Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

I am sure that will draw a lot of old school democrats...
Ah yes, Republicans.

Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
Trump was referring to people who wanted the statue removed and non-Klan members on the side who wanted their heritage preserved. He was never thinking of the Klan members.
So you are claiming that half the people there were Klansmen? And half the American population are Klansmen too? You're an idiot.

You're hallucinating again. I never said anything like that.
Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….

You are a perfect Trump supporter. Don't confuse you with facts. Your mind is made up.

Your ass has to be sore from all the ass whippings you have been “takin”

Are you sure you want some more?

Come on buddy. You spout right wing talking point crap, and then claim you have somehow won something. We both know it doesn't work like that.

We both know you have been getting your ass spanked....
First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.
However when it was created it was created by Democrats, specifically because the Republicans, who won the war, were bringing in black Republican politicians and setting them up in the deep south, where they exerted power over the Democrats who were not allowed to hold office.

The new politicians and carpetbaggers were corrupt and criminal, and the KKK was formed to protect the democrats from them.

History. It's awesome. Go back to mumbling and playing with yourself.
The KKK was created by disgruntled Southerners
You can't white wash your heritage. They were democrats. Of 150 Dixiecrats only two became republicans later. Democrats run plantations today in major US cities. They are comparable to the conditions on slave plantations of the day.

1. Shitty run down place to live in
2. Broken families
3. Despair
4. Poverty
5. Lawlessness
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….

You are a perfect Trump supporter. Don't confuse you with facts. Your mind is made up.

Your ass has to be sore from all the ass whippings you have been “takin”

Are you sure you want some more?

Come on buddy. You spout right wing talking point crap, and then claim you have somehow won something. We both know it doesn't work like that.

We both know you have been getting your ass spanked....

I know you have been saying that, but you say so much unfounded stuff.
Ah yes, Republicans.

Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
Trump was referring to people who wanted the statue removed and non-Klan members on the side who wanted their heritage preserved. He was never thinking of the Klan members.
So you are claiming that half the people there were Klansmen? And half the American population are Klansmen too? You're an idiot.

You're hallucinating again. I never said anything like that.
I never said there weren't Klansmen there, but they didn't represent all the Southerners who wanted to keep the statues of their southern heritage intact. And they weren't the "other side" of good people that Trump was referring. Your argument is a cheap political hit job and you fucking well know it. You're talking to people who follow Current Events and are in the know. You're not talking to your average "man on the street" moron you find on California beaches.
Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
Trump was referring to people who wanted the statue removed and non-Klan members on the side who wanted their heritage preserved. He was never thinking of the Klan members.
So you are claiming that half the people there were Klansmen? And half the American population are Klansmen too? You're an idiot.

You're hallucinating again. I never said anything like that.
I never said there weren't Klansmen there, but they didn't represent all the Southerners who wanted to keep the statues of their southern heritage intact. And they weren't the "other side" of good people that Trump was referring. Your argument is a cheap political hit job and you fucking well know it. You're talking to people who follow Current Events and are in the know. You're not talking to your average "man on the street" moron you find on California beaches.

Yes. You are so well informed. What are your thoughts on the birth certificate, or FEMA prisons, or Hillary supposedly selling Uranium, or who should we believe, our own investigative agencies, or Putin?
Their being long dead is irrelevant. Lincoln is long dead but we know he was a Republican. Also, you keep mentioning their young age. Why is their young age significant? The oldest was thirty or thirty one years of age when the KKK was founded anyway.

Yes, dead is irrelevant but it underscores the fact that you're trying to speak for people who have long since passed into the state where they can't speak for themselves. Plus you have no evidence, plus you're working on a double fallacy, the first of which is the Ass-sumption that everybody everywhere somehow MUST "belong to a political party"

I never suggested or implied any such thing and I already told you that I know there were other parties at that time. All I said was that Democrats started the KKK. Right or wrong, that was all I said. You made the Ass-umption that I am a dichotomist and said or think there were only two parties.

and it's just a matter of sussing which one (which you can't do), and the second of which is that all of this is an effort to construct a giant Composition Fallacy, which would still be a fallacy even if you COULD do it.

You are guilty of constructing your own composition fallacy of sorts. In determining that I was wrong about the KKK founders being Democrats (part), you assumed you knew what I believe about everything else regarding the politics of the time and that I must be wrong on all points (whole).
If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.

Screw that, I want them to come. Then I can watch the sister bumpers and the rich white kids slap fight like a bunch of Down’s syndrome people scrapping over the last blues clues lunch box at wall mart.
Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Abraham Lincoln, like Donald Trump, had his media enemies, too
Abraham Lincoln, like Donald Trump, had his media enemies, too

'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day

'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day - The Atlantic

Trump withdraws "orangutan" lawsuit against comic Bill Maher
Trump withdraws orangutan lawsuit against comic Bill Maher | Reuters

Mary Todd Lincoln Became a Laughingstock After Her Husband’s Assassination


The difference between Lincoln and Trump is that Lincoln rounded up and jailed all dissenting journalists. He was a tyrant.

YOu can't have enemy operatives, openly working in your society, during a war.

So in the event of war, you're cool with all the leftist media getting locked up?

Rachel Maddow goes 1st. Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd next.

And what war is this you are drooling over again?

Nothing in his post could sanely be called "drooling" for war.

Why are you like this?
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Hey Dip Shit…

The only questions obozo ever got were from partisan hacks…….

Per your Lincoln quote at the very least obozo should have been exiled…..

I would have said hanged but I know you Tards would try and make it racial.

You tards make me want to puke.

Are you bulimic?

Why are you such an asshole?
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"

Many " southern democrats" were actually klan supporters and sympathizers. I'm sure some still "secretly are" Socialism will give them slaves again. How Ironic"

Maid Marion is lost on his Dichotomy trip. Klan never required a political affiliation. All it required was you had to be Merkin, white, Protestant, love Jesus and the flag, and hate blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, debtors, wife-beaters, immigrants and labor unions. That of course didn't require a political party.
However when it was created it was created by Democrats, specifically because the Republicans, who won the war, were bringing in black Republican politicians and setting them up in the deep south, where they exerted power over the Democrats who were not allowed to hold office.

The new politicians and carpetbaggers were corrupt and criminal, and the KKK was formed to protect the democrats from them.

History. It's awesome. Go back to mumbling and playing with yourself.
The KKK was created by disgruntled Southerners
You can't white wash your heritage. They were democrats. Of 150 Dixiecrats only two became republicans later. Democrats run plantations today in major US cities. They are comparable to the conditions on slave plantations of the day.

1. Shitty run down place to live in
2. Broken families
3. Despair
4. Poverty
5. Lawlessness

There were two (2) "Dixiecrats", those being Strom Thurmond the POTUS candidate and Fielding Wright the VP candidate (both of whom came from rural areas, not "cities"). Those formed when they walked out of the 1948 Democratic convention after hearing too much about "civil rights" for their taste from the mayor of Minneapolis Hubert Humphrey and the incumpent POTUS Truman.

They ran one campaign that fall with the strategy to deny an electoral majority to either Truman or Dewey, which would have cast the election into the House of Representatives, even getting Truman's name taken off the ballot in a state or two. They ran no other candidates for any other offices.

When that failed and Truman won anyway the two finished out their governor terms, three years later Thurmond took his first run for Senator and the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot forcing him to run as a write-in, which he won. Wright went back to his law practice in Mississippi until he died in 1956.

Your other 148 imaginary Dixiecrats simply never existed, and only one of the two switched to Republican, which was Thurmond in 1964. He was the first crack in the "solid South" although George Wallace had already offered the same year to switch in order to be Barry Goldwater's running mate, but since Goldwater understandably declined, he didn't do it.

As for the creators of the Klan, once again nothing has changed -- there's STILL no evidence anywhere that any Klan founder, not in 1865 in the original, not in 1915 in the revival, not even in the late 1940s when one Dr. Samuel Green made noises about restarting the 1915 one, had any political party affiliation at all. See post 49 for the details, which, as historical fact, are non-negotiable and there's nothing you can do about that except try to prove any of it wrong.

Y'all flaming Dichotomists have to get the fuck OVER this bullshit idea that everybody in the world is either a "Democrat" or a "Republican". Most people, and indeed most voters, are NEITHER. And there's nothing you can do about that either.

And even if you could it would give you nothing but a hopelessly simplistic Composition Fallacy.
Last edited:
Jean Shepherd encounters the Klan, Hammond Indiana:

Jean Shepherd was an awesome storyteller/raconteur who did a talk show on WOR radio in the 1960s (and other stations in other eras but that was his heyday). I spent many a late night listening in with a little transistor radio. He would show up at the studio and just sit down with no script whatsoever and start talking about anything, invariably leading to long entertaining tales from childhood in Hammond Indiana.

Hammond was the site of state Klan boss D.C. Stephenson's brutal rape assault on Madge Oberholtzer in 1925 which seriously hit the KKK's reputation with its screaming hypocrisy and brought down a slew of Indiana state politicians as was described in the video in post 355 above. Jean Shepherd apparently knew nothing about this at the time as the story relates.
Jean Shepherd encounters the Klan, Hammond Indiana:

Jean Shepherd was an awesome storyteller/raconteur who did a talk show on WOR radio in the 1960s (and other stations in other eras but that was his heyday). I spent many a late night listening in with a little transistor radio. He would show up at the studio and just sit down with no script whatsoever and start talking about anything, invariably leading to long entertaining tales from childhood in Hammond Indiana.

Hammond was the site of state Klan boss D.C. Stephenson's brutal rape assault on Madge Oberholtzer in 1925 which seriously hit the KKK's reputation with its screaming hypocrisy and brought down a slew of Indiana state politicians as was described in the video in post 355 above. Jean Shepherd apparently knew nothing about this at the time as the story relates.

How long have you been a member of the Klan?
If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"
If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"

In 2019, the Antifa Thugs are a lot more violent than the Triple K. At least from what I've seen.

No one was killed or even injured in the major rally yesterday in Dayton
If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"
can we bring up BLM??
they want to KILL white people !!!!!!!!!
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"
can we bring up BLM??
they want to KILL white people !!!!!!!!!
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM did not want to kill all white people. You assfucks are too God damn stupid to know what BLM is all about,.

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