Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

No doubt about it the left was and is the KKK...…….
Based on what policies?

Here you go Tard….

These leftist policies are right out of the KKK’s handbook…

Your Great Society From the Racist lyndon b. johnson

Destroyed the Black Family……..

You keep Blacks down with your handouts and low expectations…

You kill thousands of Black baby’s if not millions….

You let crime run rampant in the inner city's….

You won't allow Charter Schools, you support the teachers unions

over Black Children...……..

It’s well known you leftist’s hate Black People…

You use Blacks as political pawns to achieve your quest for power.

Only the truly ignorant like yourself don’t get it.
Last edited:
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Hey Dip Shit…

The only questions obozo ever got were from partisan hacks…….

Per your Lincoln quote at the very least obozo should have been exiled…..

I would have said hanged but I know you Tards would try and make it racial.

You tards make me want to puke.

Are you bulimic?

Again you make no sense…….

I should feel guilty for making you look stupid……
First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

No doubt about it the left was and is the KKK...…….
Based on what policies?

Here you go Tard….

These leftist policies are right out of the KKK’s handbook…

Your Great Society From the Racist lyndon b. johnson

Destroyed the Black Family……..

You keep Blacks down with your handouts and low expectations…

You kill thousands of Black baby’s if not millions….

You let crime run rampant in the inner city's….

You won't allow Charter Schools, you support the teachers unions

over Black Children...……..

It’s well known you leftist’s hate Black People…

You use Blacks as political pawns to achieve your quest for power.

Only the truly ignorant like yourself don’t get it.
Both Marxists Obama and Hillary raised their arms covenanting to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Then they broke that solemn oath by following Saul Alinsky’s plan to destroy it

1. Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people
.2 Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live
3. Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4. Gun Control - Remove the ability of the citizens to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5. Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6. Education - Take control of what people read and listen to - take control of what children learn in school.
7. Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
8. Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy
This is just a short list of the take over and the partial blueprint.
There is no doubt the left is Evil....

Those that support the left are either Evil or Ignorant...…...
There is no doubt the left is Evil....

Those that support the left are either Evil or Ignorant...…...
Say hi to everyone at the KKK meeting.

What an ignorant lame ass know nothing Tard retort that was…..

That’s because you can’t dispute facts….

In a moment you will be reduced to calling me a racist.
There is no doubt the left is Evil....

Those that support the left are either Evil or Ignorant...…...
Say hi to everyone at the KKK meeting.

What an ignorant lame ass know nothing Tard retort that was…..

That’s because you can’t dispute facts….

In a moment you will be reduced to calling me a racist.
No, but you’re a hater. And don’t forget to wear your pointy hood.

"Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections."

The Ku Klux Klan founded | History Today

"They demanded that blacks either vote Democrat or not vote at all."

"The original Klan faded away in the 1870s after the federal government had taken action and many members had been arrested and punished, but it had helped to make the South a Democrat political stronghold."

You're right, it was not started by the Democratic party but make no mistake, they were Democrats and the Democrat members were the ones who turned it from a social club to a terror and intimidation organization targeted at blacks and Republicans.

Actually we have no names or histories of those other locals who took over the Klan robes, so we know no such thing about their political parties --- and you're still mired in that mindless cranial swamp that believes everybody on earth is automatically either a Democrat or Republican (therefore anyone who opposes one has to be the other), which is absolute bullshit. We do however have the names of the six founders, as already described. Go ahead and find where any of them had political affiliations. Be the first.

Wrong. Of course there were political parties that existed at that time, there always has been.[sic]

Wrong again. Not there. First, Tennessee in 1865 wasn't even part of the United States.

Do you seriously think they stopped considering themselves democrats during the war and during the year after the war before the state was readmitted? They were democrats before the war and they were democrats after the state was readmitted. Regardless of whether or not they were officially part of a democrat party during those five years, they started as democrats who opted for secession and civil war rather than give up the chance of spreading slavery.

Unless you're just quibbling over minor factual details, I fail to see your point.

Here's a klown who can't distinguish between "democrat" and "Democrat". Let alone the gaffe of "democrat party" [sic]


"You're right, it was not started by the Democratic party but make no mistake, they were Democrats and the Democrat members were the ones who turned it from a social club to a terror and intimidation organization targeted at blacks and Republicans."

If you want capitalizations, I already fulfilled that requirement.

The question was about a political party Gomer, not "democrats".

Was the Democratic party not a political party?

And you don't know either. Prove me wrong. By all means show the class what six people from a century and a half ago "considered themselves". Y'all Dichotomists crack me up with your inability to fathom a world unlike your own, where everybody HAS TO "belong" to not only a political party but it has to be one of the only two you ever heard of.

I'm well aware that there were many parties before the Civil War. My saying that early supporters of slavery and its expansion were primarily (Southern) Democrats does not suggest in any way that I am not.

And once again, go beg borrow or steal a history book --- Democrats were not in favor of secession. Hell, half the whole South was not in favor of secession, let alone political parties. That entire movement came from the wealthy and indolent planter class, not a fucking political party.

I never said a thing about who or how many people were for or against secession.

Don't be coming to this topic unarmed Hunior. I will bury you.

You're welcome to try Mr. Khrushchev. However, armed or unarmed, I will not insult your intelligence as you have done with me.

First of all I'm tickled that somebody finally got my Kruschev reference. :rock:

Yep, there were political parties before the War, and certainly members of which certainly supported slavery and its expansion including Whigs, Know Nothings and Democratic-Republicans; but none of them, including the Democrats, pushed for slavery expansion as a bloc. Feel free to show me evidence to the contrary, and I don''t mean by cherrypicking but as a collective unit.[/quote]

First of all, I never said Democrats pushed for the expansion of slavery as a bloc. I merely said that Democrats pushed for its expansion. Secondly, the Southern Democrats were not a bloc?

Your entering premise, however, purported to dig into the minds of six very long dead ex-soldiers and proclaim what they "considered themselves", on the basis of no evidence at all, and that's just specious.

Their being long dead is irrelevant. Lincoln is long dead but we know he was a Republican. Also, you keep mentioning their young age. Why is their young age significant? The oldest was thirty or thirty one years of age when the KKK was founded anyway.
Their being long dead is irrelevant. Lincoln is long dead but we know he was a Republican. Also, you keep mentioning their young age. Why is their young age significant? The oldest was thirty or thirty one years of age when the KKK was founded anyway.

Yes, dead is irrelevant but it underscores the fact that you're trying to speak for people who have long since passed into the state where they can't speak for themselves. Plus you have no evidence, plus you're working on a double fallacy, the first of which is the Ass-sumption that everybody everywhere somehow MUST "belong to a political party" and it's just a matter of sussing which one (which you can't do), and the second of which is that all of this is an effort to construct a giant Composition Fallacy, which would still be a fallacy even if you COULD do it.

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

Where does it say that the Republican party is against voting rights, civil rights/gay rights, and womens' rights?
I can easily post article after article about how Republicans repeatedly try to gut voting rights....how the GOP cheered when the Supreme Court gutted parts of the Voting Rights act -- but when I post those articles, you will just pretend it doesn't matter...

So post an article. One that proves the Republicans repeatedly try to gut voting rights and one that proves the GOP cheered when the Supreme Court gutted parts of the Voting Rights act.

If by "gutted parts of the Voting Rights act" you're referring to the removal of the provisions, the provisions were no longer necessary.

Show me one bill that the GOP pushed that strengthens voting rights?

Show me one bill that weakens it.

From the article:

"The polling station at the university’s student center was restricted to three days of early voting, compared with two weeks in some other parts of the county — and two weeks at majority-white Texas A&M in a nearby county."

Two weeks in other parts of the county and two weeks at majority-white Texas A&M. There's a distinction being drawn here between majority-white Texas A&M and "other parts of the county". This suggests that "other parts of the county" are not majority white. Also, the article does not say why they limited it to three days, they only quote Johnson expressing his opinion that "they don’t really want us to vote."

As for women's rights....I'll just quote what Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski told her OWN republican team mates...."go home and talk to your wife and daughters if you think that there is no war on women."

How exactly is this war against women being manifested? And the Common Dreams article is horseshit, especially regarding the Brett Kavanaugh case.

And finally civil/gay rights ......why are republicans still claiming its ok for employers to fire gays simply for being gay??

Trump administration says employers can fire people for being gay

Republicans are not saying it's ok for employers to fire gays simply for being gay, one lawyer from the Justice Department (Hashim Mooppan) is saying it.
A while back I read that the Klan was big in Indiana back in the day. So seeing the headline of the thread I was surprise it wasn't taking place there. Did a quick google search and came across this about the rally:

The out-of-state group, called the Honorable Sacred Knights of Indiana, is planning to hold a rally on Courthouse Square on Saturday, May 25.

Ku Klux Klan Allowed To Hold Rally In Downtown Dayton
A while back I read that the Klan was big in Indiana back in the day. So seeing the headline of the thread I was surprise it wasn't taking place there. Did a quick google search and came across this about the rally:

The out-of-state group, called the Honorable Sacred Knights of Indiana, is planning to hold a rally on Courthouse Square on Saturday, May 25.

Ku Klux Klan Allowed To Hold Rally In Downtown Dayton

Yep, and they're from Indiana. Which is only right next door.
It was estimated that at its peak one-third of the adult male population of Indiana was Klan. But Ohio had an abundance as well.

Matter of fact D.C. Stephenson the Indiana political boss severely damaged the KKK's reputation after he abducted and brutally raped a schoolteacher, Madge Oberholtzer. When the woman said she'd get the law on him he snapped back, "I AM the law in Indiana". He figured his Klan Governor would get him a pardon. When that didn't happen he had his accomplices pull out small handwritten contracts from politicians all over the state pledging mutual support to the Klan, and brought down the whole state political structure.

Well whattaya know, here's the History Channel summing up the Klan origins exactly as I laid it out. Haven't seen this before.

There are a couple of inaccuracies;(1) the date the Klan was founded was 1865, not 1866; (2) I believe "Birth of a Nation" had already been released and was causing a stir before Thanksgiving 1915; and (3) the quote frequently attributed to Wilson cannot be confirmed and has been roundly disputed. Other than that it's spot-on.


You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...

Do you question the quotes. the dates, or both?

Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….

You are a perfect Trump supporter. Don't confuse you with facts. Your mind is made up.
You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...

Do you question the quotes. the dates, or both?

Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….

You are a perfect Trump supporter. Don't confuse you with facts. Your mind is made up.

Your ass has to be sore from all the ass whippings you have been “takin”

Are you sure you want some more?
Do you question the quotes. the dates, or both?

Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….

You are a perfect Trump supporter. Don't confuse you with facts. Your mind is made up.

Your ass has to be sore from all the ass whippings you have been “takin”

Are you sure you want some more?

Come on buddy. You spout right wing talking point crap, and then claim you have somehow won something. We both know it doesn't work like that.
I am sure that will draw a lot of old school democrats...
Ah yes, Republicans.

Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
Trump was referring to people who wanted the statue removed and non-Klan members on the side who wanted their heritage preserved. He was never thinking of the Klan members.
So you are claiming that half the people there were Klansmen? And half the American population are Klansmen too? You're an idiot.

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