Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.

Another Klan supporter?

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You do realize that there is a distinct difference between supporting a person's freedom of expression, and agreeing with them, right?
LOL Pogo
For claiming the Klan was not Democrat, fuck off, retard. They were wholly Democrat, and go fuck yourself.

Yes. And not only that, the Klan was more popular in states like California, Indiana, and New York than it ever was in the South; Strom Thurmond and others were not popular with the Klan, for instance.
LOL Pogo
For claiming the Klan was not Democrat, fuck off, retard. They were wholly Democrat, and go fuck yourself.

Wow, cool post bruh. Nanoseconds of research went into that one, I can tell.

You must be exhausted.

Apparently reality is not your friend.

lol Pogo is always confusing himself; he tried to read 'Logic 101 For Dummies' a while back and now thinks his witless dope addled ruminating makes sense to others.

At some point, asking the same question over again, doesn't deserve a reply.

What it deserves is a punch in the face.

Like Nathan Philips did to Smirk-Boi?

Oh wait, that didn't work, did it.

No, not like that.

And you aren't really blaming the KID for that shit are you?

For what? There was no punch in the face. Unlike what you're advocating here.

Besides which, Rump doesn't punch people in the face. He gets his cult followers to do that. For free too....

You said, "like Nathan Philips did to Smirk-Boi"?

What the hell were you talking about?

He believes anything Philips has said or will say, like all Democrats will; that's because he thinks Phillips is brown enough and Indians are like noble n stuff and never lie or go insane.
LOL Pogo
For claiming the Klan was not Democrat, fuck off, retard. They were wholly Democrat, and go fuck yourself.

Yes. And not only that, the Klan was more popular in states like California, Indiana, and New York than it ever was in the South; Strom Thurmond and others were not popular with the Klan, for instance.

When Mr. Thurmond was SC governor, he ordered members of a lynch mob brought to trial for the lynching of one of his African American constituents. Thurmond was a classy guy, my brother met him on a jet back in the 1990's and was very favorably impressed.

You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?
You are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

What party wants to keep Black People on the Liberal Plantation in the Ghetto, dependent on government largesse? What party has a conniption when a black person decides to abandon their ideology and think for himself?

Back in the 1960's, the Democrat Party came up with a strategery to gain black votes. Major social welfare programs in the ghetto for blacks to become forever dependent on. At the NAACP convention, former Arch-Segregationist LBJ addressed the crowd. "With this Great Society legislation, I will have you N-words voting Democrat for 200 generations!!!"
They better not let this guy know. He never let the Klan exercised their freedom of speech.

You suspect whatever you like. I know my history. Prove one iota of it wrong or STFU.

KKK's 1st targets were Republicans - WND - WND

First the user-generated "Answers.com" now it's on to Whirled Nuts Daily, home of that infamous idiot group Jerome Corsi and the Birthers. Just gets better and better.

You ain't gonna mix it up with me on this shit. I WILL bury you.
No you will not, you smug leftist shill fuck.

I know exactly what they were about. They killed as many whites as blacks, too.

Here's a little Wiki for ya, cocksucker! Keep running that cockholster, bitch!

"The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was largely autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.[16][17]"
Lincoln pushed for emancipation, which freed the slaves...Lincoln was a republican...the confederates despised Lincoln and anyone else who were for the emancipation of slaves...

Republicans then went on to pursue the progressive policy of Re-construction...confederates were against reconstruction -- that felt it was too radical an idea to give freed blacks the same rights as whites -- the confederates felt they needed to "conserve" their way of life so they violently fought to end Re-construction -- that is when the Klan really kicked things up a notch....

From the period of the late 1890's to 2019; there were a lot of policies that were implemented --- but whenever I see these idiotic "only democrats are in the KKK" deflections, I notice those people never want to talk about the policy goals of the KKK and which current party holds those same policy goals...the KKK was violently against voting rights, violently against civil rights/gay rights, violently against womens rights....

Which party today is not only against those things, but have actually tried to reverse or weaken those things?

What party wants to keep Black People on the Liberal Plantation in the Ghetto, dependent on government largesse? What party has a conniption when a black person decides to abandon their ideology and think for himself?

Back in the 1960's, the Democrat Party came up with a strategery to gain black votes. Major social welfare programs in the ghetto for blacks to become forever dependent on. At the NAACP convention, former Arch-Segregationist LBJ addressed the crowd. "With this Great Society legislation, I will have you N-words voting Democrat for 200 generations!!!"
The fact you are idiotic enough to equate a segment of people voting for a particular party as being on a plantation is the reason why republicans whine and bitch about the fact that they can't attract a larger segment of minority voters -- perhaps you should stop referring to people who are voting in their best interests as slaves...

Jewish americans vote overwhelmingly democratic in similar numbers to black americans -- why don't you demonize those jewish voters as being in democrat gas chambers? Oh I know why, because you respect them more, so fuck what you yapping about

I also see you failed to address anything I said about "POLICIES" as you idiots usually do
They better not let this guy know. He never let the Klan exercised their freedom of speech.

He does now....since much of the klan followers are Infowars followers.....

No, the K K K has changed the script on Alex Jones. Making it seems as INFOWAR are the racist, and they are sweet little ol' lambs. Most likely they are paying back Alex Jones for his interfering with their agenda.

They better not let this guy know. He never let the Klan exercised their freedom of speech.

He does now....since much of the klan followers are Infowars followers.....

No, the K K K has changed the script on Alex Jones. Making it seems as INFOWAR are the racist, and they are sweet little ol' lambs. Most likely they are paying back Alex Jones for his interfering with their agenda.

No...they are aligned with Alex Jones because Alex Jones so-calls hates the "globalists" or in other words "Jews" -- just like the KKK does....because the KKK is not smart enough to know that Alex Jones is 1000% part of the same machine they claim to be railing against
No...they are aligned with Alex Jones because Alex Jones so-calls hates the "globalists" or in other words "Jews" -- just like the KKK does....because the KKK is not smart enough to know that Alex Jones is 1000% part of the same machine they claim to be railing against

I love this line of thinking. Criticizing bankers and globalists is antisemetic, because all jews are globalists and bankers.
No...they are aligned with Alex Jones because Alex Jones so-calls hates the "globalists" or in other words "Jews" -- just like the KKK does....because the KKK is not smart enough to know that Alex Jones is 1000% part of the same machine they claim to be railing against

I love this line of thinking. Criticizing bankers and globalists is antisemetic, because all jews are globalists and bankers.
I understand you don't know what etymology is or the necessity of code words in politics...but here is some help....

Lee Atwater was no fool when he said that you can't just come out and say "N-word , n-word, n-word" anymore...you have to be more abstract....so when people use the word "globalists" to demonize anything they don't agree with, people like you can play the innocent "whats so anti-Semitic about that word?" game

So tell me.....Did you know that CEOs making more than 300 times more than their average salary employee is a product of globalism?? But you don't mind that kind of globalism do you...

The Origins of the 'Globalist' Slur - The Atlantic
You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...
All facts.

You can pretend it's Deep State Fake News™ if you'd like.

FAKE NEWS is all you got...……...
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.
You got this off cnn didn't you...……..

When will you Tards ever learn...
All facts.

You can pretend it's Deep State Fake News™ if you'd like.

FAKE NEWS is all you got...……...
Those are all direct quotes. Look 'em up.

You won't, of course, because talk radio tells you not to.

None of the included quotes were anything to be ashamed of.

the crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION about Trump's motive in blowing off a b.s. question.
Some of us would we ashamed by that blazingly obvious contrast, some would not.

Lincoln died a long time ago. THe quotes of his that are remembered, are his best ones.

You want to fairly compare him to Trump? Find me a quote of Lincoln fielding a bullshit question from a partisan hack.

My point stands. The crux of the matter, is your ASSUMPTION, about Trump's motive for blowing off a bs question.

Btw here is a lesser know quote from good old abe.

If Antifa shows up without a permit to counter protest, they need to be arrested and fined. If one group requires a permit then every group requires a permit.

A klan supporter are we?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I'm no "klan supporter", but I'm no antifa supporter either. Antifa are the brownshirts of liberalism. During the Triple K march in Newnan, GA last year, no one was hurt as authorities kept the Triple K and Antifa apart. But Antifa less well behaved and 10 of their people got pinched. The 5 KKK members who marched did not create violence.

Only a dishonest person would pretend that being against Antifa breaking the law, means that you are a klan supporter.

And by dishonest person, I mean a fucking asshole.
I understand you don't know what etymology is or the necessity of code words in politics...but here is some help....

Lee Atwater was no fool when he said that you can't just come out and say "N-word , n-word, n-word" anymore...you have to be more abstract....so when people use the word "globalists" to demonize anything they don't agree with, people like you can play the innocent "whats so anti-Semitic about that word?" game

So tell me.....Did you know that CEOs making more than 300 times more than their average salary employee is a product of globalism?? But you don't mind that kind of globalism do you...

The Origins of the 'Globalist' Slur - The Atlantic


Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.

Another Klan supporter?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
You do realize that there is a distinct difference between supporting a person's freedom of expression, and agreeing with them, right?

He does not realize that. Because he does not support the freedom of expression for those who do not agree with him.
I understand you don't know what etymology is or the necessity of code words in politics...but here is some help....

Lee Atwater was no fool when he said that you can't just come out and say "N-word , n-word, n-word" anymore...you have to be more abstract....so when people use the word "globalists" to demonize anything they don't agree with, people like you can play the innocent "whats so anti-Semitic about that word?" game

So tell me.....Did you know that CEOs making more than 300 times more than their average salary employee is a product of globalism?? But you don't mind that kind of globalism do you...

The Origins of the 'Globalist' Slur - The Atlantic

View attachment 247659
Deflection noted.....

So I will give you one more chance to look less stupid than you successfully do daily on here...

What is a globalist? Is it this guy? He's a banker you know...
They better not let this guy know. He never let the Klan exercised their freedom of speech.

He does now....since much of the klan followers are Infowars followers.....

No, the K K K has changed the script on Alex Jones. Making it seems as INFOWAR are the racist, and they are sweet little ol' lambs. Most likely they are paying back Alex Jones for his interfering with their agenda.

No...they are aligned with Alex Jones because Alex Jones so-calls hates the "globalists" or in other words "Jews" -- just like the KKK does....because the KKK is not smart enough to know that Alex Jones is 1000% part of the same machine they claim to be railing against

Obama's Plan to Destroy Israel
Obama's Plan to Destroy Israel

Not Shocking: George Soros Funds Progressive War on Israel
Not Shocking: George Soros Funds Progressive War on Israel


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