Oil Price Plunging. Thanks Biden!

Absolute lying...That's all you can do it seems...Gas pricing was $1.82 the month Obama took office in 2009...Thank you President Bush...From there and during most of Obama's presidency Gas was knocking up against $4 per gallon...So, quit lying....

You fools should really learn to quite when you're behind. Instead you just dig yourselves in deeper and deeper.

Gas prices when Obama was Inaugurated were $1.82 a gallon because of the Great Recession. With the economy shedding jobs at the rate of 500,000 per month, and 10% unemployment, nobody had a job to go, or money to go anywhere. Very similar to covid lockdowns, but for different reasons.

If you look at gas prices through most of Bush's Presidency - gas prices trended upward, and were over $4 a gallon in 2008, right before the crash. And then there's the crash and the price dropped like a stone. As the economy recovered the price rose. Gee, that sounds familiar.


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Here you go tennis love. 45 me, you get the love. Somehow I think a leftist developed how to score tennis. Love is a participation trophy.

Misery Rate
1975FordDemDem8.4812.35.30%-0.21%15.10%9.05%9.14%533.2 B
1976FordDemDem7.7011.85.29%5.39%12.70%8.87%5.74%620.4 B
1977CarterDemDem7.0511.65.08%4.62%13.10%8.85%6.50%699.8 B
1978CarterDemDem6.0711.45.14%5.54%15.00%9.64%7.63%771.5 B
1979CarterDemDem5.8511.75.57%3.17%19.30%11.20%11.25%826.5 B
1980CarterDemDem7.18135.95%-0.26%19.70%13.74%13.55%907.7 B
1981ReaganRepDem7.62145.86%2.54%12.19%16.63%10.33%997.9 B
1982ReaganRepDem9.71155.60%-1.80%12.19%16.04%6.13%1.14 T
1983ReaganRepDem9.6015.25.18%4.58%12.19%13.24%3.21%1.38 T
1984ReaganRepDem7.5114.45.03%7.24%12.19%13.88%4.30%1.57 T
1985ReaganRepDem7.19145.21%4.17%12.19%12.43%3.55%1.82 T
1986ReaganRepDem7.0013.65.50%3.46%12.19%10.19%1.90%2.13 T
1987ReaganDemDem6.1813.45.58%3.46%12.19%10.21%3.66%2.35 T
1988ReaganDemDem5.49135.66%4.18%12.19%10.34%4.08%2.60 T
1989BushDemDem5.2612.85.74%3.68%10.68%10.32%4.83%2.86 T
1990BushDemDem5.6213.55.82%-1.79%10.68%10.13%5.40%3.23 T
1991BushDemDem6.8514.25.90%-1.99%10.68%9.25%4.24%3.67 T
1992BushDemDem7.4914.85.66%3.52%10.68%8.39%3.03%4.06 T
1993ClintonDemDem6.9115.15.48%2.75%9.20%7.31%2.95%4.41 T
1994ClintonDemDem6.1014.55.37%4.03%8.20%8.38%2.61%4.70 T
1995ClintonRepRep5.5913.85.28%2.68%8.10%7.93%2.81%4.98 T
1996ClintonRepRep5.4113.75.09%3.77%8.70%7.81%2.93%5.22 T
1997ClintonRepRep4.9413.34.93%4.45%6.40%7.60%2.34%5.41 T
1998ClintonRepRep4.5012.74.62%4.48%6.00%6.94%1.55%5.53 T
1999ClintonRepRep4.2211.94.27%4.75%6.70%7.44%2.19%5.66 T
2000ClintonRepRep3.9711.34.12%-0.63%7.30%8.05%3.38%5.67 T
2001BushDemRep4.7411.74.16%-3.13%7.30%6.97%2.83%5.80 T
2002BushDemRep5.7812.14.13%1.74%8.40%6.54%1.59%6.23 T
2003BushRepRep5.9912.54.07%2.86%7.60%5.83%2.27%6.78 T
2004BushRepRep5.5412.73.98%3.80%8.70%5.84%2.68%7.38 T
2005BushRepRep5.0812.63.90%3.51%8.30%5.87%3.39%7.93 T
2006BushRepRep4.6112.33.81%2.86%6.90%6.41%3.23%8.50 T
2007BushDemDem4.6212.53.73%1.88%9.10%6.34%2.85%9.07 T
2008BushDemDem5.8013.23.67%-0.14%7.40%6.03%3.84%10.02 T
2009ObamaDemDem9.2814.33.51%-2.54%12.60%5.04%-0.36%11.90 T
2010ObamaDemDem9.6115.13.35%2.56%10.80%4.69%1.64%13.56 T
2011ObamaDemRep8.93153.29%1.55%11.50%4.45%3.16%14.79 T
2012ObamaDemRep8.08153.26%2.25%9.60%3.66%2.07%16.06 T
2013ObamaDemRep7.3614.83.11%1.84%8.20%3.98%1.46%16.74 T
2014ObamaDemRep6.1614.82.95%2.53%6.40%4.17%1.62%17.82 T
2015ObamaRepRep5.2813.52.89%2.91%5.70%3.85%0.12%18.15 T
2016ObamaRepRep4.8812.72.85%1.64%6.80%3.65%1.26%19.57 T
2017TrumpRepRep4.3512.32.76%2.37%6.30%3.99%2.13%20.24 T
2018TrumpRepRep3.8911.82.59%2.93%5.80%4.54%2.44%21.52 T
2019TrumpRepDem3.6810.52.49%2.16%5.80%3.94%1.81%22.71 T
2020TrumpRepDem6.7011.7-3.30%6.63.11%1.25%26.95 T
1st Qtr.
10.823.13%6.20%29 T

Say Tennis, did you know Obama handed over an economy that performed 44th off 55 countries and sets of countries for real GDP? That sound awesome to you?

Trump's first year: 40th of 55
Trump's second: 22nd of 55
Trump's third: 21st of 55.
Trump's fourth, even with COVID: 20th of 55
Trump/Biden first qtr. 2021: 18th of 55

Today? Well we're 44th of 55 again...........Let's go Brandon!
Lol at sandbox politico crusader.

American economy is the envy of the world dumbass. Who gives a shit if Egypt grows % of their puny economy more than us in some specific year?
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Democrats had 60 under Obama and didn't do squat.
Uh. The tax breaks were enacted by Trump. Obama was unable to jump forward in time to undo the future. Way to hammer home my point you lack any understanding of nuance. And that is a nuance like getting hit in the face with a brick hurts.
Lol at sandbox cherry picking crusader.

American economy is the envy of the world dumbass. Who gives a shit if Egypt grows % of their puny economy more than us in some specific year?

LOL at cheap wording and narrations to make excuses for Demonicrats while attempting to hide your BS was exposed.
Uh. The tax breaks were enacted by Trump. Obama was unable to jump forward in time to undo the future. Way to hammer home my point you lack any understanding of nuance. And that is a nuance like getting hit in the face with a brick hurts.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and never addressed things like the minimum wage or taxes.
LOL at cheap wording and narrations to make excuses for Demonicrats while attempting to hide your BS was exposed.

The problem with you progs is you look at growth and nothing but growth as your measure of "success". The health and happiness of your nation is the measure you SHOULD be looking at.

Opioid addictions, life expectancy, and the highest rates of diabetes and obesity are indications that your society is the least successful in the first world, and no, your is not the envy of the first world. It's why you can't get white Europeans to emigrate to the USA. Why would anyone from another first world country WANT to leave where we're currently living to move to the USA?

Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Iceland - all have a much better quality of life. A much healthier population, and a better educated population. What we don't have is widely available handgun ownership, school shootings, and we all have covid sufficiently under control to resume normal life.

So please stop telling us that the USA is heaven on earth, after spending every day here telling us how the country is on the verge of destruction.
Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and never addressed things like the minimum wage or taxes.

To be fair - he tried on both scores and Republicans refused to pass anything that would give him something to run on, and spent the next 6 years trying to repeal Obamacare.
To be fair - he tried on both scores and Republicans refused to pass anything that would give him something to run on, and spent the next 6 years trying to repeal Obamacare.

Republicans are not stupid. When a few hop on the train and their policies fail like most do, they tell people it was a bipartisan effort so blame the Republicans too. Commie Care is a complete failure and not one Republican voted for it. But they still try to blame Republicans because of some opinion piece a person at the Heritage Foundation wrote years ago.
Dragon lady sure takes a lot of interest in the USA considering we're not envious.

And she doesn't know what a PROG is :abgg2q.jpg:

I suppose I wouldn't be envious with Biden's appointment though, we now appear as a 3rd world banana republic, and look at the make-up of Biden and his staff...............Frightening right lady?

Say lady, why does your post intentionally try to mislead the reader on gun ownership? Switzerland has about 2 million privately owned guns in a nation of 8.3 million people.

And why did you say the USA has the highest obesity & diabetis rates in the world? Seems maybe you are envious of the USA after all because you simply make shit up. Maybe you'd like it here, Xiden is our POTUS, Kamala is giggling and Pelosi is drunk.

And why are you mentioning countries supposedly better than the USA for healthcare when most of those you mentioned have higher COVID mortality rates and lower recovery rates despite their so-called high vaccinated rates & "healthier" affairs?
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The problem with you progs is you look at growth and nothing but growth as your measure of "success". The health and happiness of your nation is the measure you SHOULD be looking at.

Opioid addictions, life expectancy, and the highest rates of diabetes and obesity are indications that your society is the least successful in the first world, and no, your is not the envy of the first world. It's why you can't get white Europeans to emigrate to the USA. Why would anyone from another first world country WANT to leave where we're currently living to move to the USA?

Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Iceland - all have a much better quality of life. A much healthier population, and a better educated population. What we don't have is widely available handgun ownership, school shootings, and we all have covid sufficiently under control to resume normal life.

So please stop telling us that the USA is heaven on earth, after spending every day here telling us how the country is on the verge of destruction.

So does Canada and all these other countries you mention have a border problem like we do, where people from over 100 countries are trying to get in even if it means their life?
Dragon lady sure takes a lot of interest in the USA considering we're not envious.

Then again I wouldn't be envious either, after all, with Biden's appointment we appear as a 3rd world banana republic now, and look at the make-up of Biden and his staff...............Frightening right lady?

Perhaps you should travel..See Denmark, Switzerland.. The US has been falling behind since the 1970s.
To be fair - he tried on both scores and Republicans refused to pass anything that would give him something to run on, and spent the next 6 years trying to repeal Obamacare.

Obama had the votes. He did nothing. Funny that Bush could get a minimum wage **** enacted but Obama couldn't.
4.2% unemployment, record stocks and profits, 80% of adults vaccinated, supportive allies, and record tax income.
View attachment 571811

Yeah, that Trump was some President, huh? Should have looked at your chart closer.

The worst inflation rate in over 30 years.
The worst border problem in over 20 years.
Supply chain problems that never happened in our lifetime.
Fuel the highest it's been in six years.
More covid deaths with three vaccines than we had with 0 vaccines.

Total failure.
Uh. The tax breaks were enacted by Trump. Obama was unable to jump forward in time to undo the future. Way to hammer home my point you lack any understanding of nuance. And that is a nuance like getting hit in the face with a brick hurts.

Right, he simply had no control over it, did he?

No, it would have happened already. That's why Dementia's people are saying the price dropped when nationally, it only dropped by 2 cents a gallon.
No, it would not have. Price drops take time to go through the space.

Unless you think crude oil instantaneously becomes gas at the pump, which you shouldn't because that's a fantasy.
No it doesn't .. single payer/private delivery is not the VA system.. The government doesn't employ doctors or staff nor do they own the buildings. A lot of people are ignorant about that.

There are good doctors and not so good doctors, good hospitals and not so good hospitals. If we were all on the same healthcare plan, everybody would want the best doctors and hospitals, right? So how would we accommodate that?

Government would have to step in and determine who gets what doctors or hospitals, unlike today where the choice is yours and your insurance company.

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