.

Sowell, 51, never looked at victims' relatives as they spoke during the sentencing hearing. He also ignored the judge when asked if he wanted to speak and never moved when the judge asked him to sign a court document. His attorney, John Parker, said Sowell didn't want to speak and signed the sex-offender reporting requirement document for Sowell.

Dozens of relatives were in the courtroom. As the hearing began, deputies passed around boxes of tissues to the relatives and warned against any outburst.

He went on trial in June and was convicted July 22 on 82 counts: aggravated murder, kidnapping, corpse abuse and evidence tampering.

Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Pinky Carr has said the case "screamed death penalty." Her prosecution colleague, Richard Bombik, said "if this guy doesn't get the death penalty, nobody should."

Sowell's defense team, John Parker and Rufus Sims, rested without calling witnesses and instead focused on sparing his life with sympathetic testimony about his troubled childhood, his Marine Corps service and good behavior while serving 15 years for attempted rape.

The women began disappearing in 2007, and prosecutors say Sowell lured them to his home with the promise of alcohol or drugs. Police discovered the first two bodies and a freshly dug grave in late 2009 after officers went to investigate a woman's report that she had been raped there.

Read more: Ohio Killer of 11 Sentenced to Death - TIME

We've got a comfy seat in NY we're not using....
Dude was a monster and deserves to die, he preyed on women with criminal records and drug habits who he knew nobody would really come looking for. The scary thing is if he was a little more careful, this scumbag could really still be doing business right now.
I remember hearing about this when they first caught the guy, apparently this dude has dead bodies all up in his house and buried in the backyard. I heard that a neighbor of his saw him dragging a naked female corpse out into his backyard and tossed it in a hole in the ground, the neighbor called the police but they never did anything cause the neighborhood where he lived was well known for drugs and very very high crime.
Some people are pure evil. Death by injection is too fast and easy. I bet his victims didn't go that easy. We have to send a message to the tough guys that we won't tolerate this any more. I understand that we have about 40,000 violent deaths each year. If we have 40,000 execution a year by the second year the number will fall and by the third it will be way down.

If you come to my house you will get the rights I chose to let you have. Don't tick me off.
Personally I think he should killed, revived, and killed again for each woman he murdered.
On another topic, do you think this guy would have gotten away with this for as long as he did if he tried this in a more upscale neighborhood? the part of Cleveland where he lived at was a crime infested drug filled dump.
He was only caught cause he raped a lady in his house and was negligent and let her live, if he was more careful this bastard would still be out there. People would be smelling the stench of rotting corpses from his house but no one did anything.
A month before cops discovered all the bodies, Fawcett Bess says he was approached by another woman. She was bloody with bruises on her neck. She said she'd been attacked by Sowell, yet police showed little interest in investigating.

On October 20, yet another naked woman was seen by neighbors jumping from a second-floor window at Sowell's home. Sowell told firemen who arrived that they'd been doing coke and smoking pot all day, and that the woman had fallen out of the window. When police interviewed her at the hospital, she refused to talk.

Corruption is so pervasive in Cleveland, voters elected Jeffrey Johnson this week, though he'd been convicted for extortion as a state senator
​Then there was the complaint last December, when still another woman filed a report saying Sowell stopped her in front of his house, forced her to the back, then punched and choked her while trying to rape her.

After four complaints, a normal police department might assume it has a problem with one Anthony Sowell, especially seeing how he already did 15 years in prison for -- you guessed it -- choking and raping a woman. He was also a registered sex offender.

From the same article, if this is true the Police in Cleveland are lazy and incapable. This guy could have been stopped before he did this much damage, he was not subtle and wasn't really hiding anything.
Personally I think he should killed, revived, and killed again for each woman he murdered.

Magellan gets a great deal of credit for a number of things...but based on your post, Skull, you might want to propose his method for dealing with mutiny:

From ‘Over the Edge of the World,’ by Laurence Bergreen

In 1519, Magellan took five ships as set sail from Spain to find a water route to the Spice Islands (Indonesia). Among the depredations he faced was mutiny. He dealt with it as follows.

“First, Magellan instructed one of his men to read an indictment of Mendoza as a traitor.

The Captain General then ordered his men to draw and quarter Mendoza’s body. This complicated and grotesque procedure usually began with hanging the victim, then cutting his down while he was only partly strangled. The executioner or an assistant would make an incision in the victim’s abdomen, remove the intestines, and, incredibly, burn them in front of the half-dead victim. When he finally expired, his head and limbs were severed from his body, parboiled with herbs to preserve them and repel birds, and finally displayed to the public.

In a variation, the victim’s arms and legs were attached to four horses, who were made to walk in opposite directions, slowly tearing the victim’s limbs from his body.

Magellan combined elements of both methods. Mendoza was secured to the flagship’s deck, with ropes running from his wrists and ankles to the capstans, which consisted of a cable wound about a cylinder to hoist or move heavy objects. On cue, sailors pressed on levers to rotate the capstans’ drum, which contained sockets to check its backward movement. Bit by bit, the pressure applied to the capstans ripped Mendoza’s lifeless body to pieces.

Magellan directed that the quartered remains be spitted and displayed as a warning of exactly how traitors would be treated…This practice, so barbarous by present standards, was in keeping with the customs of the time for those who would defy authority.
Magellan’s display of barbarism did not end there; he was only beginning to exact revenge for the mutineers’ insult to his authority and to the honor of King Charles. More than execution, torture was his ultimate weapon at sea. He appointed his cousin, Alvero de Mesquita as judge.

He ordered Andres de San Martin to the ghastly strappado. The strappado was administered in five stages of increasing agony.

In the first degree, the victim was stripped, his wrists were bound behind his back, and he was threatened until he confessed. If he refused, he was subjected to...

...the second degree. In it, the victim’s arms were raised behind his back by a rope attached to a pulley secured overhead, and he was lifted off his feet for a brief period of time, and given another chance to confess. If he still refused, he faced ...

...the third degree of strappado, in which he was suspended for a longer period of time, which dislocated his shoulders and broke his arms. Once again, he was given another chance to confess. If no satisfactory confession, the fourth degree:

The victim was suspended and violently jerked, which inflicted excruciating pain. Few victims of methodically administered strappado lasted beyond this point without confessing. In certain cases there was a fifth degree.

In this final phase of strappado, weights were attached to the victim’s feet, and they were often heavy enough to tear the limbs from his tormented body.

San Martin suffered the full five stages. “The prisoner hath his hands bound behind his back, and weights tied to his feet, and then he is drawn up on high, till his head reached the vey pulley. He is kept hanging in this manner for some time, that by the greatness of the weight hanging at his feet, all his joints and limbs may be dreadfully stretched, and of a sudden he is let down with a jerk, by slacking the rope, but kept from coming quite to the ground.”

Good enough?...
...or back to the drawing board?
Anthony Sowell, Convicted Cleveland Serial Killer, Has Rape And Kidnapping Charges Dropped By Judge


CLEVELAND -- A serial killer already sentenced to death for killing 11 women and dumping their remains around his house and property laughed and said the state had no case as a judge dismissed remaining rape and kidnapping charges against him on Monday.

The cases were dismissed at the prosecutor's request to save additional trial costs and spare two women who testified at Anthony Sowell's murder trial from having to testify again. Jurors said the grueling testimony of survivors was important in convicting Sowell, 52.

The women, Tanja Doss and Vanessa Gay, endorsed dismissing the charges, according to assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Mahmoud Awadallah. The women did not appear in court.

The two "have already gone through a lot of stress telling their story," Awadallah said after the court session.

Anthony Sowell, Convicted Cleveland Serial Killer, Has Rape And Kidnapping Charges Dropped By Judge
Good, i hope they kill him soon.

well shit.... they dropped the charges?

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