OK. Enough is enough...

Spin meisters and liars. Why should I believe anything either side says? No, Obama has a record as president, and it ain't a good one IMHO. I am voting for Romney on the principle that if you fuck up, you're gone. We need a change at the top.
Spin meisters and liars. Why should I believe anything either side says? No, Obama has a record as president, and it ain't a good one IMHO. I am voting for Romney on the principle that if you fuck up, you're gone. We need a change at the top.

No matter what happens, the one thing are not going to get is a change at the top. Whether it is Obama or Romney, it will be business as usual.
Spin meisters and liars. Why should I believe anything either side says? No, Obama has a record as president, and it ain't a good one IMHO. I am voting for Romney on the principle that if you fuck up, you're gone. We need a change at the top.

No matter what happens, the one thing are not going to get is a change at the top. Whether it is Obama or Romney, it will be business as usual.

There'll be some differences if Romney gets in, depends on who has control of the Senate. It's not like night and day, the GOP is not going to run wild with overly big tax and spending cuts. I would imagine the EPA'll get reined in a little, as will the NLRB.
We've all heard enough mud-slinging ads from both Presidential candidates. I'm ready to hear some ads that very specifically tell me what each of the Presidential candidates intend to do if they are elected President. None of the "generalized" political garble. Tell me in very easy to understand truthful language what you intend to do for the American population if you win the White House.

Who's with me?

I think we all are with you, but Obama will continue sling mud, because he has nothing else. He has to distract Americans from his horrible economy.
According to Jim Rowley who selected some highlights from "Romney's 59-Point Plan to Fix the Economy":

Point #8 Ask every citizen to start saving their spare change in a jar—even the pennies. At the end of the year, it really adds up.

Point #11 We need a better-educated workforce, but we can only afford to send one in four people to college. To remedy this, each college student can share their notes with three people not in college.

Point #19 Hey ladies, ease up on the hair dryers! One morning Mitt noticed how long Mrs. Romney was taking to blow-dry her hair and figured, hey, if all ladies used their hair dryers a little less we would save a lot of energy. Romney added that he supports women.

Point #26 Invade any two of: a) Iran b) Syria c) China d) Great Britain

Point #27 Make more Fast & Furious movies. Those do really well at the box office. Romney promised to petition Vin Diesel to make at least three more before his first term is over. “Maybe they could have one set in space,” Romney suggested.

Point #33 Rent out the US military when we’re not using it.

Point #40 Each Fortune 500 company gets one day to break as many laws as they want.

Point #44 Plunder the Spanish treasure fleet.

Point #51 Something Something Mars. The economy does best when we unite around a common cause, and that cause might as well involve Mars. “Maybe that means we do a manned mission to Mars.” Romney said. “Or we mine it for stuff.” If Romney fails to get a Something Involving Mars plan off the ground, he pointed out that we could always just build a Giant Whatever.

Point #58 Get every American a box turtle to teach responsibility.
Highlights from Mitt Romney’s 59-point Plan to Fix the Economy | Jim Rowley

We've all heard enough mud-slinging ads from both Presidential candidates. I'm ready to hear some ads that very specifically tell me what each of the Presidential candidates intend to do if they are elected President. None of the "generalized" political garble. Tell me in very easy to understand truthful language what you intend to do for the American population if you win the White House.

Who's with me?

Here's the summary from Romney's website.......

Obama supporters, feel free to post Obama's

Believe In America: Day One, Job One
Spin meisters and liars. Why should I believe anything either side says? No, Obama has a record as president, and it ain't a good one IMHO. I am voting for Romney on the principle that if you fuck up, you're gone. We need a change at the top.

No matter what happens, the one thing are not going to get is a change at the top. Whether it is Obama or Romney, it will be business as usual.

There'll be some differences if Romney gets in, depends on who has control of the Senate. It's not like night and day, the GOP is not going to run wild with overly big tax and spending cuts. I would imagine the EPA'll get reined in a little, as will the NLRB.

Yes. Some minimal changes. Nothing significant.

I will make this prediction.... should Romney become president, after four years the far right will be unhappy that he did not follow though on his promises, the republicans will be blaming Obama for the state of the economy and the democrats will be arguing that after four years he has to take responsibility for it.
Oh, I would even say that after the shit on this board from day one, on day two of Romney's presidency we're gonna start riding his ass.

Yes, by all means lets don't give him time to settle in and get things organized and moving. Let's set him up for failure immediately lest anybody be allowed to see that he actually is able to accomplish more than the current occupant of the White House has accomplished.

If anybody thinks Mitt Romney is a great messiah that is going to save us and make everything right by February 2012, they are going to be bitterly disappointed. Such a champion does not exist.

But if he can set a free-market, pro business, and reduction of bloated bureaucracy mentality into place and convince us that he WILL veto any anti-freedom, anti-business, anti free market legislation, things WILL get better over the next months.

Government cannot create a great economy. They never have. But they can set conditions in which the people can and then get out of our way. And if the people believe things are better or can get better, they will.
Oh, I would even say that after the shit on this board from day one, on day two of Romney's presidency we're gonna start riding his ass.

Yes, by all means lets don't give him time to settle in and get things organized and moving. Let's set him up for failure immediately lest anybody be allowed to see that he actually is able to accomplish more than the current occupant of the White House has accomplished.

If anybody thinks Mitt Romney is a great messiah that is going to save us and make everything right by February 2012, they are going to be bitterly disappointed. Such a champion does not exist.

But if he can set a free-market, pro business, and reduction of bloated bureaucracy mentality into place and convince us that he WILL veto any anti-freedom, anti-business, anti free market legislation, things WILL get better over the next months.

Government cannot create a great economy. They never have. But they can set conditions in which the people can and then get out of our way. And if the people believe things are better or can get better, they will.

I can only tell you what I told people four years ago who were all excited about the coming "change". I think you are overlly optimistic.
Oh, I would even say that after the shit on this board from day one, on day two of Romney's presidency we're gonna start riding his ass.

Yes, by all means lets don't give him time to settle in and get things organized and moving. Let's set him up for failure immediately lest anybody be allowed to see that he actually is able to accomplish more than the current occupant of the White House has accomplished.

If anybody thinks Mitt Romney is a great messiah that is going to save us and make everything right by February 2012, they are going to be bitterly disappointed. Such a champion does not exist.

But if he can set a free-market, pro business, and reduction of bloated bureaucracy mentality into place and convince us that he WILL veto any anti-freedom, anti-business, anti free market legislation, things WILL get better over the next months.

Government cannot create a great economy. They never have. But they can set conditions in which the people can and then get out of our way. And if the people believe things are better or can get better, they will.

I can only tell you what I told people four years ago who were all excited about the coming "change". I think you are overlly optimistic.

Optimistic? I don't think so. I've lived through too many presidencies now to get my hopes up that any one man is going to fix much of anything. But I do have faith in the American people. The current occupant of the White House has been against the interests of free people from the beginning, and has done his damndest to make government the agent of 'hope and change'. It isn't. It has never been and it can never be.

If ALL that Romney accomplishes is to rein in most of the handicaps that have been stalling the economy and then turns us loose to do what we Americans can do best, things will get better. Obama's plan so far has to reinforce those handicaps and install more of them.

A pro-business, pro free market President gives us a far better shot at prosperity than one who think more government can do it.
We've all heard enough mud-slinging ads from both Presidential candidates. I'm ready to hear some ads that very specifically tell me what each of the Presidential candidates intend to do if they are elected President. None of the "generalized" political garble. Tell me in very easy to understand truthful language what you intend to do for the American population if you win the White House.

Who's with me?

100% against!

The bitch slapping Romney is getting makes the world worth waking up to. :clap2:

True story.
Yes, by all means lets don't give him time to settle in and get things organized and moving. Let's set him up for failure immediately lest anybody be allowed to see that he actually is able to accomplish more than the current occupant of the White House has accomplished.

If anybody thinks Mitt Romney is a great messiah that is going to save us and make everything right by February 2012, they are going to be bitterly disappointed. Such a champion does not exist.

But if he can set a free-market, pro business, and reduction of bloated bureaucracy mentality into place and convince us that he WILL veto any anti-freedom, anti-business, anti free market legislation, things WILL get better over the next months.

Government cannot create a great economy. They never have. But they can set conditions in which the people can and then get out of our way. And if the people believe things are better or can get better, they will.

I can only tell you what I told people four years ago who were all excited about the coming "change". I think you are overlly optimistic.

Optimistic? I don't think so. I've lived through too many presidencies now to get my hopes up that any one man is going to fix much of anything. But I do have faith in the American people. The current occupant of the White House has been against the interests of free people from the beginning, and has done his damndest to make government the agent of 'hope and change'. It isn't. It has never been and it can never be.

If ALL that Romney accomplishes is to rein in most of the handicaps that have been stalling the economy and then turns us loose to do what we Americans can do best, things will get better. Obama's plan so far has to reinforce those handicaps and install more of them.

A pro-business, pro free market President gives us a far better shot at prosperity than one who think more government can do it.

The last pro-business, pro free market presidency we had ended in the biggest economic crash since the great depression. Your optimism lies in the idea that the president has any control over that at all. You are wildly wrong about Obama.
The last pro-business, pro free market presidency we had ended in the biggest economic crash since the great depression. Your optimism lies in the idea that the president has any control over that at all. You are wildly wrong about Obama.

Wow, when you lefties get bullshit crammed between your ears, it just festers there...

"the biggest economic crash since the great depression. "

You actually said that?

I mean, I know you read it on Think Progress or some other leftist whackjob hate site, but you really said it?

What, in your alleged mind, makes it "the biggest economic crash since the great depression?" Was it stock market losses as a percent of the whole? (Nah, that would be "Black Monday" in 1987) Was it job loss? (Actually, losses were far worse under Obama in 2009, and still less than the 1975 losses.) Was it inflation coupled with GDP decline? (Hmm, can you say Jimmy Carter and Stagflation?)

So, what was it that makes it "the biggest economic crash since the great depression?" I'm really curious?
The last pro-business, pro free market presidency we had ended in the biggest economic crash since the great depression. Your optimism lies in the idea that the president has any control over that at all. You are wildly wrong about Obama.

Wow, when you lefties get bullshit crammed between your ears, it just festers there...

"the biggest economic crash since the great depression. "

You actually said that?

I mean, I know you read it on Think Progress or some other leftist whackjob hate site, but you really said it?

What, in your alleged mind, makes it "the biggest economic crash since the great depression?" Was it stock market losses as a percent of the whole? (Nah, that would be "Black Monday" in 1987) Was it job loss? (Actually, losses were far worse under Obama in 2009, and still less than the 1975 losses.) Was it inflation coupled with GDP decline? (Hmm, can you say Jimmy Carter and Stagflation?)

So, what was it that makes it "the biggest economic crash since the great depression?" I'm really curious?[/QUOTE

If that makes you feel better.

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