Oil Price Plunging. Thanks Biden!

Yeah... Let's go Brandon ya doofus!!!!!!

Gas Prices:

because they didn’t, in jan 2017 it was 2.39/gal and in nov it was 2.5

Gas was $1.82 in February of 2016 and under Trump it went up until it was $2.82 by 2018, and it has stayed around that level until gas prices fell during the pandemic. That's $1 more than under Obama and you said nothing.

Why is Biden's pandemic recovery increase so terrible, but Trump blew up the price by more than 50% and you never once screamed "INFLATION".
Gas was $1.82 in February of 2016 and under Trump it went up until it was $2.82 by 2018, and it has stayed around that level until gas prices fell during the pandemic. That's $1 more than under Obama and you said nothing.

Why is Biden's pandemic recovery increase so terrible, but Trump blew up the price by more than 50% and you never once screamed "INFLATION".
Absolute lying...That's all you can do it seems...Gas pricing was $1.82 the month Obama took office in 2009...Thank you President Bush...From there and during most of Obama's presidency Gas was knocking up against $4 per gallon...So, quit lying....

Look at that graph - it shows prices steadily rising from 2017, but nothing BEFORE 2017.

Can't have people see how much MORE they paid for gas under Donald Trump than they did under President Obama.
You clearly can't read a chart.
If you can't see a VERY clear difference in trajectory, then you are simply willing to lie to yourself.
And Presidents have very very very very little to do with Gas prices. Biden included.
I posted the graph because it clearly shows how stupid the OP post is.
Gas was $1.82 in February of 2016 and under Trump it went up until it was $2.82 by 2018, and it has stayed around that level until gas prices fell during the pandemic. That's $1 more than under Obama and you said nothing.

Why is Biden's pandemic recovery increase so terrible, but Trump blew up the price by more than 50% and you never once screamed "INFLATION".
That’s cause gas prices increased to 2.4 by jan 2017 when he took office

see how you dembots try to lie, and how easily it’s disproven?
There was give and take on both sides. Certainly enforcing a medical loss ratio of 85% wasn’t high on the list of things corporations wanted.

There are still millions without health care and many more that does have it that really can't afford to use it. But sorry, I've taken this off topic.

I've noticed that the falling prices haven't affected the pump prices yet. If there had been a jump this high, there would have been immediate jumps at the pump.
Most other countries don't allow big business to lead their politicians around by the nose.

Is that the key? Private insurance is so costly because of costshifting and it not young, working families that are using most of the healthcare dollar.
I've noticed that the falling prices haven't affected the pump prices yet. If there had been a jump this high, there would have been immediate jumps at the pump.
There’s always a lag at the pump. There’s time from oil purchase to final product. It’s logical.
From you own link, fool:

In the first week of February 2016, gas was $1.82 a gallon under President Obama.

By July of 2018, gas was $2.82 under President Trump.

You said NOTHING.
Idiot, you said Trump, didn't even look at the illegitimate one. You're claim is still wrong. Dumbass.
Come on man!? Did you go into a coma in 2019? Trump inherited a great economy and rode it into the ground in 2020 leaving more people unemployed than any president since the depression. He never hit 3% GDP for a fiscal year. He racked up record debts with a budget Obama passed to him that was decreasing the deficit.

Don’t let them manipulate you. Fear is how they control you.
It's far better politically for a president to inherit an economy in recession than a good economy. IN the later case, the only way it can go is up. On the other hand, making gains on a "good" economy is extremely difficult.

All you prog assholes know this, so this meme is entirely dishonest.
She's just more intelligent and better informed than you.. Why do you have such a case of the ass if I might ask? Are you that enamoured of Trump?
She's a moron and a congenital liar.

What's a "case of ass?"
Absolute lying...That's all you can do it seems...Gas pricing was $1.82 the month Obama took office in 2009...Thank you President Bush...From there and during most of Obama's presidency Gas was knocking up against $4 per gallon...So, quit lying....

Obama took office in the middle of the Great Recession. That's what you are thanking Bush for? Seriously dumbass?

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