Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

On second thought, screw Canada. What is in it for the US?

There's the 35 permanent jobs. Not worth it, but there's that.
Or 50, which is laughable. I'd like a "conservative" to explain how this benefits the US.

No brainer. We've been your number one supplier since 2004.

What else do you want Ravi? We supply you with oil.

A lot of Americans go to Canada in the winter to find the oil too.
Oh, and Val? What's up with quoting a right wing opinion piece as if it has any merit?

This guy pretends to speak for Canadians but in fact polls last January showed that support for the pipeline has fallen amongst Canadians.

:lol: that quote came from the story in the OP..

and i don't disagree that the refiners could do whatever they want with it...has anyone disagreed on that?
Yeah, apparently Girling and Toro.
Oh, and Val? What's up with quoting a right wing opinion piece as if it has any merit?

This guy pretends to speak for Canadians but in fact polls last January showed that support for the pipeline has fallen amongst Canadians.

:lol: that quote came from the story in the OP..

and i don't disagree that the refiners could do whatever they want with it...has anyone disagreed on that?
Yeah, apparently Girling and Toro.

and cuckoodancer? :lol:

i've only skimmed the thread but you know me, i don't like this or the fracking at all!

i only replied this morning to crack that obama joke! :D
Oh, and Val? What's up with quoting a right wing opinion piece as if it has any merit?

This guy pretends to speak for Canadians but in fact polls last January showed that support for the pipeline has fallen amongst Canadians.

:lol: that quote came from the story in the OP..

and i don't disagree that the refiners could do whatever they want with it...has anyone disagreed on that?
Yeah, apparently Girling and Toro.

and cuckoodancer? :lol:

i've only skimmed the thread but you know me, i don't like this or the fracking at all!

i only replied this morning to crack that obama joke! :D
LOL! Tinyduncer is for property rights until she's against them. Very funny thread.
Oh, and Val? What's up with quoting a right wing opinion piece as if it has any merit?

This guy pretends to speak for Canadians but in fact polls last January showed that support for the pipeline has fallen amongst Canadians.
:popcorn: :eusa_drool:
Canadians have been more than courteous watching this President waffle for six years over Keystone. 97% of Canadian oil exports go to the US. Canada is now looking to diversify its markets in large part because the US is now being seen as a less reliable partner due to Keystone.

Buying 97% of your oil makes us an unreliable partner? Jesus, you really are a whiny, entitled, spoiled little brat.

As for the rest of your rambling, nothing more than wild speculation without even half an argument to justify any of it.
What would Canada do with their oil if we didn't buy so much of it? And how much would it cost them to sell elsewhere?

I think we as the consumer have the upper hand. But unfortunately the Republicans are not out for the best interests of America, except for corporate America.
What would Canada do with their oil if we didn't buy so much of it? And how much would it cost them to sell elsewhere?

I think we as the consumer have the upper hand. But unfortunately the Republicans are not out for the best interests of America, except for corporate America.
^ that Toro :mad-61:

I'm reading Carl Hiaasen's book- Dance of the Reptiles and it explains the incestuous relationship between scumbag politicians (mostly rw'ers and their extraction industry masters [remember Dick's *cough* "Energy Task Force?])
What would Canada do with their oil if we didn't buy so much of it? And how much would it cost them to sell elsewhere?

I think we as the consumer have the upper hand. But unfortunately the Republicans are not out for the best interests of America, except for corporate America.
^ that Toro :mad-61:

I'm reading Carl Hiaasen's book- Dance of the Reptiles and it explains the incestuous relationship between scumbag politicians (mostly rw'ers and their extraction industry masters [remember Dick's *cough* "Energy Task Force?])
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Carl Hiaasen! Mostly for his columns, but his books are pretty funny, too.
What would Canada do with their oil if we didn't buy so much of it? And how much would it cost them to sell elsewhere?

I think we as the consumer have the upper hand. But unfortunately the Republicans are not out for the best interests of America, except for corporate America.
^ that Toro :mad-61:

I'm reading Carl Hiaasen's book- Dance of the Reptiles and it explains the incestuous relationship between scumbag politicians (mostly rw'ers and their extraction industry masters [remember Dick's *cough* "Energy Task Force?])
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Carl Hiaasen! Mostly for his columns, but his books are pretty funny, too.
This book is a collection of his articles and it covers the extraction industry and associated devastation visited upon Florida by drillers & developers run amok. Good read :)
There's a simple way to remedy this, if the pipeline is built.

Put a shipping/pipeline usage surcharge on Canadian oil for export vs. Canadian oil for the US.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

You are making fools of yourselves. We have many refineries.

I've linked them many a time for Silouette who appears to be nothing more than a sock that repeats itself every other page with the same shit. Interesting technology but caught out.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

You are making fools of yourselves. We have many refineries.

I've linked them many a time for Silouette who appears to be nothing more than a sock that repeats itself every other page with the same shit. Interesting technology but caught out.

you have 16 ... 9 are refining tar oil.

Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

That's crazy we have hundreds of our own refineries.

Keystone has been financed in large part by the oil producers who would be shipping their oil.

Why finance a pipeline in the US, instead of financing additional refineries in Canada?

The answer highlights the lack of benefit for the United States to completing the XL.

TransCanada needs no one to finance them. They are an infrastructure company with an excellent record.

You should check out what they are doing in and for Mexico. They won't take bribes. Apparently that made it dicey but they are helping Mexico completely upgrade many pipelines.

Because I am what I am I have checked out this company thoroughly before as a conservationist I was going to put my name on the line with them.

I back up my shit man.
Canadians have been more than courteous watching this President waffle for six years over Keystone. 97% of Canadian oil exports go to the US. Canada is now looking to diversify its markets in large part because the US is now being seen as a less reliable partner due to Keystone.

Buying 97% of your oil makes us an unreliable partner? Jesus, you really are a whiny, entitled, spoiled little brat.

I said less reliable, not unreliable. And yes, Keystone makes you a less reliable partner. That's how your partners in Canada see you.

As for the rest of your rambling, nothing more than wild speculation without even half an argument to justify any of it.

Saying that it is US policy to access more secure energy supplies and that Canada is going to be a big importer for some time isn't wild speculation. It's fact.
Canada's best solution all along has been to build a short pipeline to British Columbia and put it on tankers bound for China. Let the Chinese refine it, and consume/sell it.

We already have that line.

Oh my you don't know do you? Your green billionaire Steyer well his group of which to date as far as I know and I crawl up this man's butt daily well his fortune is tied to Kinder Morgan.

Who owns Trans Mountain. Who takes crude to the Pacific. Oh and the paid activists are on that shit too.

You know I've been hanging out at other economist places to fill them in. But it looks like I should spend a little time here to fucking nuke lying bastards into a new tomorrow.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

You are making fools of yourselves. We have many refineries.

I've linked them many a time for Silouette who appears to be nothing more than a sock that repeats itself every other page with the same shit. Interesting technology but caught out.

you have 16 ... 9 are refining tar oil.


12 you say?

Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Lubricant Refinery

  • Mississauga (Suncor Energy), 15,600 bbl/d (2,480 m3/d) - aka Clarkson Refinery - base oil production is 13,600 bbl/d (2,160 m3/d) of API Group II capacity and 2,000 bbl/d (320 m3/d) of API Group III capacity. Formerly Petro-Canada (before Aug 2009) and historically a Gulf refinery.
Upgraders (improve the quality of crude for sale at a higher price)

Bitumen Upgraders (turn bitumen into synthetic crude, which then must be further refined)

British Columbia
List of oil refineries - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Looks like Canadians will be the big winners in this. That'e why i've been saying the Republicans have over-played their hand on Keystone. It will create very few American jobs and will cause more damage to the environment. It's not a 'make or break' scenario for us. Build it, or don't build it. But it's not nearly as significant as many have made it out to be. I think many just got carried away with the Politics on the issue.
Why is it again that Canada is completely incapable of building refineries to process its mineral resource? (Crude oil)
It's cheaper to get us to do it?

Houston is a refinery hub ... its there because of the easy access to the gulf. The gulf is a mecca of oil producing rigs and easy oil tanker export for the refineries.

Canada is too cheap to build their own. Republicans give them handouts at taxpayer expense.

You are making fools of yourselves. We have many refineries.

I've linked them many a time for Silouette who appears to be nothing more than a sock that repeats itself every other page with the same shit. Interesting technology but caught out.

you have 16 ... 9 are refining tar oil.


12 you say?

Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Lubricant Refinery

  • Mississauga (Suncor Energy), 15,600 bbl/d (2,480 m3/d) - aka Clarkson Refinery - base oil production is 13,600 bbl/d (2,160 m3/d) of API Group II capacity and 2,000 bbl/d (320 m3/d) of API Group III capacity. Formerly Petro-Canada (before Aug 2009) and historically a Gulf refinery.
Upgraders (improve the quality of crude for sale at a higher price)

Bitumen Upgraders (turn bitumen into synthetic crude, which then must be further refined)

British Columbia
List of oil refineries - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

no moronette, I said 16 ... 9 are refining Asphalt.

can't read, or cant comprehend ?

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