OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

It was a combination of many events and many people, on both sides of the political spectrum. Most economists and most financial people will agree to that. They only ones still blaming the other party are political hacks that have no real comprehension of what happened and just want to blame the other party.

Again, it is blatantly dishonest at best. Seems that we know where you are at since you keep trying to lie about the events.
Blah blah blah all the scam happened under the GOP b******* regulation... Same thing was going on in the oil industry that's how we got the BP spill... Happens under every GOP Administration that has eight years... When will you ever learn, dupes?
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

It was a combination of many events and many people, on both sides of the political spectrum. Most economists and most financial people will agree to that. They only ones still blaming the other party are political hacks that have no real comprehension of what happened and just want to blame the other party.

Again, it is blatantly dishonest at best. Seems that we know where you are at since you keep trying to lie about the events.
Blah blah blah all the scam happened under the GOP b******* regulation... Same thing was going on in the oil industry that's how we got the BP spill... Happens under every GOP Administration that has eight years... When will you ever learn, dupes?
GOP regulation consists of a gigantic party of lobbyists and GOP regulators, the very definition of the revolving door. When will you ever learn? happens every time with the GOP and the middle-class and working-class continue to get f***** the whole time.
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

It was a combination of many events and many people, on both sides of the political spectrum. Most economists and most financial people will agree to that. They only ones still blaming the other party are political hacks that have no real comprehension of what happened and just want to blame the other party.

Again, it is blatantly dishonest at best. Seems that we know where you are at since you keep trying to lie about the events.
Pappy van Winkle,,,isn't it true that blame or credit goes to the president in office at that time?
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

Here, listen for yourself how Cuomo pressured banks to make bad loans, right from the horses mouth:

Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

And here's a timeline video of the measures Republicans tried to take to prevent the housing crisis:

Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

Here, listen for yourself how Cuomo pressured banks to make bad loans, right from the horses mouth:

Yes Democrats Ended as much as possible discrimination against worthy minorities. Then GOP scumbags on Wall Street and Regulators from K Street gave mortgages to anyone who was breathing 2003 to 2006. Great job scumbags and dupes...
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

And here's a timeline video of the measures Republicans tried to take to prevent the housing crisis:

Just public relations... Everyone knew it was too late And it wasn't Fannie and Freddie anyway LOL.
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

And here's a timeline video of the measures Republicans tried to take to prevent the housing crisis:

Just public relations... Everyone knew it was too late And it wasn't Fannie and Freddie anyway LOL.

Obviously you didn't watch the video or were doing something else while it was playing.
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

Here, listen for yourself how Cuomo pressured banks to make bad loans, right from the horses mouth:

Yes Democrats Ended as much as possible discrimination against worthy minorities. Then GOP scumbags on Wall Street and Regulators from K Street gave mortgages to anyone who was breathing 2003 to 2006. Great job scumbags and dupes...

Are you blind and deaf? What he said is because banks had strict guidelines that minorities couldn't follow, they forced a reduction of those guidelines. That's it in a nutshell. Letting banks have those guidelines would have made the housing bubble and crash impossible.
All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.

I think the Republicans Fd up with a plan that turned against them. They allowed the Clinton policies to go on so THEY could take credit for higher minority home ownership during the Bush years. They moved a little too soft a little too late. But on the other hand, if they would have come down hard and swift, the Democrats would have accused them of robbing minorities out of owning their own homes.
Clinton policy being glass-steagall repeal, which was a GOP bill... Still it took ridiculous bush regulation to give us a world depression

And here's a timeline video of the measures Republicans tried to take to prevent the housing crisis:

Just public relations... Everyone knew it was too late And it wasn't Fannie and Freddie anyway LOL.

Obviously you didn't watch the video or were doing something else while it was playing.

Might have been interested in the great markets making $$$$,,,,,,,
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

It was a combination of many events and many people, on both sides of the political spectrum. Most economists and most financial people will agree to that. They only ones still blaming the other party are political hacks that have no real comprehension of what happened and just want to blame the other party.

Again, it is blatantly dishonest at best. Seems that we know where you are at since you keep trying to lie about the events.
Blah blah blah all the scam happened under the GOP b******* regulation... Same thing was going on in the oil industry that's how we got the BP spill... Happens under every GOP Administration that has eight years... When will you ever learn, dupes?

Not according to the real facts, the ones you make up in your head are not real. I have read a lot of media outlets that are not right or left wing nut sites and that is the conclusion they come to. Yours are BS.
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

That's your opinion, and as usual, is wrong. If not, you would back it up with some data. You, just as every other leftist, never do that, since data doesn't support your opinion.

Is I mentioned in couple of previous posts, the creation of toxic assets begun under Clinton, and were continued under Bush. Bot, Ray and I presented you with the facts. You're too lazy, or too stupid, probably both, to look at them.
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

It was a combination of many events and many people, on both sides of the political spectrum. Most economists and most financial people will agree to that. They only ones still blaming the other party are political hacks that have no real comprehension of what happened and just want to blame the other party.

Again, it is blatantly dishonest at best. Seems that we know where you are at since you keep trying to lie about the events.
Pappy van Winkle,,,isn't it true that blame or credit goes to the president in office at that time?

Not in my book but I tend to look at all the factors involved and I also listen to economists and other sources that shows all aspects. In the mid 90's we were warned over and over that the bubble should burst and we did have a slight burst in 2000 with the dot com bubble however there was a bigger one coming and many told us this would happen. There were several people and events that happened that caused the recession. The depression is coming and that is because every Congressman and President for the last 100 years have spent and spent and spent with no regard for fiscal responsibility and it will hit us in the near future. Unless Congress and the President act now to cut spending and raise taxes, and work for a long term solution, it will happen and it doesn't matter what party is in office.
Let me fill you in on a little something here: F and F has a boss, and that boss is HUD. HUD creates the lending guidelines that F and F has to enforce.

When Andrew Cuomo was appointed by Clinton to be the head of HUD, he was not only the youngest person to be appointed, but the most inexperienced as well.

It was Cuomo who created the 0% down and no credit checks to support Clinton's efforts to increase minority home ownership. If you clicked on any of my links, you will see those were written before the housing crash, and that F and F diminished their requirements for loans.

It didn't have an immediate effect because the economy was going downhill; especially after 911. But when Bush got the economy going again, so did the housing market.

Bush and the Republicans are to blame--but only partly because they didn't start all this. This was started by Clinton. They were both at fault for the housing bubble and crash.

All that, plus...

It's started few years before Cuomo became HUD secretary. Even during his candidacy, Clinton run on idea of using private pension funds to finance "government priorities", and when he got elected, he claim along with then HUD secretary Cisneros, that pension investments in affordable housing are "as safe as pension investments in stocks and bonds". Since that idea never took of because pension funds rejected it, they started pressuring banks into giving subprime loans.

Just as Reagan policies caused S&L crisis ($220B bailout), Clinton policies such as CRA of 1995, and TRA of 1997, and repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in late 1999, same policies continued by Bush caused last financial crisis.

Then lefties claim... "it happened under Bush", because that's all they've been told, and all they know. Yes, crash itself did happened under Bush, but cause of the crash has its roots in bad Democrat policies. Like pretty much every other Democrat policy, when in full effect, it fuck us up badly, and for a long time.
Funny how all the toxic assets were produced under Bushey regulation. GOP regulation is a joke sonny.

That's your opinion, and as usual, is wrong. If not, you would back it up with some data. You, just as every other leftist, never do that, since data doesn't support your opinion.

Is I mentioned in couple of previous posts, the creation of toxic assets begun under Clinton, and were continued under Bush. Bot, Ray and I presented you with the facts. You're too lazy, or too stupid, probably both, to look at them.

The facts doesn't agree with his propaganda and thus he becomes ignorant and dishonest. Haters gonna hate and dupes are going to be duped.
You're right the real estate bubble burst of 2008 had nothing to do with the GOP. LOL!
Anyway, it's pointless debating income tax with you idiots when you don't even know what income is. We have this idiot, Ray, who can't figure out what "income" is:

You got it all figured out, from Communist manifesto?
Start small and learn the basics of American income taxation before you move onto foreign economic theory, clown.

You're the one talking about and promoting communist system, soyboy. Not me.
You're right the real estate bubble burst of 2008 had nothing to do with the GOP. LOL!

Nobody said nothing to do with it, it's just that you and your ilk are constantly trying to blame Republicans totally instead of admitting there were many players in that crisis.

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