Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Abraham Lincoln, like Donald Trump, had his media enemies, too
Abraham Lincoln, like Donald Trump, had his media enemies, too

'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day

'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day - The Atlantic

Trump withdraws "orangutan" lawsuit against comic Bill Maher
Trump withdraws orangutan lawsuit against comic Bill Maher | Reuters

Mary Todd Lincoln Became a Laughingstock After Her Husband’s Assassination


The difference between Lincoln and Trump is that Lincoln rounded up and jailed all dissenting journalists. He was a tyrant.

YOu can't have enemy operatives, openly working in your society, during a war.

So in the event of war, you're cool with all the leftist media getting locked up?

Rachel Maddow goes 1st. Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd next.
Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?

It was democrats that started the KKK and you know this.

Nnnnnope. Already did this, see post 49 because it's not going away.

Post 49 or 50 or 102, it doesn't matter; the KKK was started by democrats. Everyone knows the democrats, as a party, supported slavery and desired the expansion of slavery into the western territories.

Wrong STILL yet again. I think you just conceded this point but there is no record of any political party affiliations for six twentysomething ex-soldiers in a place that had no political parties anyway. As far as parties 'supporting slavery', actually the Democrats were on the side of wishy-washy non-intervention.

No. By this time the Democrat party was mostly split along north/south lines where Northern Democrats were against slavery (or against its expansion to the western territories) and Southern Democrats supported it. There may have been some wishy-washy Democrats on the position of slavery and its expansion but these relatively few in number. The fact that the party split the way it did shows that most came down on one side of the issue or the other.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. Klan was founded December 24 1865 at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee by (in alpha order) (Maj) James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, (Capt) John B. Kennedy, (Capt) John Lester, (Maj) Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed, six twentysomething ex-soldiers, as a social club. None of them had any known political party,


"Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections."

The Ku Klux Klan founded | History Today

"They demanded that blacks either vote Democrat or not vote at all."

"The original Klan faded away in the 1870s after the federal government had taken action and many members had been arrested and punished, but it had helped to make the South a Democrat political stronghold."

You're right, it was not started by the Democratic party but make no mistake, they were Democrats and the Democrat members were the ones who turned it from a social club to a terror and intimidation organization targeted at blacks and Republicans.

Actually we have no names or histories of those other locals who took over the Klan robes, so we know no such thing about their political parties --- and you're still mired in that mindless cranial swamp that believes everybody on earth is automatically either a Democrat or Republican (therefore anyone who opposes one has to be the other), which is absolute bullshit. We do however have the names of the six founders, as already described. Go ahead and find where any of them had political affiliations. Be the first.

..and no political parties existed in that time and place anyway.

Wrong. Of course there were political parties that existed at that time, there always has been.[sic]

Wrong again. Not there. First, Tennessee in 1865 wasn't even part of the United States.

Do you seriously think they stopped considering themselves democrats during the war and during the year after the war before the state was readmitted? They were democrats before the war and they were democrats after the state was readmitted. Regardless of whether or not they were officially part of a democrat party during those five years, they started as democrats who opted for secession and civil war rather than give up the chance of spreading slavery.

Unless you're just quibbling over minor factual details, I fail to see your point.

Here's a klown who can't distinguish between "democrat" and "Democrat". Let alone the gaffe of "democrat party" [sic]


"You're right, it was not started by the Democratic party but make no mistake, they were Democrats and the Democrat members were the ones who turned it from a social club to a terror and intimidation organization targeted at blacks and Republicans."

If you want capitalizations, I already fulfilled that requirement.

The question was about a political party Gomer, not "democrats".[/quote]

Was the Democratic party not a political party?

And you don't know either. Prove me wrong. By all means show the class what six people from a century and a half ago "considered themselves". Y'all Dichotomists crack me up with your inability to fathom a world unlike your own, where everybody HAS TO "belong" to not only a political party but it has to be one of the only two you ever heard of.

I'm well aware that there were many parties before the Civil War. My saying that early supporters of slavery and its expansion were primarily (Southern) Democrats does not suggest in any way that I am not.

And once again, go beg borrow or steal a history book --- Democrats were not in favor of secession. Hell, half the whole South was not in favor of secession, let alone political parties. That entire movement came from the wealthy and indolent planter class, not a fucking political party.

I never said a thing about who or how many people were for or against secession.

Don't be coming to this topic unarmed Hunior. I will bury you.

You're welcome to try Mr. Khrushchev. However, armed or unarmed, I will not insult your intelligence as you have done with me.
You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

Fake history. It's all these gimps have.
You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

PRECISELY, the original Republican Party was chock full of ex-Whigs, who believed in doing big things with government (which also led to a split about 20 years later on "how big") but the Reconstruction policies were part of that including the "forty acres and a mule" principle, the first Affirmative Action push. Defeated Confederates naturally resisted at some point what was felt as an invasion from the Union, not because they were (sometimes) affiliated with a political party but simply because they were interlopers. These actions were already going on as soon as word got out that the Confederacy was lost and had zero to do with political parties. Posses would attack the freed slaves for having the temerity to walk into town seeking employment, and they did so spontaneously on the spur of the moment, or in organized groups* of which the Klan became one. But at the time of the Klan's founding that process hadn't even begun.

>> It would be a historical fallacy to assert that the Ku Klux Klan and its compatriots were organized to combat the Union League and to overthrow Radical Reconstruction. They came on the scene much too early to support such a view and they were, indeed, too much a reflection of the general character of Southern life to spawn them. Radical Reconstruction was, however, a powerful stimulus for such endeavors, and the struggle against it gave the Klan a respectability and dignity that it had not anticipated. The lawlessness of the Jayhawkers and Bushwhackers of 1865 became the holy crusde of the Klansmen of 1868. Within a matter of months it was being claimed that the "instinct of self-protection" prompted the organization of the Klan.--- Reconstruction After the Civil War: Second Edition (John Hope Franklin, Univ. of Chicago Press 1994) p. 153 <<​

*these included at minimum the Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869); the Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70); the Council of Safety; Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi); Heroes of America (South Carolina); the Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi); the Knights of the Red Hand; the Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868); the Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69); the Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama); Men of Justice; Native Sons of the South (Mississippi); Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867); the Order of the White Rose; Red Caps (Tennessee); Red Jackets (Tennessee); Red Strings (South Carolina); the Robertson Family (Mississippi); the Society of the White Rose (Mississippi); the Seymour Knights (Louisiana); the Southern Cross (New Orléans1865); the White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70); the White League (Louisiana 1874); the White Line (Mississippi); the Yellow Jackets (Tennessee) and the '76 Association (Louisiana 1869). Unlike the Klan, none of these groups were re-founded in 1915 and none of them were fantasized in a revolutionary film/book/play, none of them ran a mass advertising campaign to spread them nationwide, none of them survived long enough to photograph, and thus all of them remain in the small print of history.

All of this doesn't even touch on the fallacy that this drooling tribalist attempt to equate Klan with political party, even if it worked, would be all for the aim of constructing a giant Composition Fallacy based on the premise that something called "Democrat" in 1865 equates to something called "Democrat" in 2019, as if political parties were some kind of static bloc that never evolved with the times and political winds, which is patently absurd.

Clearly the Klan's opposition to its region's black population and its opposition to change in general, as well as its later crusades against drunkenness, infidelity, debt deadbeats, failure to attend a Christian church, Jews, Catholics, labor unions and immigrants were all hyperconservative principles and that stayed far more constant than any political party ever could. A political party has to appease its changing base; a hate group does not. That's why when the Klan dabbled in supporting or opposing politicians in its peak in the 1920s, it would support or oppose a Democrat or a Republican (or a nonpartisan) depending on what would work in that time and place. For all the Klan's faults it at least understood how political parties work far better than a whole lot of tribalist USMB posters do.

As a right-wing extremist group the KKK were, especially the 20th century version, proto-fascists before fascism contrived the term. "Ku Klux Klan" was in a very real sense the English translation of "Kinder, Kirche Kuche". Even works out to the same acronym.

>> In the end, the Klan was important not for what it did but for what it signified. It accomplished little but, as Evans appreciated, it expressed the otherwise inarticulate rage and resentment of millions. At bottom its members' quarrel was with modernity. In particular, they objected to the rise of Catholics and Jews to positions of power and prominence; they feared that science would undermine the moral authority of the Bible; they worried that a "New Woman" would refuse to the submit to patriarchal authority; they worried that a "New Negro" would reject white supremacy. In matters trivial and profound they found themselves threatened with being passed by. The Klan captured perfectly, as did the Eugenics movement, their simultaneous sense of being entitled and endangered. << (source)​
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You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

Where does it say that the Republican party is against voting rights, civil rights/gay rights, and womens' rights?
You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

What party wants to keep Black People on the Liberal Plantation in the Ghetto, dependent on government largesse? What party has a conniption when a black person decides to abandon their ideology and think for himself?

Back in the 1960's, the Democrat Party came up with a strategery to gain black votes. Major social welfare programs in the ghetto for blacks to become forever dependent on. At the NAACP convention, former Arch-Segregationist LBJ addressed the crowd. "With this Great Society legislation, I will have you N-words voting Democrat for 200 generations!!!"

I'll make this short and just point out your two glaring flaws. One, that's a fake quote, and two, in fact the Democratic Party (because there's no such thing as a Democrat Party) didn't need to court black votes in the 1950s ---- they already had had them for two decades.

None of this relates to the Klan anyway. But as long as you bring up the 1950s and LBJ, that would be the time when the Klan burned a cross on then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson's lawn, for what they saw as his being "soft on Jews". I believe it was 1955.

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

What party wants to keep Black People on the Liberal Plantation in the Ghetto, dependent on government largesse? What party has a conniption when a black person decides to abandon their ideology and think for himself?

Back in the 1960's, the Democrat Party came up with a strategery to gain black votes. Major social welfare programs in the ghetto for blacks to become forever dependent on. At the NAACP convention, former Arch-Segregationist LBJ addressed the crowd. "With this Great Society legislation, I will have you N-words voting Democrat for 200 generations!!!"
The fact you are idiotic enough to equate a segment of people voting for a particular party as being on a plantation is the reason why republicans whine and bitch about the fact that they can't attract a larger segment of minority voters -- perhaps you should stop referring to people who are voting in their best interests as slaves...

Jewish americans vote overwhelmingly democratic in similar numbers to black americans -- why don't you demonize those jewish voters as being in democrat gas chambers? Oh I know why, because you respect them more, so fuck what you yapping about

I also see you failed to address anything I said about "POLICIES" as you idiots usually do

It's also a dead giveaway to his addiction to Dichotomy Disease, the message board fallacy that everything in the universe revolves around "political parties".

It was democrats that started the KKK and you know this.

Nnnnnope. Already did this, see post 49 because it's not going away.

Post 49 or 50 or 102, it doesn't matter; the KKK was started by democrats. Everyone knows the democrats, as a party, supported slavery and desired the expansion of slavery into the western territories.

Wrong STILL yet again. I think you just conceded this point but there is no record of any political party affiliations for six twentysomething ex-soldiers in a place that had no political parties anyway. As far as parties 'supporting slavery', actually the Democrats were on the side of wishy-washy non-intervention.

No. By this time the Democrat party was mostly split along north/south lines where Northern Democrats were against slavery (or against its expansion to the western territories) and Southern Democrats supported it. There may have been some wishy-washy Democrats on the position of slavery and its expansion but these relatively few in number. The fact that the party split the way it did shows that most came down on one side of the issue or the other.

Again, the Democratic Party candidate in 1860 pulled the same number of Electoral Votes from the "South" -- what would become the Confederacy --- as did Lincoln, and Lincoln's name wasn't even on the ballot, yet they both got zero. That doesn't amount to rousing support from the slavers, does it. And this was after that slaver element already kicked the party convention out of its territory. Douglas came in dead last in a field of four and again, wasn't either "for" or "against" expansion, which is what I mean by wishy-washy. The same indecision on the same issue doomed the Whigs to oblivion around the same time. In effect Republicans took a stance, Democrats didn't. And once the wealthy element steered their ship to secession, the emerging Confederacy had no political parties.

NONE of which, save the last point, has anything to do with ass-sumed political party affiliations of the Klan founders, of which there is zero evidence anyway.
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. Klan was founded December 24 1865 at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee by (in alpha order) (Maj) James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, (Capt) John B. Kennedy, (Capt) John Lester, (Maj) Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed, six twentysomething ex-soldiers, as a social club. None of them had any known political party,


"Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections."

The Ku Klux Klan founded | History Today

"They demanded that blacks either vote Democrat or not vote at all."

"The original Klan faded away in the 1870s after the federal government had taken action and many members had been arrested and punished, but it had helped to make the South a Democrat political stronghold."

You're right, it was not started by the Democratic party but make no mistake, they were Democrats and the Democrat members were the ones who turned it from a social club to a terror and intimidation organization targeted at blacks and Republicans.

Actually we have no names or histories of those other locals who took over the Klan robes, so we know no such thing about their political parties --- and you're still mired in that mindless cranial swamp that believes everybody on earth is automatically either a Democrat or Republican (therefore anyone who opposes one has to be the other), which is absolute bullshit. We do however have the names of the six founders, as already described. Go ahead and find where any of them had political affiliations. Be the first.

..and no political parties existed in that time and place anyway.

Wrong. Of course there were political parties that existed at that time, there always has been.[sic]

Wrong again. Not there. First, Tennessee in 1865 wasn't even part of the United States.

Do you seriously think they stopped considering themselves democrats during the war and during the year after the war before the state was readmitted? They were democrats before the war and they were democrats after the state was readmitted. Regardless of whether or not they were officially part of a democrat party during those five years, they started as democrats who opted for secession and civil war rather than give up the chance of spreading slavery.

Unless you're just quibbling over minor factual details, I fail to see your point.

Here's a klown who can't distinguish between "democrat" and "Democrat". Let alone the gaffe of "democrat party" [sic]


"You're right, it was not started by the Democratic party but make no mistake, they were Democrats and the Democrat members were the ones who turned it from a social club to a terror and intimidation organization targeted at blacks and Republicans."

If you want capitalizations, I already fulfilled that requirement.

The question was about a political party Gomer, not "democrats".

Was the Democratic party not a political party?

And you don't know either. Prove me wrong. By all means show the class what six people from a century and a half ago "considered themselves". Y'all Dichotomists crack me up with your inability to fathom a world unlike your own, where everybody HAS TO "belong" to not only a political party but it has to be one of the only two you ever heard of.

I'm well aware that there were many parties before the Civil War. My saying that early supporters of slavery and its expansion were primarily (Southern) Democrats does not suggest in any way that I am not.

And once again, go beg borrow or steal a history book --- Democrats were not in favor of secession. Hell, half the whole South was not in favor of secession, let alone political parties. That entire movement came from the wealthy and indolent planter class, not a fucking political party.

I never said a thing about who or how many people were for or against secession.

Don't be coming to this topic unarmed Hunior. I will bury you.

You're welcome to try Mr. Khrushchev. However, armed or unarmed, I will not insult your intelligence as you have done with me.[/QUOTE]

First of all I'm tickled that somebody finally got my Kruschev reference. :rock:

Yep, there were political parties before the War, and certainly members of which certainly supported slavery and its expansion including Whigs, Know Nothings and Democratic-Republicans; but none of them, including the Democrats, pushed for slavery expansion as a bloc. Feel free to show me evidence to the contrary, and I don''t mean by cherrypicking but as a collective unit.

Your entering premise, however, purported to dig into the minds of six very long dead ex-soldiers and proclaim what they "considered themselves", on the basis of no evidence at all, and that's just specious.
LOL Pogo
For claiming the Klan was not Democrat, fuck off, retard. They were wholly Democrat, and go fuck yourself.

Good opportunity for local Republicans to hand out voter registrations

Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?

Good opportunity for local Republicans to hand out voter registrations

Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?
Tell us dipshit, which party do they support today?


Basically folks, if you're not well-versed in the Night Riders, the election of 1860, the Knights of the Golden Circle, the "Tariff of Abominations", the Nashville Convention and John Calhoun and Stephen Douglas, the Southern planter aristocracy, "popular sovereignty", and even the Know Nothings, the Temperance Movement and the National Security League, you don't have a context to make up a two-line user-generated Googly Image/photoshop meme about the Klan or to post inane shitgibbon mewling like these posts I just quoted.

That's not respecting history at all --- that's jerking off to Tribalist Ideology porn.

Which is why I have zero respect for that shit. Intellectual sloth deserves nothing but absolute contempt.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." --- Isaac Asimov, 1980
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You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

Where does it say that the Republican party is against voting rights, civil rights/gay rights, and womens' rights?
I can easily post article after article about how Republicans repeatedly try to gut voting rights....how the GOP cheered when the Supreme Court gutted parts of the Voting Rights act -- but when I post those articles, you will just pretend it doesn't matter...

Show me one bill that the GOP pushed that strengthens voting rights?

‘They Don’t Really Want Us to Vote’: How Republicans Made It Harder

As for women's rights....I'll just quote what Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski told her OWN republican team mates...."go home and talk to your wife and daughters if you think that there is no war on women."

And finally civil/gay rights ......why are republicans still claiming its ok for employers to fire gays simply for being gay??

Trump administration says employers can fire people for being gay

Why Do Republicans Hate Women?

You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...

Do you question the quotes. the dates, or both?

Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….

You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...

Do you question the quotes. the dates, or both?

Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….
Again. You're on the "internet".

A few clicks and you'd see they were accurate. You could watch Trump actually speak those very words with no media interference.

There they go, right out of his mouth, just as Mac wrote them.

Good gawd, you really are trained, aren't you. Anything outside your little bubble is fake news.
You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

No doubt about it the left was and is the KKK...…….
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Abraham Lincoln, like Donald Trump, had his media enemies, too
Abraham Lincoln, like Donald Trump, had his media enemies, too

'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day

'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day - The Atlantic

Trump withdraws "orangutan" lawsuit against comic Bill Maher
Trump withdraws orangutan lawsuit against comic Bill Maher | Reuters

Mary Todd Lincoln Became a Laughingstock After Her Husband’s Assassination


The difference between Lincoln and Trump is that Lincoln rounded up and jailed all dissenting journalists. He was a tyrant.

YOu can't have enemy operatives, openly working in your society, during a war.

So in the event of war, you're cool with all the leftist media getting locked up?

Rachel Maddow goes 1st. Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd next.

And what war is this you are drooling over again?
You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

No doubt about it the left was and is the KKK...…….
Based on what policies?
All facts.

You can pretend it's Deep State Fake News™ if you'd like.

FAKE NEWS is all you got...……...
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
All facts.

You can pretend it's Deep State Fake News™ if you'd like.

FAKE NEWS is all you got...……...
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Hey Dip Shit…

The only questions obozo ever got were from partisan hacks…….

Per your Lincoln quote at the very least obozo should have been exiled…..

I would have said hanged but I know you Tards would try and make it racial.

You tards make me want to puke.

You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...

Do you question the quotes. the dates, or both?

Coming from you I say it's all bull shit......
They're all direct quotes.

You're on the "internet", you could pretty easily look 'em up.

But since you're not allowed to think outside your little ideological closed circuit, we know you won't.

I am sure if you aren't flat out lying you are twisting the truth...

You and your lying media can't be trusted...….
Again. You're on the "internet".

A few clicks and you'd see they were accurate. You could watch Trump actually speak those very words with no media interference.

There they go, right out of his mouth, just as Mac wrote them.

Good gawd, you really are trained, aren't you. Anything outside your little bubble is fake news.

The left is all bull shit...……..
FAKE NEWS is all you got...……...
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
FAKE NEWS is all you got...……...
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.


Hey Dip Shit…

The only questions obozo ever got were from partisan hacks…….

Per your Lincoln quote at the very least obozo should have been exiled…..

I would have said hanged but I know you Tards would try and make it racial.

You tards make me want to puke.

Are you bulimic?

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