Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

I said less reliable, not unreliable. And yes, Keystone makes you a less reliable partner. That's how your partners in Canada see you.

Then fuck Canada. If you all really want to cry then maybe we should give you a reason to cry, and see how much you like it when NONE of your oil is bought by the United States. We can always get it from someplace else. Who you got buying?
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
I said less reliable, not unreliable. And yes, Keystone makes you a less reliable partner. That's how your partners in Canada see you.

Then fuck Canada. If you all really want to cry then maybe we should give you a reason to cry, and see how much you like it when NONE of your oil is bought by the United States. We can always get it from someplace else. Who you got buying?

That's hilarious.

Any other unrealistic petulant fantasies you wish to indulge in?
That's hilarious.

Any other unrealistic petulant fantasies you wish to indulge in?

How about this: A country who buys 97% of your oil is no longer a reliable partner because we won't build one little pipeline.

That definitely seems to qualify as an unrealistic petulant fantasy. :lol:
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.

Hey hey hey! We lose the Stanley Cup you should see us in freaking action baby!

Canucks might not fight for much but oil and hockey and timbits and poutine and you freaking watch us !

Go ahead. Try to invade during the Stanley Cup. We'll make you wish you died as a child.
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.

Canada, like the other 194 countries in the world, never has to worry about that as long as Obama is in charge!
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.

There's already contingencies in place...
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.

Hey hey hey! We lose the Stanley Cup you should see us in freaking action baby!

Canucks might not fight for much but oil and hockey and timbits and poutine and you freaking watch us !

Go ahead. Try to invade during the Stanley Cup. We'll make you wish you died as a child.

hey hey hey ... the Republicans have Canada sitting on the bench so they can do their oil fighting for them ... without the Republicans giving away another American landowner's hard earned property, Canadians would be down at the local tar pit whacking each other off.

hey hey hey.
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.

Hey hey hey! We lose the Stanley Cup you should see us in freaking action baby!

Canucks might not fight for much but oil and hockey and timbits and poutine and you freaking watch us !

Go ahead. Try to invade during the Stanley Cup. We'll make you wish you died as a child.

hey hey hey ... the Republicans have Canada sitting on the bench so they can do their oil fighting for them ... without the Republicans giving away another American landowner's hard earned property, Canadians would be down at the local tar pit whacking each other off.

hey hey hey.
Don't Canadians do that anyway?
Ah the forecast looks lovely for the oil producers in Canada for next year.


Told you. Pick your poison. It's coming whether you left wing whackos want it or not. Koch brothers and others will still make a profit.

TransCanada will hang in there because the pipeline albeit old news will still be the most economical way to ship the crude.

"Delays of the Keystone XL pipeline are providing little obstacle to Western Canadian oil producers getting their crude to the U.S. Gulf Coast, with shipments set to more than double next year.

The volume of Canadian crude processed at Gulf Coast refineries could climb to more than 400,000 barrels a day in 2015 from 208,000 in August, according to Jackie Forrest, vice president of Calgary-based ARC Financial Corp. The increase comes as Enbridge Inc.’s Flanagan South and an expanded Seaway pipeline raise their capacity to ship oil by as much as 450,000 barrels a day. Canadian exports to the Gulf rose 83 per cent in the past four years.

The expansion shows Canadians are finding alternative entry points into the U.S. while the Keystone saga drags on. In the latest chapter, a Democratic senator and a Republican representative are seeking votes in their chambers to set the project in motion. The two are squaring off in a runoff election for a Senate seat from Louisiana, a state where support for the project is strong.

“Keystone is kind of old news,” Sandy Fielden, director of energy analytics at Austin, Texas-based consulting company RBN Energy, said Nov. 12 in an e-mail. “Producers have moved on and are looking for new capacity from other pipelines.”

TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL, which would transport Alberta’s heavy oil sands crude to refineries on the Gulf, has been held up for six years, awaiting Obama administration approval.

Energy companies in Canada, including Suncor Energy Inc., Imperial Oil Ltd. and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., produce crude from thick oil sands in remote areas of northern Alberta.

The companies want pipelines and rail networks expanded so they can export more of their product, which has sold for an average $20-a-barrel discount to the U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate over the past year.

Canada sent about 54,000 barrels a day to the U.S. Gulf by rail in the first half of 2014, said Forrest at Arc Financial, which is a private equity management company that invests in energy companies.

TransCanada has been awaiting a U.S. decision since 2008 on its 36-inch Keystone XL pipeline, proposed to carry as much as 830,000 barrels a day from Hardisty, Alberta, to Nederland, Texas.

Environmental groups say it would encourage development of the oil sands, which they say generate up to four times more carbon emissions than conventional crude, while supporters say it would create jobs and increase North American energy security."

More at link: You're not going to wipe out the oil sands. :lol:

Western Canada s oil exports to U.S. accelerate as Keystone XL becomes old news
So, I am getting Robo Calls from out of State, Urging me (my husband) to call Senator Collins and tell her that I am GLAD that she supports the Keystone xl pipeline.

2 calls from 2 different republican PACS from out of State, just yesterday....reminds me of election time, where I got no less than 10 calls a day from Republican PACS, telling me how horrible liberals were and a whole bunch of just flat out lies, then asked for donations on some.... (Just wonderful having a husband that is a registered Republican and votes in every election, come hell or high water) Who also works all day while I get these out of State calls urging me to call someone or vote for someone or whatever...political they are preaching....

I honestly am to the point of wanting to pass a law that PACS can't operate and call people that are not in the State that they operate... WHY the heck are out of Staters involved in my local and State politics? It pisses me off to no end.... And even if you are on the no call list, these political parties and political groups can call you all day long! You can't opt out, fr goodness sakes!??!!

okay, sorry for the sidebar rant.

DotCom, we don't truly know if the pipeline would NEVER benefit us....we know it isn't now, to our benefit, and maybe or possibly never will benefit us, and I do believe at this point the negatives or possible negatives with a spill and eminent domain etc, definitely outweigh the positives, including being a true partner with our allies up north in Canada...which most of us Americans would like to do... (stay friendly with Canada)

HOWEVER, in an unpredictable future, it could be that we have to cut off all Middle Eastern and/or South American oil due to warring, or OPEC embargoes us, and we could be kicking ourselves for not having a pipeline like this, from this area, to import this Canadian tar sand oil.... It's a BIG WHAT IF, but I would not say this scenario is impossible.
If that ever happens we can simply invade Canada.

Hey hey hey! We lose the Stanley Cup you should see us in freaking action baby!

Canucks might not fight for much but oil and hockey and timbits and poutine and you freaking watch us !

Go ahead. Try to invade during the Stanley Cup. We'll make you wish you died as a child.

hey hey hey ... the Republicans have Canada sitting on the bench so they can do their oil fighting for them ... without the Republicans giving away another American landowner's hard earned property, Canadians would be down at the local tar pit whacking each other off.

hey hey hey.
Don't Canadians do that anyway?
Canada's best solution all along has been to build a short pipeline to British Columbia and put it on tankers bound for China. Let the Chinese refine it, and consume/sell it.

We already have a pipeline to the coast. And we already sell to China.

And Syn what part of Canada is not forcing you to buy the crude don't you get?

Geeze louise how fucked up can the left make a simple concept of "Canada has lots of oil; America needs lots of oil; America buys Canadian oil"?

I've witnessed the most bizarre posts in this thread.
Canadian Refineries ..

Nine of Canada’s 16 refineries regularly refine tar sands crude. They are concentrated in Alberta, where tar sands crude is produced, but also in Sarnia, Ontario. Small quantities of tar sands crude are refined in Vancouver and some in Saskatchewan. Refineries in eastern Canada currently have little access to tar sands crude but this could change with reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. The Suncor refinery in Montreal has announced plans to refine tar sands if that pipeline project goes through. The Irving refinery in St. John, New Brunswick announced plans to build a 40,000 b/d terminal for unloading tar sands crude from rail cars. This could be operational in 2014.

Enter Saudi ... enter the New 10 billion dollar refinery in Texas they rebuilt to process Asphalt Oil .. enter Houston and the ship channel capable of loading tankers and sending them to parts unknown. Enter the amount of oil Keystone brings to refineries. Enter the contract/s Texas refineries have with TransCanada to buy Asphalt oil.

ENTER the 5 million barrels of oil a day we EXPORT ... yeah EXPORT.
now enter the new Keystone Oil to that amount.

Break out the logic meter and figure it out. We don't NEED shit oil .. Oil companies NEED $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, and lots of it.

Canada has 7 refineries sitting on their hands doing nothing. Get your thumb out of your ass.

You're completely insane. No one in Canada is making your refineries buy Canuck crude.

Canadian Refineries ..

Nine of Canada’s 16 refineries regularly refine tar sands crude. They are concentrated in Alberta, where tar sands crude is produced, but also in Sarnia, Ontario. Small quantities of tar sands crude are refined in Vancouver and some in Saskatchewan. Refineries in eastern Canada currently have little access to tar sands crude but this could change with reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. The Suncor refinery in Montreal has announced plans to refine tar sands if that pipeline project goes through. The Irving refinery in St. John, New Brunswick announced plans to build a 40,000 b/d terminal for unloading tar sands crude from rail cars. This could be operational in 2014.

Enter Saudi ... enter the New 10 billion dollar refinery in Texas they rebuilt to process Asphalt Oil .. enter Houston and the ship channel capable of loading tankers and sending them to parts unknown. Enter the amount of oil Keystone brings to refineries. Enter the contract/s Texas refineries have with TransCanada to buy Asphalt oil.

ENTER the 5 million barrels of oil a day we EXPORT ... yeah EXPORT.
now enter the new Keystone Oil to that amount.

Break out the logic meter and figure it out. We don't NEED shit oil .. Oil companies NEED $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, and lots of it.

Canada has 7 refineries sitting on their hands doing nothing. Get your thumb out of your ass.

You're completely insane. No one in Canada is making your refineries buy Canuck crude.




I never said anyone is making anybody do anything... :eusa_naughty:

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