Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"

In 2019, the Antifa Thugs are a lot more violent than the Triple K. At least from what I've seen.

No one was killed or even injured in the major rally yesterday in Dayton


I fucking love you. Really. You make the world an awesome place.

It is the biggest rally for the Triple K in Ohio in many a year, and the biggest nationwide this year.

Considering the presumed importance of the Triple K, I'd say that qualifies as "major", no?

Maybe Democrats were the conservative Confederates of 100 years ago. But these days it’s Republicans who claim that mantle.

If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"

In 2019, the Antifa Thugs are a lot more violent than the Triple K. At least from what I've seen.

No one was killed or even injured in the major rally yesterday in Dayton


I fucking love you. Really. You make the world an awesome place.

It is the biggest rally for the Triple K in Ohio in many a year, and the biggest nationwide this year.

Considering the presumed importance of the Triple K, I'd say that qualifies as "major", no?

It is major. Those nine people are a considerable ratio of the actual KKK members in the U.S. The Jedi Religion is orders of magnitude bigger than the KKK.

The KKK does live on in spirit, however, in the Leftwing Prog Agenda.
Then you neither understand nor respect civil rights. It is EASY to respect the rights of people you agree with. What is hard is respecting the rights of people you don't. Don't play dumb and pretend we were talking about anything other than a public rally. The only reason why these things ever get out of hand is because protesters show up who are just as bad as those they protest looking for a fight. One thing leads to another until either the police have to be brought in or someone gets hurt.
Oh don't give me all your noble sounding horseshit, toob. I've heard how you folks "respect" the left's civil rights. Of course people are going to protest against what the Klan believes in. What starts trouble is folks who think they're somehow better than everybody else and that others who are different are inferior. Go blow it out your ass.

Attacking people with violence is not protesting. It is rioting and assault.

That is what people are talking about. Dont' play dumb.
Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

But why did it not happen this time? THAT IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION if we want to learn how to stop it in the future, do you not agree?
Because only 7 people showed up?

Nope. Plenty of cases of Antifa or other lefty types attacking small numbers of people.

What was different here?
Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.
If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"

In 2019, the Antifa Thugs are a lot more violent than the Triple K. At least from what I've seen.

No one was killed or even injured in the major rally yesterday in Dayton


I fucking love you. Really. You make the world an awesome place.

It is the biggest rally for the Triple K in Ohio in many a year, and the biggest nationwide this year.

Considering the presumed importance of the Triple K, I'd say that qualifies as "major", no?
Antifers, with the help of the fake press, have done more to revitalize the KKK than the leftist heroes HItler and Lindberg did. Good job (again) useless idiots.
You people trying to convince us that these racist slobs no longer exist are laughable. They are simply going under different names. But those still waving the KKK banner, for whatever reason, deserve what they get, as do the rest.
You people trying to convince us that these racist slobs no longer exist are laughable. They are simply going under different names. But those still waving the KKK banner, for whatever reason, deserve what they get, as do the rest.

Yeah. By Any Means Necessary is the clarion call of the Left....which makes them the real FASCISTS.
You people trying to convince us that these racist slobs no longer exist are laughable. They are simply going under different names. But those still waving the KKK banner, for whatever reason, deserve what they get, as do the rest.

So, you are unhappy that the local government did it's job and maintained the peace?
You people trying to convince us that these racist slobs no longer exist are laughable. They are simply going under different names. But those still waving the KKK banner, for whatever reason, deserve what they get, as do the rest.

So, you are unhappy that the local government did it's job and maintained the peace?
You said that, not me. Quit twisting the discussion, Correll.
You people trying to convince us that these racist slobs no longer exist are laughable. They are simply going under different names. But those still waving the KKK banner, for whatever reason, deserve what they get, as do the rest.
But you seem to approve of Blacks being racists.
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
As many as there are ,bet they're all republicans
Why would you think that?...it was the southern dems that created the KKK....
Long long time ago NOW not all republicans are racists BUT all racists are republican YES even repubs have a few good people among them Very few here

The Progs are the most racist of any group in the U.S., bub.
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
As many as there are ,bet they're all republicans
Why would you think that?...it was the southern dems that created the KKK....
Long long time ago NOW not all republicans are racists BUT all racists are republican YES even repubs have a few good people among them Very few here

The Progs are the most racist of any group in the U.S., bub.
Body,,you're a funny guy You must be one of those good republicans
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
As many as there are ,bet they're all republicans
Why would you think that?...it was the southern dems that created the KKK....
Long long time ago NOW not all republicans are racists BUT all racists are republican YES even repubs have a few good people among them Very few here

The Progs are the most racist of any group in the U.S., bub.
Body,,you're a funny guy You must be one of those good republicans

Your powers of perception are as inadequate as is your intellect.

I am neither a guy nor a Republican. But thanks for playing!
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
As many as there are ,bet they're all republicans
Why would you think that?...it was the southern dems that created the KKK....
Long long time ago NOW not all republicans are racists BUT all racists are republican YES even repubs have a few good people among them Very few here

The Progs are the most racist of any group in the U.S., bub.
Body,,you're a funny guy You must be one of those good republicans
Which of your ancestors was the illegal?

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