Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

That's crazy we have hundreds of our own refineries.

Keystone has been financed in large part by the oil producers who would be shipping their oil.

Why finance a pipeline in the US, instead of financing additional refineries in Canada?

The answer highlights the lack of benefit for the United States to completing the XL.

It's cheaper to build a pipeline than to refine it in Canada.

The next cheapest option is to ship it on Energy East, then put it on tankers which will carry it down the US coastline to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

That's what will happen if Keystone doesn't happen.
It's cheaper to build a pipeline than to refine it in Canada.

Cheaper? That's a simplistic answer. To get to some meat and potatoes.....Canadian oil companies don't want to sell their oil in Canada. The whole point is that they want access to outside markets. They don't want to sell the oil in Canada because that would drive the price down. Ship it out someplace where you can keep the prices up. And refining in Canada and trying to move the refined product elsewhere would be cost prohibitive.

The next cheapest option is to ship it on Energy East, then put it on tankers which will carry it down the US coastline to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

That's what will happen if Keystone doesn't happen.

Again, cost prohibitive. Would not be able to compete with Mexican oil. Which is why the push behind the XL has been so forceful. The oil producers know that the only way to make the USGC market truly viable is to pipeline it down.

But good luck trying anyway.
Canada is the largest importer of oil for the United States.

Don't forget....America is the largest buyer of Canadian oil. Some courteous customer service is in order.

America consumes more than it produces, and it needs to import it from somewhere. Canada is the cheapest place to buy it from.

That's because Canadian oil sold in the mid west sells at $3 a barrel below market. And changing that is exactly the goal of the XL project. Don't insult us by trying to use a fact that you're actively trying to change as leverage to gain agreement for a project that will benefit you at our expense.

Or, you can buy it from a region that wants to kill you.

Your choice.

Bitch, pleeeeeaaase. Melodramatic bullshit will not get you anywhere.

Sources of United States oil for consumption

Domestic production is up. The United States is on pace to become the world's #1 oil producing country by the end of 2015. American industry is producing all new forms of highly fuel efficient transportation. US oil imports are going to be going DOWN over the next five years. Don't you worry your pretty little horns, we'll due just fine.
Canada is the largest importer of oil for the United States.

Don't forget....America is the largest buyer of Canadian oil. Some courteous customer service is in order.

America consumes more than it produces, and it needs to import it from somewhere. Canada is the cheapest place to buy it from.

That's because Canadian oil sold in the mid west sells at $3 a barrel below market. And changing that is exactly the goal of the XL project. Don't insult us by trying to use a fact that you're actively trying to change as leverage to gain agreement for a project that will benefit you at our expense.

Or, you can buy it from a region that wants to kill you.

Your choice.

Bitch, pleeeeeaaase. Melodramatic bullshit will not get you anywhere.

Sources of United States oil for consumption

Domestic production is up. The United States is on pace to become the world's #1 oil producing country by the end of 2015. American industry is producing all new forms of highly fuel efficient transportation. US oil imports are going to be going DOWN over the next five years. Don't you worry your pretty little horns, we'll due just fine.

nice chart ... now tell everyone what type of oil we buy from Canada.



its NOT Asphalt oil.

Nice try though.

idiots and details go two different directions.
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American maple syrup is better.
I know, I was just trying to let him bow-out w/ a shred of dignity left :eusa_shhh: :p


It's posts like these that confirm for true that you are sitting there smoking a fattie, listening to After the Gold Rush and replaying your copy of Splash over and over.

Come on fess up Dot Com..... I figure your favorite songs are Only love can break your heart and Southern Man. I hate his politcs but for me its When you dance I can really love and Cinnamon Girl from another classic album.

I did like Hannah before she screwed over Jackson Brown. Really liked her in Steel Magnolias.

But alas they have chosen the wrong path against the Keystone. So now I have to toast them.

I liked Old Man as well ;)

Good one. He's a home town hero around my parts. Politics aside he's always been a favorite especially his years with CSN&Y.I've seen him in many a venue.

Oh yeah. Rockin in the free world. Live he kills it.

But I digress.

Canada's best solution all along has been to build a short pipeline to British Columbia and put it on tankers bound for China. Let the Chinese refine it, and consume/sell it.
Canadian Refineries ..

Nine of Canada’s 16 refineries regularly refine tar sands crude. They are concentrated in Alberta, where tar sands crude is produced, but also in Sarnia, Ontario. Small quantities of tar sands crude are refined in Vancouver and some in Saskatchewan. Refineries in eastern Canada currently have little access to tar sands crude but this could change with reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. The Suncor refinery in Montreal has announced plans to refine tar sands if that pipeline project goes through. The Irving refinery in St. John, New Brunswick announced plans to build a 40,000 b/d terminal for unloading tar sands crude from rail cars. This could be operational in 2014.

Enter Saudi ... enter the New 10 billion dollar refinery in Texas they rebuilt to process Asphalt Oil .. enter Houston and the ship channel capable of loading tankers and sending them to parts unknown. Enter the amount of oil Keystone brings to refineries. Enter the contract/s Texas refineries have with TransCanada to buy Asphalt oil.

ENTER the 5 million barrels of oil a day we EXPORT ... yeah EXPORT.
now enter the new Keystone Oil to that amount.

Break out the logic meter and figure it out. We don't NEED shit oil .. Oil companies NEED $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, and lots of it.

Canada has 7 refineries sitting on their hands doing nothing. Get your thumb out of your ass.
Canada's best solution all along has been to build a short pipeline to British Columbia and put it on tankers bound for China. Let the Chinese refine it, and consume/sell it.
they had the little problem of the native inhabitants (First Nations) taking issue w/ that route :eusa_whistle:
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.
Wait! The guy in the OP said it won't be exported so why does it need to go to one of our major export hubs?
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

Wait! The guy in the OP said it won't be exported so why does it need to go to one of our major export hubs?

maybe if the CEO said something like 'if America likes the oil in its pipeline, they can keep the oil in its pipeline'...it would sound more convincing.. :dunno:

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

We get it Canadians finally figure out why Americans gave up on Obama National Post
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Canada is the largest importer of oil for the United States.

Don't forget....America is the largest buyer of Canadian oil. Some courteous customer service is in order.

Canadians have been more than courteous watching this President waffle for six years over Keystone. 97% of Canadian oil exports go to the US. Canada is now looking to diversify its markets in large part because the US is now being seen as a less reliable partner due to Keystone.

I saw Chris Matthews the other day saying "Of course Keystone is going to eventually get approved by Obama" after it was voted down by the Senate. I have no idea if he is right or not, but how prepared are you for that?

That's because Canadian oil sold in the mid west sells at $3 a barrel below market. And changing that is exactly the goal of the XL project. Don't insult us by trying to use a fact that you're actively trying to change as leverage to gain agreement for a project that will benefit you at our expense.

This is very silly, of course. Canada is the largest import market for a host of reasons other than one spread, including security of supply, the integration of the North American energy markets, etc. Oil is a global market, so Canadian projects must be economical. But Canada isn't the largest importer simply because a slight discount between different regions and grades.

Or, you can buy it from a region that wants to kill you.

Your choice.

Bitch, pleeeeeaaase. Melodramatic bullshit will not get you anywhere.

Actually, it does. It is very much a part of the strategic thinking of those who drive foreign policy in Washington, and has for decades. This is why America negotiated security of supply with Canada in the original Free Trade Agreement between the two countries in the 1980s.

When Americans talk about "energy independence," they inadvertently include Canada. The energy market is an integrated continental market. Freeing ourselves from the dependence of Middle Eastern oil has been policy since the 1970s.

Sources of United States oil for consumption

Domestic production is up. The United States is on pace to become the world's #1 oil producing country by the end of 2015. American industry is producing all new forms of highly fuel efficient transportation. US oil imports are going to be going DOWN over the next five years. Don't you worry your pretty little horns, we'll due just fine.

American production will continue to rise over the decades, but the US will be reliant on Canada for many years to come.
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Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

Wait! The guy in the OP said it won't be exported so why does it need to go to one of our major export hubs?

maybe if the CEO said something like 'if America likes the oil in its pipeline, they can keep the oil in its pipeline'...it would sound more convincing.. :dunno:

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

We get it Canadians finally figure out why Americans gave up on Obama National Post
The refiners are going to do whatever they want with it. We already export billions of gallons of oil a year and as far as I can tell we don't need Canada's trash.
Oh, and Val? What's up with quoting a right wing opinion piece as if it has any merit?

This guy pretends to speak for Canadians but in fact polls last January showed that support for the pipeline has fallen amongst Canadians.
Oh, and Val? What's up with quoting a right wing opinion piece as if it has any merit?

This guy pretends to speak for Canadians but in fact polls last January showed that support for the pipeline has fallen amongst Canadians.

:lol: that quote came from the story in the OP..

and i don't disagree that the refiners could do whatever they want with it...has anyone disagreed on that?

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