Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

On second thought, screw Canada. What is in it for the US?

There's the 35 permanent jobs. Not worth it, but there's that.
Or 50, which is laughable. I'd like a "conservative" to explain how this benefits the US.
I'll let your state department explain it to you. By the way you don't pay a dime for the pipeline. Just like you didn't pay for the other.

Do you trust your own government ravi? Or is your government stupid?

You and Siete are smarter than your own State Department are you?


Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 14, 2008

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit
On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project. The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest. When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity. The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States. In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

The permit was signed in the State Department’s Treaty Room by the Undersecretary of State for Economics, Energy and Agriculture Affairs, Reuben Jeffery III, who also serves as the Department’s International Energy Coordinator. Canadian Ambassador Michael Wilson witnessed the signature. The United States and Canada have a wide array of bilateral and multilateral mechanisms to discuss energy and the environment, and will continue to address the importance of mitigating greenhouse gases from all sources of energy production.

Prior to making its determination to issue the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP, the Department completed an environmental review of the entire project. All public documents related to the Department’s decision regarding TransCanada Keystone LP’s application can be downloaded at www.keystonepipeline.state.gov.


Released on March 14, 2008

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit
That didn't answer my question.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
Because that "vast amount" comes from the likes of Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz.
It doesnt matter. The oil will be sold to highest bidder for the most money. The way things should work.

Then it serves no public benefit to the U.S. So there shouldn't be eminent domain. Let them pay for the land themselves instead of getting a government handout.

oil and gas leases are the backbone of American oil . The landowners actually get compensated for the use of their land. That $$ helps our economy. But if you're Canada our "going in the right direction" Republicans will be MORE than happy to give you all you need for free. Land owners get screwed out of their land and the economy suffers.... Republicans,moving right along IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

You are one fucked up bitch. You can't stay on topic if your life depended on it.

I responder to Rabid and his ED comment ... read and try to comprehend, you fucked up bitch.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
Then it serves no public benefit to the U.S. So there shouldn't be eminent domain. Let them pay for the land themselves instead of getting a government handout.

oil and gas leases are the backbone of American oil . The landowners actually get compensated for the use of their land. That $$ helps our economy. But if you're Canada our "going in the right direction" Republicans will be MORE than happy to give you all you need for free. Land owners get screwed out of their land and the economy suffers.... Republicans,moving right along IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

I have a real problem with eminent domain north and south. I don't like it at all. Not at all.

Here's your problem Seite you just blanket brush us. Where I can find how to work the pipeline as soon as it crosses some one's land that doesn't want it there I have a freaking problem.

Really big one as a matter of fact. I'm not there yet and I don't like it.

my problem?

my bitch is YOU living in Canada and telling Americans what is and isn't good for them. You campaign against a hydro line IN Canada and campaign FOR chemically diluted asphalt passing through MY country... blanket brush your hypocrisy... it's your really big one.

I'm dual baby. I'm a citizen of both worlds.

Now get back to me asshole and let me know how you feel about Keystone I and Keystone II and the southern leg of Keystone XL.

Got a problem with canadian crude get up off your ass and riot.

Tell you what. You don't like the shit you've been importing all these years why don't you get away from your computer bitch, back off all and everything called electric and go primitive..

Go fuck that canuck oil. Start pumping water. Get rid of all your toys. Sit in the dark with candles.

Tell me how you like it. I've done it. But you tell me again you don't want canadian crude I've got not a problem with it but you have to convince the rest of your country asshole.

Go fuck yourself Siete. You can't make a decent argument so you resort to I DONT WANT YOUR DIRTY OIL.

But you're still posting aren't you supposed to be tending to your windmill.


being dual doesn't cut any ice with me ... you LIVE in Canada.

see how that works?

I also live in Cocoa. See how that works? I'm off to watch the Patriot. I love to wind up to Thanksgiving.

It's one of my favorites.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.
A great man. And a good heart. Just fed all the wrong bullshit. I was so disappointed when I found out Tides paid a "rent a chief" to be on stage with him because I thought he could have carried his message by himself.

I may disagree vehemently with some of his over the top statements, but I will not demean him or anyone else voicing concerns.

Ok. I lie.:) I can be nasty with more than a few "fuck you you freaking idiots" thrown in but that's only out of frustration.

:ack-1: :nono: :mad-61:

I know. People are going to say we should "get a room" ;)

Back to topic.

Believe it or not I still believe in hands across the water. I still think and I work with a lot of First Nations who are pro pipeline up here that if we talk we are the people.

This is what is most important. That we talk. We sit. We talk. First talks may not be fruitful because they are usually full of anger.

But the second talks bring about a better reality. But we talk.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

Good grief we have hundreds of refineries.
A great man. And a good heart. Just fed all the wrong bullshit. I was so disappointed when I found out Tides paid a "rent a chief" to be on stage with him because I thought he could have carried his message by himself.

I may disagree vehemently with some of his over the top statements, but I will not demean him or anyone else voicing concerns.

Ok. I lie.:) I can be nasty with more than a few "fuck you you freaking idiots" thrown in but that's only out of frustration.

:ack-1: :nono: :mad-61:

I know. People are going to say we should "get a room" ;)

Back to topic.

I really do believe you care. That's why I love you more than my luggage.

And I believe because we both care coming from such different angles on this we can learn from each other.

Look I am not comfortable with eminent domain at all. Not happy with some of the issues. But I think when you get celebrity issues and then the big politicos like Steyer throwing his hat in the ring we who truly do care....we idiots at the back of the bus go hello? Can we talk?
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

That's crazy we have hundreds of our own refineries.

Keystone has been financed in large part by the oil producers who would be shipping their oil.

Why finance a pipeline in the US, instead of financing additional refineries in Canada?

The answer highlights the lack of benefit for the United States to completing the XL.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

That's crazy we have hundreds of our own refineries.

Keystone has been financed in large part by the oil producers who would be shipping their oil.

Why finance a pipeline in the US, instead of financing additional refineries in Canada?

The answer highlights the lack of benefit for the United States to completing the XL.

Your refineries in the Gulf are tooled to handle Alberta crude.

You want the oil. No one is shoving this crude down your throat. I don't understand the issue.

You want the shit. Keystone can give it to you. You get it.
Some one let me know when America doesn't want Canadian crude and get back to me.

I do not understand for the life of me that Canadian oil producers are bad people who are making you take our crude.

That's bullshit and crazy.
Some one let me know when America doesn't want Canadian crude and get back to me.

I do not understand for the life of me that Canadian oil producers are bad people who are making you take our crude.

That's bullshit and crazy.

We prefer to maintain the current status quo, whereby Americans buy Canadian oil at discounted prices. Is that good enough for you?
Except, I don't want the oil. But you keep trying to shove it down our throats.

That's very silly.

Canada is the largest importer of oil for the United States. America consumes more than it produces, and it needs to import it from somewhere. Canada is the cheapest place to buy it from.

Or, you can buy it from a region that wants to kill you.

Your choice.
Other than Jimmy Carter, name the president who told no lies.
Thank you for admitting Obama is a liar.
I didn't admit that.
How many unicorns do you own?
Have you ever told a lie in your life? Yes.

Does that make you a liar? No.

When the fuck are you going to grow up, Mr. Playstation?
yes it does make you a liar. dah?
Then every single person is a liar.

So what should we now call people who lie frequently, to distinguish from the liars?
We prefer to maintain the current status quo, whereby Americans buy Canadian oil at discounted prices. Is that good enough for you?


Besides, that discount has disappeared dramatically, thanks mainly to shale oil.

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