Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

Nine of Canada’s 16 refineries regularly refine tar sands crude. They are concentrated in Alberta, where tar sands crude is produced, but also in Sarnia, Ontario. Small quantities of tar sands crude are refined in Vancouver and some in Saskatchewan. Refineries in eastern Canada currently have little access to tar sands crude but this could change with reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. The Suncor refinery in Montreal has announced plans to refine tar sands if that pipeline project goes through. The Irving refinery in St. John, New Brunswick announced plans to build a 40,000 b/d terminal for unloading tar sands crude from rail cars. This could be operational in 2014.

have a 1st grader read that to the RW's ..
Nine of Canada’s 16 refineries regularly refine tar sands crude. They are concentrated in Alberta, where tar sands crude is produced, but also in Sarnia, Ontario. Small quantities of tar sands crude are refined in Vancouver and some in Saskatchewan. Refineries in eastern Canada currently have little access to tar sands crude but this could change with reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. The Suncor refinery in Montreal has announced plans to refine tar sands if that pipeline project goes through. The Irving refinery in St. John, New Brunswick announced plans to build a 40,000 b/d terminal for unloading tar sands crude from rail cars. This could be operational in 2014.

have a 1st grader read that to the RW's ..

I've put up all the others.

By the way. I realize by your posts you are not a travelled soul. So when you go koo koo bye bye I have to learn and accept you don't have a damn clue about any region you are talking about.

I understand as well many aren't as well travelled as me. And so consequently your world is a tiny one.
Nine of Canada’s 16 refineries regularly refine tar sands crude. They are concentrated in Alberta, where tar sands crude is produced, but also in Sarnia, Ontario. Small quantities of tar sands crude are refined in Vancouver and some in Saskatchewan. Refineries in eastern Canada currently have little access to tar sands crude but this could change with reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. The Suncor refinery in Montreal has announced plans to refine tar sands if that pipeline project goes through. The Irving refinery in St. John, New Brunswick announced plans to build a 40,000 b/d terminal for unloading tar sands crude from rail cars. This could be operational in 2014.

have a 1st grader read that to the RW's ..

I've put up all the others.

By the way. I realize by your posts you are not a travelled soul. So when you go koo koo bye bye I have to learn and accept you don't have a damn clue about any region you are talking about.

I understand as well many aren't as well travelled as me. And so consequently your world is a tiny one.

you don't know jack chitte ... just keep telling yourself whatever and make yourself believe whatever. Its very likely your travel experience exceeds mine ... guess what ? not a soul on this board gives a shit about your travel BS.... you talk BIG a lot ... sure indication of a SMALL brain.
I keep asking this question in part because I seriously want to know the answer: Why can't Canada build refineries? Is it some law they have blocking that? Some lack of qualified labor? Materials? Engineers?

Oh, so Siete says they already have refineries and are retrofitting them for tar sands. So just truck the finished fuel across the border then yes? More jobs that way in the long haul, intended..
No one has demonstrated how this pipeline would benefit the USA.
I keep asking this question in part because I seriously want to know the answer: Why can't Canada build refineries? Is it some law they have blocking that? Some lack of qualified labor? Materials? Engineers?

Oh, so Siete says they already have refineries and are retrofitting them for tar sands. So just truck the finished fuel across the border then yes? More jobs that way in the long haul, intended..

ship gasoline and diesel fuel BY TRUCK ???

aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh !

they might have a wreck and and and and ...



apparently the link I posted containing this story was too difficult to open, so now I'll make it too difficult to read ..

WASHINGTON — U.S. refiners are sending a “tidal wave” of gasoline, diesel and other refined products onto the world market, taking advantage of the surge in domestic oil development that has helped drive Gulf Coast crude stockpiles to record levels, according to a new report.
The jump in domestic oil supplies means the U.S. is on track to become a net exporter of gasoline — producing more than it needs — next year, said Wakefield, Mass.-based ESAI Energy in an analysis released Thursday.
Refiners boosted their output by 130,000 barrels per day in 2013, over the previous year – a trend that is likely to continue with predicted production gains of 135,000 barrels per day in 2014 and another 110,000 in 2015, the energy research firm said. Much of that will be flowing from the Gulf Coast, where refiners are expanding capacity and benefiting from climbing crude supplies.
Rapid rise: Obama falling short on exports, but fuel shipments booming
The supplies keep prices low enough that refiners can benefit from “healthy margins” between their raw materials costs and the prices they get for final products, ESAI said.
Ultimately, ESAI predicts the average U.S. output of nearly 8.9 million barrels per day of gasoline in 2015 will be more than enough to supply U.S. motorists, even as domestic gasoline demand rebounds along with the nation’s economy.
“The outlook for gasoline production in the United States is decidedly robust,” the group said.
New paradigm
It’s a remarkable new paradigm for an industry that saw four dozen refineries shut down in the 1990s. Now, many refineries are buying discounted domestic crude and then turning it into diesel, gasoline and other refined products that fetch higher prices set on a world market.
The domestic drilling boom – and the surge in oil flowing from North Dakota, south Texas and other regions – already has allowed the United States to claim “net gasoline exporter” status at brief times in recent years.
“Going forward, these periods should be longer and more common,” ESAI said.
Moving crude: Oil industry leaders clash over oil exports
There are caveats. The United States will continue exporting and importing gasoline simultaneously, with the Gulf Coast generally sending refined products overseas even as the East Coast buys foreign supplies to satisfy regional demand that is not met because of strained pipeline capacity.
And the U.S. probably will still import more gasoline than it produces to satisfy domestic consumers during the peak summer demand season, noted ESAI analyst John Galante. But gasoline surpluses are likely to show up in the first and fourth quarter, when demand is relatively low.
There will be “a lot more gasoline being produced and exported from the Gulf Coast, and some gasoline imports being backed out from the East Coast,” Galante said.
Nationwide, refineries are running harder and faster to take advantage of discounts on domestic crude.
“Broadly speaking, utilization is pretty good,” said Bill Day, a spokesman for San Antonio-based refiner Valero Energy Corp.
“U.S. refiners have the advantage of this huge influx of North American crude oil production.”
Record stockpiles
At Valero, the steady supply of light sweet crude from U.S. sources means the company has been able to halt imports of that high grade, low-sulfur oil at its Gulf Coast refineries.
But much of the United States’ refining capacity is geared toward heavy crudes from Venezuela, Canada and other countries. The mismatch has contributed to record-setting stockpiles of oil on the Gulf Coast.
Energy chief: Industry arguments for exporting US oil are unconvincing
Previously, crude stockpiles had swelled in Cushing, Okla., tanks, but the launch of the southern portion of the Keystone XL pipeline has helped drain the Cushing hub, sending the crude to the Gulf Coast.
On April 11, Gulf Coast crude inventories reached 207.2 million barrels, a record high achieved not only because of the new pipeline capacity but also because some refineries temporarily are using less crude as they undergo seasonal maintenance, according to the Energy Information Administration.
Rosy refiner outlook
The rosy outlook for refiners – and U.S. gasoline supplies – could shift if the Obama administration or Congress revise the 39-year-old ban on exporting raw, unprocessed crude. Although petroleum products can be exported freely, U.S. crude oil generally is barred from the global market, with some exceptions including supplies from Alaska, and sales to Canada.
Some domestic oil producers and industry allies on Capitol Hill have been pressuring the administration to lift the crude export ban entirely or make more modest changes to allow foreign sales of the ultra-light hydrocarbon mixtures known as condensates that also flow out of wells.
“If there is any allowance for any kind of crude or condensates export, that obviously causes a shift,” Galante said.

assuming the RW's have their fact firewall up and running, there is reason to push Keystone.
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Does it strike anyone else as odd about the right wing conspirators on this board, those who hate the government and all the agencies they disagree with; suddenly now find the very same government competent and reliable.
Canada's best solution all along has been to build a short pipeline to British Columbia and put it on tankers bound for China. Let the Chinese refine it, and consume/sell it.

Trans Mountain already does that. You know. Your green billionaire that backs the Dems. That's his company.

Kinder Morgan.

You guys are funny as hell every time I pop in.
You guys are so funny. Are you still trying to convince anyone that you're on the side of green.

Now greenies. Do you want to wake up tomorrow morning touting yourselves as still greens?
Does it strike anyone else as odd about the right wing conspirators on this board, those who hate the government and all the agencies they disagree with; suddenly now find the very same government competent and reliable.

what the hell does the government have to do with Keystone? Outside of holding it up?
Does it strike anyone else as odd about the right wing conspirators on this board, those who hate the government and all the agencies they disagree with; suddenly now find the very same government competent and reliable.

what the hell does the government have to do with Keystone? Outside of holding it up?

Yuppers. And only because they cross the border. Now they've already made the second leg of XL happen.

I think what is going to happen now is a triple branch at the border between Manitoba just south of me and North Dakota. Obama can't say jack shit.
America has legitimate environmental concerns spelled out in my previous post #235 Toro...

Of course America has legitimate concerns. There are legitimate concerns for any of the thousands of miles of pipelines that have been built in the US.

But this thread was about the claims that oil sands crude transported through Keystone will either entirely or almost entirely be exported. That claim made by leftists, environmentalists and Obama is false.

Oh, so smart 'rightests' like you believe the same TranCanada that lied about every other aspect of the pipeline.

How foolish of me...
America has legitimate environmental concerns spelled out in my previous post #235 Toro...

Of course America has legitimate concerns. There are legitimate concerns for any of the thousands of miles of pipelines that have been built in the US.

But this thread was about the claims that oil sands crude transported through Keystone will either entirely or almost entirely be exported. That claim made by leftists, environmentalists and Obama is false.

Oh, so smart 'rightests' like you believe the same TranCanada that lied about every other aspect of the pipeline.

How foolish of me...

Yes it is foolish of you, especially if you believe the company "lied about every other aspect of the pipeline." That wouldn't make you a smart "leftest." [sic]
The President must "put his boot on the back of the neck" of this foreign pipeline!!! The sooner the better. :mad-61: As Ravi indicated, there is no "up side" for us Yanks.
Read some of the other posts that some of your cohorts are espousing to quote.
Then get back to us.


Does it strike anyone else as odd about the right wing conspirators on this board, those who hate the government and all the agencies they disagree with; suddenly now find the very same government competent and reliable.

what the hell does the government have to do with Keystone? Outside of holding it up?

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