Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

I am sure that will draw a lot of old school democrats...
Ah yes, Republicans.
Huh!!! We are both in Maryland, are we not? You... Must be one of those Progressives we despise. Correct?
Who is this "we" you're talking about? In MD you'd be quite the oddball. Just because we have a Republican governor doesn't mean the state has changed. Not only that, Hogan's thinking of taking Trump down a peg and running in the primaries. I'd even consider changing my registration for that one. 2020 should be fun assuming he doesn't get perp-walked out of the WH before then. :04:

Trump is getting stronger every day while

you Tards are getting nuttier by the minute....

Trump has you Tards on Tilt....

See you in 20 Sucker...
Successful event for the people of Dayton and Montgomery County. $650,000 was spent, but it was worth every dime. No one was hurt, no one was arrested, everyone went home in one piece, no property damage.

They avoided the catastrophe of Liberal Charlottesville in 2017

Dayton Stuck With $650,000 Bill for KKK Rally That Drew 9 People

And we see how pathetically small the White Supremacist are in our society.

Good article, but really the question that needs answering, was the kkk the problem here, threatening violence, with their whole NINE people, or the crowd of anti-klan protestors with their hundreds?
It's too damn bad most idiot Amerrrykinz are too stupid to know whey the clan came to be. They kicked the fuck out of more white trash ( no take care of family-no pay bills-drunks-wife beaterschild molesters(banging teenage chicks) horse thieves etc etc than they ever did blacks.
Why ? Because the law then was a piece of shit like it is today.
Rob a feed store once.Couple weeks in the city cage, Fine. "Keepin an eye on you boy".
Time two ? Klan showed up and kicked his teeth down his throat/broke his jaw.
There was no time three.
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
And 12 of them are FBI ionformants

There were only 9 Triple K members in Dayton.

They really aren't FBI "informants", but instead FBI and other law enforcement agents working undercover to keep an eye on the extremist groups. Nothing really that shocking, the feds have had moles inside these outfits for more than 50 years. I'm sure there are a few reporters in the ranks of the klansmen as well, giving them the heads up for the latest story with this supposedly important secret orgainization.

Without the dues money the taxpayers are ponying up to keep the cops in good standing in the KKK, the outfit would probably disband.
Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
If you really cared, this would bother you.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"
can we bring up BLM??
they want to KILL white people !!!!!!!!!
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM did not want to kill all white people. You assfucks are too God damn stupid to know what BLM is all about,.
it's right THERE---you can't deny it
''we need to start killing people''!!!!

KKK did not want to kill all black people. You assfucks are too God damn stupid to know what KKK is all about
So you are pinning the entire movement on one person?
the crowd cheers her!!
While she said that, another protester can be heard saying, “Burn it!”
it's not just one

...but you people blame the white race when ONE white supremacist does something
you blame all whites when a white says the words ''fried chicken''
make up your minds and stop being hypocrites
Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters?
Why do you seem to think all blacks think the same way?

I replied to RealDave who had stated: BLM did not want to kill all white people. You assfucks are too God damn stupid to know what BLM is all about,.

I am quite aware of the bullshit that is Black Lies Matter.

I asked *you* a question about your overt racism, and you failed to respond.

Noted, ass hat.
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
And 12 of them are FBI ionformants
They really aren't FBI "informants", but instead FBI and other law enforcement agents working undercover to keep an eye on the extremist groups. .
You claim to be from Poland, so I am guessing English is not likely your primary language, so I will share this with you.

The word 'informant' is equivalent to the word 'spy' except that 'spy' tends to have a negative connotation, but is legitimate.

LEOs working undercover as 'informants/spies in fringe violent groups are legit, IMO, as long as they are not 'provocateurs' which is altogether different and not legit as they are entrapping fools into being used as funding props for Congressional committee appearances.

There is no moral issue with spying on the evil and violent, but creating the evil to justify ones budget is as evil as what is being investigated.
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:
And 12 of them are FBI ionformants
They really aren't FBI "informants", but instead FBI and other law enforcement agents working undercover to keep an eye on the extremist groups. .
You claim to be from Poland, so I am guessing English is not likely your primary language, so I will share this with you.

The word 'informant' is equivalent to the word 'spy' except that 'spy' tends to have a negative connotation, but is legitimate.

LEOs working undercover as 'informants/spies in fringe violent groups are legit, IMO, as long as they are not 'provocateurs' which is altogether different and not legit as they are entrapping fools into being used as funding props for Congressional committee appearances.

There is no moral issue with spying on the evil and violent, but creating the evil to justify ones budget is as evil as what is being investigated.

I am of Polish ethnicity, but I was born and raised in the great state of Ohio, so I am very familiar with English.

I was distinguishing the difference between a mole and an informant. An "informant" is someone like Big Pussy in the Sopranos were was a member of the targeted group who is persuaded to cooperate with Law Enforcement. A "mole" is someone like Johnny Depp in Donnie Brasco who starts out as law enforcement and becomes part of the group.

Neither role is "immoral" at all, I was more pointing out how a small group of spies/moles/informants can inflate the size of the group, if the group being surveilled in very small.
Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
If you really cared, this would bother you.
View attachment 262663

FALSE: Photograph Shows Robert Byrd in Ku Klux Klan Garb
A photograph purportedly showing former Senator Robert Byrd wearing Ku Klux Klan robes has been circulating online for several years, but the image is demonstrably fake.

While Byrd was a member of the infamous hate group in his younger years, he left the organization in the 1940s:

“I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

Byrd became a high profile politician and was the longest serving Senator at the time of his death in 2010.

This image first appeared online when it was posted to the web site Strange Cosmos in June 2004. While the web site did not specifically state that the image had been doctored, Strange Cosmos is a joke web site that prides itself on its politically incorrect content:

Occasionally, you will come across a Picture, Joke or Article a bit risqu? and maybe even Politically Incorrect. DEAL WITH IT ! This is an Entertainment site. No matter what we post here ? it is going to offend or irritate someone. Handle it. Our intent is not to offend anyone.

The above-displayed image is a composite of at least two different photographs. While the source image for the body is unknown, the image of Byrd’s face was taken from an official U.S. Senate portrait:

While the manipulated image of Robert Byrd in Klan garb originated in 2004, the image saw a resurgence in popularity during the 2016 presidential elections. This image was frequently attached to an image of Byrd kissing Hillary Clinton on the cheek, insinuating that Clinton had a relationship with the senator while he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Great news POstings should be on the light side today from our republican lol friends traveling to Ohio

The Triple K event is already over, it happened on Saturday in the Great County of Montgomery.
I wondered about that--I lived down the road from the Grand Poobah of the KKK, who lived in Meriden, Connecticut. When they had rallies we learned about them AFTER they were over. No news of them coming was in the papers or on the news until it was over, for obvious reasons.
Great news POstings should be on the light side today from our republican lol friends traveling to Ohio

The Triple K event is already over, it happened on Saturday in the Great County of Montgomery.

Nine members showed up - which is about what one should expect given that the KKK is an eensy beensy artifact. They could have just met for breakfast and had a more enjoyable time.

A Klu Klux Klan (KKK) rally held in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday drew only nine members to the event and hundreds of counterprotesters.

KKK group heavily outnumbered by counterprotesters at their own rally in Dayton
ATTENTION ALL Republicans Macy's has a great 2 for 1 sale on white sheets Supply limited so hurry on down

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.
You are one twisted fuck.

Did you just call the Bill of Rights twisted? The 1st Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble, you don't have to like them, you don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to listen to them. Recently, someone had a rally where only 8 people showed up! Had no one done a thing, these people would have gone unnoticed. Instead, 600-800 screaming protesters showed up to protest them and made it a big media event to cover.

A group seldom starts trouble on their own; it is when you bring to opposing sides together and they clash that problems begin.

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.
You are one twisted fuck.

Did you just call the Bill of Rights twisted? The 1st Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble, you don't have to like them, you don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to listen to them. Recently, someone had a rally where only 8 people showed up! Had no one done a thing, these people would have gone unnoticed. Instead, 600-800 screaming protesters showed up to protest them and made it a big media event to cover.

A group seldom starts trouble on their own; it is when you bring to opposing sides together and they clash that problems begin.

Absolutely true. A groups of Triple K protesters could march this afternoon through the rain forests of Deepest Darkest Africa.

But if there is no organized counter protest, the event will go with notice and be peaceful. The black people will look with bemusement and that will be that.

Bringing in counter protesters and the media, that's what causes the problems.

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