OK GOP apologizes for calling food-stamp recipients animals

This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.

Good...Some people need help and we should give it to them...We give a lot more to the rich and the corporate world.

I honestly have no problem with either. ;) Giving money to the corporate world can advance science and tech!

That is not a good idea.

Funds given to a corporation should be used for the discretion of that corporation. Not because you want new advances from it.
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.
Personally, I think that is what Oklahoma Republicans believe
Dem's hate people being self sufficient.
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.
Then they must not hate Republicans. Because the GOP base is totally dependent on government teat.
How much you want to bet someone will start a thread asking why Black people dont vote for the GOP? You simply cant make this shit up. :laugh:

"The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

Read more: Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO"

Riiiiight because voting for the Democratic party has been such a boon for blacks /sarcasm
Every since the switch it has been better to vote for the dems than the openly racist GOP. No sarcasm.

By all means tell us how things are going great for blacks in white Democratic run inner cities who send millions of blacks to prison. OH SNAP!!
Sure. If they were GOP run they would be the poorest in the nation and probably concentration camps.

Don't be a wimp, go ahead explain why Democrat run inner cities use racial profiling against the black communities and send millions of young black men to prison? Why do blacks fear the police in Democrat run inner cities? Why do blacks feel they are being unfairly targeted in Democrat run inner cities?

When President Obama gave the city of Baltimore $1.4 billion dollars in stimulus money why did Democrats pocket most of the money and only throw blacks a few crumbs for job training? Out of $1,400 million dollars blacks got just $3 million for jobs training and almost no jobs. Those Democrats wow with friends like them who needs enemies.
You bore me with your thinly disguised sophomoric challenges. What happens now is I'm just going to laugh at you as punishment.
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.

Really? Are you saying that Politico is lying?


I'm calling you and Politico liars though you are the bigger liar imo.

FACT: the GOP did not call food stamp recipients animals, you LIE!

FACT: you said, "Republicans hate poor people", you LIE!

FACT: the GOP did not compare food stamp recipients to animals, Politico LIES!

If you are going to lie, then expect to be called out as a liar. How pathetic that your ilk has to resort to lying to support your 'Republicans are racists' talking point.

Fact: Reality, LIE
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.

They weren't comparing them to animals. The gist of the post, which has been around forever, is to note the nature of people and animals. Much the same in some ways. Encouraging dependency does indeed make people and animals less likely to ever fend for themselves. Since people are naturally more intelligent, it also means that they need to be dumbed down with a dose of entitlement pills and a heavy helping of victimhood.
reminds me of when those GOP convention goers threw food at the African American camerawoman. Disgraceful hate on display by those types. No wonder they've been losing national elections.

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

Its who the contemporary GObP is. SAD & disgusting.

^ that never fucking happened

Here short bus goomba frankie

Two RNC attendees throw peanuts at black camera woman Post On Politics
Republicans always seem to do the Stephanie and when told that Republicans are addicted to Food Stamps they go "Nuh uh, Thats Democrats" as if Republicans cannot be on food stamps or their food stamp usage is noble
This is getting interesting. The GOP is starting to run out of people to insult. Now, if Trump makes it to the debates, their base will be down to the population of country club members and trailer park dwellers, who are not smart enough to realize that the GOP has been insulting them for years.
Truth isn't insulting, it's just truth. People act like animals when they take handouts and become dependent on them. The logic that applies to wild animals also applies to people, that's a fact.

Which is why no apology was needed and should never have been offered.
We provide for wild animals under our control on pubic lands and National Parks when nature takes away nourishment during blizzards, water during droughts, etc. That is how we keep our wildlife healthy and maintain balance on our public lands. What you are suggesting is that we provide less care for human beings than we do our animals.
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.

Yes, that whole GOP said that

it's like taking a Rdean posting and saying, "looky what the DNC said"!
RDean doesn work for #OKDems
I remember one conservative posting a long note on why the GOP is actually the African-American's best friend. When I asked him why they didn't vote GOP, he responded, "Because they are too stupid".

You can't make this stuff up!
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.

They weren't comparing them to animals. The gist of the post, which has been around forever, is to note the nature of people and animals. Much the same in some ways. Encouraging dependency does indeed make people and animals less likely to ever fend for themselves. Since people are naturally more intelligent, it also means that they need to be dumbed down with a dose of entitlement pills and a heavy helping of victimhood.

I'll be damned! Donald Trump is starting to post here!
Riiiiight because voting for the Democratic party has been such a boon for blacks /sarcasm
Every since the switch it has been better to vote for the dems than the openly racist GOP. No sarcasm.

By all means tell us how things are going great for blacks in white Democratic run inner cities who send millions of blacks to prison. OH SNAP!!
Sure. If they were GOP run they would be the poorest in the nation and probably concentration camps.

Don't be a wimp, go ahead explain why Democrat run inner cities use racial profiling against the black communities and send millions of young black men to prison? Why do blacks fear the police in Democrat run inner cities? Why do blacks feel they are being unfairly targeted in Democrat run inner cities?

When President Obama gave the city of Baltimore $1.4 billion dollars in stimulus money why did Democrats pocket most of the money and only throw blacks a few crumbs for job training? Out of $1,400 million dollars blacks got just $3 million for jobs training and almost no jobs. Those Democrats wow with friends like them who needs enemies.

Good one, Blue. Go ahead and run with that in 2016. i am sure that the GOP will suddenly turn around voter stats in black communities completely!

No, how about a paragraph on why the latinos should vote GOP?

Translation, you can't explain why Democrats in Democrat run inner cities treat blacks the way they do.
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.

Really? Are you saying that Politico is lying?


I'm calling you and Politico liars though you are the bigger liar imo.

FACT: the GOP did not call food stamp recipients animals, you LIE!

FACT: you said, "Republicans hate poor people", you LIE!

FACT: the GOP did not compare food stamp recipients to animals, Politico LIES!

If you are going to lie, then expect to be called out as a liar. How pathetic that your ilk has to resort to lying to support your 'Republicans are racists' talking point.

I like the one comment about replacing janitors with children. Teach the children to be janitors but the janitors have all been fired so the children are learning a job that's gone. That's how the GOP works.
Every since the switch it has been better to vote for the dems than the openly racist GOP. No sarcasm.

By all means tell us how things are going great for blacks in white Democratic run inner cities who send millions of blacks to prison. OH SNAP!!
Sure. If they were GOP run they would be the poorest in the nation and probably concentration camps.

Don't be a wimp, go ahead explain why Democrat run inner cities use racial profiling against the black communities and send millions of young black men to prison? Why do blacks fear the police in Democrat run inner cities? Why do blacks feel they are being unfairly targeted in Democrat run inner cities?

When President Obama gave the city of Baltimore $1.4 billion dollars in stimulus money why did Democrats pocket most of the money and only throw blacks a few crumbs for job training? Out of $1,400 million dollars blacks got just $3 million for jobs training and almost no jobs. Those Democrats wow with friends like them who needs enemies.

Good one, Blue. Go ahead and run with that in 2016. i am sure that the GOP will suddenly turn around voter stats in black communities completely!

No, how about a paragraph on why the latinos should vote GOP?

Translation, you can't explain why Democrats in Democrat run inner cities treat blacks the way they do.
Oh don't worry about it. There is plenty of poverty in rural white areas and it's even growing in suburban white areas.
Riiiiight because voting for the Democratic party has been such a boon for blacks /sarcasm
Every since the switch it has been better to vote for the dems than the openly racist GOP. No sarcasm.

By all means tell us how things are going great for blacks in white Democratic run inner cities who send millions of blacks to prison. OH SNAP!!
Sure. If they were GOP run they would be the poorest in the nation and probably concentration camps.

Don't be a wimp, go ahead explain why Democrat run inner cities use racial profiling against the black communities and send millions of young black men to prison? Why do blacks fear the police in Democrat run inner cities? Why do blacks feel they are being unfairly targeted in Democrat run inner cities?

When President Obama gave the city of Baltimore $1.4 billion dollars in stimulus money why did Democrats pocket most of the money and only throw blacks a few crumbs for job training? Out of $1,400 million dollars blacks got just $3 million for jobs training and almost no jobs. Those Democrats wow with friends like them who needs enemies.
You bore me with your thinly disguised sophomoric challenges. What happens now is I'm just going to laugh at you as punishment.

Translation - :crybaby:Blueslegend is asking tough questions I can't answer. Who sent most of these young black men to prison?? Well? Are you so gutless that you can't even attempt an answer? Its okay the left always runs away licking their wounds when I ask this simple question.
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.

Yes, that whole GOP said that

it's like taking a Rdean posting and saying, "looky what the DNC said"!
If that's the policy of the party, who cares if all of them said it. Remember, the GOP is 90% white. That 10% means nothing, no matter what they say or believe.

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